By kukoowifey

984K 41K 14.9K

"I will not let you go and I will not show mercy to you because you have always been my woman, you have no r... More

Love back!
1. former is back!
2. resembles!
3. To Have and to Hold!
4. Here & There
5. On the way!
6. glimpse!
7. little secret!
8. That woman!
9. Once again!
10. Ties that bind!
11. Possessed!
12. Two of a Kind!
13. Moment by Moment
14. Looking Back on.. Love!
15. This Is Us
16. Extra clingy!
17. Just you?
18. Tunnel of Love
19. Since we met!
20. destiny to be ...!
21. Scent of Man
22. Paper Heart
23. fool.?
24. Dear no one
25. crazy in love.!
26. breathless.!
27. Blissful woman!
28. cheese in the trap!
29. devilish joy!
30. beloved!
31. wanna be your Knight.!
32. Abyss
33. The past is like ... chain!
34. Nevertheless
35. Remember We...!
36. Lovestruck.?
37. Ashes of Love
38. punctuation between...
39. Just between lovers..
40. hot steamy kiss!
41. Just Like Daddy!
42.Ticket to Togetherness.!
43. Unbeatable Love!
44. Mischievous kiss!
45. Could we.... love?
46. Look at the smile?
47. Between bloodline!
48. evil deed!
49. Maybe love?
50. Word of Honor!
51. Dear, lemme know!
52. wanna taste? ⚠21+⚠
53. Nobody knows!
54. It's Okay, That's Love!
55. Better Together! ⚠21+⚠
56. The last moment!
57. passionate love! ⚠21+⚠
58. The Apple of My Eye!
59. precious child.
60. Home is with you!
61. Touch your heart.!
62. proposal?
63. Melody of Love!♡
64. My Mister!
65. Persuasion!
66. But always...
67. The half of It...!
68. Then Came You..!
69. The .... Knot!
70. Mare...!
71. Love on the cloud?
72. ... Hear me?
73. Humming!
74. Journey to you!
75. A moment to remember!
76. Clover!
77. Key of Life!
78. Hold on?
80. Serendipity..
81. Trimester..?
82. Contentment.?

79. Sleepless in Seattle!

9.4K 461 148
By kukoowifey

Unedited, mhianhae!

Everything returned to the right track and it seems everyone was living the normal life! doing whatever they're needed to do.

"Sis Suzy, what documents did my brother ask you to give me?"

Suzy handed the documents and said seriously "Director Kim said Miss Kim only needed to open it and you will know."

You didn't understand the term and just open the front page, it was written 'Property Transaction' your brows knitted slightly and read it.

It was mentioned that 'Jeon Jungkook' Transferred his all share and property to 'Kim Sarang' with his statement below and sign it.

For his future spouse.

You take it long to understand the real meaning of it.


"Jeon Jungkook, you bastard, come out!" you knocked the door continuously urging him to come, he was taking shower but you have no patience to stay silent and talk to him "Bastard, i don't want your property, what do you think that you will give your asset to me then I will take it?"

he came out of bathroom wiping his hair, very calm "Then take me?"

Looking at his deep gaze, you subconsciously gulped your lump down to your throat and continue to glare at him "Jeon Jungkook, you jerk, do you even consider my thoughts before doing anything?" you never would have thought that you would encounter such a thing one day!

Such a arrogant guy have this much changes!

Your heart is burning "Do you have any questions for me.?" the way he looked at you made your mood gloomy and irritated and sneered "You asked me if I have a question? then tell me what did you required me to do such a decision without my consent?"

With such a reaction, Jungkook couldn't help but raised his eyebrows "Heh, why do you have a big temper?" he walked closer "I do not have a temper."

"Are you sure? you're not throwing a tantrum on me?" you didn't know if it was because of your psychological effect or something but you felt that Jungkook's voice at this moment sounded a little darker, it's hoarse and dry.

This type of Jeon Jungkook, gave you a very dangerous feeling.

"I apologize, if it made you unhappy, my soon to be Mrs Jeon."

His gaze was fixed on you, dark and deep eyes became scorching hot, almost burning you to ashes "You... why are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?"

He walked over, you walked backward and he trapped you in his arms.

"What a pity." he laughed and pinch your chin, suddenly leaned over to kiss your lips, you scratches your hands to wrapped around his neck "You're not allowed to decide anything on your own, got it?"

This atmosphere feel so warm, he faintly smile "Listen well, i will say this once." he continue to kiss, lock his finger on the back of your hair and goes deeper into scenery....

"Everything mine belongs to you."

The wave of emotions surged up and you both hump ......


You had not eaten with your brother for long but you began to worry when your brother asked you to come for dinner, you didn't think of bringing Jungkook and Rowoon along but since it's family time and what was the result?

At the dining room, Rowoon keep talking while the rest of three adults response to the little kid.

You and Seokjin talk about matters sometimes while Jungkook sat beside you with his hand clasped your left hand's fingers tightly, pushes your hair behind the ear or help to tidy up your clothes, sitting next to you without talking much.

There were all kinds of reasons to be awkward?

