It Just Happened

By NIC456

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Thalia has always hated Donna..... making her the perfect business partner. No wires would be crossed and not... More



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By NIC456

I was half sleep, half delusional, fully sleep deprived as I stared at my wall. I could feel the nerves churning in my stomach knowing the time to get up was approaching. I could hear my mother downstairs already, moving around trying to be quiet but I was a light sleeper. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply Turing to get myself to go to sleep for however much longer I had until my alarm went off.

I heard my door open making me open my eyes again. I listened out.

"Thalia?" I heard Leah whisper.

I sat up and looked over at her.

She had a duffel bag in her hand and a book bag on her back. "Hey, I'm heading back to the city. Have a good day at school okay?"

"Kay. Text me when you get there." My voice laced with rasp and sleep.

"I will. Love you." She said and then gently closed my door.

I let myself fall back in the covers and allowed my eyes to close. I slowly sunk back into my sleep when my alarm made my eyes snap back open.

"Fuck." I hissed under my breath as I got up and turned off my alarm.

I could cry right now, I don't want to go to school.

I sighed heavily and forced myself out my bed. I quickly gathered my things and ran out my room and into the bathroom just as Lake's door opened, all her bathroom stuff in hand.

"Thalia, no!" She ran for the door.

I laughed out and shut it in her face. "Fucker!" She yelled as she kicked the door.

"Lake!" My mom yelled angrily from downstairs. Lake had such a potty mouth. She was truly the demon child of us all. She was a demon at school, always getting into fights. Smart as a whip though, like genius level from what my parents were saying. I think it's her friends that influence her behavior to be honest but she's been good toward the end of last year. I wonder what changed.

I turned on the shower and put my hair in a bun before getting in. I took a quick hot shower before getting out, brushing my teeth, moisturizing , flat ironing my hair, and putting in my boxers and bra. I put on my robe and went back to my room to get dressed.

I decided on dark brown shorts that stopped at the high middle of my thigh, an olive green oversized tee styled button down I stole from my dad, white tank top underneath, and my Birkenstocks with white socks. I put on a few necklaces, and silver rings, my watch, and left my room.

I went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal while the twins fought over who had the biggest pancake. I texted Saint for her address. I was seriously not looking forward to this but it was my idea so now I had to lock in and go through with it.

I sighed heavily and locked my phone. Lake came in the kitchen and dipped her finger in my bowel of cereal she passed. I froze and then dropped my spoon and got up to throw it away. I was basically finished anyway. I poured it down the garbage disposal and then rinsed the bowl out.

"I'm leaving." I said as I slapped her up side the head on my way out.

"Ow! I'm gonna clean the toilet with your toothbrush!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes and left the house.

"Hey siri, set a reminder to pick up a new toothbrush on my way home." I said to my phone as I walked to my car.


I slowly pulled down the street, reading the numbers on each house until I reached the one she sent. I stopped and parked in front of a White House. I texted her I was outside, moments later her front door the house opened and she walked out.

I ducked my head down and my jaw dropped a little as I watched her walk to my car. I hated her but god she I had to admit she was pretty hot.

She has on this beige cargo skirt that hugged her waist so nicely, a snug navy blue Von Dutch cropped t shirt placing her stomach on display, and black converse. She has on necklaces and bracelets. Her lips shined under the morning sun from the lip gloss she had on. Her hair laying bone straight to her collar bones.

I unlocked the car as she got close. She opened the door and got in. My eyes dropped to her thighs and I forced myself to look away. I adjusted my shorts uncomfortably.

"Morning." She muttered.

"Morning." I said back as I sat forward and started the car. I backed out the driveway and drove to school in twenty ish minutes. I pulled into the school lot and drove to the student section, parking in the middle of the lot, as close to the front as I could.

I turned the car off and we got out. I walked around the car to her as I put my bag on. I looked down at her watching her look at herself in her camera. My eyes dropped down to her lips as she smoothed them together. God damn.

I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"So we doing this or what?" I asked.

She nodded and then looked over at me and looked me up and down. A little frown crossed her face, "What the hell do you have on Thalia? Why are you dressed like an old man?" She said as she reached out and started adjusting my clothes.

I smiled widely and stretched out my arm. "It's the granddaddy core baby. What you don't like my Birkenstocks?" I said as I wiggled my toes.

She scoffed as she continued looking over my outfit. "You wish." She muttered as she undid a few of my buttons. Her eyes met mine. "It'll do I guess." She said.

