James Wilson

By onechicagofan4

11.9K 163 59

Younger brother of Cory and Jordan. ⚠️TW include abuse, drugs, suicide, death etc⚠️ They'll be a mix of what... More

The Wilsons
First Day of School
Telling someone
Kicked out
Mr Qureshi
Found out
Visiting home
Staying at Missys
Weeks later
Last day of Ackley?
New family
Surprise Pt 2
Homework struggles
First day at waterloo Road
Not you again
Calm down
Pt 2
The question
A month later
Any ideas

Blame pt2

484 6 2
By onechicagofan4

Jordan pov
What the hell happened? Why can he barely string together a sentence? Where the hell was Cory? I got home as quick as I could.
Jordan: James, Cory, Dad?
I walked in and dad was passed out on the sofa and Cory was nowhere to be seen. There was blood all over the wall and carpet. What the hell did he do? I ran upstairs to James' room and James was convulsing on the floor. His eyes were rolled back. His arms and legs were shaking and jerking. His breathing was weird and struggled and he looked ghostly pale. I put a pillow under his head. Bloodied saliva trailed down his face.
Jordan: hey bud it's Jordan I'm here. Everything's okay.
The seizure died down to just twitches until he suddenly went limp. I rolled him onto his side. It took about 10 minutes for him to come to.
Jordan: hey bud
He looked at me very confused and tried to get up. I laid him back down but he kept trying to push me away and fight it.
Jordan: No no bud it's okay it's Jordan
James: j-jord
Jordan: yeah bud how you feeling?
James: sleep
Jordan: one sec bud I need to check you over
James: 'm fine sleep now
Jordan: okay bud but imma stay here with you just incase
I put him in his bed and he fell asleep instantly. I brought my pillow and cover to his room and set up a 'bed' on the floor. I laid down watching a film on James' iPad until I heard the front door close and footsteps up the stairs. Cory stood in the doorway
Cory: how is he?
Jordan: No good thanks to you. What the hell happened?
Cory: they got into a shouting match and then I heard a thud. I came downstairs and dad was just punching and kicking him. He was full on stamping. J-James he asked m-me for help. I stood there Jordan. I just stood there. I did nothing.
I stood up and pushed him into his room
Jordan: you fucking idiot. You were supposed to protect him.
Cory: you weren't here either
Jordan: I know but I thought he would've been safe with you. If I was here it would have been both me and James on the floor. You don't know how I found him.
Cory: what do you mean?
Jordan: he had a damn seizure Cory
Cory: he hasn't had one in years
Jordan: yeah well if you had stopped it when it was just shouting then he wouldn't have
Cory: I get it's my fault but it's also your fault too. If you hadn't of blamed him then school wouldn't have phoned dad.
Jordan: okay I get it. He going school tomorrow?
Cory: we can't leave him here alone and we all can't stay otherwise school will phone dad.
Jordan: whatever.
I went back to James' room and laid back down. I couldn't sleep cause I was worried he'd have another seizure so I was just watching Netflix all night.

Next morning
James' pov
Cory: wake up and get ready
James: fuck off Cory
Cory: you to Jordan
Why the fuck is Jordan in my room.
James: Jordan?
Jordan: sup bud
James: why are you here?
Jordan: you had a big seizure yesterday
James: oh
That explains why my head is killing and why I'm still tired.
Jordan: James listen I'm so sorry for yesterday and I didn't mean what I said about mum
James: it's fine it's nothing
Jordan: I'm sorry about dad as well
James: it's fine I'm used to it
Jordan: we shouldn't have to be used to it
James: it is what it is. It's not gonna change.
Jordan: it's getting worse we have to tell someone
James: No
Cory: you two hurry up.
Jordan left to get ready and I tried to get in the shower but it was too much. My ribs were killing. I was bruised. My head was pounding. Everything just ached. I got ready but instead of my blazer and tie just wore my shirt and hoodie. I went downstairs and dad handed me an apple. I took it and left the house. I walked to school even though I was like an hour early. I was sat on a bench in the playground when Michael and Daniel Booth came up to me.
Michael: hey bro you good?
James: mhm
Daniel: yo bro
James: hmm
Michael somehow saw my face
Michael: yo what happened to your face?
James: oh er fighting with Jordan. Two kids with ADHD fighting not the best combo.
Daniel: you wanna play football?
James: nah I'm good I'll ref
Michael: you sure? You never turn down a game
James: yeah yeah
After an hour it was time for form. I went and sat down and fell asleep.

Mr Bell (Steve) pov
James walked in but he wasn't his usual energetic self. He was very quiet and fatigued. He sat down and laid his head on his arms that were crossed on the table. He fell asleep
Steve: Michael wake James up
Michael elbowed him and James hissed like he was in pain.
James: ah what the fuck?
Steve: James nice of you to join us. Hood down
I could see he was very hesitant with it but he eventually did it. His face was littered with bruises and he had a busted lip
Steve: what happened kid?
James: oh er fighting with Jordan sir.
Steve: mhm
I knew he weren't telling me the the truth but I chose to leave it for now.
The bell went signalling the end of the lesson so I let them go.
Steve: James can I speak to you quick?
James: hmm
Steve: you know if you need to speak about anything I'll always be here for you
James: thanks sir
Steve: what's your next lesson?
James: English
Steve: right come on then

James' pov
Mr Bell walked me to English. I sat down and fell asleep. I did this for all my classes until last lesson PE. I was walking to pe when I saw Cory
Cory: James
James: fuck off Cory
I just walked away from him and went to the changing room. I got changed in the toilets and chucked my hoodie over to cover the bruises on my arms and face.
Mr Bell: right class today we're gonna play football. Get into two teams.
We got into teams and played a match. My team won.
Mr Simpson: right go get showered and changed.
I couldn't so I just got changed. I tried to walk out when Mr Simpson tried to stop me. He put his hands on my shoulder and I just lost it. I started pushing him and swinging at him until I felt someone drag me away.
Mr Bell: hey calm down. Go to my office okay?
He let go of me and I walked out.

Mr Bell (Steve) pov
I went to get incident statements from isolation when I saw Cory sitting there.
Steve: not you aswell I just had to drag your kid off Mr Simpson. He refused to get in the shower after PE
Cory: sir go easy on him
Steve: Cory go easy on him he just nearly throttled a teacher. What the hell is going on? If your dad weren't raging yesterday
Cory: you don't think he were mad enough do ya? Cah he were. He was so mad he-he gave him a proper kickin. Why do you think he wouldn't get in the shower?
Steve: your dad. He ever do this before?
If you don't talk I can't help ya
Cory: not that bad normally a couple hits
But yesterday that was the worst one
Steve: just James?
Cory: No Jordan too.
I could see Cory was about to break down
Cory: I-I didn't help. I stood there and watched. I couldn't move. I wanted to help but I physically couldn't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
He just broke down crying
Steve: i can help you. I'll help you
I pulled him in for a hug and he was still crying
Cory: I don't know what to do anymore
He ran out the room
Steve: Cory, Cory
The bell went signaling the end of the day and there was no sign of the Wilsons
I went to see Mandy at the school gates
Steve: Mandy
Mandy: what Steve?
Steve: James Wilson's dad only battered him into next week
Mandy: what he told you that?
Steve: No Cory
Mandy: I'll set up a meeting to talk to them. We need to have what happened in writing
I walked off

James' pov
I stayed in Mr bells office until the bell rang. I avoided both Jordan and Cory until we got home. I made my self something to eat and decided to go bed early as I was still tired from yesterdays seizure.

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