By KookiesnMinnies99

117K 10.8K 2.9K

"You know my private pool doesn't have cameras on the wall Officer Jeon~ Don't hesitate, kiss me Officer Jeon... More

2.★Kim Brother's★
3.★A Bodyguard For Jimin★
4.★The Unknown Sparks★
5.★The Jewel Is a 'He'?★
6.★Gorgeous Little Barbie/Chucky Doll★
7.★Jimin's Saviour★
8.★Jeon Jungkook is straight?★
9.★Champagne glasses★
10.★The Eye Catching Candy★
11.★Queen Of The Dragon's★
12.★Baby Boy Turned 18★
13.★Kim Jimin Have A Crush★
14.★Late Night Rendezvous★
16.★Tension In The Air★
17.★Joonie And Jin★
18.★Kill A B*tch★
19.★Mafia And The Murders★
20.★It's Forbidden★
21.★Kiss Me Officer Jeon★
22.★Coloured Lie's★
23.★Trust v/s Guilt★
24.★F*ck The Consequences★
25★The little Asmodeus★
26.★Lee/Choi Diana★
27★Who Is She?★
29★He Love's The Bubblegum Boy★
30.★Beauty With Brain★
31.★Love, Family and Pain★
32.★Kingilton Hill's★
34.★You And Me Forever★
35.★Glitters, Diamonds and Love★
36★Betrayal, The Beginning Of Downfall's★
37.★Love So Sweet And Love So Painful★
38.★Prince To The Cinderella★
39.★Everything And Nothing★
40.★The Crushed Rose's★
41★What did I lose?★
42. ★An Eventful Night★
43★The real culprit★
44.★The Taste Of The Same Medicine★
45★Love Wins By Lasting Through Death★
46.★Doll In The Trap★
47.★Namsan Fortress★
48.★Flight Or Fight★
49.★His Savior★
!New Short Story! 💕


4.1K 222 49
By KookiesnMinnies99

Jin stood infront of the huge white metal gate that seperated him from his new beginning. He had a black bag clutched on to his muddied white T shirt. His worn out jeans looked like it had been in use for a good couple of year's.

His eye's looked swollen as if he was crying for several hour's.

Jin looked at the huge bodyguard's infront of the mansion gate in fear. One of them approached him when they felt suspicious about the male.

Jin clutched on to his bag when they approached him with their big step's. He was terrified. He knew nothing about rich people.

All his life, he was looked down upon for being a maid's son.

"Who are you? What are you doing here boy?" They asked him, ready to grab him and throw him out of their view.
Jin took a step back but fiddled with his pocket's to take out an almost crumpled letter from his pocket.

He pointed it towards one of them. With a suspicious look the taller one among them grabbed the letter from his tender hand's.

Jin stood there expectantly, looking at them to say something. He looked here and there in that expensive looking lonely neighbour hood. Even though the place had many other mansion's, The one Jin was currently standing stood out for its magnificent structure and humongous garden. Unlike the other houses, only the 'Kingsloy' mansion stood out like this from the rest.

"Come with us."

The man who was reading the letter walked Jin towards the gate. The electric white gate with golden embellishment's opened with a screech.

Jin gasped at the view infront of him. The mansion was huge, spread out like a vast maze. White painting's with detailed golden works adorned it's huge wall's. Royal blue coloured tile's topped for the roof.

To put together, the mansion looked like a mediaeval palace.

The guard talked with someone on the ear piece he was wearing. Jin looked all around him in awe.

The 27 year old still looked like a child with innocence.

The mansion door got opened by a girl wearing a black and white tight fitted dress. Her hair was held into a pony tail. Face blank with no smile or frown. Just bland. Jin wondered who she was.

"Take him to Sir Kim. Hand him this letter."

The girl took the letter from the bodyguard. Jin followed behind her with steady step's. But his insides were burning with fear.

The white pristine marble's sparkled with his stillout's.

After passing several mahagony doors, they reached a huge office door. The maid knocked on it twice and stood there waiting.