"I know it'll do." I muttered to myself and then forced myself to move closer towards her. "Hand." I said as I held out mine.

"Charming." She rolled her eyes as laced her fingers with mine.

I quirked a brow at her. "Are you sure you can do this?" I asked.

"Shut up and let's go." She responded as she started waking, pulling me by our linked hands. I made my strides bigger to catch up with her- which didn't take long with my long legs. I walked up by her side and looked down at our linked hands.

I noticed her nails were were done. They were a little long in a stiletto shaped nails in a shiny nude pink color. I leaned down to her ear. "Your nails are pretty."

Her head whipped towards me as I straightened my back. "Uh," her eyes flickered down to her nails. "Thanks..... weirdo." She grumbled with a little look of disgust as she looked off.

I rolled my eyes. "Can you learn to take a compliment? I'm trying to practice being cordial with you and you're making it hard."

It was silent for a moment. "Thank you." She muttered just as we reached the doors. I opened the door for her and looked down at her. "You're welcome. Go." I said, nudging my head toward the door.

Her eyes lowered as they checked me out for the fifth time this morning. This time she didn't say anything. She walked through the door, my eyes followed her side profile before I followed behind her.

We walked into school and I looked around in annoyance at all the passing buzzing crowds and groups of students. I'm ready to graduate. I hate high school.

I felt a soft hand smooth into my palm making me look down at my hand. Saint laced our fingers together.

"Come on, I want to show you where my locker is so you know where to find me if you need me." She said. I let her pull me along until I was walking by her side.

We didn't get much attention but there was a few side eyes and glances. Some chatter and whispers.


Donna immediately stopped and looked toward the voice. She smiled widely as her friend came over. I knew Saint was close was a few other cheerleaders. Her best friends were primarily Leo Calmany, a leggy Korean girl with long hair that stopped at the middle of her back, and big dark doe eyes. Although she appeared innocent, I've heard stories about a mythical temper she has. I've never seen it for myself though. She always seemed nice. Well nice enough.

"Hi babes, how are you?" She said as she engulfed Donna's little body in a hug. She was above average but still shorter than me. I'm 5'10, she about 5'7, and Saint the elf over here is 5'3.

"I'm okay. Hate that we're back to school." She said as Leo pulled back. "Aww I know but think about it this way, we're about to graduate after all these fucking years." She said excitedly as she shook Saint's shoulders making her laugh.

Leo's eyes slid to me and her smile turned into a grin making me frown. See Saint and her friends.... Weird.

"The New girlfriend right?" She asked Saint as if I weren't right here. Her eyes examined me visibly.

"Allegedly." Saint responded making me frown.

"Yes, I am. We're so happy right babe?" I said as I slid my hand around her waist and pulled her closer. She sucked in a little breath.

Leo laughed out making me jump. "What's funny?" I grumbled. Where is Claire? I'm hating this conversation.

"Well if you want anybody to believe you're actually dating her, try not looking so psychotic and constipated." She said making my jaw drop. "See you at practice, D." She blew her a kiss and then walked around me, shooting me a little smirk before she disappeared from my eye line.

I turned to Saint, it hadn't been one full day and I'm already over this shit.

I grabbed her wrist and dragged her all the way to the library. "What the hell, Thalia? I have to get ready for class."

I walked her to the back and pushed her into the shelf gently. "What the Fuck? You told people about our arrangement?" I said angrily putting my hand on the corner by her head. Her perfume filled my nose from the proximity. No comment.

"I told my best friends. I don't feel like hiding 24/7 for you. I don't even like you like that. So yea I did tell my friends."

Clenched my jaw as I stared at her stupid face. "Do you get that if this gets out- all this shit is done right? Claire won't even look at me if she finds out about this." I said waving my finger between us.

Her eyes hardened. "And she won't. I don't get why this is a thing for you." She stepped closer. Her smell got stronger making me step back. So I could breath. "I'm not sacrificing my entire senior year for you. I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I did this to get my boyfriend back so don't talk to me side ways unless you wanna find a new girlfriend." She said and then pushed past me,  storming oh the library.

"Shit." I muttered than that after her. "Saint! Wait! I'm sorry!" I ran out the library and caught her wrist gently. "Wait." I said Again, softer this time.

She stopped and crossed her arms, stubbornly staring at the wall. "I'm sorry. I- I trust you to keep this a secret. I chose you for a reason."

