By storums

36.5K 1.1K 908


━━ ONE
━━ TWO
━━ SIX
━━ TEN


410 14 26
By storums

[ act iii - the healed heart ]
( soon it shall come to pass )

     ALTHEA MADE HER WAY TO WHERE THE WATER MET THE shore beside the docks of Kattegat. She noticed Torsten sitting on a rock once again sharpening his sword. She sat next to him which is when he took notice of her. His eyes followed her as she sat, he smiled slightly. She returned his smile.

It had been two months since they arrived to Kattegat. Which gave the people more than enough time to prepare and for Bjorn to return earlier today with the people he left England with. They were all prepared to defend the city of the upcoming onslaught. And which gave Althea enough time to finally confirm that she was in fact carrying a child. When her husband was murdered and after she gave birth, her plan began. Although it was not Ivar's child she would say it was.

Torsten had gone back to sharpening his sword, getting ready for the upcoming battle that they would not be able to prevent.

Althea cleared her throat, "I have something I need to say." she spoke softly before turning to look at Torsten.

"What is it, Princess?" He asked as he stopped sharpening his sword before putting it back on his hip, he sighed.

Althea breathed in deeply, not knowing how he would take the news. "First, please stop calling me Princess, you have earned the right to call me Althea because I am with child.." She trailed off as she looked away, "And it is yours. But I will tell Ivar it is his even though it is not."

Torsten's heart soared at the news, he smiled widely, "My child?" He asked. "When did you know?"

"A few days before I met with Ivar. Which is why I slept with him." She looked back at him. "I know you do not agree with it, claiming your child is someone else's but I would rather you know now. That the child I carry is yours and not his. But once he knows that I carry what he will think is his child he will not harm me." Her words were laced with venom, "I will be the one to kill him. Even if it is not during this battle."

Althea breathed in deeply, "I know that I can not kill Ivar before I have Maximus back, because then Ivar's followers will kill him. And I can not have that happen."

"What if you never kill Ivar?" asked Torsten as he looked at her.

"I will, it may not be anytime soon but I will. And I will take great pride as my sword is covered in his blood. I will watch him take his last breath and then my love will be avenged." Althea whispered.

"I do not care what you tell Ivar, I know you want to see him dead at your feet. But are you sure it is mine?" Torsten asked as he studied her face.

"I am positive Torsten." She stood, "I wanted to tell you that night when I asked you to convince me to go through with my plan but I could not, I was to scared of your reaction." Althea looked down at him, "I was too afraid of what you would think."

Torsten grabbed her hand, "I never had any intention of being a father but you have my word that I will try my best for our child." He smiled softly, "I never thought a day like this would come."

Althea smiled softly at him as she squeezed his hand lightly. "I just wanted to tell you before I tell Ivar it is his and you believe it." She then turned and walked away.

Althea's feet carried her to the great hall and into the room she was given to use while she stayed. She closed the door behind herself.  It was true the child inside of her was Torsten's and she felt awful having to make Ivar believe it was his when it is not. When it's true father stood by her side. She took her cloak off and set it on the chair in the room before sitting on the bed.

She placed her face in her hands and groaned softly to herself before laying back on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Her arms were on either side of her spread out wide. She followed the intricate patterns of the wood above her. She felt like a fool, of course Torsten would have been happy. She should have known but in reality she was supposed to be with Ivar's child and she thanked the gods that she was not. That she found out about her pregnancy before she took Ivar's innocence.

There was a knock at the door and she sat up slowly, her arms supporting her. "Come in." She spoke loudly.

The door opened and in stepped Ubbe. He left the door open as he walked in further. "I know you had a plan but you never told me the details of it. So what was it?" Ubbe asked as he joined his hands in front of him.

Althea motioned for him to sit in the chair across from her. Which he did, he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees and he waiterd for her to tell him.

"I plan on telling Ivar the child I carry is his. And once I do he would not harm me giving me the perfect chance to kill him." said Althea as she gave him the gist of her plan.

Ubbe's brows furrowed, tilting his head. "You're with child? Ivar's child?"

Althea laughed, "Gods no." She breathed in deeply knowing that now her relationship with Torsten would finally be revealed. She picked at the furs underneath her, "It is Torsten's..." She trailed off.

"Your bodyguard?" asked Ubbe as he sat up and leaned back in the chair.

"Yes, he and I started a relationship two months after my son was cut out of me." She looked up at him. "But I found out only a few days before I slept with Ivar that I was with child." Althea shrugged, "Ivar believed he was impotent and I was able to prove that he was not. If I say the child I carry is his he would not even think of killing me."

