a Light in your darkness

Por UnicornSparkle1230

2.4K 107 112

Sabre has seen everything fall from not only his days in the Steve saga realm but also when Rainbow Steve tur... Mais

Season 1 chapter 1: A family's formed
Small explanation
Season 1 Chapter 2: an unpleasant reunion
Season 1 Chapter 3: a break from the stress and who is Colle?
so.... there's been a delay
Season 1 Chapter 4: an explanation/ who are they?
Season 1 Chapter 5: An enemy thought to be gone/ the plan of a lifetime
Season 1 chapter 5 aftermath/an surprising appearance
Slight delay
Season 1 Chapter 6 part 1: A reunion of sorts/time to place some kings together
us being silly
Season 1 Chapter 6 part2: time to get some kings together/ unexpected return
Bloopers for chapter 7
Season 1 Chapter 7: the plan/ a shocking discovery
I just wanted to show this
Okay ow-
Season 2 Chapter 1: the two kings past explained
Official SHORTS!!!
Season 2 Chapter 2: Royal Shinwa search begins part 1
Season 2 chapter 2 Bonus SCENE: oh boy...
Season 2 chapter 3: the royal Shinwa search begins part 2
Trailer for season 2 chapters 4-8
I got conned in Genshin Impact
season 2 Chapter 4: A visit through dreams
season 2 chapter 5 bloopers
Season 2 chapter 5: Made it to the Shinwa realm
S2-CH5-P2:the rush to leave/the fall of a great kingdom


249 7 21
Por UnicornSparkle1230

This part of the story will have everyone's height (in blocks) so onto the headcanons we go


Sabre:(2'0) Sabre is seen as a son by the chromatic colored kings, a brother(or dad I haven't picked yet) to light, green and yellow, a friend to the entire colorless guard, a hero to the kingdom and something else for M (I will let you guys have fun deducing what they're relationship is with each other).

[Shabre]Shadow Sabre:(2'1) Shadow found a way to get back into Sabre's head with the help of a cloaked Steve he didn't recognize but he didn't pay it any attention as he was finally able to get back into Sabre's mind

[Kirmizi [is what the red king and Goggles call him]M:(2'4) M and Sabre have been friends for a while and things have gone swimmingly for the both of them though something has been making M really happy whenever he and sabre see and talk with each other for however long they're conversation goes.

Light Steve:(2'5) since Light Steve was shy a long time ago he and the orange leader have a very strong bond he, green Steve and yellow Steve all see sabre as a baby brother (namely cause Light, Green and Yellow are all 3 years older than Sabre in this story) and want to protect him so you can guess how hurt Light was when Sabre was under the control of the darkness.

[Thery]Green Steve:(2'6) Green is the most protective out of the three and is usually there when Sabre needs someone to talk to, he and Yellow Steve sometimes like to pull pranks on the Yellow and Green kings from time to time......which gets them in trouble because 1. the Yellow king is Sabre's father figure 2. the Green king is told by Light who pranks him and the Yellow king (yeah I know Sabre and Light are snitches but it's either that or the answers get tickled out of them)

[Sun/Sun rock]Yellow Steve:(2'6) Yellow Steve is the third most protective out of the three and is usually always visiting Sabre when he has the time, he sees the Yellow king as his father and Sol as a brother before he attacked the kingdom though he believes Sol never wanted to hurt anybody just wanted things to go back to the way they were.

[Solstice]Yellow king:(3'4) The yellow king sees himself as a dad for Sabre (to which sabre doesn't mind) and is mildly over protective of Sabre for example if Void punched sabre the yellow king would run around Void and slash him multiple times, he and the orange king are the closest with each other cause of what happened at their original kingdoms, the yellow and orange kings also got closer with each other through the many months they fought the darkness and after the events with Sol Yellow king had a hard time getting better (he still isn't better but the orange king and Sabre have been helping him through it).

[Citrus]Orange king:(3'2) the orange king is kind of Sabre's second dad as he and the yellow king are really close friends (maybe even more but I'll let you decide) with each other, the orange king can read through Sabre like an open book cause he knew him the longest it's the same for light cause he and the orange king have a bond, the orange king is not much of a fighter like Indigo and violet but if needed he will grab a sword and fight someone who messes with his family and friends.

[Vie]Green King:(3'2) the green king learnt a lot of fighting and healing skills during his time as an apprentice to the green leader before him, making him the most skilled fighter out of the kings but he doesn't fight unless theirs a really strong enemy that they are facing that being the darkness or Demon Steve's, he's also an uncle to Green Steve as he knew his father before the events of the darkness making him also Sabre's, Light's and Yellow Steve's uncle.

[Amare]Violet King:(3'1) the violet king is not one to pick up a sword and fight as the leader before him never gave him sword training when he was an apprentice, this made him feel like if he did pick up a sword and try to learn how to use it his old teacher the leader before him would be disappointed and come back to yell at him for it, while the idea of his teacher coming back to reprimand him for wanting to learn how to fight scared him, he still wanted to learn how.

[Dux]Blue king:(3'3) the blue king is mostly close to the indigo King cause they both came from different realms and acts like an older sibling to the indigo king but in all honesty the older brother thing is a façade so indigo doesn't find out about his feelings for him, he wanted to learn how to fight to protect his people including Indigo and their people so he asked the green king after a meeting for some lessons in fighting to which the green king gave him a smug look but gladly agreed to help the Blue king learn how to fight.

[Kosmos]Indigo king:(2'9) the indigo king never liked fighting and after the incident where they became corruption and was purified they were even more traumatized by fighting and loud noises which is why they clung to the Blue king more, during sol's reign they kept having in and out panic attacks to which the blue king helped them out with, the indigo king usually stayed at the citadel or the Blue kings area to calm down and sometimes the violet king happened to be passing by when the Indigo king would go to blue for help with a panic attack having those two form a brotherly friendship.