"If we're just gonna keep arguing, I don't know if we should be doing this." She muttered. "I know so I don't know- let's try it be cordial at least. So we aren't suffering until we get what we want."

She sighed and turned around to me. Her deep brown eyes gazed up at me. "I'll try if you try."

I smiled and spread my arms out. "I think we should hug it out." I said as I slowly walked to her. Her perfume filling my nose once more.

Her eyes widened. "No. No thank you." She said as she put her hand on my stomach to stop me from getting closer but she didn't try hard enough because I easily grabbed her forearms and brought her into a big bear hug. I was only doing it because I know she's so hating this right now.

I hugged her tight and rocked us from side to side semi aggressively. "Get off." I heard her muffled voice say making me giggle.

God she smelled so good. I hope I smelled okay too.

"What did you say?" I asked loudly. People eyed us oddly as they passed.

Her hands pushed into my stomach again making me laugh more. "Thalia I'm gonna kill you!" I heard her say next.

I gasped and stopped rocking us and looked down her, offense written all over my face. "That's not a very nice thing to say." I pouted.

She rolled her eyes with a little smile. "Off, please." She said, not yelling anymore, this time in a soft tone.

"Okay. Sorry I couldn't help myself." I said noticing how her breasts pressed into me. Back away, Thalia. Right now.

"Don't worry about it. I know being an asshole is your true nature. You can't help it." She said with shrug as she nodded in understanding. I rolled my eyes and started to let her go when I heard my name being called from behind me. I recognized her voice from anywhere.

I let go of Saint and turned around seeing Claire standing there. Confusion written all over her face as she looked back and forth between us.

"Morning," she said as her eyes stopped on me.

"Hey," I said back, an awkward thin lipped smile curling on my lips. I couldn't lie and say my heart didn't hurt when I looked at her. She shattered me into pieces and now I had to pretend to be okay.

"I texted you this morning," She said.

I nodded, "Oh. Really?" I asked. I really didn't know she texted me.

She nodded as an awkward smile appeared on her face just like it had appeared on mine. "Yea. Just wanted to see what time you were getting to school." She said before her eyes flickered over to Saint.

Donna flashed her pearly white smile at Claire. "Hi, Claire. Did you have a good summer?" She asked as she moved in closer to me and looped her and with mine. My heart started to pump faster from my nerves.

"Yea. You?" Claire's said back with a smile that I could tell was fake.

"It was good but it became a lot better when Thalia and I started hanging out. It was just supposed to be a friend thing at first but y'know...." She shrugged and batted her pretty eyes at her. "Shit happens."

Claire's eyes flickered back to me. "Right and you two arreeee?" Her eyes narrowed in question.

"Donna's my girlfriend." I said.

Claire's mouth fell open as if she were gonna speak but she just paused, her brows furrowing. "Right. Okay." Claire said in thought.

Donna's phone went off. She checked it and I looped her arm with mine as she read the text. "I gotta go, Thali."


My cheeks started to do a thing. A thing it shouldn't be doing.

She looked up at me and smiled- like really smiled. "I'll see you later, Kay?" She said softly as she put her hand on my arm leaving a little tingly feeling there. I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Okay. Sounds good." I said.

Her smile widened. The next thing I know she's grabbing my jaw in her hand and pulling me down to her. She pressed her soft lips on my cheek, leaving a kiss on my cheek. She rubbed her thumb over my cheek, wiling away the lip gloss I felt on my cheek before letting go, waving goodbye to Claire before walking around her.

I stood there. Feeling weird and tingly as my eyes followed her down the hall. I raised my hand and gently touched my cheek. She's a really good actress.

"Thalia what the hell?" Claire snapped me out of my thoughts as she grabbed my bicep roughly and pulled me to the side of the hallway. I stared into her Forrest green eyes and tried my best not to get lost. So I looked away, watching students pass.

"What do you mean?" I asked coyly.

She frowned and crossed her arms at me. "Are you kidding me? When were you gonna tell me you're suddenly dating Donna Saint?" She said confusingly.

I shrugged. "I mean you never really asked how my summer was. You and Emily just talked and that was cool. I didn't mind." I lied.

She opened her mouth to speak but paused a little. "I- I mean I know I didn't ask but I- I guess I just wasn't expecting that. Expecting her." She laughed. "I mean come on. You two have hated each other since elementary school. I think I have the right to be a little confused."