Rowoon was the only one who's obvious enjoying the great food, Seokjin was obvious unbothered time to time glancing over Jungkook's action, you smiled awkwardly and lowered your voice to scold Jungkook "What are you doing?"

"What am i doing?"

Although Jungkook was not speaking nuch but he's still bothering you, sharing his foods to you and Rowoon, you don't mind him serving you but infront of your brother feels little awkward.

So, you pulled his sleeve to stop him being too romantic infront of your brother.


After dinner, Seokjin brought Rowoon with him to the study room, you wanted to talk about something with your brother but this leech keep following you behind.

"Jungkook, can you stay still for awhile? i have something to talk with my brother." you put your hands around your waist and complaints "Aren't you done talking? what do you want to talk, why can't I hear about it?"

What do you want to gossip about with your brother?

You started to push his tall body, he struggled to move forward half an inch, seeing you putting so much force, he suddenly grabbed your hands and his tone became serious
"Y/n, are you irritated by me.?"

You stared at him in disbelief "I want to talk with my brother about Jennie's matter, do you want to hear it too?"

Jennie's matter?

Jungkook frowned slightly, his grip on your wrist tightened "You don't have to care about her matter, she can solve it herself, are you trying to be broker?"

For some reason Jungkook thought about someone's feelings, no matter how much you try to match make, if that person's heart doesn't belongs to you, it will not do good forcing into people's life, like that if you try to convince Seokjin without caring about his feeling, it will not made him happy at all and you will be just middleman.

"No, I'm not trying to match make them... it's just..."

"Then, don't worry about it." he make you look at him "Y/n, if your brother had feelings for her then he would act on his own without anyone's help." you nodded "But..."

"Listen Y/n, he had always agreed to your request, if you say something to make him change his mind, will you be responsible for the consequences?"

You narrowed your eyes and stared at him, asking seriously "Do you mean that I am forcing him to agreed?"

"Hmm!" originally he stopped you because be didn't want you to worry about other people's feelings all day long, after all everyone had their own fate, moreover everything had a cause and effect, therefore it was really not good for you to interfere.

He tapped your forehead "What are you thinking about? it's not like that, you're his beloved sister and I know he won't mind at all."

"Then why don't you let me interfere?"

He raised his hands to wrap your scarf around you to prevent you catching a cold, his tone was gentle "Do you think, you can force some sense into him?"

"Hmm?" you give him sharp gaze "What do you mean?"

"Just tell me.... why do you have to interfere in their business, when we have very few time left for us to be together as a lover, do you still want to give it to someone else?" as he spoke, he even come closer, his lips touching your forehead, you coughed slightly.

It's like you guys have kind of young feeling for the first time and you understood his mean, he hoped that you would give him the attention he was yearning for long and you also think that it's not good idea to keep nagging your brother "But ... i already asked my brother to wait for me, no matter what, i should still say few words to him before we leave, right?"

"Be good." he pinch your cheek softly "I will give you ten minutes but remember that not to talk about other people's matter, I will be waiting here."

"Got it."

He finally let you go and went out to wait for you, after that you keep thinking on the way to say something, before the thought of Jennie's matter sounds very important to you but now you didn't intend to talk about it.

And suddenly, you have no topic to talk with your brother, so you randomly said him to not work too hard, he also suggested you to take a rest.

"Brother, did you only call me for dinner?" you always feel that there's something he wanted to tell you when he called you.

"What else?"

You looked at him for awhile "It's nothing, then i will go first."

You quickly left, Jungkook was holding his son in his arms while Rowoon fell asleep, there's no such a thing as gene, they looked carbone copy.

You counted the time and it seems you're little late, Jungkook lowered his eyes and looked at his son's baby face, you coughed lightly.

Jungkook's lips curled up and revealed a faint smile on the surface but you felt that there's surge hidden in this light and relaxed smile "Five minutes, it's past time." He looked at his watch saying softly.

Eventhough, his voice was very soft but you could sense a trace of danger "I just walked down in time, it takes time to walked over, doesn't it?"

"Huh?" he raised his eyebrows "You know that I can't walked fast in this state, you can't blame me for it, right? siblings have many daily matters to talk." well for his information, he can't just argue about it anymore to this lady.

"So, are you done now?"

"Okay, then let's go home." you nodded.


You're sleeping in Jungkook's arms while he's reading news on the mobile feed, you had a headache and you felt like something is bloating in your belly making you uncomfortable, you had a unpleasant morning sickness and you're kinda feelin' sick all day long that made your man worried and he didn't go to company.

Jungkook softly tapped your back, you move when sudden urge to vomit hit your nostrils and you rolled away to run into bathroom "Y/n?"

He walked to you after being stunned for a moment and heard you vomiting, you bent down to the toilet but nothing come up, it's dry and your throat is feeling itchy.

"What happened?" he hold your shoulders, your eyes are wet "I ...i think I have a stomach flu." he kneel  down and wipe your eyes.

"What's going on? you didn't even eat anything, let's go to check up." your legs are numb and you somehow feel dizzy, he picked you up horizontally,  his brows are knitted tightly.

