Spider-Man and The Esper

By Omegaknight14

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A hero from different universe unknowingly arrives in the One Punch Man universe. He holds a dark past with h... More

Character Bio
1. The Strongest Heroes
2. The Lone Cyborg
3. Practice Bout
4. The House of Evolution
5. Evolution Ends, Burning Building
6. The Deadly Ninja
7. The Meteorite, Spider-man Meets Fubuki
8. The Sea Folk
9. Unyielding Justice
10. You're Not Alone, The Dark Past
11. The Class-S Meeting
12. Dark Matter Thieves
13. End of Dark Matter
14. Helping Out the Spider
15. Spider-man vs Class-S
16. Training On The First Day
17. Day Off, Shopping
18. Meeting The King
19. Looks Like We Got Competition
20. The Spider's Mind
21. Bomb Incident
22. Gift Of New Life
23. Crossing The Street
24. Breaking Point
25. Questions and Bank Robbers
26. Hospital visit
27. Birthday Surprise
28. Injury
29. Breakfast, World Trade Center
30. One Thing After Another
31. Spider-man fights Sonic...Again
32. The Winter Festival
33. Livestream
34. The Hero Hunter
35. Absolute Carnage
36. Forest Battle
37. Crazy day
38. Mobilize
39. Rematch
40. I'm Here
41. A Hero or Monster? Part 1
42. A Hero or Monster? Part 2
43. A Hero or Monster? Part 3
44. A Hero or Monster? Part 4
45. A More Greater Threat
46. Absolute Evil
47. The Hero Vs. The Villain
48. Sacrifices
49. First Steps of Redemption
51. First Time In The Suit
52. Nightmares Again
53. Random Attack
54. Lost Kids
55. Helping Hand
56. The Young Hero
57. Promise
58. Car Accident
59. Feeling Better
60. The Right Choice
61. Night Talk, Bet
62. Beach Arrival
63. Struggles and Guidance
64. Chicken Mayhem
65. What Happened?
66. Hospital Visit
67. Dr. Wilson
68. Fubuki Meets A True Monster
69. A Hellish Nightmare
70. A Broken Awakening
71. Spider-man Meets Old Friends
72. Spider-man and Deadpool
73. Spider-man Meets The Punisher
74. Need a Hand?
75. Finally Free
76. Car Ride
77. Revenge
78. December Funtime
79. Christmas Day
80. Party Time
81. How'd It Come To This
82. I'm In Hell
83. Journal Entry
84. I'm Done
85. Not Alone In The Mutiverse
86. The Truth Comes Out
87. Drug Bust
88. Old Enemies But First Encounter
89. Final Battle
90. The Spider Reawakens
91. The Spider Never Stops
92. Blinding Rage
93. Comfort From A Brother-in-law
94. I'm Here For You
95. Adorable Hibernation
96. I Care About You
97. Take Care
98. Potential Hero, Shopping Trip
99. Til Morning
100. Helping Hand
101. Drunk Michael
102. We're Here For You
103. Cletus Kasady Investigation
104. Michael's Past Still Unfolds
105. More Trauma On Michael's List
106. Fight With The Avengers
107. Broken Kingpin, Last Good Moment With The Avengers
108. Forgiveness
109. Fubuki and Psykos vs Carnage
110. The Monster Has Awakened
111. Spider-man's Happy Ending

50. The Day Has Finally Come.

380 10 8
By Omegaknight14

It was this very day. Tatsumaki was giddy with excitement, already having slipped on her bridesmaid's dress and standing in the corner of the makeshift fitting room of the hotel where her sister was to be wed. Tatsumaki was behind a changing curtain, a flowery-patterned folder of standing fabric to hide her from any wandering eyes. In this case, only Tatsumaki was in the same room as Fubuki, but she was beyond excited to see what was soon to come.

"Need any help over there sis?" asked Tatsumaki. Her heart pounded.

Say yes, say yes, I want to see you smiling in that dress! she thought. In truth she'd see her sister in a moment anyways, but it was just too much to wait.

"No I'm fine," said Fubuki. "I can get the back with my powers."


"Relax, I'll be out in a second."

"You're smiling aren't you?"

"...of course I am."

Tatsumaki clasped her hands together and let out a tiny squeal. She could hear a chuckle from behind the folder.

"How excited are you right now?" asked Tatsumaki. "Because seriously like, I can only imagine."

