always been you| javon walton

By yourmom-1890

127K 1.1K 2.3K

Isabella is a fun laid back girl to be around, when her mom told her they were moving she didn't care knowing... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17 (part A)
chapter 18 (part B)
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
rest in peace
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64

chapter 28

1.9K 13 18
By yourmom-1890

                                            (Isabella pov)
i groan as i toss and turn hopefully going back to sleep. i reach up for my phone and tap it. it turns on displaying my home screen.

i look at the time and notice it says 5:11am

i've been up tossing and turning for 30 or more minutes trying to go back to sleep. i went to sleep around 1:30 or something like that and wake up only about 3 hours and something minutes later.

i don't wanna be up this early cause javon said he was gonna bring me breakfast and i rather wake up to it being here.

i can not for the life of me fall back asleep.

i pick up my phone and unlock it, ima just take my chance.

i go onto javons contact and facetime him.

i'm surprised when i see the call connecting.

"hello." he said sounding out of breath before moving the camera to lean on something showing him shirtless in workout looking shorts and dripping in sweat.

"what are you doing." i asked him holding my phone to show only half my face.

"working out what you doing up beautiful." he said before leaning his head back and having someone pour water inside his mouth.

i just realized he has boxing gloves on.

"i had a horrible night sleep. only slept three hours." i told him as i sighed and flipped over laying on my stomach.

"why, you not feeling good or something, what's bothering you." he said furrowing his browns as he focuses on me.

"i just can't sleep that's all, oh and noodles has been throwing up i don't know what's wrong with him." i told him reaching down to pet noodles whos culled up in between my legs.

"where's he at, i miss him." he said before leaning his head back again and having someone pour water in his mouth.

"wait before i show you who's around you." i asked him cause i'm only wearing a shirt and underwear and he might see them cause noodles like i said is in between my legs sleeping.

"just my pops." he said.

"i'll send you a picture of noodles later." i said and widened my eyes hoping he would understand.

"alright." he said looking at me.

"i don't wanna see that show me your pretty face." he said as he noticed i wasn't showing my face.

"nooo, i haven't even got up, and washed my face or put anything on my skin yet." i whined to him as i moved the camera all the way off my face.

"i don't care , i've seen you without makeup before and all i gotta say is damn your so pretty." he said and smiled at me.

"stoppp, your making me blush." i said and giggled.

"let me see you." he said and laughed with me.

"okay hold on give me a second." i said took the blankets off my body before i grabbed noodles and wrapped him in my arms. i turned on my cute monkey light and leave it on my nightstand so he can see me.

i lay on my right side of my body facing my phone standing up on my nightstand. before fully getting comfortable i get noodles from my arms and puts him in front of me just so javon could see him cause i forgot to take a picture.

"say hi to daddy." i said to noodles as i grabbed his paw and waved it so javon could see.

"he looks so handsome cuddling you like that, he doesn't lay like that with me." he said sounding defensive.

"oh well he's a momma's boy." i said and gave his head a kiss.

"i'm sure you want to go back to working out so i guess i'll let you go." i told him and rolled my eyes.

"you don't have to, you could stay on the phone we're using my dads phone for music." he said offering to stay on the phone.

"are you sure, i kinda feel like your tired of me." i told him and pouted.

"me, tired of you? nope. never, i don't mind. plus i hope us being on the phone helps you fall back asleep." he said as he grabbed his airpods and put one in.

i think i'm connected to it cause i can hear what he's saying to his dad pretty clearly as he started playing music already.

"i never sleep more then 5 hours so i'm kinda used to it." i said and brought the blankets up more to reach my neck.

" i don't get it when your with me or sleeping at my house you don't really wake up until like 8 or 9"he said looking at me confused.

"i don't know." i said just so he drops it.

"when are you gonna come." i asked him cause i don't wanna do anything until he comes.

"i was gonna go at 11 but i'll probably go after i take a shower at like 7 so your not waiting too long." he told me as he's practicing boxing with his dad or whatever i don't know.