After hearing a bell, the maid opened the door to that huge office. Mr. Kim Seojoon was sitting there reading a book. Yes reading a book. The man in his early 50's had only little to do in that office. All the finance's and business was now carried out by his three son's. But the old man still liked to spend his time inside his office. It keeps him calm.

But his better half would soon find him and give him an earful for spending his time cooped up in this office.

Seojoon looked infront of him and saw a boy and one of their maid's standing there. He gave a questioning gaze to her. So she gave him the letter she was holding before he had the chance to ask what.

Seojoon opened the letter analyzing the male infront of him. He looked terrified.

Master kim,

It's your maid Haejin.

I am seriously getting ill. It had been a privilege to work for the Kim's all these years. Because of your kindness I was able to feed my son with meal's.

I don't think I will make it out alive. I only have a son. His name is Kim Seokjin. He is a brilliant child. But unfortunately, he was born for this maid.

So as a last request, please give him a job there. I don't want him to wander on the streets were men are waiting to take advantage of his innocence. He is pure.

He knows house chore's just like me. Please provide him with a shelter and three meal's, that is enough for him.

Thanking you for everything Mr. Kim.

Good bye

Seojoon looked at the male infront of him with sympathy. The boy had obvious stain's of tear's on his face. He knows the maid Haejin that worked for them. She had worked here almost 27 years back. She went back to her home town during an emergency and came back after years. Since then she was working for them. She was a loyal one.

It was last month that she took a long leave due to her illness to go to her home town. Never thought she wouldn't make it out alive.

"When did it happen?" The older man asked.

"T-Three days back S-Sir Kim."

"Hmmm. We already hired a maid in place of Haejin. But don't worry. We have a room for you too. Do you know how to cook?"
Looking at Jin Seojoon can say that the boy was tender. He doesn't want to give any difficult task for him. Besides every one in this household loved Haejin's cooking. She was considered the head chef of the kitchen. He hope that this boy mastered some of her skill's too.

"Yes. I l-like cooking." Jin said with sparkle's in his eyes. He loved cooking. Wanted to study culinary art's but was not that fortunate to have higher education.

"Then you are hired inside Kim mansion. You. Take him to the maids quarter's and show him his room. Help him with all the information."

"Yes. Mr. Kim." The maid bowed her head. Jin followed her like a puppy. It was early in the morning. So he didn't get to see much of the mansion's resident's other than a lot of maid's on his way towards the backdoor of the mansion that leads to the quarter's.

He had taken the early train from Daegu. The only money he had was given for Haejin's funeral. And for the rest he took a train to Seoul, where kingsloy' mansion was residing. He was hungry. He hadn't been eating anything for the past two days.

His body was deprived of fluids and food as he have been crying continuosly without end.

"This is your room. You will be sharing it with.... Beomgyu!.." The girl tapped on a door inside the quarter's. The door opened and a cutie stepped out yawning.

"What do you want noona?"

"Weren't you whining about not having a room mate. This is...."

"Jin. Seokjin." Jin said giving a small smile to his new co mate.

"Wow! Come here. You don't know how lonely I was." Beomgyu pulled the male inside.

Jin looked around the room. A modest looking room with two single beds. Two seperate cupboard's and a table in the middle. It is much luxurious than his broken home back in Daegu.

"So you are new here?" The maid left them alone.

"yes I am the son of the head maid Haejin." Jin kept his bag on the other bed which Beomgyu pointed for him.

"How is she? Haejin was like my Eomma. I used to call her Eomma."

"She is... She.. she passed away last Friday." Beomgyu gasped, his eyes already watering. That lady was like a mother figure for the smaller. She had given him love like no one ever given him.

"I am sorry."

"It's alright. let me freshen up. I look dirty."

"Stay there. Are you going to wear that? You need to wear the uniform. I will bring one in your size okay?" Beomgyu said before going out.

He bit his lip's looking at himself in the mirror. The almost 18 year old looked a lot sexy. He grabbed at the waist band of his shorts and tried to lower it a bit more. When it was almost at where he wanted, he smirked. Jaebum is going to love this shorts for sure. His crop top aided in showing his smooth belly button out. Styling his cotton candy hair a bit, Jimin took his bag and walked out of his room.