"It's...hard to describe," said Fubuki. "Like...for the longest time, I knew he was the one, but I just didn't know when we'd get married. Since, you know, we just kept having bad things happen, but then it finally cleared up..."

Silence. Tatsumaki leaned forward, as if expecting Fubuki to whisper her next words.

"And now it's finally happening," said Fubuki. Her voice was tiny, choked by the threat of tears. "Finally, I get to marry the man I absolutely love. My heart...my heart is going so fast right now, but my head's clear, like I've been expecting this for the longest time but I'm still so excited for it. When I see him up there...I'm going to cry sis, it's going to be really hard to keep it together. We're going for a great life now, this feels like the first big step for us together. Spider-man and me."

"You're going to be husband and wife sis," said Tatsumaki. "I'm so, so happy for you. You deserve all the best in the world, you and Michael both, and you're going to get married, I'm around to see you get married..." Tatsumaki trailed off, wiping her eyes.

"There's going to be a lot of crying today, isn't there?"

"Yeah. I'm already tearing up."

"Me too."

With a little sigh, Tatsumaki rounded the folder and came into full view of Fubuki. She looked just as beautiful as before, with her eyes slightly reddened and a big smile on her face. Her expression was gushing with love.

"Sis," said Tatsumaki. "You look amazing."

"So do you," said Fubuki. "You ready?"

"Yeah," said Tatsumaki. "Is he already out there?"

"He should be soon at least. I just got my dress on!"

"Oh, do you want help with makeup or anything?" Tatsumaki grew giddy at the thought.

"I don't want much..."

"Alright, just a bit then. Come on! I'll help you out."

Tatsumaki grumbled as she followed Fubuki into the bathroom, but quit her irritated noises once she caught a glimpse at her sister's beaming face. She couldn't possibly stay unhappy when seeing her like that. Her being so joyous made Tatsumaki almost burst at the seams with glee. One day, Fubuki would be in a bridesmaids dress for her sis, and it just made her all the more hopeful for the future.


Just a few halls and doors down, Spider-man was dusting off the edges of his suit, Saitama looking him over as he was wearing a tuxedo as well, in fact it was his old suit that he wore before he started his 3 year training.

They too had their own room isolated from the rest of the world, only Spider-man and his friend standing in front of a row of mirrors. Spider-man stared at himself.

Even though he had a full tuxedo, he still had his mask on.

"I can't believe this day would come."

"This is your wedding man!" said Saitama. "Only going to happen for you once in your life! Fubuki is going to love it."

Spider-man kept looking over himself, almost as thorough as Saitama when it came to spotting even the most minor of problems. He couldn't believe it as he stared deeper into the mirror. This man, this man in front of him, was actually getting married. To his soulmate, no question about it. He had gone from being an absolute trainwreck to the happiest man in the world, and with no shortage of hardship he had gone through to earn that title. His eyes watering, Spider-man sniffed and glanced over at Saitama as he straightened himself up.

"Not even a year and a half," said Spider-man. "Not even a year and a half ago, I was still a complete mess when I arrived here. Just years on my earth going by, waiting to die at some point..."

Saitama's eyes widened in shock.

"Until you found me unconscious in that alleyway, nowhere else to go in this world. You helped me with what this world was like. Then I found her," said Spider-man, turning back to the mirror. The world was a watery sheen through his eyes, rainbow colored and unfocused. "And look at me now. I'm really getting married, aren't I? I only...I only dreamed of this. My second mother, Mary would always tell me that if I ever get married, she told me to find a girl who understood me, respected me, and appreciated me for who I am and if I feel the same way towards her."

"That you are," said Saitama. "And I can think of no better man who deserves it more than you."

"It's still so crazy to me."

"A lot of that good came from you...and Fubuki too."

"I know, I know. I'm not saying I miss the old times, or that I don't deserve what I have right now, it's just..."

Spider-man wiped at his eyes under his madk, the fabric of his suit brushing against his skin. It was rough to the touch, and as Spider-man lowered his arm, he hoped he wouldn't look too rough up at the gazebo as well.

"It's all so hard to take in when you think about it," said Spider-man. "I'm beyond happy now, and fuck I'm going to be so nervous when I'm up there..."

"Ah it won't be so bad!" said Saitama. "Just be yourself, Fubuki loves that!"

Spider-man chuckled. He felt more at ease now.

"I mean yeah," said Spider-man. "But imagine if it was you up there and Tatsumaki coming down the aisle."