"Does Torsten know?" Ubbe asked. He was hurt but if she was happy than that was all that mattered.

Althea nodded and smiled softly, "Yes. He knows and he knows what I plan to do. So he is not blindsided by what I say and what I threaten." She finished.

Ubbe smiled softly, "Then I am happy for you, Althea, truly." Ubbe stood, "And it is a good plan, I know my brother and if you claim that the child you carry is his he will believe it. No doubt, he would listen to what you say." He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You are a good mother and I am proud of how far you have come. Your son and the child you carry are lucky to be your children." Ubbe smiled at her. He was truly proud of her. He remembered that she was terrified the first time but this time she seemed more at ease and happy.

"Thank you, Ubbe," She placed her hand over his, "You are my greatest friend and I am thankful the gods made it so." She smiled at him.

Ubbe nodded and then turned to leave her room. But he stopped at the door, "Lagertha is planning a feast tonight. For Bjorn's return. I expect to see you there." Ubbe smiled at her.

"Of course I will be there, I would not miss it." She returned his smile. After that he left closing the door behind him.

She returned to the position she was in before he arrived. She was happy to have a friend like him. He was kind and considerate. He cared for her but she wondered if he cared for her more than he let on. But it did not matter she had Torsten. Who she cared for deeply and could not wait to raise this child with him.

The child she carried would have a father, a living breathing one. And it made her heart hurt for her first born. He had no father only people who would step into that place. She hoped that everything was alright back home. She missed Hakon dearly and hoped this would not take too long. She wanted to return home, with her son back in her arms, where he belonged.

Later in the day Althea was sat at the table with Lagertha, her son, Halfdan, Ubbe, Torvi and Torsten. There were other people there she did not know. They ate and drank and Althea was leaned back in her seat. A cup of ale in her hand as she took a sip.

"Princess Althea, it it good to see you again." Bjorn spoke as he smiled lightly from where he stood. Before making his way to sit down across from Ubbe.

"And you Bjorn Iornside. I see the gods brought you back in one piece." Althea spoke returning his smile. "It is an honor to fight by your side once more."

"And yours, Princess." Bjorn said before he started to eat.

"Tell me Halfdan, what was the most amazing thing you saw on your travels." Lagertha spoke.

"Nothing." He said as she threw his hands up slightly.

"Nothing?" Lagertha asked raising a brow.

"They call it the desert. It's just miles and miles of sand. Sand as far as you can see. And nothing but sand." He chuckled slightly as he bit into his chicken.

"And what was the second most amazing thing you saw?" asked Lagertha as she shifted in her seat. Althea did not care for small talk, she took another sip of her ale as she breathed in deeply.

Halfdan was quiet for a moment. "Everything." causing everyone but Althea to chuckle slightly.

Althea did not care for Halfdan as he was the one who spoke ill of Revna. And she would never forget the words he spoke. How malicious it sounded coming from his mouth.

"Ubbe, why have you fallen out so violently with Ivar?" Bjorn asked.

Lagertha, Halfdan and Torvi were at one end of the table and Bjorn and Ubbe at the other. Althea sat close to Bjorn and Ubbe's side but she could still hear Lagertha's conversation.

"How can you even ask me that question?" Ubbe asked Bjorn. "You know what Ivar is, you saw."

"And Hvitserk chose to go with him." Althea spoke up, not really caring about her interjection into their conversation.

"They will destroy our father's legacy for all time." Bjorn spoke.

Ubbe leaned toward Bjorn to say something as Althea spoke again. "But you can fight to preserve as much as you can."

Ubbe spoke carrying on with her sentence, "Our father lives through us, Bjorn or he doesn't live at all."

Ubbe and Bjorn stared at each other for a second before Bjorn turned his attention to Althea.

"And you, why have you fallen out so violently with Ivar?" Hmm?" Bjorn asked.

"He killed my husband. The father of my child, Bjorn. I will kill Ivar and I do not care what any of you think about that." Althea spoke as she looked at Bjorn, "Would you not do that same if someone killed the mother of your children?"

"I would but I didn't realize you married." Bjorn sighed.

"Yes, I married. I was married to Gunnar, you remember him do you not?" Althea began, "Ivar had him killed the day we took York. We had only been married for a few months." She finished.

"Yes, I remember him, he saved my life on the battlefield more than once. He was a great warrior and man." Bjorn spoke as he stood to go talk to Lagertha and Halfdan.

Althea looked at Ubbe, "I truly hope you do not have any objections if I kill Ivar or not. Because then that would be a problem, Ubbe." She spoke over the rim of her cup.