[Rosso]Red king:(3'5) the red king after the fall of the original red kingdom became paranoid about the outside world, and made sure none of the red Steve's decided to adventure out especially with the darkness wandering around, though that did not stop his apprentice M from becoming curious and sneaking out to see the rest of the world.

[professor Red]Goggles:(3'4) Goggles was driven more and more into insanity and if it wasn't thanks to Rosso or M he might have fallen further into insanity, he missed his friends dearly and wished he could have helped Colle or any of the others before they left.

Colle:(3'4) Colle was stuck in a crystal by the portal in the giants cave for nearly 3 decades and if it weren't for Sabre he would have not been freed from the crystal he was stuck in making him eternally grateful to the boy for doing so.

[Rain]Rainbow Steve:(2'5) after he shattered Rainbow Steve wandered around the hub until he saw Sabre and Light seal the Shadow sword under the Gazebo (you can tell he had fun beating the crud out of Shabre XD) and after a few months was able to become visible to Sabre and everyone else

[Seer]Void Steve:(4'0) Seer before becoming Void had a son who he raised alongside with colle, a few months later though was when Seer became Void and Colle had to defeat him by becoming the second Rainbow hero, (I think we all know what happened next) after the fight Colle couldn't return to Dux cause the Blue Steve Leader after Seer refused Colle access to the World above to see Dux, therefore making Dux hate the Blue steve leader, void was not Dormant and tried to get back to his son through spirit but stumbled upon Dux dyeing parts of his hair red in Honor of Colle.

[Alex](2'8)- Alex has been apart of the retribution since the fall of their original world, she and the others one goal is to make sure nothing happened to Sabre or the Steve's, since she knows about the whole problem of someone from another world getting destroyed over time she made items for each member that would keep that from happening (she didn't have to make one for Galaxy, Elemental, or Time).

[Origin](3'9(all Deity Steves are nearly 4-5 blocks tall))-Origin has been around to meet the first wave of Shinwa's appear in the Steve Realm, and helped them get accustomed to the world in case anything happened, it was a few years later that the king(Alaric)'s wife gave birth to a baby boy who the king allowed Origin to hold and be the godfather of, Origin at first was hesitant but after the baby reached his little hands out to origins finger and grabbed it Origin accepted the offer, instantly growing attached, he was given an item by the king so he could visit whenever he wanted but was unable to a couple years later(due to an invasion by power-hungry players).

[Galaxy Steve](3'8)-Galaxy is a dear friend to Colle and grew attached to another friend in a similar world in another form of attachment (Alex), it was only a few months after the fight with the Demon Steves that Time and Elemental formed and they instantly recognized Galaxy as their dad, originally their was a third child of Galaxy's that formed but that kid disappeared and was sealed away in a mortal Steve (I think you can tell who I mean😂).

[Time Steve](2'9)- being the youngest of triplet demi-god Steve's meant Time was babied, a lot, due to the power he formed with, a reason Elemental became so overprotective of him over the years was cause of the middle triplet's disappearance caused by the first curse, Time felt guilty cause TFC was aiming to seal Time away and the middle triplet got in the way.

[Elemental](3'2)-Elemental felt a huge responsibility being the oldest of the triplets that when the middle triplet disappeared he never wanted to lose Time in the same way so when he died in the Steve Saga realm (and nearly died in Rainbow Quest for my AU) Sabre promised him he would try his best to be there for Time, to which Elemental thanked him before disappearing and reappearing in front of Galaxy, who said he knew where Time and Elemental's brother was.

[Hypno Steve](3'1)- Hypno didn't know who his family was until he was awakened and released from Rosso's mind, as a thank you for saving him when the 1st red kingdom was destroyed, when Galaxy and Elemental found him he was severely weakened from the several distances he was away from Rosso (he may be free of Rosso's mind but he still needs to be near him to be ok in the rainbow quest realm) and hurried him back to their home dimension Galaxy made for the 3 Steve's.
(how the characters see each other)
Sabre- Light: Sabre sees Light as a big brother and vise versa with Light seeing Sabre as the problematic baby brother.

Sabre- Sun R: Chaos incarnates. Don't leave them alone together.

Sabre- Thery: nap time is Thery's stuck time.

Sabre- Rainbow: trauma child babies, are babied practically 24/7 after it's discovered that Rainbow kept working himself to Exhaustion and Sabre never had a lot of affection growing up *cough* Assassin *cough*

Sabre- Solstice: wholesome father son bond, the first few weeks after they met Sabre clung to Solstice's side (which rainbow later explained as Sabre asking for affection, Solstice immediately picked the boy way past half his height up and cradled him, Sabre fell asleep comfortably)

Sabre- Citrus: never leaves Citrus' sight, practically had to get a backpack leash for Sabre.

Sabre- Time: ✨ best bros ✨ (maybe more if Elemental stopped being so overprotective).

Sabre- Elemental: tense rivalry, sometimes caught the other doing something in the middle of the night back at the hub.

Kirmizi- Rosso: also father and son, got scolded on occasion for trying to sneak out of the red kingdom back when the darkness was a problem.

Kirmizi- Goggles: chaotic but fun uncle, may or may not have taught Kirmizi a few swear words by accident back when he was a kid.

Kirmizi- Colle: adventurous uncle, got to hold a few relics Colle held close(totally not Genesis or dream Steves hearts shush).

Kirmizi- Beef: only knew him as a baby.

Kirmizi- shard: same thing, Beef and Shard disappeared before Kirmizi was a kid

I will update this later when more characters arrive have a good day!

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