Bonded (Niklaus Mikaelson)

By niklausssmikaelson

6.4K 234 24

After being sent away Adelaide comes back after 3 years. She already knows about the supernatural world but s... More

Part 1
The Martins
Werewolf curse
Hello father
Moving in
Ricky Ric
The Curse
Werewolf bite
Werewolf hunt
Night affairs
Cupcake loss
Short story
The reckoning
Phone calls
Ghost world
OG witch
Coffin chase
Birthday ball
Find me
Karma's a bitch
My little target
One more stake
Rupert, Emmy and Mila
Back to the 20's
How far does my bond go
Come back to me
A day of peace
Sorry guys
And then there were 10

He's back

185 5 1
By niklausssmikaelson

Adelaide's POV

After going to the dance I can positively say I hate this fucking town. Alaric turned out to be Klaus surprise surprise and Bonnie had to fake her death as per my request. After all the dramatic commotion I settled into my bed ready to sleep but apparently that was too much for Damon  because he came disturbing me in the middle of the night to 'talk' which really consisted of him ranting about how Elena hit him and if he liked her any less she would've been thrown through the window. I fell asleep for about 30minutes waking up again at 3am and dilly dallying for a few hours before managing to sleep again

"Psttt Mari wake up" Elena whispered shaking me

"Leave me alone" I groan putting the covers back over my head

"Come on we have to be quick before they wake up"


"Damon and Stefan now hurry up"

I got up after complaining and cursing at Elena for waking me up and tipptoed downstairs into the basement with her. She pulled the dagger out of Elijah and we waited there for a few minutes

"So how long does this take"  Elena breaks the silence bored of waiting for Elijah just as she said that Eljah gasped awake and Elena jumped back startled

"Could you be any louder? Are you seriously trying to wake up the whole house" I whisper shout

"Katerina" he whispers

"It's me, Elena"

"I can't breathe, I can't be in this house" Elijah says inbetween gasps. He vamp-speeds outside, me and Elena run to the front of the door so we're opposite him

"What happened-" Elijah askes

"Shhh" I quickly reply

Elena put her finger on her lips then pointed upstairs

"I'll tell you but not here, can I trust you?" Elena whispers

"Can I trust you?" Elijah asked

I wave the dagger around in my hand showing him I have it before signing to him that I need to change. My pyjamas are amazing but I'd rather not run around in them

After I return we get in my car, Elijah driving, me in the passenger seat and Elena in the back. Elena's phone rings and I put my head  back to try and listen to who's speaking to her

"Where are you, are you ok is Addy with you?" I hear Stefan's voice on the phone

"Yes we're fine"

"Where's Elijah"

"He's right here"

"Where, i'm on my way"

"No Stefan, Elijah and I need some time alone"

"Listen to me he can't be trusted he'll use you to get to Klaus"

"Elijah is a noble man Stefan, he lives by a code of honour I can trust him, he knows I would be incredibly stupid to betray him again, by removing the dagger I have proven myself"

Bum lick. I make eye contact with Elijah making a kissing face and he smirks immediately understanding what I mean

"You can't do this alone"

"I'm not alone Mari's with me"

Elena ends the call and Elijah holds out his hand for her phone she hesitates but hands the phone over to him where he puts it in his jacket.

"He's here" Elena says

"Klaus is here?" Elijah asks. 'Nah he's selling drugs in a sketchy corner in Lewisham' i thought

"He's taken over Alaric's body"

"Of course he has, it's one of his favourite tricks"

"What are his other tricks? What is he gonna do next? Your the only one that knows him"

"Yes I do"

We get out of the car and walk to the porch of the Lockwood mansion. Elena rings the doorbell while I just look around and go into day dream mode. I hear Elijah say thank you then we walk into the house

"Well first things first i'm going to need a change of clothing" Elijah says

"Well we can try one of my husband's suits, I haven't boxed them up yet" Carol says

"Wonderful" Elijah says as she walks out of the room

"How did you know she wasn't on vervain?" Elena asks

"Because i'm the one who got her off it right before you and your friends killed me, twice"

