Not My Life || Dramione.

By AGeekyFangirlIsHere

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AU- Voldemort wins the war, Marriage Law. Hermione thought that losing The War was one of the worst things th... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
The Wedding Pics Continued.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
The Epilogue.
Bonus Chapter: Draco's Side.

Chapter 7.

300 6 0
By AGeekyFangirlIsHere

A/N: Here's another chapter.



1 Year Later. (No one's POV.)

Hermione's life quickly changed after having Scorpius, things with Draco become different, that night started something. It wasn't a proper relationship and they weren't in love but they had feelings they couldn't explain, he didn't like the attraction he felt for her and she was confused by the feeling of both hate and attraction, which caused arguments and disagreements.

Bellatrix started taunting her with Leopold, she had started visiting the Manor more, making to sure to only bring Leo with her. She had almost exposed the truth one night when she hinted to the truth but no one had said anything, luckily.

Ginny had given birth 5 weeks later, a daughter called Katherine Molly Zabini and a week before that Pansy had her twins, a boy and a girl called Phoebe Louise and Samuel Fredrick Parkinson. Ginny and Hermione had frequent play dates with their children.

Luna had quickly gotten pregnant with her second child and was currently 6 months pregnant, Astoria was also 4 months pregnant with her second child, Having her son had mellowed her out and she had become more mature but still had her dopey moments still.

Things in the past couple of months had gotten darker, Death Eater meetings had started becoming frequent and most of them were held at Malfoy Manor, which scared Hermione.


Hermione woke to a crying Scorpius, she quickly gets out of bed and goes into Scorpius' nursery, where Scorpius sits crying in his crib, she picks him up and places him on her hip before walking out of his nursery and taking him to the kitchen which was always safer than the dining room, where most of the meetings were.

Hermione places Scorpius into his high chair and makes him some cereal and gives it to him. Hermione takes the time to also eat, Scorpius plays with his cereal which makes a mess. "Let's get you cleaned up mister." Hermione says with a smile as she takes him out of his high chair which makes him giggle.

Hermione quickly bathes Scorpius and puts him into his clothes, a blue top and green dungarees with green shoes. Scorpius' birthday had been the day before and the clothes had been a present from Ginny who was supposed to be coming around today. They mostly stayed in Scorpius' nursery or in the common room that had been baby proofed.

Hermione is playing with Scorpius on his mat when she feels someone looking at her, she turns and sees Draco, he looks both happy but glum, Hermione gets off the floor and walks over to Draco. "Are you alright?" Hermione asks as she notices his mood, he frowns. "I've got to go on a mission." Draco says with a sigh, Hermione shakes her head angrily. "You mean they asked and you said yes." Hermione says, Draco sighs.

"I can't exactly say no." Draco says. "Yes you can, you have a child, the rest of them are old and don't have kids." Hermione says with a frown. "I need to get out of here anyway." Draco says, Hermione laughs sarcastically. "You mean get away from me." Hermione says with a glare. "Seriously? Oh whatever, you think what you want." Draco says with shake of his head. "What does it matter anyway, I did my job, that's all that matters, right?" Hermione says as she becomes angry.

"Job? What are you talking about?" Draco asks. "I gave you an heir, that's all I'm here for." Hermione says with a glare. "For the supposedly Smartest Witch you are really stupid." Draco says, Hermione gasps quietly. "Oh please, you've barely touched me since I had Scorpius except when we have to." Hermione say with a frown, Draco rolls his eyes. "This is so childish, I'm going." Draco says before he walks away. "Sure, I'm childish but you can't even finish a conversation." Hermione says, which makes Draco turn around.

"I'll be gone for about a month." Draco says. "A month? But part of the law says every two weeks we have to try and get pregnant." Hermione says, Draco shrugs. "He gave us an exception." Draco says simply before walking away.


