Christmas in New York

By KerryWilliams2023

2.2K 107 6

Maisie is a photographer, she travels from Place to place and gets to enjoy so many cultures And sights. This... More

New York
Photoshoot day
Christmas eve
Christmas Day
New years Eve
First date......again
Pam & Tommy
What to do?


99 5 0
By KerryWilliams2023


New Year's Eve. It's always a promise of new things to come and I'm really hoping this new year I will have the courage to ask Maisie on a date. I know we haven't spoken about why I never called but at this point I feel like we've moved on. We've had such a good time over the last few weeks for Christmas and it's been so much fun having her around.

I've just introduced Maisie to all the marvel cast, and I can see they all adore her. She doesn't act like someone who is in a room full of famous people, she treats everyone as normal human being and that's one of the many reasons I can feel myself falling for her.
"What ya thinking about?"
I look to my side and see Scarlet standing there with a knowing look on her face.
"Nothing much"

She nods "you like her?"
"Maisie. You like her"
I shrug "maybe"
"No maybe about it. Your eyes haven't left her since she arrived. Why don't you tell her?"
"I did tell her. We even had a date a while ago but I messed up. I promised to call and I didn't"
"Why not?"
"It was a week of interviews after interviews and then Ma got sick and I just had so much going on I completely forgot"
"Have you explained that?"

"No. We were supposed to talk about it but haven't"
"Seb, if you like this girl as much as it seems you do then you need to talk to her"
"I know your right"
She nudges me "go then, before the new year comes in. Leave the past here"
I nod and kiss her cheek "thanks scar"
I walk over and see Maisie laughing with Mackie and Evans. I can't help but smile at how much she is getting along with my friends.

"Hey, can I steal you away for a second?"
"Of course"
She waves to Evans and mackie and we walk out onto a balcony area.
"What's up Seb?"
"I wanted to talk"
"The not calling you thing"
She looks down "oh"
"Yeah, I know we should have talked awhile ago. I'm sorry"
"It's okay"
We sit down on a bench and I turn to face her "let me get all this out okay before you say anything"

She nods "okay"
"When you left that night I was on cloud 9. I was so happy and I couldn't wait to see you again. I was actually going to text you within an hour of you leaving but I got a phone call from my agent and she was panicking because somethings had been mixed up and my schedule was completely messed up. I ended up pulling an all nighter, trying to sort it out."

"It took a few days but finally things were sorted. Then I had video interviews for 2 days straight, by this point I don't think my brain was even functioning and then I got a call from my step dad, he told me my mum wasn't well so I had to go and see her and I know it sounds like a lot of excuses but sometimes in this industry my life gets so crazy I forget to eat and sleep and shower so all I can say is how sorry i am and I promise I had an amazing night that night and I really did want to see you again"

I look over at her and I'm not sure what I see on her face.
She looks over at me and takes my hand, she pulls me into a hug. Of course it takes me a few seconds to realise what she is doing. As she pulls away and smiles at me.
"What was that for?"
"You seemed like you needed it"
I laugh "yeah I guess I did"

"Seb, I'm sorry for how that week went. It sounded exhausting and I couldn't even imagine the worry you were feeling about your mum. So it's okay. I understand, my life gets busy too. I'm constantly being pulled this and that way. But Seb one thing I've learned is you only get one life so don't waste it. Don't burn yourself out doing the thing you love. Because the thing you love will eventually become a chore and you won't have fun anymore"

I smile at her, placing my hand on her cheek and gently pulling her in for a kiss. It's a soft and gentle kiss, but it says so much.
"I forgive you for not ringing me okay"
"Yes. Now it 10 seconds to midnight. Will you be my new years kiss?"
I smirk "well I don't know....."
She is smiling at me as she is counting down
"Will you go out in a date with me?"
She nods "2.......1........happy ne....."
Before she can finish I pull her into a deep and passionate kiss. Tongues touching, teeth clattering.

As I pull away I see her cheeks have turned a soft pink.
"Happy new year Maisie"
"Happy new year Sebastian"
I pull her back in and we sit there, seeing in the new year. Making out and feeling amazing. I really think this year is going to hold special moments for me. And I have a strong feeling it's going to be down to this amazing woman in my arms.

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