Saitama froze for a second, his heart hammering in his chest as the briefest of visions crossed his mind. Tatsumaki in a white dress headed for him...

"You've got a point, well at least until my emotions start to slowly come back is all that matters. Tats understands that." said Saitama. "Though, I feel that it's really only the first few seconds that you're nervous. Once you two make eye contact, and she heads down the aisle, you'll both feel totally at ease."

"I think you're right."

"And...going back to what you said earlier..." Saitama sighed. "Yeah, it is all fast, isn't it?

"Like our real lives are starting now," said Spider-man. "Everything prior was us figuring out who we really were and what we wanted, and even though we kept getting pushed down even after that, we still rose out on top."

"That's all that matters," said Saitama. "No sense worrying about the past, you're getting married! Instead of over-thinking your setbacks, just focus on moving forward."

Saitama elbowed Spider-man, who gave him a small grin.

"Whatever plans there may be," said Saitama. "New house, new job, maybe kids, I don't know..."

"I wouldn't mind being a father someday but it's a massive responsibility even for me with still being, well, me." said Spider-man. "It's Fubuki you have to convince. She understands that. Until we figure out how we'll get our lives on track like a good schedule we might make it work."

"Hey, that's your job," said Saitama as he patted Michael's shoulder. "Though I imagine she'll just want to settle down and have fun for a while. Besides, if you guys ever need any support, we'll help you out with whatever you need, our Class-S paychecks get us a lot of money."

"That's the plan. And I'm guessing yours too?"

"Tatsumaki's mentioned some stuff for us...I'll go with her anywhere honestly."

Something slammed against the door. Saitama jolted, turning around with eyes flaring.

"Who the hell..." he snarled. "I told everyone that the groom was here and that he wasn't to be bothered!"

"King," said Spider-man. "Guarantee it's King. No one else would try opening the door like that."

"It..." said Saitama. He sighed. "Yeah, you're right. You want me to let him in?"

"Alright alright," said Spider-man.

Saitama grumbled as he strode over to the door, opening it to reveal a well-groomed and bright-eyed King in his suit. Saitama gasped at seeing the man, shocked that King had actually gone so far as to put cologne on and shave his disheveled beard.

"You actually did what I recommended," said Saitama. "Color me surprised."

"Yeah yeah," muttered King. "It's not that hard and this event is worth it so..."

King tilted his head to look past Saitama and spot Spider-man standing over at the other end of the room. Pushing his way past an annoyed Saitama, King spread his arms out.

"And there he is," said King. "Husband to be. Ready to be shackled for the rest of your life, friend?"

"You do know that I can have you kicked out in a split second right?" asked Spider-man. He was only half-joking.

"Hey hey it's a joke," said King. "I'm kidding."

"Been behaving yourself?" asked Saitama as he closed the door.

King replied, "Give me some respect, I can act like an actual human being for one day."

"Is that right?" asked Spider-man.

"Yep," said King. "Helped security chase away some fuckin dipshits trying to get into the wedding to take photos."

"How bad is it out there?" asked Spider-man. "I uh...haven't checked the front entrance much."

"Well there's some of those paparazzi bastards," said King. "But otherwise, the ones who got wise...well it's terrible. There were dozens of them sneaking around. You have to remember, we've got two of the saviors of the world getting married. Lot of people want to see you two."

"Ah..." said Spider-man. The idea was foreign to him, a mass of attention like an amorphous alien blob that was beyond his understanding. Never before had he received this kind of attention, and to be honest, he didn't really like it. Fubuki certainly wouldn't either.

"But don't worry," said King. "We drove them off easily."

"Heroes aren't supposed to scare people away," said Saitama. "But it'll do."

"Hey they're away and they ain't comin back," said King. "Last thing I fuckin want is some bastard interrupting the wedding with their shitty oversized flash camera."

"I appreciate it, King," said Spider-man. "Thanks."

"Heh just doing my job," said King. "By the way, where's the ring? Haven't seen either of them."

"I've taken care of that," said Saitama. "Genos will bring one, Lily the will bring other."

"She loves it, mainly it was Tatsumaki herself that bought it for us. Even with the timeline stuff is still a bit of a headache to process." said Spider-man.

"True. It actually shows how much Tatsumaki cares about both of you," said King.

Spider-man's cheeks turned a thin shade of red underneath his mask. He scuffed one of his shoes on the carpet.

"God I love her," said Spider-man. "But in any case, is everything ready? Is it time for me to go up?"