On his way he bumped into his mother. Irene was wearing a red bodycon dress with black heel's. Her lip's looked a darker shade of red.

"Ouch!! Jimin where are you looking? You could have ruined my attire completely. I have this birthday party to attend today. And what. Are. You wearing?" His mother asked keeping her hand's on her hip's.

"Can't you see? Or did you forgot your lenses. I am wearing a dress." The boy said with a bored expression. If this lady doesn't stop bothering him one of these days. He would do his father a favor and end his misery.

"You look like a slut Jimin." She said giving a ones over to Jimins attire. The smaller was taken aback by her comment. It still bothers him. Because no matter what this lady gave birth to him and it stings sometimes.

"And you looks just the same laughing stock of a mother." With that Jimin walked away from her. His heels clicking on the marble's in rhythm.

"IS THIS HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR MOTHER?" She screeched from a distance. Jimin rolled his eye's at her pressing the button to the garage. He had no time for her tantrum's. This mansion sucks. He felt dyspneic in her presence.

Jimin walked out of the elevator towards his baby yellow Bugatti. A few other resident's of Kingsloy' mansion was already going to their respective destinations in the morning.

Jin stood infront of the mirror analyzing his new maid uniform. It was showing his curves in the right places with this white silk shirt and black skinny pants. He turned around immediately blushing red. His round butt was perfectly showing with this pants.

"I know it's a little absurd to have a maid uniform like this. But I have been working here for the past two years. It's still the same."

Jin looked at Beomgyu who was wearing the similar outfit as him. His stomach grumbled suddenly and Jin was more than embarrassed.

"Didn't eat anything?" Jin shook his head as a yes. He was hungry.

"Okay let's go to kitchen. The family would have had their meal by now. Ours is served here in the cottage. Dont worry. It's a luxury too." Jin felt at ease for having Beomgyu as his room mate. He was afraid, he would have been looked down as an outcast.

Both Jin and Beomgyu ate their fill with the rest of the maids. There were a total of 55 maids working for Kingsloy' mansion.

"I was assigned for the kitchen. What is your department?" Jin asked curiously when they were heading towards the main house.

"I am associated with cleaning. It's quite tiring too. Me, Nancy and Nayeon have the whole 3rd floor to look after. We make it fun when it's too tiring."

"I don't know about any of the preference's of the people inside this mansion. What if I mess up something and they throw me out?" Jin was genuinely worried. He haven't had any experience with cooking for a whole family who feeds on luxury every second of their life. He only knew that he was good at cooking like his mother.

"Don't worry about anything. I will teach you everything. Sir Kim seojoon and his son's are really kind towards every worker's here. Except for the second son's wife, you should fear every other wives here. They are the most venomous snake's here. And there is this prideful princess of the Sir Kim Namjoon, Kim Jimin. I haven't seen him with a genuine smile ever except when he is with his daddy. He only glares at every one who comes near him. Such a spoilt brat. And there is the second family which is Kim seojoon's younger brother sir Kim Saejoon's. His son's and daughter's are another story. He is kind but not his wife. The older son is a doctor. He is married and have an almost five year old son. The second son is a complete jerk. Please keep a distance from him. The third daughter Rosè is a sweet heart. She is married to Min Yoongi another business tycoon in korea. They had a beautiful daughter recently. Then there is the last girl Wonyoung. Such a drama queen. Never liked her one bit." Beomgyu said everything in a whisper.

"Show me the second wife." Jin wanted to keep a distance away from the others and finding out who the second son's wife would be an easy job.

"I will. He is a social butterfly. He always helps me with thing's. His name is Kim Hoseok. Sir Kim Taehyung fell in love with Hoseok when he was working as an intern in Lee group. The two got married after an epic of events. Sir Kim stood on his ground when chaos were happening inside the mansion. He stubbornly declared he will only marry Hoseok. Everyone said otherwise because Hoseok came from an average family and besides he was a male. Earlier they were not so pleasant about gay marriage's. But Sir Kim Namjoon's son is a baby boy too. After that nobody cared much about it. But he is still looked down up on. Sir Kim Taehyung would kill for him.... Hmmm such a love story..." Beomgyu said with his dreamy eye's. Jin heard everything with his curious alpaca eye's. This Kingsloy' mansion had a whole lot of story to tell for sure. He was confused as hell.