Hermione is sorting out her room when she hears someone behind her. "Mudblood, my office need to be cleaned." Lucius says sternly with a hint of disgust in his voice, Hermione turns around to face him angrily. "I'm not your maid." Hermione says loudly with a glare, Lucius' face changes from his normal stern look to enraged in seconds, he raises his cane and hits around the head, she falls to floor and she grabs her head, which is bleeding. "You'll do what I say." Lucius says with a disgusted look at her, Hermione glares at him.

"Screw you!" Hermione snaps at Lucius who becomes enraged again and starts hitting her with the cane, harder and harder until the tooth of the snake on top of the cane gets stuck in her shoulder, which starts to profusely bleed. "You never learn." Lucius growls at Hermione who glare at him through tears in her eyes. "But, I'll make sure you do." Lucius says with a wicked glint in his eyes, he grabs her off the floor and starts to drag out of the room. Hermione fights to get away but she's weaker than normal from the beating and the pain in her shoulder, he shoves her into a guest room and shuts the door behind him.

He grabs her face and forces her closer, he look at her in disgust, almost spitting in her face before pushing her face away. Hermione take this chance and fights out of his grip, in doing so she hits him the face, she quickly runs to the door, only to find it locked, she tries desperately to open it but not such luck, Lucius looks almost insane with anger as he grabs Hermione, he pushes her against the wall and puts hand against her neck and tightens it, choking her until she can't breathe and rips open her top, exposing her chest, her eyes widen in fear as starts to unbuckle his belt off his trousers and she becomes paralysed with fear before he throws her to the floor and rips off her clothes and gets on top of her.

The movement spurs something inside of her and she starts to scream and fight him as hard as she can but he overpowers her, the rape is rougher and longer than the first and after fighting as long as she can, she becomes limp and gives up. After it's over Lucius throws her clothes at her and leaves quickly, Hermione lies there for a long time before her senses come back, she slowly gets dressed, leaves the room and goes back to her room and straight into her bathroom. Hermione collapses on the bathroom floor in a fit of tears, her mind goes straight to blades in the cabinet and suddenly it's the only thing keeping her sane.

She starts to run a bath, slowly undressing she takes note of her injuries, she opens the cabinet and takes the blade and places it on the side of the bath before getting into the bath. The bath makes her wounds more noticeable, she starts to wash the blood and clean the cuts and scrubs herself raw until she bleeds a little. Hermione leans back in the bath and tries to relax but her eyes focus on the blade, she grabs it and starts swiping at her arm, soon enough the blood flows freely, the bath water tints more pink with the added blood.

Hermione lays in the bath for a long time as tears roll down her cheeks and the blood dripping into the bath from her arm, she doesn't notice the water becoming colder until she starts shivering, she gets out of the bath quickly and cast some simple healing spells and drying spells before she gets dressed, making sure to cover as much of herself as she can, knowing Ginny will there soon.

An hour later Hermione sits in the common room, staring blankly at the play mat that Scorpius is playing on when the door opens, she turns panicked, to the door with her eyes wide before realising it's Ginny. "It's just me." Ginny says with a concerned look, Hermione quickly smiles at her. Ginny closes the door behind her before walking over to the plat mat and placing her daughter, Katherine down on it next to Scorpius before sitting next Hermione.

"Are you alright?" Ginny asks eyeing Hermione's stiff demeanour, Hermione turns to Ginny and fakes a smile. "Yeah, of course." Hermione says with as much happiness she can bring to her voice. "Hermione, I can tell when something's going on with you." Ginny says with a frown, Hermione removes her smile and sighs. "It's just an argument with Draco." Hermione says not fully telling the truth, Ginny raises her eyebrow. "Oh, really?" Ginny asks, Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Yes, Ginny, he has to go on a 'mission'." Hermione says hesitantly, she uses her fingers to emphasise the word mission. "What was the argument about?" Ginny asks as she sits properly on the sofa. "About him leaving for a month." Hermione says with a sigh, Ginny raises her eyebrow. "A month? But what about The Law?" Ginny asks. "Apparently we're excused." Hermione says with a sigh. "So, what's the reason for the argument? He has to go on the mission." Ginny asks before she looks at Katherine to make sure she's okay. "It's complicated." Hermione says with a frown.

