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This part of the story will have everyone's height (in blocks) so onto the headcanons we go


Sabre:(2'0) Sabre is seen as a son by the chromatic colored kings, a brother(or dad I haven't picked yet) to light, green and yellow, a friend to the entire colorless guard, a hero to the kingdom and something else for M (I will let you guys have fun deducing what they're relationship is with each other).

[Shabre]Shadow Sabre:(2'1) Shadow found a way to get back into Sabre's head with the help of a cloaked Steve he didn't recognize but he didn't pay it any attention as he was finally able to get back into Sabre's mind

[Kirmizi [is what the red king and Goggles call him]M:(2'4) M and Sabre have been friends for a while and things have gone swimmingly for the both of them though something has been making M really happy whenever he and sabre see and talk with each other for however long they're conversation goes.

Light Steve:(2'5) since Light Steve was shy a long time ago he and the orange leader have a very strong bond he, green Steve and yellow Steve all see sabre as a baby brother (namely cause Light, Green and Yellow are all 3 years older than Sabre in this story) and want to protect him so you can guess how hurt Light was when Sabre was under the control of the darkness.

[Thery]Green Steve:(2'6) Green is the most protective out of the three and is usually there when Sabre needs someone to talk to, he and Yellow Steve sometimes like to pull pranks on the Yellow and Green kings from time to time......which gets them in trouble because 1. the Yellow king is Sabre's father figure 2. the Green king is told by Light who pranks him and the Yellow king (yeah I know Sabre and Light are snitches but it's either that or the answers get tickled out of them)

[Sun/Sun rock]Yellow Steve:(2'6) Yellow Steve is the third most protective out of the three and is usually always visiting Sabre when he has the time, he sees the Yellow king as his father and Sol as a brother before he attacked the kingdom though he believes Sol never wanted to hurt anybody just wanted things to go back to the way they were.

[Solstice]Yellow king:(3'4) The yellow king sees himself as a dad for Sabre (to which sabre doesn't mind) and is mildly over protective of Sabre for example if Void punched sabre the yellow king would run around Void and slash him multiple times, he and the orange king are the closest with each other cause of what happened at their original kingdoms, the yellow and orange kings also got closer with each other through the many months they fought the darkness and after the events with Sol Yellow king had a hard time getting better (he still isn't better but the orange king and Sabre have been helping him through it).

[Citrus]Orange king:(3'2) the orange king is kind of Sabre's second dad as he and the yellow king are really close friends (maybe even more but I'll let you decide) with each other, the orange king can read through Sabre like an open book cause he knew him the longest it's the same for light cause he and the orange king have a bond, the orange king is not much of a fighter like Indigo and violet but if needed he will grab a sword and fight someone who messes with his family and friends.

[Vie]Green King:(3'2) the green king learnt a lot of fighting and healing skills during his time as an apprentice to the green leader before him, making him the most skilled fighter out of the kings but he doesn't fight unless theirs a really strong enemy that they are facing that being the darkness or Demon Steve's, he's also an uncle to Green Steve as he knew his father before the events of the darkness making him also Sabre's, Light's and Yellow Steve's uncle.

[Amare]Violet King:(3'1) the violet king is not one to pick up a sword and fight as the leader before him never gave him sword training when he was an apprentice, this made him feel like if he did pick up a sword and try to learn how to use it his old teacher the leader before him would be disappointed and come back to yell at him for it, while the idea of his teacher coming back to reprimand him for wanting to learn how to fight scared him, he still wanted to learn how.

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