Elijah excused himself up the stairs as me and Elena went into the living room and sat on the couch directley opposite Elijah

"So I assume the Prescott witches are no longer with us" Elijah says breaking the silence

I changed their surname to Prescott so it wouldn't be confusing the Prescott witches have been helping Elijah if you haven't watched tvd and you don't know

"No, i'm sorry" Elena apologises

"And Katerina? She would've been released from my complusion when I died"

"Klaus took her, we think that she may be dead"

"I doubt that, not Klaus' style, death would be to easy for her after what she did"

"I don't get it you say that you want Klaus dead but you still made Katherine pay for betraying him"

"I have my own reasons for wanting Katerina to pay, there was a time I would've done anything for Klaus" Elijah goes onto a whole rant about his time with Klaus

"Klaus is my brother" Elijah continues

"I heard that, i'm still processing"

"I'm a bit behind on the times but I believe the term your searching for is OMG"

I stopped paying attention but stood up when Elijah told us to come. He led us outside and started blabbing about how nothing could kill an original, only one tree which they burned.

"So if the sun can't kill an original why is Klaus so obssessed with breaking the sun and moon curse?" Elena asked

"Right the curse of the sun and the moon all so sounding Biblical like don't you think" Elijah said

"What's so funny"

Elijah starts explaining about how him and Klaus workes together to spread word about the curse

"I don't understand. So Klaus drew the Aztec sketches about the curse?"

"Roman scrolls, African tribal etchings and any other culture or continent we felt like planting it in"

"But why?" Elena asked

"Because the quickest way to find the dopplegägner or a moonstone is to have every supernatural creature search for it" I spoke and Elijah gave me a nod

"So it's not Aztec at all"

"No, the sun and moon curse is fake" I say already knowing all of this

"Klaus and I faked the sun and moon curse dating back over a thousand years" Elijah says

"But if there's no curse-"Elena questions

"There is a curse but not that one the real one's much worse it's one place on Klaus"

"What are you talking about?"

"Klaus has been trying to break it for the last thousand years and you are his hope"

"And you Adelaide" Elijah said turning back to look at me

"Well what is this curse?" Elena asked

Elijah paused before speaking again "Your phone will not stop it's incessant buzzing"
He took the phone out of his pocket and held it out for her
"Answer it please"
Elena took her phone out of his hand and sighed

"Stefan- what's wrong" I'll be right there is the last thing she said before she ended the call

"Klaus went after Jenna, I have to go to her"

"I'm afraid that wasn't part of the day's arrangment"

"She's my family Elijah I have to"

"How do I know you'll come back"

"I will. You have my word"

"That's Elijah's thing-" I turn to Elijah "are you just gonna allow her to steal your phrase"

"Your word means nothing to me"

"Ok then i'll leave Mari so you'll know i'll come back"

"Excuse me, I don't remember agreeing to being left here" I cut in

"Please i'll be back soon I promise" Elena pleades

"Very well you may leave" Elijah says
Elena practically runs away and it's just me and Elijah

"In all the time I've known you, you have never once mentioned a Martin being needed to break the curse" I say

"Well I knew how you would react. You have horrible trust issues" Elijah says in a somewhat mocking tone

"But I trusted you and you purposefully left out that part. You wouldn't need to do that unless you knew it was something I would be unhappy with"

"Yes well the curse requires a Martin goddess and you being the closest one to me-"

"So you were going to use me"

"Well you know I can't without your permission. I just felt it was something you didn't need to know until it was time"

"Yh well your pretty little secret made me look like a clueless idiot in front of my dad"

"Would you forgive me if I apologised"

"No but I would forgive you if you killed someone of my choosing. I would do it but I made a bet with Osa to go at least 3 days without murdering or injuring someone"

"Well I don't know why you'd have me do it when you can simply ask the Salvatore's" Elijah says in a somewhat jealous tone

"Oh I did but Stefan stopped Damon before he could do it"