"okayy." i said and yawned.

"your tired, sleep until i get there."he said

"but i don't want to sleep." i said. yawning again.

"just go to sleep i'm not gonna hang up." he says out of breath.

"okay." i whispered. my eyes started closing.
(Javons pov)
she's asleep. i don't like the fact she only had three hours of sleep.

she looks so pretty sleeping there with noodles in her arms.

still can't believe he cuddles her like that but not me, like us boys are supposed to team up against her but no he's on her side.

he's such a mommy's boy.

not even realizing i was admiring her my dad cuts me out of my own thoughts.

"your obsessed with her." he said and hit me with his glove.

"no i'm not, i just have a little crush on her." i said and push his hand away from me.

i'm not obsessed. i just have a crush.

"have you asked her on a date." he asked me.

i started to box with him again.

"no, i don't think she would say yeah." i said as i threw a punch to his blocking glove.

"how would you know that if you don't ask, you want to make things right with her. right?" he asked me

"of course i do." i told him before blocking his punch

"then start again, make it right. you want it to be different, then start different." he said

i didn't even think like that, i didn't even ask her out last time. i didn't do anything right and i expected her to fall in love with me.

"i didn't raise you like that javon, that's not how a man does things." he said to me

"i know. i wanna make it right i do wanna be with her.i do want things to be different with her"

"okay. then start different " he replied

then start different

"alright pops ima go take a shower." i told my dad

"alright your gonna leave after right." he said to me as he grabbed his water and phone off the counter next to the built in sink.

"yeah i'll see you later."i told him before continuing to walk upstairs.

i walk into my room with my phone in my hand, still on face time with bella. i plug my phone in while i grab my stuff for me to take a shower.

i grab my towel and i set my outfit i'm gonna wear onto my bed.

i unplug my charger with my phone still connected.

i look down at my phone and i put my towel over my shoulder.

i look at her as i walk into the bathroom.

then start different

"fuck." i muttered at i plugged my phone into the outlet in the bathroom.

i set my phone down and take one last look at isabella before starting and getting into the shower.

i turn on the shower before making sure it's on warm.

pulling my shirt over my head, then sliding my workout shorts off.

lastly i pull down my boxer briefs.

i check the water before getting in and starting my shower.

then start different.

i can't seem to take that shit out my head.
walking into my room with a towel around my waist, i have my dirty close to put into my basket, and my charger which has my phone connected to it.

i plug my charger back into the outlet next to my nightstand and put my phone laying flat on my nightstand.

throw my dirty clothes into my basket and start getting ready for the day.
this girl is still sleeping, and she says she didn't want to go back to sleep.

i take my phone off the charger before grabbing my wallet and putting in into my pants pocket.

i go to my desk thing i don't know what to call it. grabbing my cologne i put some on before i grab a hoodie.

not for me to wear but probably for her to steal and never give back.

"oh shit." i muttered before i realized she wanted her stuff from my room.

in the moment i was thinking she wanted it for sure to be out of contact but thinking back on it im sure she just wants them to look good. she has hella clothes and the one thing i hear from her is when she's trying to get dressed she always says 'i have no clothes' or 'i have nothing to wear'

i grab one of her big bags and trying to throw more of her stuff into that bag.

after almost having a stroke and out of breath i got the clothes, doesn't matter how but trust me i got them.

i pick up my phone and walk downstairs with everything.

holding the phone weirdly in my hand i just hope i don't text someone something stupid.

stopping by the kitchen to talk to my mom before i make it outside.

"woah where you moving to." she said as she took a look at me from the stove making everyone breakfast. jaden's sitting at the table on a chair

"this isn't mine it's isabella's ima bout to go see her." i told her.

"oh my god your breaking up with her, no i like her, im setting her up with jaden then." she said and pointed to jaden.

"not looking for a relationship im focused on my baseball." jaden mentioned before closing his phone and engaging into the conversation.

