Leather and Lace - A Lauren W...

By AsToldByMegan

2.2K 74 0

This story begins in the spring of 1980. Lauren Woods and George Harrison are now separated after 12 years of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
New Story!!

Chapter 7

89 3 0
By AsToldByMegan

"Husband," I smiled at the thought.

"My beautiful wife," my new husband kissed me happily as we danced and swayed to a record he put on in our hotel room.

"I still am in shock..." I said to him. I felt as though I would blink and this would all be a dream.

"Until death do us part," he kissed the top of my head.

We both knew that life was precious and that death happened way more frequently than we would like. We have both lost so many loved ones in our young lives.

What we like about our new union is that the world barely knows we are together. Now they have no idea we are married. We plan to enjoy this and tell our families first and then from there release it to the press by doing a photo shoot or a magazine cover of some sort.

"You're stuck with me babe," I smiled sweetly.

We were ready for a romantic night together. Glyn had prepared this room for us which even has its own hot tub in the room and rose petals in a heart shape on the bed.

This was our makeshift honeymoon.

The entire evening we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. All we wanted to do was have our skin as close to each other as possible. It was a nice change of pace from my previous relationship where it would have had to have been a special occasion for George to consider being intimate with me.

When we finally slowed down for the night and started growing tired I thought back once more to the morning when Glyn picked me up and we went to the courthouse.

We were both legally residents of England despite me being American and him having American citizenship so we were able to make it official here.

We chose two random clerks in the courthouse to be our witnesses since we wanted to just have this between us.

And right in that room with the judge present he legally made me Glyn's wife.

Glyn didn't even want a prenup agreement or anything... even though he was worth way more than me. It means he trusted me and I knew our lives were going to be intertwined forever because of the great foundation we built our love on.

We drifted off to sleep in each others arms, both of us happier than we ever were in our lives.


The next two days consisted of a lot of the same thing. We wanted to be together and intimate and we wanted nothing else.

Finally though on Monday I decided to take Glyn to Friars Park to see the kids with me.

"Are we going to tell them?"

"No," I said to him, "let's wait until they aren't with George."

"It's up to you," he said calmly.

We drove into the estate and I put in the gate code. Then we drove to the front of the home and parked.

"You know," Glyn said, "I have never been here but most of my colleagues all have."

"I know," I said to him, "you didn't want to see me, remember?"

He gave me a look and then chuckled, "I didn't want you to have to see me."

He was right. Him not seeing me all those years was what kept me with my husband. If I would have seen Glyn I probably would have changed my mind.

It has always been Glyn that I have been in love with.

He got out and held the door open for me like a gentleman and then we approached the front door. I still had a key and was able to open it right up.

We walked in and down the main hall toward the back and looked around. I saw out the back glass window Darry and Annie playing outside in the garden down below.

Then I saw George and his girlfriend Olivia who lives here.

They were down off to the side standing and talking and George looked up and locked eyes with me.

Glyn was right beside me.

We went down to greet them and George looked a little bit annoyed.

"Mama," Annie then ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey my baby," I held her tight.

Then she went to Glyn who she has developed a bond with and hugged him as well. This made him happy I was sure.

"Hey little squirt," Glyn said to her before picking her up and holding her.

George looked at him with his daughter and then looked away without greeting him.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"We just miss the kids and wanted to see them," I told him.

"Well that I figured," he nodded.

"Where's Ollie?" I asked him.

"In the house somewhere," he shrugged his shoulders.

It wasn't like Ollie to not want to be outside with his siblings. I wanted to know what was wrong.

"I begged him to come outside," Olivia then said, "it is such a beautiful day."

"Olivia," I turned to her, "this is Glyn Johns.... My...."

I hesitated on how to explain what he was to me.

"Just Glyn," he then set Annie down who ran off and then he put out his hand which she daintily shook and then turned and put her arm around George.

"Look," he said to George, "I'm probably the last person you want here in your home but I respect you as a man, as a musician, as a father."

