
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

22.6K 896 1.6K

A new relationship blossoms between two young college students, but not in the way either of them ever expect... More

Tipsy (NSFW)
Big News
Support Needed
Parental Guidance pt.1
Parental Guidance pt.2
Party Crasher pt.1
Party Crasher pt.2
The Ugliest Trait
Back Off
Open Up
All In Your Head
Bonus- Self Love (NSFW)
From the Source
Best Friends Forever pt.1 (NSFW)
Best Friends Forever pt.2
More Than Friends (NSFW)
Talk (NSFW)
Announcements pt.1
Announcements pt.2 (NSFW)
Bonus- Girl Talk
Satiated (NSFW)
Fun (NSFW)
Bonus- Transparency (NSFW)
Have Fun
Poker Face

Aftermath (NSFW)

552 18 63
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

Natsu rolled over with a groan, trying to get the sunlight that was seeping through the window out of his eyes. His head felt sore, he just wanted to go back to sleep, but the rumbling of his stomach forced him to stay awake.

He turned to the side to see Happy grooming himself on one of the pillows, and narrowed his eyes, "Weren't you in the laundry room..?" As he remembered the last time he saw the cat, he also began to remember several other things from last night, causing him to sit up straight.


He rushed out of bed, only to immediately feel dizzy and stumble back down onto the mattress. His head was pounding, but he wanted to at least get up and find his girlfriend.

As if she could sense his distress, Lucy walked into his room with a water bottle in one hand, "Natsu?"

"Luce..." Before he could take a deep breath and voice his thoughts, she sat down beside him and gently placed the water in his hands.

"Here, I got some pain medicine," She handed him a couple of pills that were in her other hand, "How are you feeling?"

"...Like an idiot," He sighed, and swallowed the pills she offered, "Thanks..."

She watched him closely as he began chugging down the water, and reached up to massage the back of his head, "How are you feeling physically?"

"Better. I'm sorry for ruining your night like that, I don't know why I went and got so drunk..."

"It's fine, I'm pretty much over it," Lucy emphasized her point by pulling him in for a forehead kiss, "It happens, and no one got hurt, so it's okay. There's a lot we should talk about, though... Oh, and don't forget to apologize to Gajeel."

"Right..." Natsu looked around for his phone and spotted it connected to its charger on the nightstand- Lucy must've put it there for him. He picked it up and prepared to send Gajeel the best apology he could think of, only to see that he already had several texts from him.

The most recent read: "You're never living this down, bitch," Followed by a picture of Natsu hurling in the backseat of a car, which had him chucking his phone on the bed and groaning.

"I spoke to Mira, you can stay home and take it easy today, okay?"

"What? No, I can go into work, I'm fine," He stood up and tried to shake his limbs back to strength, though he still felt lightheaded.

"Just rest, please, I'd feel better if I knew you weren't at work cooking for hours straight with a hangover."

Looking back at Lucy's calm, smiling face, Natsu frowned. He'd feel terrible if he worried her any more than he already has. "Okay, I'll stay. But maybe I should make you some breakfast..? I wanna make up for last night somehow."

"That's fine, but it can wait. I'd like to talk to you for a bit first," She patted the spot next to her and rested her head on his shoulder as soon as he sat down.

Natsu knew there were probably hundreds of things she could bring up right now, which honestly made him a little anxious, though she didn't seem angry or upset at all.

"Do you remember most of last night?"

"...Yeah, I think so. I remember talking to Levy at the party... and then Gajeel, I puked everywhere, and then started sulking on the couch until you got home, and then you and I talked all night."

"Okay, good," Intertwining their hands, Lucy guided him to caress her belly, "Do you remember what you said about her?"

"Uh..." He close his eyes to recollect, and blushed, "Oh... do you mean the name-"

"Yes, I mean the name," She laughed, "I was thinking about it all night."

"I honestly don't know why I chose to blurt out 'Nashi' out of all the names I came up with. I mean, I like it, but I don't know what compelled me to do that."

"Maybe it was destiny," Lucy giggled, giving his hand a squeeze, "I think it's cute, though."

"Yeah?" If he was having any 2nd thoughts, they all disappeared the moment he saw the way she smiled, "Alright, then her name will be Nashi."