"but are you breaking up with her cause i don't mind being with her." he smirked at me.

"shut up jaden, no i would have to be in a relationship with her to breakup with her im simply taking her clothes to her house then we are gonna eat breakfast in her bed, im kinda thinking of asking her on a date today." i said the last part nervously.

"wow look at wanna stepping up and doing things right." my mom clapped her hands before laughing.

"yeah, yeah ok i have to go." i said before heading to the door and pulling the car keys out of my back pocket.
finally getting set into the car with everything i pull my phone out from under the bag and pick it up.

i noticed one thing that made my heart kinda race a bit.

on the top left corner where the time is displayed there should be green there when your on a call or facetime.

there's no green there.

she gonna kill me
                                             (Isabella pov)
i'm having a wierd feeling in my stomach when i'm waking up. i don't know what it is but i just don't like it.

i feel like i want to throw up but i just dont have the energy to get up and throw up.

i start to get stomach pains that makes me shoot up from the bed and grab onto my stomach.

i just don't feel good at all.

i pick up my phone and notice javons not on facetime anymore.

no offense but the smell of noodles makes me wanna throw up even more.

i grab my phone and scoot up onto my bed until my back is against the headboard.

i go to my call log and click onto my moms contact.

it starts ringing as i just feel like i'm getting worse.

"what's up." she said when she answered the phone, i usually don't call her when she at work unless something wrong or it's important.

"mamma non mi sento bene, non so cosa fare." i told her on the verge of tears.
(mom i don't feel good, i don't know what to do.)

"cosa c'è che non va piccola, come ti senti"she said sounding kinda worried.
(what's wrong baby, how do you feel)

"voglio vomitare ma sono troppo stanco per alzarmi e vomitare, il mio stomaco fa così male e l'odore dei noodles mi fa venir voglia di vomitare ancora di più." i told her crying more when i said the thing about noodles, he didn't even do anything and i'm being mean to him.
(i want to throw up but i'm too tired to get up and throw up, my stomach hurts so badly, and the smell of noodles makes me want to throw up even more.)

for a minute she went silent before she spoke quietly.

"Sono sulla via di casa"she said before telling someone she had to leave quickly and it's an emergency.
(i'm on my way home)

"mom what do i do" i cried to her.

"baby i need you to go to the bathroom and throw up okay, that all just go and throw up everything you can, i know you are tired but i need you to do that." she said as i heard her breath heavy.

"can you do that princess." she said and i heard her sniffle.

"yeah." i whispered to her before getting out the bed slowly and walking to my bathroom.

i make it to the bathroom and put my phone onto speaker and on the counter.

i sitting on the floor in front on the toilet and cry.

throwing up scares me but it's something that gots to be done.

i hear the from door unlocking with a key or something and think my moms here. she got here pretty fast.

i start throwing up and i feel so nauseous.

"who's there baby." my mom asked me over the phone.

wait so it's not her, maybe javon?

"i think javon he was supposed to come over." i told her.

"isabella, where are- woah what's wrong." he dropped the bag of clothes or something and his phone in the middle of my room as he saw me in the bathroom in front the toilet about to throw up.

"let me see, are you okay." he asked grabbing my hair and rubbing my back.

"my mom." i told him.

"you want me to call her where's you phone." he told me looking around.

"no, she's on the phone." i told him as tears stream down my cheeks.

i wipe my mouth on a towel and turn around towards him.

"come here beautiful, your okay, how do you feel do you want noodles." he asked me as he hugged me and pulled my body to his chest.

"no i don't feel good, he makes me want to throw up." i had tears steaming down my cheeks.

"javon." my mom called him.

"yeah, Mrs.R" he said.

"i wonder if you want to call your mom and let her know what's going on with isabella." she told him leaving no room for questions.

"okay, but what's wrong with her how does she feel." he asked not knowing everything.