He looked at him and then shook his hand.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I'm just intimidated by you. You almost took my wife away from me all those years ago and now I'm upset your taking my ex wife away. It's wrong of me."

"It's okay George," I said to him, "you're allowed to feel that way."

Glyn gave me a look like we wanted to come out and tell him about us being married and I was nervous.

"Laur," Glyn nodded.

"We want to tell you something," I said looking at the sky and then back to George and Olivia.

I wasn't prepared to do this and I didn't know how he would react.

He stood there waiting.

"Glyn and I got married on Saturday," I told them.

There was complete silence.

After a moment Olivia felt the tension and looked at us both.

"Well Congratulations are in order," she said happily.

"We don't want to tell the kids yet," I said to George who has still not said anything.

"Well I would hope not," George said, "as their father I would hope you would discuss that with me before telling them."

"That is what we planned on doing," Glyn said to him.

"Let's talk inside," George then nodded to Glyn and without another word they walked back into the house to talk alone.

This left me and Olivia standing there with the kids running around.

"I want to go check on Ollie," I told her.

"I'll watch these ones," she said nodding for me to go.

I walked in toward Ollie's bedroom and heard his guitar chords.

I knocked and then walked in. He then sat up straight on his bed and set his guitar down. He looked shocked that I was there.

"Mum?" He asked.

"Ollie, honey," I said smiling at my boy, "is everything okay?"

He looked down at the ground.

"Your siblings are outside and you aren't... I thought you were there protector."

"I am," he said getting defensive.

"I know," I said sweetly.

I sat down beside him and put my arm around him.

"You know I always have told you that you don't have to be tough with me. You can tell me anything," I gave his arm a squeeze.

He hesitated and then spoke, "I don't like going back and forth between homes."

This was going to be a tough discussion.

"Do you love me?" I asked him to which he assured me he did. Then I asked the same of his father and he nodded once more.

"Well we both love you and your brother and sister so much," I assured him, "and me and your father still love and respect each other... we just aren't together and you have known that for quite some time."

"With Olivia it has felt normal," he said, " but with Glyn it feels different, like he is going to take you away from us again."

I hugged my son.

"Glyn is going to be with us the same way Olivia is here with dad," I told him then, "We are not leaving to live in America, he is making a sacrifice and moving here to be with us."

"I do like him," Ollie then said.

"Well he is here right now, him and your father are in the studio catching up. They used to be really close."

"Can we go down there?" he sat up and looked happy. He wanted to go be with the men.

"Yes, honey," I smiled. 

Then I did something crazy but knew that I owed it to my son to be honest with him.

"You are the oldest and I have some news to share with you that I want to share with you all but want to tell you first," I told Ollie before leaving his bedroom.

"Are you and Glyn getting married?" he asked, he was smart.

"We got married on Saturday," I told him and he stood there shocked.

"So is he... like my second dad now?" he then asked, he was being very mature and understanding about this situation.

"Well your dad will always be your dad but... yes, Glyn is going to be your step-father and hes going to love and protect you whenever you are with us."

He hugged me and looked happy. George Harrison's young clone was going to be Glyn Johns' step son and I knew good things would come for Ollie as he grows older and pursues his own musical career.

"Can you keep the secret for right now?" I asked him as he took off down the stairs.

"Does Dad know?" he then looked back up the stairs at me.

"We just told him." 

Ollie nodded up at me with excitement and ran down to the studio like it was Christmas morning. 

I followed as quick as I could and walked in to George on one side of the room sitting and Glyn sitting and looking at George's equipment. They were in their bonding over their careers. 

"Oliver," George called out to our son, "there you are, want to play something for Mr. Johns here?"

Ollie looked over at me in the doorway and smirked and then said hello to Glyn. 

"I will leave you guys to it," I winked at my new husband and walked back out to bond a little with Olivia and see my other children who were way less concerned with the way the world worked and more concerned with being children and running about.

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