Finally Free!

By micahbotha

198 16 10

Four walls are all I have ever known even though I'm free it always feels like I am trapped and afraid. I am... More

Everyday Life
Bad Day!
Court Appearance
New Family and School
The Big Bad World
The Truth About Friends
Delilah and The Future
New Beginning
The Ball
A Bird In A Cage
Azure Traditions
Trees and Rivers
Balls and Answers
No Mans Land
Kyle's Torture
Fishing for Answers
Ambushed Ball
Boat Race and Ball
The Kingdom of Hydrangea
Aurelion's Shores
The Town of Aureolin
Aureolin's Fields
Off to the Gamboge Forests
Pregnancy Dilemma
Plants and Trees Everywhere
Ponceau's Truth
Out With the Skeletons
A Break
Seafood Festival
Climbing Mountains
Troublesome Woes
Snowmen & Wolves

A Race to the Sea

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By micahbotha

Once I get up, I get dressed in my riding gear and attempt to make my way to breakfast but when I open my door I find Radley about to knock.

He scratches his head nervously, "I guess this is not a good time." I shake my head, "We can talk on the way." He nods, "Who is Kyle?" Fear builds inside me as I look at Radley and say, "He is...someone I knew a while ago that was not a very nice person."

Radley looks at me with confusion as we make our way through the halls and towards the kitchen for a quick snack before going to the stables.

"Was he one of your captors?" He asks curiously. "He was the son of my captor," I say seriously as my palms sweat. My guards are following, closely, behind and I notice the officer watching me as we enter the kitchen.

She comes up to me and curtsies. "Your Highness," she says to me, "please stay safe today." I nod and thank her as I grab an apple before heading to the stables.

Radley still seems distant. "Did you...?" He attempts to ask and I glare at him. "No," I say seriously, "I didn't like him. Please stop asking questions. We are not close enough for you to know anything that personal about me."

I storm off and he runs after me.

"I'm sorry," he says seriously, "I really am. My brother assumed something and I listened to him without getting your opinion but I decided to ask to confirm his suspicions." I shake my head, "This shows how little we know each other...and don't be sorry, don't do it again."

I walk towards the crowd that has gathered and wait patiently for some to arrive.

I walk up to my mother to see whether my father has told her anything but she, warmly, embraces me.

"I haven't seen much of you these past few days," she says with smile, "it's good, though, to make a priority of knowing the people." I smile, happily, "Thanks mother." I look at my siblings chatting away and make my way over to them.

Magnolia rolls her eyes, "I will beat you today." I laugh, "That's okay. I will try my best." She scoffs at me as my brother watches the confrontation.

"Can't you guys give each other a chance," Aster says seriously as he looks at Magnolia, "you might find that you have a lot in common and that you are great friends." Magnolia sighs, "The things is...she just barges in and takes your place." "Why are you upset for me?" Aster asks her seriously, "it is her birthright." I smile at him and look at Magnolia for confirmation. She shrugs, "I just feel like it's a bit unfair." "And if she was here her entire life?" He asks her, "would it be unfair then?" She shakes her head, "Probably not." "It's not her fault she was taken away," Aster says kindly, "don't let that stop you from respecting her and viewing her as someone who was supposed to always be here." She nods, "Fine...but I'm still going to beat you." I laugh and smile at her, "We shall see."

Soon, everyone is gathered together but my father came last with the Duchess and her husband.

"Here are your horses," Duchess Inca says kindly, "the sun will shine soon so we must ride fast to get there quicker otherwise the journey will be too long." Everyone gets on their horses.

I feel a sense of relief as Magnolia smiles at me. I know it's too soon to trust but it's better than nothing.

Everyone starts galloping across the green grass that litters the floor. As the early afternoon sets in, we arrive at the edge of No Man's Land so we all stand in a straight line, side-by-side. Then the race begins as we swerve around each other on the beach.

I pass my mother, the Baroness of Aureolin, Duke Lantana, the King of Freesia and the Dukes' of Sarcoline and Gamboge. The Australian Brumbles gallop ahead with fierceness as I continue to make my way up the ranks. I pass the Baron of Aureolin, my father, my brother, Lord Darion, Baron Dune, Lord Dillon and the Duchess of Sarcoline. I continue fighting my way as we get closer to the lake that signals the end of the race. Past the Baroness, Marquess, Lady Allegra, Honorable Lucinda and then I struggle to fight my way past others as I cannot seem to get past.