I shrugged again. "Yea well like she said, shit happens. It, we, her- I didn't plan any of it. She was there when I needed a friend." I watched a flash of guilt pass through her eyes before she nodded and lowered her eyes.

"Right. Well I'm happy for you I guess."

The bell rang and I couldn't be happier to leave this conversation. It was nice seeing her though.

"I should go. I don't wanna be late on my first day." I said. She nodded. "Okay. See you at lunch then?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yea, okay." She shot me a little smile before walking away.

I sighed heavily and made my rounds before the bell rang. I stopped at my locker, the bathroom, before heading to my first hour, AP Psych.


My day picked up since it only consisted of syllables, ice breakers, or pretests. Now I was heading to lunch. I pulled up Saint's instagram and texted her asking her where she was as I walked into the cafeteria. I locked my phone and looked around slowly as slowed my steps.

I jumped as somebody came behind me and gently grabbed my wrist. I turned towards the person and saw Claire standing there. I started to smile when I saw Emily right next to her. Instead a thin lipped smile stretched across my face.

"Oh, hey guys."

"Hey, I was just about to call you. You're sitting with me still right?" She asked looking me in my eyes expectingly.

Emily spoke this time. "Yea, it'll be cool. We can get to know each other." She said as she nudged me. I refrained from jerking my arm away from her as I stared at her stupid face.

Emily is white, she has wavy brown hair that stops at her shoulders in a kinda messy way, she has a few beauty marks around her face on her cheek, forehead, and jaw. Her eyes are a hazel brown mixed with a little green. She's around 5'7, still shorter than me. When she smiled she had s little gap in her teeth while the others aligned almost perfectly. She was a little artsy with her tattered old band shirt, silver rings on her veiny hands, and some lose blue jeans. Piercings all in her ears, stud in her left nostril.

"Yea, maybe." I said back trying not to sound fake.

"Okay, let's go find a table." Claire grabbed my wrist in one hand and Emily's in the other and pulled us both through the cafeteria. I didn't like this so I gently pulled my wrist out her hand and put them in my short pockets.

She looked over her shoulder at me in question and I looked away as soon as our eyes met. She turned back around and I just followed them through the cafeteria until we got to a table by the window, the sun beaming through.

"This'll do." She said as they sat in one side snd I sat on the other.

"Thalia there's a seat right here if you want?" She said pointing at the seat next to her. I shook my head at her offer.

"I'm good. Thanks." I said cooly.

"Oh. Um.... Okay. That's cool." She laughed awkwardly before her eyes lowered to the table for a moment. She put on a smile and looked over at Emily, "Can you grab me lunch?" She asked.

"Yeah sure, babe." She said as she got up. "I just want a salad." Claire told her. "Cool, I'll be back." She said then quickly bent down to kiss her cheek before running off.

It was silent before Claire sighed heavily and leaned closer into the table toward me. "Can you stop being weird." She said lowly.

"I'm not. I'm just sitting here." I said with my brows furrowed.

"You are. You aren't like talking at all." She said with a frown. I sighed heavily. "Claire, it's been a long day, I'm sorry I'm not talking." I said in defense.

"Okay then like- say that or something. You're being awkward and weird."

"I'm not, Claire." I said as I threw my hands up.

"You are! I've been friends with you since we were fucking 6, I think I know when you're being weird okay." She said in annoyance. I shrugged, "Well you're wrong this time." I mumbled.

She stared at me as her jaw ticked gently. She opened her mouth to speak when she stopped and her eyes flickered behind me. I felt a hand on my head. I looked up and saw Saint standing there. She was looking at Claire with that resting bitch face before her eyes flickered to me and somehow she made then soften. See good actress.

"You okay?" She asked as she gently scrunched her fingers in my hair.

I smiled gently. "Yeah, I'm cool."

"Okay." She said as she sat down and took her bag off. "Is it cool if Leo, Davis, and  Holland sit with us?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Whatever you want."

She smiled as she took out a Tupperware container filled with mixed fruit. Mainly cantaloupe, grapes, and pineapple. She took out her water bottle too and then put her bag under the table.

She got out her phone and started texting. Moments later three people popped up and sat on the side of the table she was on. Davis and Holland sat next to Claire and Leo sat next to Saint.

Davis is a white, messy straight blonde hair that stops at his jaw. He often times than not was found raking his hand through it to push it back only for his wild tresses to do whatever. He has brown eyes, his body is a little skinny and lanky. He's about 5'8.