"Taehyung~... Mmmh stop it~ you are already late..." Hoseok doesn't think Taehyung was going to stop any time soon. It was a job to wake up the male and get him ready for every day.

Hoseok was trying to button up Taehyungs shirt but the older had other plan's. His husband had dived in to his chest and started leaving open mouth kisses there.

These were their usual morning's. He had to deal with a hungry tiger every day for the past two year's.

Hoseok panicked when Taehyung started to unbutton his shirt.

"Tae. No. No. No... You have a meeting remember. Namjoon hyung is going to kill you if you miss it like last time."

"I will be quick please, baby." Hoseok rolled his eye's. He grabbed the male's head were it was attached to his chest.

"I know how my baby gets once he starts. So be a good boy for me and go. You will be rewarded."

Taehyung with a whine, reluctantly started buttoning up his shirt. It was hard to leave his love every day.

"I married such a horny man. Now go." Hoseok practically pushed his husband out of their room that situated on the fourth floor.

They both descended the height in an elevator. Taehyung took his briefcase from Hoseok when they reached at the front door. His whole demeanor changed to that of an alpha male. The initial baby face he made with his wife vanishing like it was never there.

He kissed hoseok's forehead and smiled at him lovingly. The smile only reserved for his love.

He reached for his car key from the security and got inside his car soon driving off. Hobi only went inside when the car disappeared through the mansion gate.

"Taehyun. you promised. Don't forget it like last time. I can't get embarrassed infront of my friends."

Taehyun scratched his forehead getting annoyed at the woman beside him. He harshly took his brief case from her and walked infront of her without bothering to answer her.

"Taehyun I am talking to you. She is my best friend since from preliminary. I can't miss her son's birthday even if I doesn't have the privilege to be a mother of one." She said rolling her eyes. Her annoyance evident in her tone. The male was walking ahead in his dark purple suit looking like a model.

"What do you want Sana? Look I have a hell lot of things to do in the company. I don't have time for those princess parties Sana. Give me a second to breath." They both got inside the elevator from the third floor where their room was situated.

"Why are you always like this. I am your wife. You don't listen to one thing I tell you. You don't even act like a husband towards me. I am just asking this one thing and you can't even fulfill that. Let me go and tell this to appa Kim. Let him hear my misery." She whined with angry tear's making Taehyun's head ache worse.

"Why do you have to drag him inside our marital life Sana? How many times I have told you to stop doing that? He is not the one to take decisions for me. I am a grown up man." Taehyun said in a low whisper with his gritted teeth when they reached the down floor. The male doesn't want the rest of the family to hear their usual morning..

"I won't, if you come with me. I will be waiting." She said coldly. The girl was wearing a royal blue skirt and top that had golden thread works at the sleeves and border. But nothing looked enticing to Taehyun. Rather he felt suffocated in her presence. The only peaceful time he gets is when he is inside his office. Doing heavy paper work's. No thrill or the usual pleasure was felt when he married Sana, the daughter of Royal Empire which sold luxury brands of perfume's. Apart from the heavy money she had, the girl had nothing virtuous about her.

The power and money had blinded her and moulded her into someone who looks down up on anything she considers not matching to her standard's.

Without turning around Taehyun got inside his car driving away from his misery as soon as possible.

She looked at the disappearing car in victory. She knew the right way to tame her husband to her wishes. It's a fact that the ladies of Royal Empire never admits defeat. Now the only thing she wanted was for her husband to actually see her as a wife and give her what she wants.


To be continued...

3k words

So how was it?

I keep messing up with Jeon and Kim... So if you see any mistakes please point it out...

All the character age will be revealed in the coming chapters.

Our hero is going to have an entry in the coming chapters...
I maynot be able to reply you all but I will try to update.

Slow updates for now.. after my exams will try to update faster.


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