Baby Dallas

By MainlyCam86

100K 1.7K 427

1 party 2 Drunk individuals One Night Stand 1 choice More

The Party
Questions And Answers
Going On Tour
Ready Or Not
I Think I Wanna Know You
Taking Austin
26mgmt Event
The Results
Rumor Has It
Secrets Revield
I still Get Jealous
Meet and Greet
Table Reading
2 Month's Pregnant
Ice cream Please! (5 month's pregnant )
Dakota Alexandrea Dallas
Movie Day with Dakota
The Fight
The Fam
Need A Break
1 Month Later
Unfortunate Misfortune
The Next Day
Slowly Letting Go
Baby Dallas 2

Too Early

2.7K 53 10
By MainlyCam86

Cameron's p.o.v

"My water just broke and where making our way out the door. Where's the diaper bag?" She asked me while cuddling into my chest. I rolled the question around in my mind.

"By the front door." I replied and I watched her smile.

"Excellent." She said while intertwining our fingers. I played with her hair mindlessly while thinking about what's going to happen in less then three month's.

"Paise, what are we going to name her?" I asked. We never really fully decided on a name....just said what we liked.

"Well we both like the name Emily Grace, but I was thinking. What if we named her Grace Alexandra Dallas, give her a little more of you." She said causing me to smile her like a fool.

"Baby she's already going to have my last Name, why don't you give her your middle name?"

"Emma Anaka Dallas?" She said while scrunching her nose."that sounds sooo bad." I laughed at the name and shook my head.

"I guess that's not a good idea, Do you like any other names?" Her lips twisted to the side of her mouth as she pondered on the question.

"I like the name Dakota." She said.

"I actually really like that name." I say causing her to smile. Her smile soon faded and her hands went to her stomach. Her face scrunched in pain.

"Ow. Ooh. Ow. Ugghh ...Cam grab the diaper bag." I looked down at her in shock quickly standing on my feet.

"Wait...what?!" I shouted helping her up.

"Cam baby my water just broke, I need to go to the hospital. Get the diaper bag!" She said almost shouted. This can't be happening. The pregnancy is going so well. I lifted her into my arms and carried her bridal style quickly making my way out the door.

"Wait ugghhhhh cam you forgot the diaper bag." She said as I put her into the car. I ran back inside and grabbed the diaper bag then ran right back to the car.

I hopped inside and tossed the bag in the backseat quickly starting up the car.

~~~~~~~~~~~Skips car ride in hospital parking lot~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ughh cam hurry!" She said as I jumped out of the car and got her out carrying her bridal style again. I ran through the hospital door's causing everybody's eyes to be drawn to us. I jogged to the front desk.

"Ma'am my girlfriend's water just broke and our baby's not due for another 3 and a half months." She nodded her head and called up a few doctor's who brought a wheelchair and I sat her in it.

45 minutes later

I sat there.


Waiting to hear if my baby and my girlfriend where okay.

After which seemed like forever a man who looked to be in his late twentys came through the doors.

"Are you Mr.Dallas?" He asked and I nodded my head.

Authors Note

Haha sorry for the terrible update but please show it some love!!!

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