Holland is dark skinned with mullet locs that stop at the base of his neck in the back and dangles in the front down to his nose. He kept a clean goatee and always wore little diamond earrings in his ears. He also has his nose pierced. He's around my height.

"What up, Donna Saint?" Holland said making my eyes flick to him. I blinked my thoughts away. I guess I forgot I'm not the only person who knows her last name. Stupid I know.

"Hi, Holly." Donna said back. Holland reached across the table and they shimmied their fingers together. "Aye, on some real shit tho, we gotta stop doing that in front of girls. They think I'm gay."

Donna and her friends laughed and I admit I chuckled too. Emily too.

"I'm dead ass though, y'all laughing and shit. They already don't fuck with me because I'm a cheerleader." He grumbled.

"You get just enough girls, trust me. Ho-lland" Leo teased. Davis and Donna laughed at the way she pronounced his naked.

"But I could have more. Think about it." Holland said as he tapped his temple.

Emily chuckled again before leaning forward to see them better. "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm new." She introduced.

"Hey, I'm Davis."

"Leo." Leo said as she raised her index finger before going to get out her own lunch.

"Holland." The last boy said as he tipped his head up at her.

"Your best cheerleaders of Westwood High." Leo beamed as she reached toward Saint and cupped her cheeks. "And this little lady right here is our best flier."

Saint looked bashful as she pushed her hands away with a little cute smile. I mean-

"I'm notttt. Amy is really good." She said.

Leo rolled her eyes. "And there you go underestimating yourself again. Any is good but you are the best." She said.

"Yea! Stop it! You're amazing!" Davis exclaimed rather loudly as he jutted his index finger toward Saint passionately. He stood up making his chair screech back. "You want me to kiss you to prove it. Because I will. Im coming." He said as he slowly leaned across the table with his held out.

Saint giggled feverishly at him. "Please no. I get it. I'm....great. Thanks." She said.

"Oh okay. Let me know if you change your mind y'know. I got so blistex in my pocket for real. You was about to get cut up, my lips aren't the best today." He said making Holland laugh.

I noticed Emily's eyes on Saint. She licked her lips with a little smile. "And what's your name again?" She asked.

"I never gave it to you in the first place." Saint retorted with that little attitude oh hers Her unwavering eyes holding eye contact with Emily. Usually I was all for it but I don't know if I liked this.

A grin spread across Emily's face. "What's your name?" She asked again. As she took her arm from the back of Claire's chair and leaned into the table on her forearms. I also didn't like the way her eyes didn't move from Saint yet once.

"Her name is Donna, you wanna stop flirting with my girlfriend now?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair and put my arm on the back of her chair. I said it in a joking tone but I think I was 100% serious.

The table laughed, some real, some tense, some fake.

"Thalia she's just being nice." Saint said  as she reached over and grabbed my jaw, shaking my head a little before taking her hand back. I rolled my eyes involuntary. My jaw ticked. "A little too nice don't you think?" I whispered to her.

She looked at me for a moment but didn't respond as she grabbed a piece of fruit. "Hush." She said as she grabbed a grape. "Open." She ordered. I let my jaw fall and she placed the grape in my mouth. "Be nice." She said as I chewed.

Emily raised her hands in surrender as she let herself lean back in her chair, man spreading like me. She wants to be me so bad. Loser.

"Im just being nice." She said. "It is a pretty name though." She added as her eyes flicked over to Donna. She licked her lips and then looked away with a stupid smirk on her face. My jaw ticked as I made myself look away from her.

"Yea, and aren't you like dating her?" Leo asked trying to fight a little messy evil grin. It seemed like her eyes lit up at the sight of drama.

"Stop it." Saint said as she pinched her softly.

"What? She's a big girl, she can answer the question. It's a fairly simple one." Leo shrugged.

"Yea, we hang out." Emily said with a smirk as she tipped her head from side to side. "I think we do a little more than hang out." Claire said with a little tense laugh as she shot a look that could kill at Emily who didn't even notice. She just sat there gently bumping her head to the music playing in her ear from her wired headphones, looking around the cafeteria.

"Yea. Of course but you know it's whatever." She said with a shrug.

Saint and her friends were all doing this thing where they were talking with their eyes. They're eyes would flick back and forth to each other then to the subject then back to each other before they all laughed.

"Interesting." Leo said with a smile as she nodded at the couple. Claire shot her a big fat fake smile.

