Stop Abusing Me (Under Final...

By 123outLOUD

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[Book One] Dylan Smith is a normal high school student just like everyone else. Having issues with his pa... More

Warning: Before You Read.
Chapter 1: Same Routine
Chapter 2: First Hit
Chapter 3: Strange Feeling
Chapter 4: Am I gay
Chapter 5: Unexpected Party Visitor
Chapter 6: Drunk Confession
Chapter 7: Your Coming With Me
Chapter 8: Hangover Effect
Chapter 9: Expressions
Chapter 10: Interrupted
Chapter 11: Jealousy
Chapter 12: New Boy Consequences
Chapter 13: Losing it
Chapter 14: Stay
Chapter 15: When Fists Fly
Chapter 17: Mason's Return
Chapter 18: The Unforeseen Incident
Chapter 19: New Me
Chapter 20: Arguments
Chapter 21: Love to Die For
Chapter 22: Talking Back
Chapter 23: Final Words
Under Standing: The Ending
The Sequel

Chapter 16: Threatened

9.4K 295 47
By 123outLOUD

Author's Note: Just to let you guys know that Mason's POV will be in the next chapter! So that is something to look forward to in this story, because I know you guys must be getting tired of Dylan.  

Well anyways, enjoy this juicy chapter, it isn't much sorry. 

Shout out to: ThariusLeBeaux

Go check out his amazing story 'Overwhelmed By You'

Also shout out to all my voters and people who commented.


Dylan's POV:

As I fell against the car hood my head slammed against the windshield. My groans in my pain was load capped by the gasp from the people that watched.

Slowly pushing my self from the car, I turned around and jumped a little to see Ryan all in my face. His eyes was screaming with anger and rage.

I flinched as he rose his arm, trying to prepare for another hit. All that I felt was a finger pressing against my far-head and hot breath on the side of my neck. I could tell he was leaning in closer because I felt my my neck getting hotter and hotter. 

"Stay out of my way, or I swear, the next time you come near me, so help you God." as he mumbled ever word under his breath loud enough for only me to here, I took every word with caution and understanding. 

Stepping back away from the car and I, he walked past me and head for the school building.I could here the laughing of some people because they probably saw it coming the whole time. 

Still on the car, I could feel my right eye was a little swollen. I quickly launched off the car and sprinted for the place I can tell I am going to be spending a lot of time in: the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, my flew open at the small knot at the upper right corner of my eye. 

I could soon feel the water fill within my eyes as I starred at myself in the mirror. Trying to hold back my tears I leaned forward against the counter and let my head hang. Realising I couldn't hold any tears back any longer, I let the tears slip out of my eyes and flow down my cheeks onto the counter. 

Silently crying my eyes out, my eyes stung from the salty tears that hit it. Rubbing my eyes, and lifting my head up to face the mirror, I quickly spun around to see Ryan looking at me with a smirk  on his face as if has won?

 Looking at the ground, I couldn't dare to look no where near his face any longer. I could feel him getting closer due to the spell of his colon. Not wanting him to throw another punch at me, I spoke.

"Stop." I spoke this word softly yet, it came with such demand. I looked up to see him paused with a little bit of anger still locked onto his face. "Please?"

As soon as I said please I can tell it affected him. His whole body stiffened and I would feel he was shocked. I never felt so venerable at this moment, and it shocked me too. 

Why does my life have to deal with so much drama? Why me? What does life have against me? 

A small tear escaped my eyes making me turn my head to the corner of the bathroom, so he couldn't be in my view. 

I felt a finger wipe my the tear away and I turned to see Ryan now, inches away from me. I backed up a little bit, but he grabbed my waist before I could. Our eyes locked as I stood there awkwardly in his arms.

"No need to be afraid of me."  I could see a little pity in his eyes as he spoke his words with a soothing tone.

I still didn't look back to where he was standing as I kept my eyes still at the nearest corner of the bathroom. 

The hand that wiped tear away suddenly roughly grabbed my chin jerking my head to face. Fear had went to a higher peek inside me as I began to breath rapidly. His hand squeezed my chin even harder and pushed my head up to look at him. 

Ryan's pity look was all gone now and all you saw was a threatening look. He leaned in closer and moved his head to the side of my ear, " I'm serious though. Stay out of my or I will hurt."

Even though he said these words so smoothly, I still was afraid.

I closed my eyes hoping he would just get the message to leave me alone and go mess with someone else, but he stayed right in the same spot. I felt his mouth open slowly against my ear, "Oh, and one more thing. I know, you and Mason are having something going on between you two, and I am going to find out. If it is something that I don't like, just be prepared to get your ass whipped and embarrassed in front the whole school, like me I was." 

"What are you talking abo-" I tried to act innocent and play dumb, but he already knew I was doing.

Ryan took me by my head it into the bathroom mirror behind me.

"Don't play fucking stupid me, and unless you don't want to end up in the hospital for two weeks like I did, I suggest you shut the fuck up!"  

"Ah!" I screamed in pain.

Ryan released the painful grip from my head and stepped away from me. I could barely hear the evil laughter that came from is mouth as the room started to spin. I got up off the counter trying to regain my balance, but I couldn't . 

I looked over to see Ryan still laughing at me. When he realised I was looking at him, he automatically stopped and walked towards me.

"No, ple-"

"Shh."  He put his hand over my and leaned in closer grabbing again by my waist so I could keep still. "Now, you see how it feels to have your head spinning. It's a shame, your so cute, but  your too weak. So, your going to be my bitch. You do what I say, when I say it.." 

I couldn't believe what he was telling me just now. I'm his bitch!?

All I could do was stare at him as he continued to look at me with revenge still playing a role in them.

"Oh and my first command is, whatever your making Mason feel, the way he is feeling, stop it!" 

He let go of me and made his way to the bathroom door. Without looking back he left.

Where are the teachers when you need them?

My head was still spinning I tried to grab the stall the stall nearest to me, but I slipped and hit the floor. Laying there helpless on my stomach, I didn't move at all.

Why me? Why out of all people does this have to be me.

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