The Music Freaks oneshots (RE...

By MissSonia07

37.7K 771 794

Helloooo! Requests are open! If the book suddenly goes silent for a bit, it usually means I'm working on more... More

Stuck in Elavator (Luke x Zander) (Fluff)
Movie Date Night (Drailey) (Drew x Hailey) (Fluff)
I never hated you (Drew x Zander) (Fluff)
Carnival games (Jailey) (Jake x Hailey)
Part of the group or not? (Sean x club) (Fluff+Angst)
Haunted House (Multiple Ships)
Kicked out (Drew x Jake) (Angst+Fluff)
Tutoring (Jailey) (Jake x Hailey) (Fluff)
Day out at the mall (Part 2 of Kicked out) (Drew x Jake) (Fluff+small angst)
You told?! (Part 3 of Kicked out) (Drew x Jake) (Fluff+Angst)
Duet (Milly x Hailey) (Fluff)
Days off (Luke x Zander x Jake) (Fluff + (Small) Angst)
Story ideas, opinions on em?
Ice Skating (Jake x Hailey) (Fluff)
Horror Movies (Luke x Jake x Zander) (Fluff)
Not a oneshot (Authors Note-)
Pizza date (Sean x Milly) (Fluff)
I trusted you (Drake) (Jake x Drew) (Angst)
I won't say I'm in love (Sean x Jake) (Fluff)
We should be lovers instead (Henry x Liam) (Angst)
Sick day (Luke x Zander) (Fluff)
The Perfect Wedding (Jailey) (Jake x Hailey)
Romeo and Juliet (Jailey) (Jake x Hailey)
Traitor (Drew x Jake) (Angst+Fluff)
I don't believe in ghosts (Zoey x Lia) (Zia)
Sorry, I'm not into guys (Stacy x Daisy) (Fluff+Angst)
Nightmares (Drake) (Jake x Drew) (Angst+Fluff)
Pumpkin carving (Multiple Ships) (Fluff) (Halloween special)
Running to your defence (Drew x Jake) (Drake) (Angst) (⚠️EP 9 SPOILERS⚠️)
Bowling buddies (Drew x Sean) (Drean) (Fluff)
Nightmares come true (Part two of Nightmares) (Drake) (Angst)
Broken, not a bully(Part two of Running To Your Defence) (Drake) (Angst)
Save the date (Jake x Hailey) (Jailey) (Romantic)
She's not the only one who has it going on (Liam x Henry) (Angst+Fluff)
πŸ₯³πŸΎπŸŽ‰10K READS!!!πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸ₯³
10th of December(Driam)(Drew x Liam)(Angst+Fluff)(⚠️POSSIBLE EP10 SPOILERS⚠️)
You belong with me (Driam) (Drew x Liam) (Fluff)
Game night (Drander) (Drew x Zander) (Fluff)
This is home (Henriam) (Transgender! Liam x Henry) (Angst+Fluff)
12K READS?!?!?!?!😱😱😱
Take Your Bestie Out Day (Drakailey) (Drew x Jake x Hailey) (Angst+Fluff)
Road trip (Luke x Zander) (Lander) (Fluff)
‼️Closed until further notice‼️(Not a oneshot)
Neverending nightmares (Angst) (Part 3 of Nightmares) (Jake x Drew(?))
Storm Clouds (Drailey) (Drew x Hailey) (Fluff)
Common cold (Drakailey) (Drew x Jake x Hailey)
Didn't mean to make you cry (Angst+Fluff) (Part 4 of Nightmares) (FINAL PART!!)
They'll never know you the way that I do (Henriam) (Liam x Henry) (Angst)
Double date gone wrong (Fluff) (Jake x Henry) (Drew x Liam)
Liam's attempted scene phase (Henriam) (Henry x Liam) (Angst+Fluff)
Taking one for the team (Drakailey) (Fluff+Angst)
Painting class (Stacy x Daisy) (Fluff)
I'll be there for you (Drew x Jake) (Drake) (Fluff+Small bit of angst)

Don't leave my side (Jake x Zander) (Jander) (Angst+Fluff)

170 1 1
By MissSonia07

Requested by: No one😅

Theme: Angst+Fluff


Jake x Zander

Authors Note: I'm sorry, I wanted to write a Jander oneshot, okay😭-

Also, I'm sorry, I couldn't think of any other song for Jake to sing- and it's a pretty good song-



No one's POV

Zander was spending the night at Jake's house, and the two of them were just getting ready for bed. Jake would be sleeping in his own room, and Zander would be sleeping in the guest room. However, there was one issue with that

The guest room didn't have any lights except the super bright light ceiling fan light. There was a bedside table, but no lamp on it. So there couldn't be any lights on if anyone was sleeping in there

And the problem with that, was that Zander was absolutely terrified of the dark

Of course, Jake didn't know this. No one really did. And Zander wasn't gonna up and share this with Jake. He was too embarrassed to do so

"You ready to go, Zander?" Jake asked as he peeked into the bathroom, where Zander was busy finishing brushing his teeth

Zander nodded, closing the plastic cover that he had over the head of his toothbrush. "Yep, I'm good.." he said as he turned off the sink

Zander turned off the bathroom light, then the two of them headed to the guest room. Zander placed his phone on the bedside table and plugged it in

"If you need anything, I'm right down the hall!" Jake smiled. Zander nodded as he sat on the bed

"Sleep well, Zander! See you in the morning!"