"It should be close," said Saitama. "Everything else is ready for the reception, all the guests are here and accounted for, and if the hecklers are taken care of, I can take you up there for the ceremony."

"Cool, cool." Spider-man replied slowly before he suddenly tumbled forward before Saitama and King caught him just in time.

"Woah man! You already?" King questioned the Spider-themed hero

"Yeah, more or less."

"Getting cold feet?" Saitama smirks.

Spider-man nodded, "Yeah that's a way of putting it."

Spider-man took a deep breath. This was it. His heart was pounding, he could've sworn that his arms were a little shaky. Nonetheless he took a step towards the door, the first step towards the rest of his life.


Spider-man had the unnerving task of standing up at the gazebo first, the guests already seated for the most part. Many of them talked amongst themselves, while a few gawked at the handsome man waiting up at the gazebo. He gave them some awkward smiles back, his mind too focused on waiting for Tatsumaki than anything else. Beside him, Mumen-Rider stood, slowly beginning to understand Spider-man's anxiety as he waited for the bride and maid of honor. Mumen-Rider would be the one to wed them.

Everyone was here. Bomb sat next to Bang who sat next to Garou, three of them wearing sharp black suits and talking to themselves right next to a pouting Charanko. Saitama staring up at the sky, Genos right by his side. King, Metal Bat, and a wide variety of other heroes from all classes all waited for the bride to be. All of Fubuki's group and Zenko wondered how Tatsumaki and Fubuki would look in their dresses. Lighting Max, Stinger, Lightning Genji, Sneck were also presentable. Even Fubuki decided to invite May and Ben Parker.

All of them were here for him and Fubuki. Spider-man's face flushed and he looked down, his chest as warm as the summer air. Though some certainly looked more interested than others, at the end of the day they made the effort to be here, to get dressed up and come show their support for the happy couple.

"Lots of guests..." said Spider-man. "Nice to see."

"Yeah," said Mumen Rider. "All good people here."

"Where uh...where are Fubuki and Tatsumaki?"

"They should be out soon..." said Mumen Rider, keeping his gaze trained on the doors to the hotel. "I think they're escorting each other down the aisle."


"Yeah, it's cute."

One of the doors creaked open. The crowd went silent. Spider-man turned to a block of ice in his spot. She was coming, his heart could barely handle it.

Mumen Rider let out a tiny "oh!" before shutting his mouth. Everyone else turned to stare at the doors.

Tatsumaki came first. She was stunning, radiating beauty as always, her dress swirling up her body. Beaming at everyone who was looking at her, she extended her hand into the open door and started to pull out a pale, gentle arm.

Spider-man leaned forward, overtaken by Fubuki's beauty. She was a gorgeous angel sparkling with happiness, a being brought down to earth to bring joy for all even if for just a moment. He started to sweat underneath his mask, knowing full well he'd never be able to compete with someone like her in radiance.

"She looks amazing..." whispered Spider-man to Mumen-Rider.

Mumen Rider nodded. "Here comes your wife..."

Spider-man stiffened, his excitement doubling over as Fubuki finally started to come into view. She took a soft step onto the red rug leading to the gazebo, her hair drifting over her ears and forehead. For a moment, her face was half-obscured by the shadows cast by the afternoon sun, but then she looked up at Spider-man and their eyes met.

That smile. Spider-man loved that smile. It was so beautiful that he nearly wants to cry out of happiness.

Her dress was gorgeous, perfect for her. The way it showed off her shoulders, how it twisted up her body, the pretty patterns at the bottom...all beautiful. But like usual, Spider-man's eyes were brought to her face, her spectacular eyes and the way they pushed her love for him straight into his soul. The little smile on her face, just a bit smug but happy and caring all the same. Her expression was one of sheer adoration for him, of burning love and joy, that the day she had been waiting for so long was finally here, and her love was right in front of her.

Fubuki wrapped her arm around Tatsumaki's elbow and the two of them began their walk, marveled at by all the people seated around them. Fubuki had tears in her eyes.

Mumen Rider had to look away, starting to cry himself.

King had to hold back his excitement, nearly jumping out of his seat to start yelling his support for the couple. Saitama puts on a smile as his facial features were serious and detailed.

The Blizzard Group couldn't even believe their own eyes as their former leader was actually finally get married to a great man, all of them could hardly keep their eyes off of her trying not to burst into tears.