"Idk, my stomach feel not good." you rested on his shoulder.


"Are you the husband?" although he's not yet but he was sure that he will marry you so he nodded silently.

He's nervous somehow and hold your hand, while the doctor asked you some specific questions and you answer, doctor asked you to go and test.

"What happened to her?"

Something might happened to you? he probably wouldn't be able to wait for anyone to take initiative and tell him, he's that anxious inside but keep his cool aura.

At the moment, he didn't know what was going on, so when you doctor asked you to go and check up, he also get up and followed you behind "You?" he frowned "What?"

"Don't follow me, sit there." you made face and whispers.

"I will help you."

Doctor laughed "Mr Jeon, please take a seat, Mrs Jeon will took a sample and I will check it, it's nothing serious."

Unfortunately, he have no option but to sat back.

Him, staring at you intently with his fascinating dark eyes, scanning your movement afraid that you will fall down or hurt yourself, his adam apple did move as he innerly gulped his lump, his hands are sweating...

He wait and wait for half an hour and got the news doctor announcing that...

"Congratulations Mr Jeon, Mrs Jeon is pregnant." Jungkook's heart skip a beat but..

He have no reaction for a moment that you're expecting, he's all blank and stared at you "Jungkook?" he hummed and cleared his throat "Y/n, is just pregnant, right?" he licked his dry lips and don't know how to react.

Doctor had to confirmed again for him and with stunned behaviour he smile at you "Congratulations." and kiss your forehead "Lemme check the reports." he doubt.

You didn't expected it and your mood immediately change into gloomy then walked out without saying anything "Y/n?"

It's most common symptoms ever for pregnant woman, mild-to-moderate nausea, It might actually be a sign that the placenta is working well, the embryo grows and develops within the lining of your womb, the outer cells reach out to form links with your blood supply.

How you forget that you had been sent through this type of feeling once before when you had a Rowoon in your womb, thinking of back you never get this type of treatment before so you became so fragile and it didn't occur in your mind that you can actually be pregnant!

You have continuous nausea, stomach flu and swelling body parts..


You suffered a great grievance and all he have was plain words such as 'congrats' like seriously! you have urge to beat him there, what type of guy is he? so feasible?

He can give any reaction because he's going to be dad of his second child, this feeling might be strange to him but he was expecting it, to have his own child.

The man might be too overwhelmed after knowing that Rowoon is his son, so he didn't know what to say further...

And here you are giving him water instead, after coming at the villa he didn't talk nor you and the surroundings were silent, Jungkook picked up the glass and gulped down.

"The water is finished, CEO."

You're little irritated, he extend glass "I still feel thirsty." you could only nodded and poured another glass of water for him, he drink it slowly and put aside "Do you have questions for me?" finally he took initiative to ask, you shook your head.

This made Jungkook even more agitated "It's nothing." you said and he felt like you're not happy, so he pulled you to sit on his lap.

"Y/n, I'm sorry, i shouldn't have to react the way I did but truly I'm the happiest man alive."

Eventhough he was over the moon after hearing today's news, it's weirdest excitement for him... he was wildly happy and his love for you intensely increase than before,

There is no way to really answer this except.... it's the most amazing, scary, wonderful, terrible, awe-inspiring, confusing, whatever you want to think life experience he ever had, it makes him feel manly and studly.

It is proof not only that he had a sex with this woman but that he's virile and manly damn, its like 'I did this!'

Kind of that man got to show off his sex life....??

"You're pregnant! This is amazing!" Excitement, a lot of this like he wanted to tell you that he have always wanted to be a dad and hey, now it's working!

"hmm." you nodded and he pulled you into kiss, he kisses your bottom lips while you suck his top, mmk he pampered with lot of kisses.

"I will try my best to be great father." you mutely nodded and peck his lips "Congratulations to you too."

He was told recently that he have a boy and he was someone else father already and now he's going to get another soon! What would he be like? Would his son go to work with him? Would they play together or would he teach his child how to do things, would his son look up to him and would he be a better dad?

His mind was blasting...

Honestly, he don't think that he can really explain how it feels, it feels like life itself being ups and downs and a depth of emotion that really just grabs on and shakes him around like nothing he ever felt, it makes him feel small and helpless ... and full of love, So much love.

Both gone through sleepless night thinking to have second child.

It's wonderful and he felt special bond with you, you’re carrying HIS child, literally creating a life inside you... going to give birth which is a miracle but also the most painful thing ever, how much you’re going through.... the pain, the hormones and everything else alone, because Rowoon wasn't planned at that time and you didnt knew what to do, things weren't as happy as expected but he is your pride and joy, he's full of life and gave you the best gift on earth, second chance to being a mother.

Jennie and Seokjin supported you when you were terrified until the moment Rowoon was born and you held him and he gripped your finger, all your fear, self doubt, melted away.

After that your life of living for yourself was over, you gets over it and falls in love with the child and live for that child, it's still unbelievable that Rowoon will be soon in his middle childhood and he will be getting sibling, somehow afraid how he will react.

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