Lucy laughed a bit more, getting giddy all over again, "Doesn't this just make you so excited to meet her?"

"Yeah, it does," Her giddiness began to rub off on Natsu as he joined her in her laughter, "I can't wait."

"You were extremely sappy last night, you know..." Catching the way his face reddened, Lucy nudged him with her elbow, "You wouldn't shut up about wanting to kiss me. And with the baby, man, you were being so adorable!"

"I don't know about all that..." Laughing awkwardly, he tried not to look her in the eyes, "I guess I just couldn't stop rambling. I've never been that drunk before."

"But it was cute! Don't get all embarrassed now, you had my adrenaline off the charts, I get to tease you now that I've endured it."

"Yeah, that's fair..."

"But some of the things you said... I wonder how much of it were things you truly meant? Things you've been wishing you could talk to me about..?"

Natsu took a glance at her face then, and it definitely looked like she was trying to get something out of him. He tried to remember the details of last night, and the many things he blabbered on about, but it was starting to get fuzzy.

"Hey," It seemed Lucy wasn't patient enough to wait for him to figure it out, "For now I'm choosing to ignore the, ehem, offensive things you said, and instead focus on the meaningful stuff. You mentioned you were scared that you won't get to spend a lot of time with Nashi once she's here, remember?"

"Oh, I..." Now that she'd said it, he did remember, and immediately wished he hadn't, "Look, don't read into it too much, I was just saying the first thing that popped into my head. I'm prepared to take care of you, both of you, I don't mind being the breadwinner."

Lucy's smile turned into a scowl, and she held his hand in a harsh grip, "Stop that. I didn't bring it up so you can downplay your feelings. The least you can do after everything last night is be honest with me."

"No, it's not that I'm being dishonest, I really am prepared to do whatever it takes, I just..." Natsu had to look away from her face again, feeling far too embarrassed at this point, "Who doesn't wish they could have it easy? Hell, if it were up to me, we'd be living off of your parent's money forever... But eventually we'll have to sustain on our own. You still have 2 and a half years of school left, at least. With you managing classes and a baby, I don't want you worrying about money. I got it."

"Neh..." With her scowl softening up, Lucy pulled him closer, "I just don't like the thought of you working so much when you're a family man at heart..."

"It is what it is, really. Gildarts' offer really wasn't so bad, I'm starting to think about taking it, maybe once the maternity leave period ends. It'll be rough at first, but I'm sure we'll be fine. Your godmother said she'd be here to help you out more, right? Maybe that will make it easier."

Lucy looked down at her belly, silently thinking it over. She sighed, and it looked like her eyes were starting to water, but she was snapped out of it as Happy jumped around them to get off of the bed.

"Luce?" Natsu gave her hand a comforting squeeze after seeing how sullen she'd suddenly gotten, "What's wrong?"

"It's just..." She took a deep breath, "I really don't like hearing you talk like that. My father felt like he had this obligation to work himself to death in order to be a 'proper' man and take care of my mother and I. I appreciate his efforts, but sometimes all I really wanted was my dad, y'know? And my mother worked as well, so oftentimes I had neither of them, and was under Aquarius' and the other staff's care. It just created a rift in our relationships, I mean, you see the way my father and I are now... For me, I think that if you really want to be with your family, then no amount of money could compare to that."

Natsu felt his breathing still as he realized just how personal this was for her, and he cursed under his breath. He'd hate to cause her any more grief.

"But I suppose that's a rather privileged way of thinking on my part, huh? I'm only able to say that because he had all of the means to work less and take more family time without having to worry about money. That's not a common luxury to have." Lucy laughed dryly and released his hand, only for him to grab her's back immediately.

"No, I get it, it's a tough situation. What if I took Gildarts' offer sooner, and worked more during the rest of the pregnancy? So, when Nashi's here, we can have the money your parent's offer us along with the money I save up myself, and we'll use that to get by to where I can go back to working part-time. It'll work out that way for a bit... As you finish up with classes you'll be more qualified for better-paying jobs- maybe even work under your father, and we'll both be able to work schedules where we make enough while still having enough free time to be a family."

He looked so determined, it had Lucy sucking in her breath and biting her lip, "Well..."

"It would mean I'd have to spend less time with you for a few months, but surely I can make it up by being here once she's born and you're recovering. Do you think it could work?"