Once we arrive, the results are announced to everyone.

26- Queen Rose
25- King Cosmos
24-Baroness of Aureolin
23- Duke Lantana
22- Duke of Gamboge
21- Duke of Sarcoline
20- Baron of Aureolin
19- King
18- Darion
17- Aster
16- Baron Dune
15- Dillon
14- Duchess of Sarcoline
13- Baroness
12- Marquess
11- Lady Allegra
10- Honorable Lucinda
9- Princess Anthurium
8- Baron
7- Duchess of Gamboge
6- Prince Radley
5- Magnolia
4- Countess
3- Count
2- Marchioness
1- Baron Tobin

"Well done," Duchess Inca says kindly, "you have today and tomorrow off before we have to go to No Man's Land once again to do a scavenger hunt of natural items and then another day off. Then, a day to prepare for fishing. Then fishing and cooking competition until you have to leave the following day to Celadon."

Everyone nods as they make their way to get some food in their bellies as the day has come to its close.

Since the next day is off, many are relaxing around the area and having some fun with each other.

I decide to explore the gardens. Sadly, my guards, four of them, are following me as well. Everyone has noticed this increase of security but no one has said anything.

As I stare into the distance, watching the lake that's teeming with life. I hear, "Your Highness," a young girl-like voice says quietly.

I turn to look at her and see Lady Allegra.

"Hello Allegra," I say kindly, "what would you like?" "I was wondering if I can join you?" She asks kindly and I nod, "I live closer to the beach and the No Man's Land. There is a river but it's not as beautiful as this lake." I smile at her, "Do you get to visit here often?" She shakes her head, "Only during the season, not everyone is close in families." "Understandable," I say kindly, "what do you think about Tobin?" "He is quite intelligent and he seems to be good at riding from what I hear," she says with a blush, "but I'm not sure yet." I nod, "For sure. It takes time but does rank matter?" She nods, "It does matter but not that much in this community. You never know what could happen in the future to someone and their rank so love is more important." I nod, happy that she is thinking logically.

"Do you want kids?" I ask out of curiosity. She nods, "I really do and it is a must but it's a want for me. And you?" I smile at her, "I guess it's a must but I, probably, wouldn't have if I had a choice." "Don't let your past stop you or let the world around us stop you," she says innocently. "The thing is," I say nervously, "I've been on the side of the child that gets taken so...if that happens to one of my will plague my mind all the time." She sighs, "I guess there is that but I can't guarantee anything. If you really think about it, that could happen anywhere."

We sit in silence for some time and watch the darkness as the light from the house is all we have. I jump when I hear a twig break and my guards stand on alert. Allegra looks at me curiously and I give her a reassuring smile.

"Sorry," I hear Radley say in a whisper, "didn't mean to scare you." I sigh deeply, "Sorry, Allegra, about that." She shakes her head, "It's not your fault, Your Highness." "We need to talk," Radley says kindly. I sigh but nod, "Please leave us, Allegra." She curtsies and scurries away into the home.

Radley sits down nearby and I look off into the distance.

He sighs, "Your father told me to come find you because he wants to talk to you." "Why did he choose you?" I ask seriously, "he could have sent anyone." "I, honestly, have no clue but I don't want you to be forced to say anything you don't want to say," he says seriously and I look at him with confusion. "That's comforting," I say with a sad smile, "I am fed up of people wanting to know about something they shouldn't." He nods.

"Your Highness," a man shouts, "your father wishes to speak with you, urgently." I sigh deeply, "I'm coming."

I get up and make my way towards him. My guards follow as does Radley.

Once I arrive by my father's room, I nervously stand there. Radley notices my expression of fear and the tears that threaten to fall.

"Do you want me to come?" He asks and I nod because I know my father will never say anything in front of him.

"Crown Princess Anthurium," my father's guard announces. I make my way in with Radley behind me.

My father sighs when he sees him.

"Your friend gave me the letter," he says seriously, "what aren't you telling me?" "You believe Kyle over me?" I ask seriously and then I hear a knock.

"It's Kris," Kris says kindly. "Come in," my father says seriously.

