deadly | h.js

By emisbananamilk

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"go ahead kill me then" "don't test me angel" More

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289 12 2
By emisbananamilk

I flopped down on one of the empty chairs in the cafe. "Just you and me now hm guys?" I spoke to the two cats that were sitting in front of me. I slightly bend down to pet one of the kitties heads. It purred and came closer to my legs. "I wish I could pet you forever but I need to get the cafe cleaned Saja." I said standing up. Saja was a beautiful brown maine coon tabby. She looked at me confused. I made my way towards the storage room where the cleaning supplies were located. I grabbed the broom and filled up a bucket with water. "Everybody on their cat trees please!" I loudly said to the cats as if they would understand me. They realized what was going on soon enough tho. I started swiping the floor after I put up every single chair. The cafe was small and cozy but it was still a lot of space to clean. While cleaning I hummed a few songs that were stuck in my head.

After what felt like forever I just needed to clean the counter top and I was done. Putting the broom away I was still amazed by the amount of cut fur that was laying around from only one day. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and placed my other hand on my hip. "Lets get this over with shall we?" I said again and started cleaning the counter top as well as the coffee machines. While I was cleaning I heard a weird noise. I turned around to see where the sound was coming from, but other than all the cats, that were already sound asleep by now, there was nothing. I shrugged my shoulders and turned around again, to continue what I was doing. "aaaaand done" I proudly said to myself after cleaning off the rag I used. I went back into the kitchen to grab my stuff and take off the apron, I still had on. I was so ready for my bed even if it was only 7pm. The sun was already gone but it still wasn't dark out.

Who would have known cleaning a cafe all by yourself was that exhausting. I grabbed the keys I left on one of the tables and exited the building with all my belongings. I locked the door behind me and made my way home. The air was warm. There was a nice summer breeze. You could tell Summer was on its way. It was the beginning of May and Spring had just ended. Summer was my favorite season. Being able to stay out until late, going swimming with your friends or even just chilling at a beach. It was amazing I couldn't wait for that time of the year to come again.

Walking down the dim street I didn't have my earphones in this time, since my phone was almost dead. The only sound that was heard were some birds chirping. It was peaceful. This neighborhood in general was peaceful. There weren't many people living in my small town. I checked my phone to see that I still had 20 minutes until my bus would arrive due to leaving work at such an unusual time today. I slowed down my pace a little, admiring the buildings around me. My peace was interrupted when I suddenly bumped into a hard surface. "Ow wtf" I mumbled rubbing my head, wondering how a wall just spawned in the middle of the road. To my surprise the wall could talk.

"Out alone at night again? Guess you didn't learn from the first time" I heard someone speak. My pupils widened as my head shot up. Here I was once again face to face with those creepy eyes. I took a step back since I was standing right in front of him. "I see you haven't told anybody about what happened" the boy started talking. He was staring into my soul. It felt as if his eyes were piercing mine. I couldn't look away. The boy took another step closer to me, now hovering over me, looking down. "how obedient you are" he whispered. My heart skipped a beat. What was happening to me. The boy that looked barely any older than me was too intimidating. "What do you want" I asked him, trying my hardest to sound cold. "Oh I'm just making sure you're not telling anyone about our little secret" he said calmly.

I didn't realize he was talking to me. I was busy scanning his features. His skin was pale but it looked so flawless there was not a single mark on his face. His eyes were sharp and deep, it was so easy to get lost in them. The boys hair was falling into his face a little, but not too much thanks to the middle part he had. His lips were a beautiful red. I wasn't able to look at him this detailed when we met in the alley, since it was too dark and I was too scared. Not that I wasn't scared now but I could definitely see his face better. "I know I'm hot but its a little rude to stare don't you think?" he stated, a dirty smirk placed on his lips. I was pulled back into reality, quickly looking away from his gaze. I could feel him still looking at me. "I need to go" I said walking past him with my head down. He chuckled, grabbing my wrist, instantly stopping me in my tracks. I looked at him and tried to free my wrist from his grasp. I was pulling with all my strength trying to loosen his grip but he didn't move an inch. He looked amused. "You're pathetic" he spat. Excuse me?? I was definitely not pathetic. I glared up at him, clearly offended by his unnecessary comment.

"Who do you think you are??" I spat back at him. He pulled me closer to him, his eyes gaining back that red sparkle i hated. Without hesitation he grabbed me by the throat at slammed me against the wall. His hands were cold as ice. Shivers ran down my spine as my heart was almost jumping out of my chest. I was terrified and he could tell. He wasn't being gentle but by the way his other hand was resting in his pocket he wasn't using nearly any strength. "Don't you feel helpless? I'm so much stronger than you. I could kill you right here, right now." My heart was racing and I couldn't feel my legs. He was right, there was nothing I could do against him. And it scared me more than I could have thought a minute ago.

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