"Just tell me what you can." Ginny says, Hermione groans. "The Law has messed up my life so much, it's messed with my mind and somehow I've started feeling something towards Draco." Hermione says with an embarrassed look on her face. "Spending so much time with someone can do that, they change how you look at them. Look at me and Blaise, I didn't even take notice of him in school but now he makes me so happy." Ginny says with a smile, Hermione is surprised by her words, she thought that maybe Ginny would judge her.

"Anyway the day after I had Scorpius we had a really intense moment and it seemed like maybe something might happen but nothing really did, we kissed a few times, but he hasn't even touched me and I don't mean in a sexual or romantic way just in a normal way." Hermione says with a sigh. "My emotions have been up and down for a while so when he told me about the mission, I just went off on him and started saying stupid stuff." Hermione continues with a frown.

"What type of stupid stuff?" Ginny asks just before Katherine starts to fuss, Ginny picks her up, takes a bottle out of her baby bag and starts to feed her. "About how now I've had Scorpius he has no need for me and stuff like that. Of course he walked off and I haven't seen him since." Hermione says. "You have a right to feel that way, but maybe you shouldn't have made an argument." Ginny says before looking down at her daughter who is taking her bottle, a sweet brown eyed, brunette haired, 11 month old.

"I know, I felt bad about it after." Hermione says, suddenly she starts to feel panic rise in her chest as the memory of what happened a few hours ago. "So, I wanted to talk about something." Ginny says as Katherine finishes her bottle, Ginny starts to wind her and a couple of second later she burps, Ginny wipes Katherine's face and then places her back onto the play mat. "Is something wrong?" Hermione asks trying to calm herself, Ginny smiles. "Actually, the opposite, I'm pregnant, 3 months along." Ginny says with a smile, Hermione is surprised but smiles. "How long have you known?" Hermione asks.

"I found out last month." Ginny says with a smile. "And you're only telling me now?" Hermione asks with a slight frown. "Shock, I guess, I know we have to be quick but I didn't really want to be pregnant this quickly after Katherine." Ginny says with a frown, she glances down at her daughter. "I guess congratulations are in order." Hermione says with a smile, Ginny smiles. "I know I'm 11 months late, but I was wondering if you would be Katherine's Godmother?" Ginny asks with a nervous smile, Hermione looks surprised.

"Really? Me?" Hermione asks, Ginny giggles. "Of course Hermione, you're my best friend." Ginny says, Hermione smiles. "Then of course I will." Hermione says with a smile, Ginny pulls her into a hug which Hermione returns.

Later that night, Hermione is sitting in Scorpius' nursery making sure he sleep when Draco comes in, she's surprised to see him. "I thought you were leaving?" Hermione says quietly. "I go in the morning with Bellatrix." Draco says just a quietly. "I'll leave if you to stay with him." Hermione says getting out of the chair, Draco raises his hand to stop her. "You don't have to leave." Draco says, Hermione walks over to the crib and Draco does the same.

"He looks so small when he's asleep." Draco says softly as he pulls Scorpius' blanket up higher. "Yeah he does." Hermione says with a small smile. They both decide to leave the room and they walk into their room in silence, Hermione decides to get changed in the bathroom to hide the evidence of the attack, she re-enters the room a couple of minutes to find Draco waiting for her by the door. "I want to say sorry about earlier." Hermione says with a sad look towards Draco. "Don't apologise." Draco says as he gets closer to her.

"Why not?" Hermione asks with eyebrows creased. "You were right about some of it." Draco says, Hermione is surprised by the hurt that enters her heart but feels silly for feeling that way. "I hate being in this situation, knowing you're only here because you're forced to, touching and kissing you drives me crazy. I'm stuck between wanting to and hating myself if I do as I know if you weren't forced to be here it wouldn't be happening." Draco explains with a pained look on his face, Hermione stares at him for a few moment.

"I hate everything about this too but when you touch me or kiss me I feel less alone, even though you're who you are and I am who I am." Hermione says with a sigh. "Who I am?" Draco asks with a hint of irritation. "You know what I'm talking about." Hermione says with a sigh, Draco scowls at her.