Fubuki headed down the aisle slowly, every step as meticulous as a carver making a sculpture of some grand cathedral. Spider-man was gushing with pride, waiting for her up at the gazebo.

They made their way down, finally arriving at the edge of the gazebo. Spider-man was shivering despite the heat, his excitement ricocheting like bullets through his body. Fubuki stepped up to him, and the two met eyes. Lost in one another, Spider-man and Fubuki started to blur out the rest of the world as Mumen Rider stood over right beside them. Fubuki continued to cry softly, struggling to contain her sobbing.

'Look at those damned two,' thought King. 'This marriage is overdue, really.'

Mumen Rider beamed with pride even as his arms started to shake. Most of the audience was paying attention to Fubuki and Spider-man, both of whom reached out to lock each other's arms with their spouse's. Nonetheless, Mumen Rider's chest tingled with pain as some of the onlookers focused their attention on him. He didn't dare mess up a single word of the ceremony speech.

Mumen Rider pulled out a few notecards from his pocket, his hand shaking. Something touched his elbow, Saitama decided to come up and stand right by his side as any friend would. He shuddered, relaxing his shoulders down.

Mumen Rider cleared his throat, and stood up straight, like a soldier at attention. Everyone, even Spider-man and Fubuki, had their attention on him now. It was like a collection of burning stars all homed in on his position, hope pouring out from their souls to root for the happy people in front of them.

"Everyone," said Mumen Rider. "We're all gathered here today to show our support for our good friends, Spider-man and Fubuki. Two people who have had such a massive impact on all of us, and are now about to be happily married, the first step in what will be a long and amazing life for the both of them!"

Tatsumaki sniffed, silently wishing she could stop her tears so she wouldn't interrupt the speech. It was no use, between Spider-man and Fubuki standing in their wedding outfits, their arms locked and joy on their faces.

Spider-man and Fubuki felt as if they were bathed in a warm glow, the only sound to penetrate their loving veil were the words of a nervous but excited Mumen-Rider.

"We all wish the best for them," continued Mumen Rider. "They've truly touched our lives, and have gotten us through the worst of situations. Spider-man and Fubuki have saved my life on multiple occasions, made Tatsumaki into such a happier person, and are such great friends to everyone here. Without them, none of us could say we would've made it to where we are now. So for that, we thank them. For being the best kind of friends anyone could ask for."

Fubuki gripped Spider-man's arms tighter. Her heart was through the roof.

Spider-man rubbed Fubuki's forearms, his eyes stinging at Mumen Rider's words.

"You two really do deserve all the best," said Mumen Rider. His mouth trembled as he went on, the emotions finally getting to him just like they had to Fubuki, Spider-man, and Tatsumaki. "Really. I want you both to be the happiest you can be, you've brought so much joy and stability and positive change to our lives, and you deserve all the cherishment and happiness in the world for that! This is the first big step for the rest of your lives for the both of you, and I can picture nothing but amazing memories to be made. You've already made so many."

Tatsumaki leaned and laid her head on Saitama's shoulder, muttering softly to him.

"It's so beautiful..." she whispered. Her voice was weak from the crying.

Saitama chuckled. "You want to say something?"

"Can I?" asked Tatsumaki

"Go ahead!" said Saitama. "She is your sister after all...and your new brother."

Tatsumaki almost lost it at the word "brother." She stood upright, pulling herself close to Saitama. After rubbing one of her eyes, she managed to gasp out some words.

"I..." said Tatsumaki. "Sorry, I'm a little choked up."

"It's ok," said Fubuki, trying to comfort her with a loving smile.

"Take your time," said Spider-man. He was melting in his spot, so overcome with joy that it could've started to pour rain down onto the gazebo and he wouldn't have noticed.

"I love you both," said Tatsumaki. "So, so much."

A few "aww's" from the crowd.

"You..." said Tatsumaki, still fighting against her tears. "You two both deserve so much, I want you to be so happy sis, and you too Spider-man, you're the best siblings anyone could ever ask for, and you've both done so much for me, helped me grow and change, and become so much happier as a person, and I've watched you two grow and get better too. We've all...we've all been through so much, so much hardship but so much joy and love at the same time, I know you'll both be there for each other for the rest of your lives, and I just want you to know...that I will too. Saitama, and me, and everyone else. We're there for you."

Tatsumaki was crying now, and Spider-man had to narrow his eyes in an attempt to see through the water biting at his vision.