I chuckled at Leo's comment before my eyes did a double take on Gavin, getting ready to walk past with a few other meat head athletes. I let my face drop as he looked at Donna. I scooted closer to her.

God this girl comes with hella maintenance. Everybody just needs to lay the fuck off. Seriously.

I gently slid my hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently between her neck and shoulder, not moving my eyes from him. I ignored how warm and soft her skin felt under my palm.

Gavin's eyes flickered to me, hardening. Saint looked over at me and followed my eye line to Gavin.

She didn't make it obvious she saw him, instead she leaned over to me, pressing her hand into my thigh and kissed my cheek for the second time today. I seriously didn't hate it.

I gently smiled at Gavin as a tingly feeling spread from my cheek down my neck feeling her breath brush my skin as she drew back.

His jaw ticked as a dead look set in his eyes, set on me. He passed us, his eyes unmoving from me.

"Dumb ass." I grumbled as I squeezed her shoulder again and grabbed my bag. "Hey I'm gonna go heat up my food. You good?" I said as I got up.

"Yea, go ahead before lunch ends." She said back casually. I nodded and I went to the microwave and nuked the spaghetti my mom made last night. It was a smaller portion but it was enough to hold me over for the rest of the day.

I went back to the table got out a fork and started eating while Saint talked to her friends. Emily and Claire were a little quiet. I kinda fell back in my head and just was thinking about any and everything.

"I should've packed more. I'm still hungry." Saint said sighing deeply. Pulling me out my thoughts.

"We can grab food after school if you want." Leo said as she finished up her lunch and screwed the top back on the soup she packed.

"Ouu facts, let's smoke and get Wendy's." Holland spoke up excitedly. "Oh I'm down for sure." Davis grinned. They slapped their hands together and did a small hand shake.

"You want some of mine?" I asked as I opened my water and took a few gulps.

"No, thank you." She said back just as fast.

I furrowed my brows as I looked at her and then down to my food. "I really Don't mind, I don't want you to be hungry." I said honestly. Eating was very important to me.

Leah went through an entire thing in high school, I had to watch her go to the hospital a few times. I didn't like it. It scared me.

"She's a pescatarian." Davis said from across the table.

My mouth fell open in an O shape as I nodded. "Oh that's cool."

"Mhm" Saint hummed.

It was quiet for second before.....

"You guys are dating and you don't know she's a pescatarian?" Claire asked. I stopped in my tracks, I slowly looked at Claire and Saint did too, unblinking. Looking slightly irritated. Saint turned at her head to me and motioned with her eyes to answer.

I emptied my throat. "I mean Yea of course I knew. I forgot." I shrugged.

"I thought you've been going out like the entire summer. How do you forget something like that, Thalia?" Claire fired back. "Also how have you been going out when you've been gone all summer?" Her head tilted as her eyes narrowed on me.

I laughed awkwardly. "I mean I didn't really really forget it. It was a joke actually. And it was a FaceTime text thing. It's 2023 Claire." And before I knew it I was rambling like an idiot to the point where Donna looked at me and her face screamed shut up. Davis' stared at me with his jaw dropped Leo was trying not to laugh, and Holland visibly cringed before getting up and walking off.

Claire just nodded as I rambled.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Saint suddenly said but as she got up her elbow nudged my lunch off the table and right on my lap.

I hopped up with my hands up, staring down at my crotch. "Fuck, Saint!" I yelled in shock. This was going to leave a huge stain and I had to get thorough the other half of school.

Donna stood up with some napkins and started wiping my crotch. The pressure was- she needs to stop. I shoved her hand away. "I got it." I snapped and then stormed away. I walked as fast as could, taking long strides out the cafeteria, not missed the few laughs I heard.

I blushed out of embarrassment and stormed out the room. I went to the bathroom and pumped lots of foaming soap onto a napkin before wetting it and trying to clean the deep red stain off my lap. It was useless.

The bathroom door opened and Saint walked in. I frowned at her in the mirror. "What? Come to throw a drink on me too?"

She sighed. "Don't be dramatic. I had to made some sort of distraction. You were fucking everything up blabber mouth. You suck under pressure." She said.

"Thanks." I grumbled as I went back to the stain. "You couldn't have done some other distraction? It had to be lunch? You fucked up my granddaddy fit." I pouted.

I heard her stifle a laugh making me frown. "Oh yea. Laugh it up at the granddaddy outfit. I know you didn't like it but god, this is a little far."

