James Wilson

By onechicagofan4

11.9K 163 59

Younger brother of Cory and Jordan. ⚠️TW include abuse, drugs, suicide, death etc⚠️ They'll be a mix of what... More

The Wilsons
Blame pt2
Telling someone
Kicked out
Mr Qureshi
Found out
Visiting home
Staying at Missys
Weeks later
Last day of Ackley?
New family
Surprise Pt 2
Homework struggles
First day at waterloo Road
Not you again
Calm down
Pt 2
The question
A month later
Any ideas

First Day of School

756 10 0
By onechicagofan4


It was the first day of school and I was dreading it. I was starting year 7 and had the reputation of a trouble maker. This was technically everyone's first day as it was a new school.

Cory: James get your arse out of bed
James: fuck off Cory
Cory: right imma go wake up Jordan and if your not awake I'll drag you out of bed myself
James: whatever
I laid for another 10 minutes until I heard footsteps near my door.
Cory: James up now.
James: relax I'm going in the shower
I had a shower and put on my uniform. I went downstairs and Cory made us toast.
James: where's dad?
Jordan: passed out in bed
I finished my toast and put my plate in the sink
Jordan: you good?
James: yeah
Cory: meds
James: relax I'll take them
Cory: Jordan
I went to get mine and it was in my hand ready to take until Jordan bumped into me and I dropped it and it rolled under the cupboard
James: your a fucking idiot that was my last one
Jordan: sorry kid
Cory: why didn't you tell me you were running out?
James: I forgot
Cory: can you not have one of Jordan's?
Jordan: his ones are stronger so mine won't have an effect on him.
Cory: fuck er your gonna have to try get through today and I'll pick some up after school.
James: ah shit
Cory: right go brush your teeth and get your shoes on.
I went and brushed my teeth and put my trainers on. Cory was waiting by the door with my bag.
Cory: come on kiddo let's go
James: we're not waiting for Jordan?
Cory: he's taking his bike
James: okay.

We finally arrived to school and Cory took me to my form room.
James: see ya
Cory: just try and get through today.
James: k
I went and sat down. I looked around the room was split with year 7 one side and year 11 the other. I noticed Jordan. I got up and walked over to him.
James: what the fuck are you doing here?
Jordan: I don't know we just got told to be in here
After a few minutes the teacher walked in.
Mr Bell: Morning Year 7 and 11s I'm gonna be your form tutor for the rest of the year. Year 7s I'll have you in the mornings and year 11s you'll have me before lunch. My name is Mr Bell
Michael: end
We all started laughing and I spuded Michael
Mr Bell: haha good one. Right when I point to youse I want you to shout your names loud and proud.
He began pointing to people in the room.
Tahira Nawaz, Mo paracha, Daniel Booth, Ismael Younis, Hayley Smith, Nyle Shah, Pawel kavovski, Yas Younis, Michael Evershed
It was now my turn
James: James Wilson
Mr Bell: right now year 11s
Hayley Booth, Razia Paracha, Missy Booth, Tahira Abad, Zain Younis
It was now Jordan
Jordan: Abdullah bin Kevin
Other: No! Are you stupid? Are you mad?
Mr Bell: sit down please. You lot on steroids? Sit down. Alright joker what's your real name?
Jordan: that is my real name I'm a revert
Razia: pervert more like
Hayley: his name is Jordan Wilson and he's a windup
Mr Bell: Alright Jordan wilson wind up.
James: imagine how I feel I have to live with him
Jordan: shut up idiot
James: or what
Jordan came up and put me in a headlock
Mr Bell: oi that's enough
James: ah sir we were only messing
Mr Bell: I've been warned about you Wilsons
James: and that's my problem because?
Mr Bell: oi enough of the lip. So your brothers?
Jordan: yep
He then carried on with the introductions.
Mr Bell: As you can see there are Year 11s here. I want you to partner up and they will be your buddy for the term. Any problems or anything they will help you.
Jordan: James come here
I partnered up with Jordan.
Mr Bell: you can't be together
Jordan: either I'm with James or I won't do this stupid buddy thing
Mr Bell: fine but any trouble and I'll separate you both
James: whatever
Mrs Bird: Year 11,12,13 assembly will commence in 10 minutes
Mr Bell: right I'm gonna hand out your timetables. Instead of period 2 today your gonna have assembly. Until we know what levels you are all working at for the time being you will be in the same classes as each other. Year 11s your assembly is now instead of having your period 1 lesson.