"Forget it." Hermione says moving away from Draco, he grabs her arm and pulls her into a kiss, which takes her by surprise and for a second doesn't return but does. Draco deepens the kiss and moves his tongue across her lip, waiting for an invitation to her mouth which she gives him seconds later, his tongue explores her mouth, hers doing the same, one of his hands go to her face with the other on her hip, her hand stay on his chest.

It goes on for a few minutes before he pushes her against the wall and the feeling of the wall against her back sends the memory of the attack straight into her mind and she pulls away and she turns away from Draco in a panic, she tries to calm herself as Draco looks at her. "What's wrong?" Draco asks with a hint of disappointment in his face.

"Nothing, that was just enough." Hermione says breathlessly, hoping he can't hear the panic in her voice. "Sorry, if it was too much." Draco says before putting a hand on her arm, Hermione fights the urge to flinch and turns to him slowly. "It wasn't too much, I just think we should stop." Hermione says as she bites her lip softly. "That's fine." Draco says before placing a soft kiss on her lips, he nods towards the bed. "Time to head to bed then." Draco says, Hermione gives a small nod and the both go to their sides to the bed, get in and lay down.

It takes a long time for Hermione to fall asleep and after finally falling asleep it's full of nightmare of Lucius, she thrashes around the bed which eventually wakes Draco who tries to wake her but has a difficult time for a while. Hermione is eventually shaken awake by Draco but in the night his face resembles his father too much and she rushes out of the bed in terror before locking herself into the bathroom and curling up on the floor as far away from the door as she can, she waits for the panic and terror ease as the tears pour from her eyes and eventually stop.

Hermione washes her face in cold water and takes a deep breath before unlocking the door and walking back into the bedroom, Draco sits up in the bed with a look of concern on his face, she gets into the bed without saying anything, Draco places his hand on her shoulder but she flinches at his touch so he takes it away before he turns away from her, making sure not to touch her.

Hermione wakes up alone in the morning, she realises that Draco must have already left for his so called mission which makes her heart ache slightly.

1 month later.

Hermione springs out of bed and rushes to the bathroom where she throws up, tears spring from her eyes and her stomach aches. Only one thought stays in her mind as she splashes cold water over her face and brushes her teeth.

Not again, please not again. Is all that runs through her mind as she does her morning routine of dressing herself, waking, feeding, cleaning and dressing Scorpius.

2 hours later, Hermione sits down in the Maternity Ward waiting room after putting Scorpius in the nursery. The monthly pregnancy test had just happened to be the same day that Draco would be coming back from his mission.

Alex calls Hermione's name 15 minutes after sitting down, she asks the usual questions once inside the office before asking Hermione get onto the bed, she waves her wand and places it over Hermione stomach as Hermione closes her eyes, begging silently that it's not the result she suspects it is. The wait is agonising, she starts to feel the pressure pain and sees the light shine behind her eyelids. "You're pregnant, congratulations." Alex tells her and in that second Hermione loses herself. She's screaming in her mind but on the outside her face is a mask hiding her true emotions.

Hermione doesn't even remember how she gets back to the Manor, she puts Scorpius down for nap before walking into her room and into the bathroom and locking the door behind her, she stares at herself in the mirror but barely focuses on anything.

Without thinking she starts to run a bath, letting the water run as she take a blade from the cabinet and gets into the running bath fully clothed. She makes a line for each flash of a memory from the past month.

Through out the past month Lucius had attacked her multiple times, each time was more rougher and more violent than the last, Hermione had hoped that if the first time had gotten her pregnant then the next ones had been bad enough for her to lose it but fate had decided against it.

Hermione mindlessly cut, not really noticing until she feels a pulsing in her heart, her eyes look down at her and she realises that she's cut too deeply and blood starts to spurt out of the wound quickly and in that second she decides she doesn't care, she lies in the still running bath and closes her eyes as she feels her heart beating quicker as it try to keep working as the blood leaves her body.


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