King wanted to shout his agreement, but reluctantly decided to keep his mouth shut. Instead he smiled and fought back his own tears.

"I'm so happy it's finally happening," said Tatsumaki. "Sis, you're the most amazing person I know, I can't imagine life without you and your smile and your support, and Spider-man, I'm beyond proud to have you as a brother, you've made my sis so happy and you're the kindest and sweetest soul in existence. You two deserve each other, you're an adorable, supportive, understanding, and just plain cute couple. This ceremony is for you both, it's about not just our love for you, but for your love for each other. One which I know will last forever and will never break. Good luck to you both...I...I can't wait to see you grow together, it really will be a great life for you two."

Saitama beamed down at Tatsumaki as both Spider-man and Fubuki wiped at their eyes.

"That was beautiful, Tats," said Saitama. "And...I agree with all that she's said, I want to see you two grow and be happy, we'll always be there to support you, and if you need anything, and I mean anything, never hesitate to ask. I want to be as great a friend to you as you are to me, and with my best friends getting married...I want to make sure your life is as fantastic as the one you've helped me make is. But anyways! I know I'm not the most official guy around, but let's bring out the rings, it's time for my best friends to be wed!"

From out of the main dining room of the hotel stepped Genos and Lily, dressed in a sharp black suit and a flowery white dress respectively. They carried a wooden box with a pillow-like casing inside, the fabric within a deep green hue. It sloped into two tiny hills of cloth, and at the top of each one sat the ring.

Genos and Lily stepped down the aisle, each one carrying the box in their arms. They strode down like a pair of parents walking their own children to an awards ceremony, heads held high and trying their best not to crack a massive smile.

Fubuki's heart began to beat faster and faster as the ring for her came into view. It was simple, gold with a swirled engraving on the inside. Atop was a circular emerald, blazing green in the sunlight.

Genos and Lily brought the rings up to the steps of the gazebo, and with a tiny, content sigh, Lily and Genos offered them up to the bride and groom.

Spider-man peered down at his ring, earlier trying to avoid looking at it as if trying to keep its appearance a surprise until the very end.

As Spider-man reached out to take his, with Fubuki doing the same, she turned and smiled at him.

Fubuki and Spider-man retrieved their rings, and Lily and Genos bowed before retreating back to their seats. Spider-man turned the ring over so he could see the inside, and he could make out some writing within.

For my favorite Spider, the love of my life

Spider-man choked up. He wrapped his fingers around the ring and enclosed it in his palm.

"Made a few design changes to it," said Fubuki.

"You...you know me so well," said Spider-man. "Fubuki, I love it."

"Well, put them on!" said Tatsumaki. "You're husband and wife now!"

Spider-man and Fubuki both chuckled before slipping their rings on. Spider-man checked out how his glowed in the sun, while Fubuki had her eyes caught by the gem on the top.

"And any vows?" asked Mumen Rider. He was curious to hear, Spider-man had kept tight-lipped on what he'd say.

Fubuki felt the same way.

"Of course," said Fubuki, her happiness reaching ethereal levels. She was on a new level of joy, one that, despite all the amazing things to happen in her life, she didn't think she had ever been on.

"Spider-man," she continued. "I swear to always keep you safe, to always make you happy, to wake up every day and dedicate all the love in my heart to you. No matter what happens, no matter what challenges we face, I will be with you, right by your side. Whatever nightmare you go through every night, I'll be right next to you in my arms and face them with you head on. We're here for each other, to support each other, until our very last day on Earth. It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today but there will always be dark days ahead of us too, there will be days where you feel all alone, that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will continue to hold on to hope. Keep it alive, we have to be greater than what we suffer. And even if we fail, what better way is there to live? My wish for you is to become hope. People need that whether they appreciate it or not. Never stop being who you are for your mother, Yuri, May, and me. They would be very proud of the man you've grown up to be."

Spider-man was tearing up behind the mask. Fubuki spoke to him as if they had already been married for decades, a reminder that they were destined for one another.

"I swear that I'll always listen to you," said Fubuki. "I know you'll love me back with everything you have, I want to hear every silly joke, see every little cute thing you do, enjoy being around your childish behavior, be a part of your life forever. With or without the mask I swear that I'll always love you for who you are, Spider-man, you're the one for me."

Spider-man wasn't sure if he could top that. He'd sure as hell make it just as good.

