Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1

By WordsSmith1979

80.8K 2.9K 152

The Savage Skulls MC was well-known all over the U.S. with charters spanning across most of the West and Sout... More

Author's Note #1
Author's Note #2
Author's Note #3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
More Characters
Author's Note #4
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Next Book

Chapter 37

1.1K 44 3
By WordsSmith1979

**In previous chapters, Priest's wife was called Mack, short for Mackenzie. I no longer like calling her Mack, so she'll be referred to as Kenzie. I will go back and change it in the other chapters**

Axle, Viper, and the others scoured through dozens of documents trying to find a connection with Beast and Bishop Clearing. "I got nothing," Viper disclosed. "I checked all land and housing deeds, nothing listed for that name," Spook chimed in.

The frustration level was high at this point. "Beast didn't fly her to the fucking moon, he's got her in Reno, I know it." "He wants me to find him," Axle groaned. Then his phone started buzzing.

"It's Capone," Axle informed, putting him on speaker. "What's up brother?"

"The boots!" "She's wearing the boots!" Capone repeated with labored breath. "What the fuck are you talking about?" "What boots and who?" "And why the hell do you sound like you ran a marathon?" Axle asked.

"Charlie is wearing the boots Spook gave Kate." "Spook, she's wearing those boots!" Capone screamed loud enough for the tech genius to hear and understand.

"Holy shit, she's wearing those boots!" Spook repeated. "Yes!" Capone confirmed. "Can someone explain what the fuck is going on?" Viper clearly confused, waving his hands around.

Spook leaped over the couch towards his laptop and started typing away feverishly. "The night Kate went undercover at Circus Circus, I gave her a bunch of shit to wear that had listening devices embedded in them."

"Ok, what's so special about these boots?" Axle asked. Spook looked up from this laptop. "I put a GPS tracker in the soles." "I can find her.


Everyone was anxiously waiting for Spook to work his magic. Axle hovering over his shoulder like a hawk stalking prey. "Bro, you hovering isn't going to make me find her any faster," Spook scowled at his Prez. Axle put his hands up and slowly backed away.

"Seriously, what were the chances she was wearing those boots?" The Unholy still in disbelief on how their luck just changed. "Probably one in a million," Hawk piped in. "Regardless, thank goodness she was wearing them." Capone replied.

Axle was pounding the floor with heavy leather boots, pacing up and down the room. He could feel Viper's eyes piercing through his back. Axle turned around and was immediately faced to face with Viper.

Viper tilted his head towards the back, gesturing for Axle to follow him outside. There was a brief silence before Viper took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. "Smoke?" He offered Axle, who politely took it.

"Are you going to strip my patch?" Axle blurted. He needed to know his fate, was he still going to lead his charter and still be a Skull or was he out. Viper had all the control. "Do you think I should?" Viper asked, blowing smoke in the air. Axle shrugged his shoulders.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't." Viper revealed. Axle raised his eyebrows seeking clarification. Viper let out a chuckle. "You haven't violated any laws in our national charter, there are no charges I can levy against you."

Viper was right. When his father and uncle started the Skulls, they established a democratic system. For a charter president to have his patch removed, he would've had to violate one of their laws. Then depending on the charge, all the charter presidents must vote on whether or not to revoke the person's membership - it was called a kill switch. From what Axle was told, it had only ever been used once since the Skulls were created.

"I can't remove your patch or  membership just because you dating my sister got her kidnapped...again." Axle exhaled feeling revealed. He would never want to leave the Skulls or his men. He put out the butt of the cigarette on the ground.

"I know Charlie's life has been in danger because of me and I'm beyond sorry for that," Axle apologized. "I'm going to stop you right there, if anyone is to blame it's me," Viper confessed. "I agreed to Irish's suggestion of letting Charlie come here, she's my sister and I'm responsible for her safety."

"As am I now," Axle declared. Viper realized he couldn't keep them apart despite his best efforts. "I'm sure my father and uncle have threatened your life if you hurt Charlie." Axle laughed and nodded.

Viper's facial expression hardened. "I'm not as nice as them, I won't threaten just your life." "If you hurt my sister in any way, I will find a reason to revoke the entire Vegas charter and brand you all as traitors."

"Axle, we got her!" Priest came bursting through the back door. He paused, sensing the tension between Axle and Viper. "Let's get my sister and my future niece or nephew, eh," Viper said, flicking the reminisce of his cigarette on the ground.