"she's throwing up and she has really bad stomach aches, don't put noodles next to her cause the smell of him makes her want to throw up." she told him, he pulled out his phone and looked at me.

"your gonna be fine okay." he whispered to me and kissed my head.

he's on his phone for a while before he puts it on speaker where we can hear the phone ringing.

"baby i'm almost there okay, ima talk to you later." my mom said.

"okay i love you." i said.

"love you more bye." she told me before hanging up.

"hello." javons mom said through the phone.

"mom, isabella's mom said to tell you isabella is sick, she's throwing up, has bad stomach aches and not to put her near noodles cause the smell of him grosses her out." he told her.

there's to much people going silent today cause she went silent too.

i just need them to tell me what's wrong with me.

why am i feeling like this.

and why does everybody need to know i'm sick.

"me and your dad are going right now.send me her address." she said and grabbed some keys i'm sure cause that's what it sounded like.

"what's wrong with me." i asked her. you could tell in my voice i've been crying.

"i'm sorry honey, everything's gonna be okay. we're on our way." she said before she told us she loves us and she's gonna be on the way here.

"send her the address." i told javon before grabbing his hand to get up.

"come here baby." he said as he grabbed me and picked me up in his arms.

"ow don't hit my stomach it hurts." i whined and grabbed his hand.

"i'm sorry." he said as he put my arms around his neck and put him arms resting on my butt making sure i wouldn't fall off of him.

"i don't wanna go to the bed, it makes me nauseous smelling noodles." i told him as tears weld up in my eyes.

"okay ima sit down on the chair for your vanity and you'll sit on my lap." he said as he started walking out the bathroom.

"you comfortable." he said as he rubbed on my butt.

"mhm." i hummed.

"i feel so bad." i whispered.

"why baby what's wrong." he asked me as he started rubbing from my butt to up my back and back down.

"i'm being so mean to noodles, i don't feel good when im around him cause he triggers me to throw up." i said and sniffed he knows i'm crying.

"how about i take noodles, yeah? just until you feel better. i'll give him a bath and make sure he smells good." he said and kissed my head.

"okay. take good care of him and make sure to cuddle him to sleep he loves that." i told him and cried more.

"i'm such a bad mom." i said and buried my head more in his neck.

"what makes you think that?" he said and stopped rubbing me.

"cause i don't like one thing about him and send him away for a while, that's so mean." i told him and grabbed onto him tighter.

"i'm his dad it's time for me to take him for a while, your such a good mom for noodles." he comforts me, he starts to rub my back again but this time only my back not my butt.

that kinda sucks i liked it before.

"the door bell rang" i whispered to him after the door bell rang twice.

i need to throw up.

i got off his lap and rushed to the bathroom to empty my stomach out for the fourth time.
Authors note: uhhhh do you guys remember this part huh? but anyways i'm kinda been on a good schedule. i loveee seeing your guys comments it motivates me more. but sadly i'm not allowed to comment cause it tells me to verify my email but my email i used on a different account and for this account i made up an email so i don't get the verify thing in my mail for some reason so i can't comment on your comments but i'm sure i can like them so i will be liking them. also my sister just tested positive for covid and i was with her two days before she tested positive. but i don't feel 100% good about it but ima just try and better my mental health cause i feel that's more important. i asked my mom for a doctor appointment so i can tell my doctor stuff that's going on with me and how i've been feeling so down lately and just sad, lazy, and sometimes i don't even eat some days but my mom just ignoring it so that's funn.
i used to live in a toxic household and now i though it improved but i just think ima more alone now then before. my sister and her boyfriend have been asking me if i'm okay and why i'm sad but i feel embarrassed to even tell them i need help. so i guess suffering in silent it is. only my friend knows what's really wrong with me but there's not much she can do cause she's not 100% there herself so i don't want to bother her with anything. but i love you guys and im starting to write on my other book right now but it might now be out today im sorry i know it's supposed to be out today but im just soo tired lately. love you guys.

3,615 words

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