deadly | h.js

By emisbananamilk

13.8K 386 85

"go ahead kill me then" "don't test me angel" More

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389 12 5
By emisbananamilk

"Good job girlie, you beat his ass" I congratulated Sujin again, as we were walking down the hallway, heading to our next class. Another class I had to face alone. History. To my luck it was the last lesson I had today since my last two periods got cancelled cause our teacher called in sick. I waved goodbye to Sujin and made my way to my locker to grab my History book. There's no way I'm carrying that thing around the entire day, it probably has more pages than all my other books combined. Arriving at my locker I put in the code and opened it, searching for my book. "Damn I should decorate this thing" I said to myself after grabbing the history book and putting it into my backpack.

"Yeah you should" someone said from right beside me and I jumped around only to be faced by a Minho, leaning onto the lockers, looking at me. "Ugh what do you want again" I spat, being annoyed to see his face for the second time today. "What was so funny earlier, that you had to grin at me huh?" he said low, walking towards me. I didn't budge tho. Does he really think I'm scared of him? "Nothing, you just suck, that's all" I said shrugging, turning on my heel to leave him standing there. At least that was my plan. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around my back now against a locker, minhos arms on either side of my face, locking me between him. "Listen Princess" he started. My cheeks went red at the nickname. "I saw you staring at me during PE. Don't think I don't notice you looking at me. I know I'm hot but be careful what you say to me." he growled. His face inched closer to mine. "I'm capable of more than you think, you really don't want to make me mad" he whispered, now being close to my ear. My whole body reacted. I felt shivers running down my spine and my whole face started feeling hot.

Not wanting to seem weak, I chuckled. "I'm not scared of you" I said with all my courage. I could feel a smirk lingering on his lips. He grabbed my face harshly with his right hand, making me face him. "You should be" he said, his eyes sparkling red. The same red I saw yesterday night in the eyes of the boy that wanted to kill me. I was frozen in place and my heart dropped. "What the fuck" I mouthed before ducking under his arm and running towards my history class as fast as I could. I was scared. Was he the boy from the alley? It can't be. The boy I met that night had black hair and his face looked completely different. But they had the same eyes. That same dark red I saw in his eyes for just a second. Am I going crazy? I sighted, entering the classroom to see that everyone was already there except the teacher. I spotted Hayun sitting alone at a table, I instantly made my way over to her. "Hayun!" I greeted her. She smiled back and waved at me "Oh hi Deiji!" she responded. "I thought we didn't have this class together?" I looked at her questioning. "Yea but I switched courses so now we are in the same class!" she explained happily.

Hayun being here made me feel a little more at ease. She definitely noticed how tense I was. "Are you alright? You look a little stressed." she asked carefully, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah I'm fine, just had to run here to not miss the lesson." I explained with a little smile. "Ohh alright, well you made it in time look" she said as she pointed towards the board. The teacher had arrived. History was rather interesting in my opinion. Well I definitely enjoyed it more than math.

I couldn't concentrate, no matter how hard I tried. I was actually doubting my sanity at this point. I was trying to make up anything to make what happened to me logical. I still don't know who that boy from the alley was but I knew that someone in my year had those same crazy eyes. Is someone trying to pull a prank on me? I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to my left. Hayun was already packing her bags, looking at me with a confused look. "Lesson's over" she said "Ah yes" I replied before packing up my stuff and heading out with her. I was the first one to finish classes today. The other 3 still had two more hours. I would usually have dance class now, but what was the point of even going there with my ankle so I decided to just go home. I hugged Hayun and left the school building. It was only 11am so I would probably be alone at home. I waited for the bus and went home. I instantly started cooking lunch since we actually had ingredients at home now. I made lasagna since it was my brothers favorite food. I took a serving for myself and put the rest in the fridge. I sat on my couch, scrolling through my phone, eating my lasagna.

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