"What was that about?" Priest asked, concerned. Axle sighed. "Nothing I can't handle." He said walking back inside behind Priest. "Where is she?"

Spook gave a telling look, indicating that Axle wasn't going to like what he was about to hear. "You were right, she's still in Reno."

"I'm sensing a but here, what the fuck is it?" Axle exasperated, motioning for Spook to hurry up and explain. Spook turned his laptop around showing a satellite map of downtown Reno. "She's in that building right there."

"On the corner of Bishop Street and Clearing Blvd." Capone added. "Bishop Clearing," Axle repeated in a whisper. "That's why we couldn't find it." "It wasn't a name of a person, but street names." Spook explained.

"That's not all though," Priest chimed in. He gestured to the others to explain what they realized when finding the location. "Axle, downtown Reno is in the city, Sheriff Ford has no jurisdiction, he can't be of help." Ice elaborated.

"Fuck!" Axle screamed, nearly pulling his hair out. "Can we not catch a fucking break?!"

"Remember what Sheriff Ford said about the new police chief, that she doesn't take too kindly to biker gangs in her city." Hawk reminded everyone. "Is there a way to get around the jurisdiction problem?" Axle asked.

Spook's lip tilted up like he was about to checkmate his opponent. "I did some digging on that building, it's an old casino that went out of business years ago." He began explaining.

"Yeah, so how does that help us?" Viper cut in. "The casino's owned by the Walker River Paiute Tribe, a federally recognized band of the Northern Paiute people." Spook answered.

"That means the building falls under federal jurisdiction." Ice smiled. Axle gave a knowing look to Priest who was already reaching for his phone. He knew exactly who to call and help them with their problem.


Kenzie  strutted inside Cathedral with an annoyed look on her face. She threw her leather jacket on a nearby chair. "I see you more now than when we were living together," Giving Priest a peck on the lips. 

Priest grabs her waist and pulls her into his chest and gives her a steamy kiss. Then he whispers, "Maybe we should fix that." Kenzie shakes her head, slapping his chest playfully.

"How can the federal government be of service?" Kenzie asked, giving a joking bow to everyone. Axle explained the situation they were in, including everything with Bianchi, LOH, and the Cartel.

Mackenzie started pacing around the room processing the information she was given. She glanced over to Priest who gave a faint smile. "This is quite the mess, Axle."

"So your plan is to what...go in there and have a duel with Beast?" "What if he's not alone, he may have an army with him." Kenzie pointed out. "That part is not lost on me, Kenzie." Axle countered. "But my girlfriend is in there, and I'm doing whatever is necessary to get her out."

"Babe, we just need you to cover us in case city police get involved," Priest stated.  "It's not like switching on a light, there's paperwork and protocols that are followed before federal agents can get involved," Kenzie explained.

"I'm sure there's a way for you to get around that; this operation would be completely off the books." Spook chimed in. "And if you need some documents drummed up, I can create those." He offered.

Kenzie held up her hands. "No, absolutely no fake documents." "I'm not risking my career so this will be done through the proper channels." "Just give me 24 hours to get the ball rolling on this."

"Ok, I can do that." Axle agreed.


"Don't jump!" Simon laughed, walking inside Chief Reagan's office, placing a stack of folders on her desk. Chief Reagan continues strumming her fingers on the glass while gazing at the Reno scenery. "I've always loved this city." "One of the reasons I came back." She smiled.

"I thought it was because of your step-monster." Simon smirked, making himself comfortable in one of the chairs. "Oh yes, of course, that monster." "I'm sure she has a fabulous view from her nursing home." Chief Reagan spat.

She sat behind her big oak desk. "Did you look into that thing I asked you?"

"Yep, all there." He pointed to the top folder. "Savage Skulls MC, their leader is called Eric DeLuca aka Axle." "They've been around for years, long before you returned."

Chief Reagan chuckled. "I slightly remember them when I was in high school." "My friends thought the guys were so cool riding their bikes down the strip." "I found it annoying."

"Of course you did," Simon raised a brow. "You don't buy this whole gas leak incident at their clubhouse, do you?" She asked, reading the incident report Simon retrieved from the Fire Department. "If that's what the fire chief put in his report, why not believe it?" He countered. Chief Reagan got up and walked towards the window.