Kris stands beside me with Radley next to me.

"You and Kris know something," my father says seriously, "and I need to know what it is and what this Kyle fellow is talking about." Afterwards, the officer comes in and stands beside Kris.

My mind and heart starts to hurt as tears start to fall from my eyes. Radley grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"I'm not trying to hurt you, Anthurium," my father says kindly, "let Radley leave and tell me everything, please." I look at Radley and tell him to leave. He nods and makes his way out.

Once he is gone, my father turns to the three of us. "What else do you need to know?" I ask him as my tears fall.

"Where were you taken when you were four? What happened? What happened to Lavender?" My father asks seriously, "I want to know everything."

I sigh deeply and look at Kris as well as the officer.

We fill him in on the whole story. I tell him my part, the officer says her part and Kris says his part.

My father looks broken and his eyes look empty but filled with sadness.

I stand there, my soul opened before him and I am broken.

"Don't tell mother, Aster and Magnolia," I say seriously. My father nods, "I wish I never had to know either, Anthurium, but now I know what I'm protecting you from." I shake my head, "No, no one knows. Not even me." Kris hugs me tightly as I sob.

My father comes near me and hugs me as well, whispering, "Don't tell anyone. I don't know how Radley will see this but let us wait and see." I nod and make my way out.

I turn and look at the officer, "When will you be leaving?" "I'm not leaving until Kyle is caught," she says seriously, "I have already discussed this with your father. Don't read that letter, Anthurium. You know how Kyle is so you know what he is, probably, saying about you. Don't read it," she says seriously and then makes her way to her room. I sigh deeply, "I want to read it." Kris shakes his head, "Don't." "Go for your medical," I say seriously, "it's urgent." "Why?" He asks curiously. "I'll then know my allies," I say kindly and he rushes to do as I say.

I make my way to my room so I can rest. I decide that I will go to the beach tomorrow to see if there is a town that I can visit.

I wake up late in the morning.

My guards follow me on their horses as I make my way on Ruby to the beach. Radley is not far behind me on his horse.

Once I arrive, I let Ruby roam around freely as do my guards. My guards are right behind me and I walk closer to the water. I have never seen a beach so I wanted to find out what it is.

Once I come to the water, I touch it and walk backwards as water comes closer in a rush. I decide to sit on the sand, further away from the water. Radley walks closer to me.

"What happened?" He asks me. "It's a free day so I decided to find out what a beach is," I say seriously, "but that water seems angry." He laughs, "It is called waves and it's just what happens when water hits the land. It's not scary." "Will you come with me?" I ask him nervously and he nods. "I'll hold your hand," he says kindly. I nod.

We walk hand-in-hand towards the water and I nervously put my feet in the water as it rushes behind my legs. I watch it as it moves back and forth.

After some time, I hear giggles and some little ones rush forward towards the beach with adults behind them. The adults seem to be getting food from the ocean while the children are jumping into the water. I tense as they do so.

"Don't worry," he says reassuringly, "they can swim." "Swim?" I ask him curiously. "You see what they are doing in the water?" he asks and I nod, "that is swimming." "It looks hard," I say seriously, "I never learnt how so I guess I better learn quickly." "Why?" He asks me kindly. "There is a lake competition," I say seriously and look at him, "remember?" "Oh right," he says with a laugh, "I forgot about that."

I sigh deeply, "I feel like my head is going to explode because I have to learn so much." He smiles at me, warmly, and I feel an uneasy feeling inside me. A feeling of anxiety that I have never felt before.

"Come," he says as he pulls me along, "you are a quick learner so let us swim." I laugh at him, but most of the day we attempt swimming until I succeed in a sense.

As the sun sets, the little children are sitting around us and giggling as the fire crackles. Soon, their parents come out from nearby to get them for dinner.

"I guess we should get dinner since I did not have lunch," I say sadly as I look at the beautiful beach that we have to leave behind. Once dinner is over, I make my way to my room to hide myself from the embarrassment of seeing my father just look at me with the knowledge he has of what I have done. If Radley had to look at me like that, I would break because it just seems unfair that life takes me away from my family, takes my innocence and then punishes me for it as well. Life has been unfair to me but I try to be optimistic that someone might just love me despite knowing everything that ruins me.

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