"So I'm a last resort"

"Doesn't feel nice does it" I say referring back to when he had been using the Prescott witches for help

Elijah simply glared at me before we walked back to the house

Elijah's POV

"Welcome back" i said
Elena took of her jacket and threw it on the table

"Tell me what is Klaus' curse" she said as she was sitting down

"My family were quite close, Klaus and my father did not get on to well but when we became vampires we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son, my mother had been unfaithful many years before. Klaus was from a different bloodline of course when my father discovered this, he hunted down and he killed my mother's lover along with his family, not realizing that he was igniting a war between the species that rages on until this day"

After a long explanation we headed back to the car with Adelaide in my arms seeing as she fell asleep. It was an awkward silence before Elena decided to break it

"Ever since the day we first met I always wondered about the relationship between you and her" she said gesturing to Adelaide's sleeping figure.

I completely ignore her continuing towards the car. When we had first met I had addressed Adelaide as my sister so how she's confused is a mystery to me

"I don't think she likes me much" I cast her a sideways look continuing to walk towards the car. I wonder why, at least the other to doppelgängers didn't ask this many questions and they were never as nosy. We made our way to the car and drove to the Salvatore house in which time Adelaide had woken up

"So now you've invited him in" Damon said

"We've renewed the terms of our agreement" Elena replies

"The two of you will come to no harm at my hands I only asks for one thing in return"  I say directing the conversation to Damon and Stefan

"What?" Damon asks

"An apology" I reply

"A what?" Damon asks  and I see Adelaide snicker from the corner of my eye Stefan sighs and steps forward now a bit closer to me

"I'm sorry for the part I played in your death, I was protecting Elena, I will always protect Elena"

"I understand"

Everyone turns to look at Damon while Adelaide continues to silently laugh

"The sacrifice is going to happen Damon, Bonnie will be able to kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life. I told you I would find another way and I did" Elena says trying to convince Damon to apologise

"Is that true?" Damon asks

"It is"

"And your trusting him?"

"I am" Elena says

"You can all go to Hell" Damon spat

"Except Mari" Adelaide says as he walks out of the room

Adelaide's POV

I follow Damon out of the room to see Andie (his gf) running out of his room in tears with her clothes in her hands

"Damon why is Andie crying? And why is there blood on the floor?" I ask

"Go away Addy i'm not in the mood to speak to anyone" Damon replied not turning to look at me

"Well tough cause thanks to you and Stefan i'm not going anywhere" I sit infront of him corss legged and look at him

"I don't blame you for not apologising if i'm being honest I wouldn't apologise either, it's like admiting i'm wrong and i'm never wrong"

"Thank you! So you agree that Elena shouldn't trust Elijah"

"Elijah is a nobleman, he's a prick (only to me) but he is trustworthy Elena's chosen to trust him, isn't that all that matter to you guys? Her opinion? And if i'm being honest the whole 'go to Hell' thing was very unnecessary especially since there were innocent people in the room" I say gesturing to myself

"I wouldn't count the lamp as a person but ok" Damon said with the shrug of his shoulders

"I feel the sudden need to remind you that we are currently living in the same house and you tend to leave your door wideee open"

"You wouldn't dream of hurting me you'd be struck with to much grief, Damon my best friend the most amazing and bestest person in the world" Damon mocked with a smile and his hand on his chest

"1) I don't talk like that and 2) your not even the best person in this building"

"I am the best"

"I think your ego needs a little reality check"

"Well at least I'm not a hamster murderer" Damon says

"I didn't murder Nibbles I left you in charge of him"

"I wasn't gonna say it before but I saw Stefan leaving your room the night of Nibble's death"

I gasp in complete shock. I didn't see any bite marks on nibbles. I mean I know Stefan eats animals but Nibbles. Really.

"Mmmhmm So what did Elijah tell you guys when you were there, give me all the deets" Damon said sitting up

I explained everything to him catching him up on the details before we both decided to call it a night and I went back to my room to sleep

2401 words

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