"I think it could," Lucy smiled again and brought his hand up towards her heart, "Thank you for humoring me."

"Well, you had a point. It's about what's best for Nashi in the end."

"Right. I have faith in us, we'll manage just fine," Leaning in close and planting a kiss on his cheek, Lucy savored the moment.

They stayed cuddled up together for a bit, until she suddenly squeezed his hand harder, "Oh, and now that that's settled, I'd also like to address the fact that you've been snooping in my dresser!"

"Ah..." The fact that she still had a sweet smile on her face only made this so much scarier. Natsu could feel his palms start to sweat, "For the record, it was a complete accident... I think I was trying to put away your clothes for you and I just stumbled upon it... Seriously, who puts their toys-"

"Aht, I'm not explaining myself."

"Alright, alright, that's fair. But you don't have to be embarrassed by it, I'm not judging you."

"I..." Though she hadn't softened her grip, Lucy's expression fell, "I'd planned to tell you about them eventually, but it just never came up..."

"It's your business, no worries. We weren't even dating when I found them, it wasn't like I could just tell you I accidentally saw your stash without coming off like a huge perv."

"We weren't even... You've known for that long!?"

"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me..."

Lucy clicked her tongue like she was actually considering it, but she sighed instead, "You can stop worrying, I won't kill you. For now."

"Uh... noted."

"Maybe this is for the better. Sometimes, when I wear you out, you can get a break and use one of my toys on me instead."

"O-oh," Natsu laughed, still not at all used to hearing her say things like that. "If that's what you're into, I'm game."

"Speaking of which..." The look on Lucy's face changed, she leaned in, and fiddled with the end of her t-shirt, "Last night, I made a deal that as long as I wasn't mad at you in the morning, you could touch me... And seeing as I'm not mad, maybe we can..."

"Uh, what?" She was practically on top of him by the end of her sentence, steadily lifting up her shirt. It had Natsu retracing their conversation to figure out what could've put her in such a mood all of a sudden.

"What, are you no longer interested now that you're sobering up? Alright, then, I'll just pay my dresser a visit-"

"Hang on now," He grabbed her forearm before she could hop off of his bed, weary of her impatience, "You're just getting harder and harder to keep up with, alright?"

"Could there be something else getting harder..?" With her fingers sneaking beneath the waistband of his boxers, Lucy grinned, "I can help with that..."

"Good God..." How they went from talking to her pulling his boxers down within seconds, Natsu wouldn't understand. Then again, he should really be used to this by now.

As soon as enough of him was exposed, Lucy slipped off the bed and kneeled down between his legs, stroking and licking him until he stiffened.

It was so much so fast, Natsu held her hair in a harsh grip once she started to engulf his hardened shaft in her mouth. "Damn, you don't waste any time... huh?"

She released him long enough to narrow her eyes and scoff, "Don't act like you didn't build up to this all last night."

Natsu threw his head back as she got back to work, enjoying the feeling of her wet mouth for a bit before he pushed her head back, "Okay, come here, I'm not gonna hold out with you suckin' me like that."

Lucy wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, the most serious expression on her face as she eased herself back on the mattress, "I want you on top."

After humming in acknowledgement, Natsu helped her get situated amongst his pillows and trailed kisses from her cheek down to her collar. Her shirt was up and off of her in a flash, with her shorts following soon after.

The whine she let out when he ran his fingers over her clit made it clear that she was already more than ready for him, and if he dragged this on any longer she'd probably snap.

"How the hell do you get horny like this so fast..?" Natsu was more so thinking out loud and not actually expecting an answer, but the fire in Lucy's eyes had him reeling back, "Okay, shutting up now..."

Lucy took one of his hands and placed it atop her clothed breast before wrapping her arms around his neck, whispering into his ear as she hugged him close, "You'd better get started before I change my mind."

Natsu shuddered at how hot that threat sounded, kneading her through her bra and snapping his hips to fill her with his length. She gasped from his lack of ease, and rolled her eyes as she caught a glimpse of the smug look on his face.

He grinded into her at a steady pace, one that had her whimpering in delight and wrapping her legs tightly around his waist. Giving her sensitive bust a break, he reached down and swiped his thumb over her sex.

Lucy cried out from the feeling, and was just barely coming back to her senses when she felt him prod his thumb against her lips.