"Oh shut up and stop being a baby." She said as she made me turn around. She held out a pair of shorts. "They're Davis'. I'm sorry about messing up your uh-" a little smile curled up in her full lips. Her eyes flickered up to mine. "Granddaddy outfit."

She definitely was not the type to shy away from eye contact I see.

"Thank you." I muttered and then snatched the shorts from her and went to the stalls.

"And for the record.... I don't not not hate it. I would hate it on somebody else but you make it work for some reason." She said as I shimmied into the gym shorts.

I came out the stall. She nodded as she looked my body over, "I no longer feel guilty." She said making me smack my lips.

I rolled my eyes at her. She's ridiculous. The bell rang and I went and stuffed my shorts in my bag. I had pulled them inside out so the inside of my bag wouldn't get wet.

"Stop pouting. I said sorry." She said as I slid my bookbag on. "I'm not pouting." I grumbled back as I walked to her by the door. She stared up at me before her eyes narrowed. "You are, your face is doing a thing. Stop it." She ordered.

I put on a big freakish smile. "Better?"

She rolled her eyes. "God no. Fuck you look insane. Let's just go." She shook her head at me and left the bathroom. I wasn't aware that I looked scary so I stopped smiling like a hippie freak and followed her out.

The next class we actually had together. Calc. We walked there together and I actually had Calc with Emily and Claire too. I thought shit couldn't get any worse but nope. Gavin sat in the back corner of the class.

Donna grabbed my hand and led me to the back row but the opposite corner of him. "This is going to be interesting." She muttered.

I scoffed. "I'll say." The bell rang and the rest of the class fumbled in. Clare and Emily sat in front of us.


Math was uneventful. I hated math so I had no interest in hearing about the syllabus. Plus I wasn't thrilled on the announcement of the pretests tomorrow. I just put my head down and went to sleep.

I then went to AP lit before I finally had my last class. P.E.

I walked into the gym early before somebody hurled their body at me in a bone crushing hug. I groaned as I fought my laughter.

"Regina get off me!"

She put me down and beamed. "Thalia Roman. It's good to see you. I missed you this summer dude." She said.

"Yes I know, it's been such a long summer. You know my family and I went out of town." I said as we slowly walked to the bleachers where lots of boys sat. This was a optional PE not a required one with freshman and sophomores.

"Yea. How was that?" She asked.

"It was cool actually. Got to see my grandmas. They finally got a new beach house. It was nice." I said.

"That's really good for you. I spent my entire summer working and...." She smirked and leaned towards me as we climbed the to the middle of the bleachers. "I've been hooking up with Jenna Marcus."

"Oh, nice." I said with a smirk as we sat down. Jenna was one of the hottest girls in school. However....

"Isn't she like hella religious though?" I said and I'm talking "it's okay you'll find a way to god eventually" type of religious. She actually said that to me.

She smirked and shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me when she's on her knees-"

"Woah! Woah! Too much detail!" I said as I waved my hands at her. She laughed, "it's true. She's a nasty one too." She said as she shook her head in disbelief. "I mean seriously this girl says and does the craziest shit when we fuck butttt," her eyes slid to me with a smirk on her face.

"Rumor is You've been," she switched her voice and started talking like the narrator from gossip girl. It was our favorite shows. Claire didn't wanna watch it with me so I watched it with Reggie. "Spotted with one of Westwood's finest cheerleaders. Thalia Roman what the hell have you been up to?" She said looking at me with wide excited eyes.

I sighed.

Reggie is really close to me. When I wasn't with Claire, I liked to hang with Reggie. She's the second fastest girl in school next to your girl. We're kinda like a crazy track duo, our stats combined is mind blowing. Especially when it comes to relay. My specially go relied in relay, hurdles, sprinting, and long meter runs. Reggie loved track but she loved basketball just as much. She's been having a lot of trouble with decided wich she wants to continue in college.

Reggie is brown skinned, she leant more on the masculine side. She matched my height. She has blonde locs that stops at her collar bones. She usually kept them up and out her face. She's really pretty. She has a Marilyn Monroe beauty mark, full pink lips, and thin piercing almond shaped dark brown eyes. She also has hella piercings in her ears and both her nostrils pierced, each hls ing a diamond stud.

So with that being said, I felt like I could tell her the truth. Donna told her friends the truth.