"What do you have against them?" Simone asked, curiously. He had an inkling that there was much more to this than just ensuring law and order. His boss was way too invested in the Skulls than what he would consider normal curiosity.

"What makes you think I have something against them?" She asked. Simone shrugged his shoulders. "I seem way too interested in them, so I figured there must be a backstory to that."

Chief Reagan shook her head. "There's no backstory." "Now, go and get me the information on Sheriff Ford like I asked you to."


Everyone was waiting for word from Mackenzie. Axle was on edge, anxious to get Charlie and kill Beast. Viper walked up and placed a beer in front of Axle. "Thanks." He nodded.

"I'm curious, how do you plan to handle the situation that happened in the basement?" Viper asked, gulping his beer. Axle tilted his head towards Viper.

"I can't say I wouldn't have done the same as Ink," Viper confessed. "I know Menace changed the charter rules, straying away from the old ways." "But know this, the old way works and it sure as hell would've prevented all this." He gestured around the room.

"Menace had his reasons for changing the rules, who am I to question that?" Axle asked. "You're president, you have every right to change the charter rules how you see fit as long as it doesn't violate the national charter." "This isn't Menace's club anymore, everything that happened changed all that." Viper walked away leaving Axle to marinate on what he said.

Viper was right, this was no longer the same club as before. Beast, Bianchi, Charlie, and everything that's happened changed all that. With the new deal with Kyle and buying the lumber yard, the Skulls have an opportunity to rebuild a better club. Perhaps it's time to make new rules.

Bickering coming from the front door knocks Axle from his thoughts. Kenzie walked in with a tall, medium-built, man with blondish-brown hair. Priest scowled, not liking what he was seeing.

"Hey babe," Priest greeted his wife with a searing kiss, putting on a show for the mystery man. "Jonah, this is Caleb."

"Ah, so you're the husband." Jonah replied in an icy tone.

"Yeah, I'm her husband," Priest confirmed, emphasizing his words. Kenzie leaned into him and whispered. "You're very sexy when you're jealous." Grazing her tongue against his ear. She pulled away and started laughing.

"Everyone, this is my partner special agent Jonah Stoll." "I filled him in on how your club is helping me with my Victor Kim assignment," She winked at Axle and to others.

Mackenzie knew Jonah would never sign off on helping the Skulls, so she had to figure out a way to get his help without revealing the truth.

"Kenzie thinks Victor is storing his H products in that abandoned hotel." Jonah divulged.

"Yeah, we're glad we can help." Capone cheesed. Jonah wasn't completely sure how a bunch of bikers could help a federal case, but he was trusting that Kenzie knew what she was doing.

"Look, I'm not entirely sure how you all can help, but I trust Kenzie knows what she's doing," Jonah smiled at her.

Priest pulled his wife into a far corner while the Skulls kept Jonah busy. "Who the fuck is that?" He gripped her hand extra hard. She yanked her hand away quickly. "Woah, he's my partner on the Victor Kim case, and I didn't know how else to get the DEA's help without tying you into our case." She whispered.

"And how exactly are the Skulls supposed to help you with your "case", Priest repeated, using air quotes. "Touch me," She mumbled. Priest furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

Kenzie sighed. She knew when Caleb got upset, he would start behaving rash and she couldn't let that happen, not in front of Jonah. This wife knew her husband and how to get him to relax.

She grabbed his hand placed in on her breast and began guiding his movements squeezing and pinching. Priest let out a low moan and immediately felt at ease with his stress level coming down. Kenzie placed her other hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. Once the beats began to slow, she removed his hand off of her.

"Look, I'll explain everything once Jonah leaves." "He wouldn't sign off on the paperwork until he met you all." Kenzie places small kisses on his lips.

"For the record, I don't like him," Priest scowled. "Of course you don't," Kenzie chuckled, leading them back towards everyone.

"Are you sure we've never met?" Jonah asked, staring at Spook. "Don't think so man." He replied while eyeing the others in confusion.

"So, are we all good?" Kenzie asked Jonah. "Yeah, we're good." "I'll sign off on your request." "But you keep me in the loop every step of the way." Jonah stressed.

"Copy that." Kenzie agreed, escorting him outside.

Priest stood there glaring at Jonah as he left. "I don't like that guy."

"Of course you don't," Axle laughed with Capone and others joining in.