I picked up my timetable and went to my next lesson. English. I walked with my best friends Michael and Daniel
Miss Keane: morning class today we're gonna go through our reading list and we're gonna do a mini test just so I can see the levels we're at. About 20 minutes in I could hear shouting from outside. I went to the window and saw everyone chasing Jordan and Mrs Bird grabbing him and walking him towards the office.
James: what the fuck has he done this time?
We went through the list and she handed out the test. It was so boring I ended up falling asleep.
Mr Bell: James
I jolted awake.
Mr Bell: welcome to the land of the living kid
James: what the fuck are you doing here?
Mr Bell: watch your mouth kid. You've got assembly and now the seat next to me has your name on it
James: yayyy not

We went to assembly and I went and sat next to Michael.
Michael: you ready for assembly?
James: nope I'm dreading it. It's probably gonna be like an hour long taking a load of bullshit like they all do
Michael: ay yo Mr Bell is walking over
James: ah shit
Mr Bell: up now
I went and followed him and sat next to him but luckily my seat was in between Daniel and Mr Bell so I still have someone to talk to
Mrs Carter hadn't turned up yet so we were just waiting.
Mrs Carter: sorry for the wait everyone I just had to deal with a situation. Right so welcome to Ackley Bridge College. Today is the day when two completely segregated schools start a new life together.
I turned to Daniel who was sat next to me
James: this is so fucking boring
Daniel: for real
James: how's everything?
Daniel: it's alright Missy tries her best to look after me and Hayley and mums still a smackhead
James: I hear that
Mr Bell: stop talking
As the assembly went on I was getting more and more restless. I was tapping my hands against my chair, bouncing my leg and humming
Mr Bell: James enough
James: sorry sir
I began fidgeting in my seat and playing with the sleeves of my hoodie
Mr Bell: kid calm down
James: can I go outside?
Mr Bell: no your in assembly
I then started talking to Daniel again.
James: how's nana?
Daniel: yeah she's good. Always playing bingo. She keeps asking for you
James: I'll have to come round soon to say hi to her
Mr Bell: boys stop talking. There's about 20 minutes left
James: 20 minutes too fucking long. This is fucking bullshit. She's just chatting shit
Mr Bell: right outside now

I walked out of assembly and was pacing up and down the corridor.
Mr Bell: What the hell was that about?
James: She didn't believe what she was saying no one did. There's no future for us.
Mr Bell: you know I'm starting to get fed up with you Wilsons. First Jordan now you.
James: ah are we too much for you sir?
Mr Bell: pack it in. We're gonna wait out here until they're finished
James: what do you mean first Jordan?
Mr Bell: well he hasn't exactly made the best impression. Your dads on his way to pick him up and if you don't pack it in you'll be joining him.
The assembly was finally over and it was now break I went to the sixth form form looking for Cory
James: Cory come here
Cory: shouldn't you be in lesson?
James: nah it's break
Cory: well what's up?
James: it's Jordan. Dads on his way to get him.
Cory: it will be fine. Now go

I was on my way to the quad when I saw dad approaching the school office. I hid around the corner so I could hear what was being said but not be seen
Dad: you just can't help yourself can you?
Come on
He grabbed Jordan by his arm
Mr Bell: this your dad yeah?
Dad: yeah I'm his dad Jordan come on
Mr Bell: mr Wilson I've got 5 minutes if you want to talk about anything
Dad: what's there to talk about? I'll deal with him. Do I have to ask twice? Come on Jordan
They both left to go home. I went back to Cory
James: Cory
Cory: what
James: what if Dad batters him?
Cory: he won't he'll be fine.
James: whatever
Cory: just be good no trouble
James: yeah yeah
I couldn't stay in school knowing what dad would do to him so I walked out and went home
James: Jordan
Dad: what are you doing back?
James: it's half day for year 7s. They didn't want to overwhelm us on our first day I guess.
I went upstairs to Jordans room.
James: Jordan
Jordan: what
James: you good?
Jordan: yeah
I walked into his room
James: was dad not pissed?
Jordan: not really
James: did he hit you?
Jordan: nope
James: that's good
We heard stomping up the stairs
James: ah shit
Dad: why have I just had school on the phone?
James: I don't know. Telling you how much of a good student I am
Dad: enough of the lip. You walked out of school
James: they were gonna send me home anyway so I beat them to it
Dad grabbed me by the collar and pinned me up against the wall
Dad: why did your mum leave me with a kid like you eh?
James: guess you should ask her yourself
Jordan: James shut up your gonna make it worse. Dad let him go
Jordan pushed dad off me.
Dad: whatever
He went back downstairs
James: thanks
Jordan: always. Fifa
James: if you wanna lose
We played until Cory came back with dinner
James: Cory you get my meds?
Cory: they didn't have them I have to go back next week
James: ah I'm fucked
We all sat on the sofa even dad and ate dinner.
James: night
Cory: night kid
I went upstairs got ready for bed and fell asleep.

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