"Kay...night, Jake..." Zander said with a small nod. Jake turned off the lights and closed the door

Zander anxiously stared at the thin glowing light coming from the crack under the door. That small amount of light wasn't really enough to steady his nerves

After a little bit, that light under the door disappeared. Meaning Jake had probably gone to bed too, and he'd turned off the hallway light

Zander sighed. He could go and turn on the hall light, then open the door a crack. But he didn't wanna wake Jake, or explain why at any point. Maybe he could just....suffice for the night?

Eventually, the sleepiness caught up to Zander. He fell back onto the bed and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep


At about 2:30 in the morning, Zander woke up terrified. He looked around the room in a panic. The darkness of the bedroom made him more terrified though

Zander slowly got up out of bed, and grabbed his stuffed dog plush that he had brought with him. He held it tight in his arms, then slowly headed toward the door. Very slowly, he opened the door and looked down the hall. He knew which room was Jake's, but it was at the other end of the hall. The long, dark hall

"....c-come on, Zander..." he said softly to himself "d-don' a can get there, a-and it'll be over with..."

Zander placed one hand on the wall, still clutching his plush with the other, and slowly walked down the hall. There was a slight scratching sound from outside as a tree branch hit pretty hard against a window in the kitchen downstairs. Zander flinched, then froze on the spot, still tightly holding his stuffed dog. He shut his eyes tightly as he stood there for a few seconds, his whole body shaking violently

A few seconds after the scratching noise on the window was gone, Zander let out a shaky breath before continuing his way to Jake's room

He got to Jake's room, and stared at the door. He didn't wanna knock on it and make a sudden noise that would jump scare Jake awake. So he just put his hand on the handle, and slowly opened it

Jake was fully asleep in bed, the light from the moon outside shining through his window and onto him

"Lucky..." Zander thought to himself "He isn't scared of the dark like me...and even if he was, he's got a good light in here to make him feel better..."

More wind blew outside, making branches hit the windows again. Zander looked down at the floor, staying in the doorway of Jake's bedroom. Jake hadn't woken up still, and Zander figured if he didn't say anything, Jake would stay that way


Jake opened his eyes a bit and looked over at the door, seeing Zander standing there

"Zander.....? What's wrong.....?"

Zander looked to the side, not saying anything. His eyes filled with tears

Jake sat up in bed, rubbing his head a bit as he started to wake up more

"Are you okay...?" he asked

Zander shook his head no a little bit. It only took a couple seconds for Jake to understand what was wrong

"...Zander, did you have a nightmare....?"

Zander gave a small nod in response

"Okay, come lay down..." Jake said, as he moved to one side of his bed, making room for Zander

Zander slowly walked over, then layed down in the bed beside Jake

"You wanna talk to me about it...?" Jake asked as he layed down beside Zander

"....if I do, promise you won't make fun of me...." Zander said. Jake nodded in response. "I would never..."

Zander hesitated, preparing himself for what he was about to say

"....I-I am really....REALLY scared of the dark..."

Jake just kinda stared at Zander for a bit, as Zander looked off to the side, embarrassed. Jake put his hand on Zander's cheek, making the shorter boy look up

"Zander, why didn't you tell me...? I would've let you sleep in here with me...or given you some source of light, instead of sleeping in that dark room...."

"I-I didn't want to...." Zander said "I didn't wanna seem like a baby or's a stupid fear...."

"It's not stupid..." Jake said as he hugged Zander "If anything, it's a common fear..."

There was a bit of silence between the two again. In that moment, more wind blew outside, making tree branches scrape against the window. Zander tightly squeezed Jake as he began to shake more, with his head burried in Jake's chest. Jake put his arms around Zander, trying to calm him

"It's alright,'s just'll go away..."

Zander just let out a soft whimper of fear in response. Jake patted the back of his head gently, as he began to hum softly in an attempt to calm Zander. After a few seconds though, the humming turned into soft singing

"You with the sad eyes...don't be discouraged...oh, I realize it's hard to take courage in a world full of can loose sight of it all..."

Zander's grasp on Jake became less tight, as Jake sang softly, and Zander focused on that

"The darkness inside you can make you feel so small..."

Zander kept his face hidden for a few more seconds, then he looked up at Jake, who was smiling at him. There were still a few tears running down Zander's face, but he was starting to calm down more

Show me a smile, then...don't be unhappy...can't remember when I last saw you laughing...this world makes you crazy, and you've taken all you can bear...

Jake wiped Zander's tears away, making a light blush go across his face

"Just call me up, cause you know I'll always be there..."

Zander couldn't help but smile at Jake, who was still smiling back at him

"And I see your true colours shining through...I see your true colours, and that's why I love don't be afraid to let them show..."

Zander yawned, his sleepiness catching back up to him. He moved close to Jake, putting his arms around him again. He rested his head on Jake's shoulder, starting to close his eyes a bit, falling asleep to the sound of Jake's voice

"Your true colors...true colors are a rainbow..."

Jake looked at Zander and saw he was almost, if not fully asleep. Jake smiled, then kissed Zander's head

"Love you, Zander..." he said, before falling asleep next to Zander


Authors Note: Ideas for some stories guys, thoughts on em?-

1: A nightmare oneshot with Henry x Liam (Henry being the one having the nightmare)

2: A oneshot if the aftermath of Drew and Jake's fight from EP 11

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