"I'll love you forever too," said Spider-man. "I swear to do everything I can to make every day the best it can possibly be, anything you need, anything you want, I'll provide. I swear to be the best husband I can be, to give you everything I've got, to make a great life with you!"

Fubuki watched her loveable Spider in the world with adoration in her eyes. God she couldn't get enough of him.

"I'll always love you," said Spider-man. "I know you'll love me too. I swear to make the rest of your life amazing and be there for you through the darkest and best of times just like I have before. Whatever life holds in store for us, we will never forget these words. 'With great power, comes great responsibility' This is our gift and this is our curse. Whatever comes our way, whatever battle raging inside us, we always have a choice. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we could always choose to do what's right."

Mumen Rider was trying hard not to tear up, while Tatsumaki had already done so. Still, there was a little more speech to deliver, and Mumen Rider had to power through. It was his responsibility to finish this with every ounce of strength.

"And with that," said Mumen Rider. "Spider-man, do you take Fubuki to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," said Spider-man, taking Fubuki's arms in his, the two never looking away from each other.

"And do you Fubuki," said Mumen Rider. "Take Spider-man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," said Fubuki, squeezing his arms.

"Then with the power invested in me, and the love and support you have for one another and we all have for you, I pronounce you husband and wife!" said Mumen Rider. He threw his arms into the air, the final gesture of the grand ceremony.

Spider-man leaned over and swept Fubuki into his arms. She planted her hands on his chest, laughing at him as he kept his body arched over hers. For a moment, they stared into one another's eyes, drunken with love and adoration. This was their special day, the one they had been waiting for so long. It felt just how it should have, the two of them happy and in the arms of the person they loved most in the world. All they had gone through, all the ways they had changed into such new and different people, only to culminate in this. A ceremony of their love and dedication to one another, no matter the hardship that might come their way.

Fubuki loved it as she lifted up his mask a little bit so that Spider-man could lean in.

They kissed, pushing one another right into their lips. The crowd cried, clapped and cheered, but Fubuki and Spider-man were too far away to hear. Fubuki poured all of her love into her kiss, moving her lips in rhythm to his. Spider-man pulled Fubuki closer into his body, letting her warmth overtake him even as he put every ounce of his passion into kissing his love. His wife.

As they finally began to separate, on the sidelines Tatsumaki kissed Saitama on the cheek, laughing and crying at the same time.

Mumen Rider raised his hands into the air.

"And it's official!" said Mumen Rider. "Bride and groom are now husband and wife! Let's hear it for the happy couple!"

More cheers and shouts. Spider-man blushed, trying to hide his smile. Fubuki only focused on him, smirking. From the look on her face, she must've been implying something more than kissing, as Spider-man turned even brighter red underneath the mask.

"My husband..." she said. "Sounds right."

"Your man," said Spider-man. "And you, my wife."

"Your love," said Fubuki. "Now get over here and kiss me again."

They kissed again, Fubuki not caring about all the attention. They were together, legally and by the bond they had formed over so much hardship and triumph. Nothing could ever break that, and they knew it.

After the vows, everyone headed inside and seated themselves in a rounded dinner table that stretched from one end of the hall to the other, coated in a white tablecloth. A few people stood up to speak, talking about how Spider-man and Fubuki were such inspirations to them.

Not long after came the reception dinner and the dancing. Next up came Spider-man and Fubuki, who were initially more clumsy as they reached the ballroom floor, Fubuki stumbling a couple of times as she got used to Spider-man's rhythm. Eventually the two became synchronized. Fubuki gripped Spider-man's back and held his hand tight into hers. Their fingers and bodies were entwined, inseparable and full of love for one another.

Bomb, Mumen Rider, Psykos, Tatsumaki, Garou, Metal Bat, Genos, Bang, King, and Saitama, who were all chatting by the dance floor.

Back outside, Spider-man and Fubuki sat down at the hill overlooking the lake, watching the moon rise and cast its glow over the water. It was all perfect.

"So Web-head, now what do we next with our lives?"

"What we do best. Save lives, the world, even stay close to the ground as always. There's a lot to think about while we have many years ahead of us."

"Yeah, we really do. Spidey?"


"Do you ever think about becoming parents in the future?"

"The thought crossed my mind for a while. I'm not sure if we're ready for that yet. Besides, if we do, our friends, Tatsumaki, Ben and May will be there in our time of need. Wherever, whenever."

"You got that right. What about names just to plan ahead.'

"I'll let you decide the names."