She followed his command and let his digit enter her mouth.

"Suck. Taste what I do to you."

The blonde's face was a violent red as she did exactly as she was told, nearly biting down on his finger when he faltered in his rhythm and gave her a rather harsh thrust.

"S-sorry," He struggled to regain his composure, "You feel so fucking good, baby."

Lucy's moans were muffled around his thumb, one of her hands clawing at his scalp and the other scratching down his muscular back. Each of his long, slow strokes threatened to push her over the edge, especially when he accentuated them with his pants and grunts.

A quiet pop sounded as Natsu released his thumb from her mouth and cradled her head, giving her perfect access to his neck. She bit down on his skin, which earned her a few more rough thrusts.

"Fuck, Luce," Natsu hit her deeper and harder, "I'm gonna cum soon..."

"Did being bitten set you off? What a slut."

Natsu looked at her in bewilderment, but was only able to catch her face twisted in pleasure, as if she hadn't said anything. They'd talked dirty before, but she's never said anything like that.

He honestly wanted to see if she'd do it again.

"I guess I get it from you," He breathed out, his breath just barely steady enough for him to hold a sentence.

That comment was grounds for another bite, one that was sure to leave a bruise later.

"Whatever, just keep going, just like that..."

Natsu was serious when he said he was close to cumming, he had to force himself to ignore her moans and touches to help him last long enough to keep her satisfied.

"I'm gonna leave so many marks on you," Lucy whispered, followed by a wanton cry, "I'll make sure you never forget who you belong to..!"

Once again, he was taken aback by her words, though this was definitely something he could get used to.

"Fuck me, Natsu..!" She bit him on the other side of his neck when he quickened his pace, working to stop herself from screaming out from the sensation of him attacking her sweet spot so roughly.

From the feeling of her hotness tightening and massaging around him to the delicious sting that her teeth gave him, Natsu couldn't take it. He sat up, held her by the hips, and bottomed out into her with a few strong bucks.

"Yes! Fill me up..!" Lucy was in pure bliss, her eyes glazed over and drool trailing down her mouth as she felt his orgasm within her.

It took a few deep breaths for Natsu to clear the lust from his thoughts, and he grinned at her ragged sighs when he pulled out.

Lucy was still caught up in the thoroughs of pleasure with her back arched and her eyes completely out of focus, so Natsu was the first one to speak,

"You really know how to make a guy go crazy, huh?" He laughed, "Thanks though, I really needed this."

Slowly, Lucy picked her head up and watched him in silence, only responding with weak hums.

"I should get cleaned up," Natsu stretched his back and arms before searching the floor for his boxers, "What about you?"

She still hadn't said anything, but that was fine.

"I guess I should call Gildarts later and let him know our plans about the job, eh? I'll probably talk to him when I get started on breakfast."

He gave up on looking for his underwear and was prepared to head for the bathroom when Lucy huffed dramatically, and she narrowed her eyes at him when he regarded her with confusion.

"You think you can keep me up all night with your drunkenness, and then you get to be done after just one round?"

"Uh..." She was starting to look incredibly pissed, a direct contrast from the euphoria-ridden expression she had just moments ago.

"Get your ass back in this bed and fuck me until I can't think straight. That's the only way you're making it up to me."

"Lucy..." Natsu laughed under his breath, though he knew she was serious. She was going to make sure he knew, too.

"You called me weak last night, y'know? And the more I start to remember the harder it's gonna be for me to stop from getting irritated. So get over here and fuck me so I can forget."

"Okay, damn," He was in no position to argue, though it's not like he planned on it, "I'll spend the whole day making it up to you, if that's what it takes."

"You'd better," She sneered, but opened her arms to him at the same time, "Come, I'm already getting cold."

Natsu was quick to scoop her in his embrace to shield her from the cool air, and he shuddered as she ghosted her fingers over the bite marks she'd given him.

Their eyes met, and she gave him the most wicked smile he'd ever seen before she latched onto his neck once more. He was definitely going to be sore after this, and he'd be lying if he said that didn't excite him.

"Oh yeah, you're my slut today, Natsu."

He gulped, although fully prepared to deal with the consequences of his actions, Lucy
could be unpredictable at times like this.

Though, it is a bit of a taste of his own medicine.

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