"Of course not, Althea." Ubbe spoke, laughing slightly. "I don't think you understand the damage Ivar has done. I hold no love for him anymore."

Althea stood from the table and wandered around the room. She could see Bjorn and Torvi in a loving embrace. He seemed happy to see his wife. She could feel eyes on her as she walked. She smiled to herself knowing who the stares came from, she made her way to the hallway that held her room before glancing back at Torsten, she smirked slightly before disappearing down the hallway.

Torsten stood and drank the last of the ale in his cup as he to disappeared down the hallway following after her. He pushed the door of her room open and stepped inside. She was already facing him as he closed the door behind himself. The dress she wore was form fitting and showed every curve of her body. A body Torsten had explored many times before. Torsten smiled softly before he stepped closer to her. Stopping just in front of her. He stared down at her and she looked up at him.

"You drive me insane, Althea." He whispered as he placed his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him.

Althea smiled up at him, "Is that so?" She moved her hands up, resting them on his biceps. The music and talking could still be heard from the main room.

Torsten nodded, "Yes," He leaned down closer to her face, "You always have." He whispered. Althea blushed lightly, as Torsten moved to hug her. He held her tightly.

"You made me the happiest man in all of Midgard telling me that you are carrying my child." Torsten whispered in her ear. "And I plan to show you how happy I am." His lips moved to kiss her neck softly.

Althea closing her eyes instantly, as her lips parted slightly. Torsten's hand roamed her body as they lowered to her thighs as he picked up up. Althea gasped softly, wrapping her arms around his neck tighter.

"Do not drop me..." She said playfully.

"I would not dream of it." He chuckled as he set her on the bed behind her. He climbed on top of her as he finally kissed her. Althea hummed in his mouth as she kissed him back.

Later in the night, when all was quiet, Althea's head rested on Torsten's chest. Her fingers running along his side tracing patters and runes into his skin. Torsten's fingers ran up and down her back softly, his eyes closed. She began to hum softly as she blinked slowly. She never thought she would feel this much peace after Gunnar.

Althea never thought she would love again. She thought her heart was long gone and dead. That it died the day she lost Gunnar. But with time she healed, even if she did not know it. The most unexpected things happen at the most uncertain times. Never once did she think she would be laying in the arms of someone she cared dearly for again. Never thought her heart would heal but here she was.

Althea moved her head to look up at Torsten, she still hummed lightly as her hand trailed up and placed itself on his cheek. She stared at him, her heart full of hope. Torsten opened his eyes slowly and looked down at her, smiling softly at her.

"Your eyes are truly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." She whispered. "I have never seen anything like it. One brown and one gray." She breathed in, "I have always noticed that the gray one seems to change colors. Sometimes it is green and other times it is blue and only occasionally it is gray."

"Like there is no true color that seems to stay within it. It has to be the work of the gods." She finished as her eyes darted from each one of his eyes studying both. Torsten's hand ran though her long hair as they lay there in a comfortable silence staring at each other.

Torsten's other hand cupped her cheek and he watched her close her eyes at his touch. She leaned her face into his hand. "I am falling for you more and more everyday, Althea." Torsten spoke softly.

Althea opened her eyes slowly to look at him, "I never thought I would ever say the same after Gunnar..." She whispered, a tear falling from her eye. "But you have helped heal my heart and I can not help but fall for you either."

Torsten's thumb wiped away her tear, "I am glad, but just because you hold love for me does not mean you have to completely forget about Gunnar. He had you first and he was your first love. And that will always stay with you, until the very end. He is Hakon's father, after all. I do not expect you to ever get over him but I accept you as you are and love you for who you are." Torsten said looking into her eyes.

"He will always hold a place in your heart and I do not expect anything from you. I do not expect you to love only me. Because I will only take you as you are. That is all I want. I do not want you to ever think that I am replacing him because I never will." He whispered softly as he leaned forward and placed his lips on her forehead. "I do not wish you to change into someone else for me I only want to guide you to be the person you want to be." He mumbled against her skin.

Her eyes closed once more, he did not want to change her. He never did and he does not care that she still holds love for Gunnar, the father of her child, her first born. She knew it was time then in that moment that she was truly ready to love again. Another tear fell from her eye, as she opened them again.

"I love you, Torsten the Terror." She whispered, not wanting to make the same mistakes she made with Gunnar.

"And I you, Althea the Bloodthirsty." whispered Torsten and he moved to place his forehead against hers. They both smiled softly at each other

You never know when you are going to lose the one you love. It could be today or tomorrow. In days, months or years, and life is truly too short to not tell the one you love that you love them.

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