"Alright, if it's a boy, we'll name him after you."

"Nice pick."

"That way I'll have two Michael's to take care of."

Spider-man snorted in amusement while Fubuki giggled, "And if it's a girl?"

"We'll name her...May."

"...I would love that."

They hugged one another, kissing and rubbing each other's backs in the moonlight. Neither could've been happier. Their lives were truly beginning anew.

Everyone talked and laughed, enjoying themselves around the dance floor as the cake was set to be cut. It was a perfect night for them all, a reminder that even the greatest of threats simply couldn't impede the march of progress. The strongest had gathered in a room not to test their might, but rather to show their love for one another, and that was how it had always been. That the relationships formed between those in the room were not made out of fear, or control, or hatred, but out of respect, communication, understanding, and adoration. And that was all Spider-man and Fubuki could ever ask for.


Making it at the apartment complex that Saitama had gotten right away since his old apartment in City-Z was destroyed. He was neighbors with some Class-A's. Chain N Toad, Forte, and Butterfly XD. They figured that since they had wanted to stay together so Saitama and Genos decided to help them out with paying their bills so that it can be covered by the Association, they had decided to bullshit their way through with saying that they got new neighbors since Spider-man and Fubuki were banned from the Hero Association.

Making their way up to the top floor, they enter their apartment, Spider-man and Fubuki emter the apartment to find Rover laying on the couch, Rover hears their approach and barks, he hops off the couch and runs around in circles very cutely.

"Oh, you little guy!" Fubuki bent down and rubbed his back and ears while he licked her hands then spun around happily again under her touch. She found him cute even if he did have six eyes running down the length of his long face. "Who's a cute lil' guy? You are! Yes, you are! Yes, you are!"

Spider-man chuckled as he removed his suit, both the tuxedo and his upper Spider-man suit, "It's so hard to believe that we are actually married."

"Me either but it did happen." Fubuki gets back to kiss Michael on the lips, she makes her way to the bedroom to remove her wedding dress, slipping into some pajamas.

"It sucks that you won't wear the wedding dress anymore. I swear it felt like I was looking at an angel who was about to take me to heaven."

"Tell me about it but on the bright side, you'll still look good in a tuxedo if you ever decide to wear it again that is." Fubuki's voice was heard from the bedroom.

"True." Michael simply said as he sat down on the couch as Rover was laying next to his legs, Michael pets his black fur, he decided to turn on the TV to see if there was anything worth watching.

Fubuki comes out of the bedroom wearing jet-black pajamas and bunny slippers, Michael chuckled at how adorable she looked, honestly she could pull off anything she wore.

Fubuki sits next to Michael who started to flip channels, news reports weren't saying anything about serious warnings which was a good thing, as for TV shows, there wasn't anything to watch.

"Want to get some rest?" Fubuki suggested.

"Yeah, I had a long day today. Sleep does sound very good." Fubuki lets out a yelp when she realizes that Spider-man picked her up bridal style considering that she is now married to him after. Fubuki giggled with delight as Michael began to walk to the bedroom door, closing it behind them.

Two of them snuggled up in their bed as they were holding each other's bodies very closely, Fubuki was softly caressing Michael's right cheek which was dragged along with the claw mark scar leading to his glass right eye, her other hand caresses his side, back, chest, feeling all of the scars on his body, a reminder of what Carnage did to him.

Fubuki's eyes were watering, "With everything I said at our vows, I mean it to the depths of my own soul, Michael. Knowing what he did to you, whatever horrible things he made you see, whatever nightmares you have about him, I will...always be right here with you."

'I want everything from you. I want your friends. Your loved ones. Everything you hold dear. I want to take them from you. I want to consume them. I want to leave you with nothing but your misery and loneliness. No matter what you do, everyone you love will wind up stuck in your web.' Carnage's voice enters his mind, no doubt it was because of the memories and mindset of the monster himself. Something he can never escape from.

"...I know, Fubuki. What I said is true as well. This mask means something to a lot of people, sometimes I think that it's more important than what I need. I don't know the future, but what I do know...is that you're brave and strong. We will always be heroes. Not because we want to..."

"But because we have to." Fubuki finished his sentence with a tearful smile.

Michael opens his eyes showing that he was amazed that Fubuki knew what he was going to say, causing him to form a smile of his own, both of them saying in sync before they drifted off into slumber, "I will always... love you."

Next book: Spider-man and Fubuki/Spider-Blizzard

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