A couple of nights later, Axle found himself at a bar across the street from the abandoned hotel. It was around 9:00 pm, so the area was still littered with people, but most of the tourists and families were gone.

"I wonder if this is what Gemma felt every time I deployed overseas."

Priest looked at him. "Brother, not the same thing and you know it." Axle leaned forward. "Is it not?" "The worrying, the tightness in your chest not knowing what's going on...what's happening to her." He mumbled.

Priest shook his head. "Gemma cheated on you while you were off serving your country." "Not even close to being the same thing." He sighed, leaning back into the chair. "But I know what you mean." "My wife's an undercover DEA agent and there's not a second that goes by that I don't worry about her safety."

"I retired from the marines thinking Kenzie was ready to finally plant roots somewhere." "She was miserable when she took a desk job at the agency." "Fuck, we fought damn near every day." Priest chuckled, recalling one of their ridiculous fights. "After she threw a frying pan at me for not putting the trash out on time, I knew."

"Sorry to break up your little therapy session, but we got movement at the casino." Spook reported through their earpieces. Axle looked up and saw Stacy walking around the back.

"Bro, that's Stacy," Bas mumbled through the comms. Axle tightens his fist. Seeing Stacy confirms that Charlie is inside that building. It took all his will power not to run across the street guns blazing.

"I know what you're thinking, but now isn't the time," Priest reminded him. "I hope Spook's plan works." "That's a huge casino, she could be anywhere inside." Hawk chimed in.


"Wait...these tiny bugs have a camera inside?" Tank asked, amazed at the high-tech toy Spook had. "Yeah, each one has a camera and can transmit a signal."

"But that casino is huge, it would take a dozen bugs to cover every floor and room in a short amount of time," The Unholy pointed out. Spook sighed. "That's the downside, I only have five bugs and it'll take some time to go through each floor."

"Well, can't we narrow down the options so the bugs don't have to travel to each floor?" Viper asked. "Ok, let's think, you kidnap someone and hideout in an abandoned casino, where would you keep her?" Capone laid out the scenario.

Ice looked at Ink. "Bro, you were the closest to him out of us all." "Where do you think Beast would hide Charlie?"

Ink pondered that question for a moment, walking around the room before finally settling on a barstool. "Beast will have an exit plan, especially if things go south for him." "She's in a room for sure, most likely the first floor closest to an exit.

Axle turned to Spook. "Have the bugs check the first floor, high rollers room, manager's office, and the kitchen." "Got it!" Spook confirmed.

[Flashback End]

"Spook, release the bugs," Axle instructed. The ex-spy had to be careful when approaching the casino. He couldn't be sure if Beast had cameras monitoring the perimeter so he went to the closest building and released the bugs.

Spook watches the bugs on the monitor inside a white utility van parked down the street. "Alright, the bugs are inside." He repeated through the comms. Spook found a broken window the bugs crawled through.

Axle's knee started bouncing as his anxiety was climbing, practically shaking the table. "Bro, you've got to chill out, you're no good to her like this." Priest halted his friend's shaking.

"I just want all this to be over with," He sighed. "I know and it will," Priest assured.

Everyone was on pins and needles waiting for word from Spook. He maneuvered the bugs through the first floor. "Manager's office and the Kitchen are clear." He reported. 

"Woah...wait...what was that?" Bas pointed on the screen. "Where man?" Spook asked.  "Go back a little to the left." He instructed.

"What's going on?" Axle asked nervously. "Not sure yet, Bas saw something." Spook answered. "There!" Hawk exclaimed, seeing what Bas saw earlier.

"Shit," Spook mumbled. He paused a moment before telling the others what they saw. "Beast isn't alone, he's got some hired gunmen patrolling the first floor and probably other parts of the building."

Axle darted his eyes to Priest. "You knew Beast wasn't going to make this easy for you." Axle pursed his lips tight knowing Priest was right. They weren't going to just walk in and walk out as Charlie would've put it.

"Is there any way of knowing if he's got men on the other floors?" Capone asked. "No, it'd be like Colombia, we'd be going in blind." Spook answered.

"Viper." Axle called out. That's his sister inside, he should have a say on what they do next. Everyone could hear Viper's heavy breathing through the earpieces. Charlie's brother was thinking very carefully about their next moves. If they made the wrong decision, it could cost his sister's life.

Before Viper could respond, Axle gets a video call. He looks down and realizes it's coming from Beast.

Word count: 3,319

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