"Well yeah that's true," I muttered making her gasp dramatically. "Holyyyy shit! You're dating Donna Saint?!"

"In a way." I said.

"No you either are or you aren't. I mean I thought you had a thing for Claire, talk about upgrade. That's what I'm talking about man, she lets you down and you come back ten times harder."

"I mean I wouldn't say all of that-"

"Why not? It's true. Donna is hotter than Jenna and Aniya Pollard put together and that's really saying something." She said naming another one of our school's it girls. "You know she reminds me of Lori Harvey. I'd change my ways for that girl." She said making me laugh. She was also a huge player she was known for getting a lot of girls, bouncing from one to the next leaving a heartbroken girl in her midst every single time.

"Lori Harvey or Saint?" I asked.

"Shit, both." She sad making me laugh, she fell in too before we both stopped laughing.

I sighed heavily. Her excitement made it harder to break the news to her. "What I mean is we have a deal going on." I said lowering my voice.

Her eyes narrowed in question. "Okayyy, and what is that?" She got the hunt and lowered her voice, moving closer to me to hear. I cupped my hand over her ear and told her about our arrangement before pulling back.

"Oh shit. Okay." She said as she processed. "I mean I guess it works out for everybody then huh?" She said.

I nodded in response. "Exactly."

"But while you have her I dunno, you might as well-" she raised her brows twice at me. I laughed out as I shoved her. "No, bro! I'm not going there."

"Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, Thalia. You know I get mine, you need to get some before you graduate. I just don't think you should wait on Claire. Even if it is for fake, just have some fun with it." She said.

"Hm" I hummed letting her words sink in. The bell rang and the last few people trickled in. My face dropped as Gavin came in last.



Finally this wretched day had come to an end. I thought I'd never end. I walked through the buzzing student parking lot, with poor high school drivers all huddled up in one place, lines to leave, groups hanging around or in their cars talking, a few skateboarders here and there.

"I'll catch you later." Reggie said as she raised her wrist to me. "Bet." I said back as I tapped my wrist with hers and parted ways. I took out my keeps and walked to my car and frowned seeing Donna and Gavin clearly arguing by the passenger seat door.

She looked really upset as she yelled at him but he matched her. I walked over to them, Donna saw me first and stopped talking as she stepped back from him.


He head turned to me and he rolled his eyes. He looked back down at Donna who had her eyes locked on the ground. He scoffed and walked past me, bumping into my shoulder roughly.

I frowned as I stared at his retreating back before looking back at her. "What was that about?" I asked.

"Nothing. He's just being an ass, per usual." She said quietly. "Please unlock the door."

I nodded but before I did, I had to ask. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She said and then held onto the door handle, waiting for me to unlock the car.

She obviously wasn't but it wasn't my place to pry. She's not my real girlfriend.

I unlocked the car and walked around to the drivers seat, getting in. I started the car and pulled out my parking spot and got in the line to leave.

Eventually we got out after a while and we drove in silence. I turned down the radio as we got closer to her house. "Hey, so I have to drop off and pick up my siblings from school on Tuesdays and Fridays, just to give you a heads up." I said.

She nodded. "Okay." She hadn't been very vocal since we left school. It was really making me wonder what they were arguing about. I sighed and turned the radio back up.

I drove to the address she gave me and pulled up to a little white two story house with black windows and doors. There's an old GMC truck parked in the driveway.I just pulled up to the curb and threw the car in park.

She sighed and undid her seatbelt before grabbing her phone and bookbag. I wanted to ask if she was okay again but I refrained from it.

"Hey, I was thinking that maybe we should study up on each other a little bit, you know. Just to be prepared when we're supposed to know stuff about each other. Even if it's simple shit." I said with a shrug.

She groaned. "I have to hang out with you more?" She questioned with a little pout. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I need to eat something.

My face dropped, "I'm not too thrilled about this either Saint but we have to take care of business."

She sighed and nodded. "Yeah okay." She said as she grabbed her bag from by her feet. "Are you busy tomorrow?" She asked.

I shook my head in response.

"Okay. I have practice and then we can hang at my place and talk. Cool?" She proposed.

I nodded, "Sounds good to me."

"Okay. See you tomorrow. Bye, Roman." She said as she got out the car. She shut the door and I watched her walk up the pathway and unlock the door. She looked back at my car and I raised my hand and motioned for her to go in.

She rolled her brown eyes and went in. I started the car and pulled off.

What a long day and it's not even three o'clock yet.

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