Sunny |9th member of skz

By cheyseys

323K 6.3K 883

In which Stray Kids have a female member... More

*Ships outside of group*
*ships in group*
*cute moments*
*Iconic Hae moments*
-MINAE moments-
-Music video outfits-
-music video outfits-
*Music video outfits*
*isac moments*
*Social media*
*Hae's Phone*
*First date*
*Moving in*
*Back and Debut*
*Moments with group*
*Moments with group*
*New Hair*
*Ice skating*
* 20th Birthday live*
*call *
*All nighter*
*Social media*
*award ceremony*
*Lee Know*
*Back to Lille*
*Going out*
*Social Media*
*Playing with babies*
*Fan signing*
*Lives and Videos*
*Photo shoot*
*What's in Hae's bag*
*Hanging out*
*Wardrobe malfunctions*
*Social Media*
*Two kids room: Changbin*
*Two kids room: I.N*
*Two kids room: Seungmin*
*Two kids room: Chan*
*two kids room: Han*
*types of love with Hae*
*Getting better*
*Two kids room: Felix*
*Two kids room: Hyunjin*
*live with Keeho and Intak*
:Thank you for 1k reads!!:
*France concert*
*social media*
*Bang Chan*
*Lee know*
*Social media*
*old friends*
*social media*
*Going out*
*social media*
*Birthday live*
*Award show*
*Le sserafim*
*Social media*
*standing up*
*new cat*
*Hae Vlog*
*Teddy bear*
* making Album *
*Hae's video with a child*
*Game night*
*10 years later*
*Social media*
-Hae Albums-
- 5-Star Album -
- Rock-Star -
Maybe writing more
-songs Hae added-

*Two kids room: Lee know*

1.8K 38 7
By cheyseys

"MINHO!" Hae exclaims as Lee know walks in, a bright smile on his face

"SUNNY!" He yells running at the sofa

"It's you!" she laughs as he jumps on her

"it's me!" he chuckles as she wraps her arms around him

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"you know i actually saw you before Chan introduced us" Lee know smiles, looking at her

"really?" she asks, furrowing her eye brows

"First i heard you singing and i thought you sounded amazing so i went in there to see who it was and it was you" he tells her

"what did you think?" she questions, leaning her head to the side

"I thought you were....wait" He sighs, leaning forward and whispering "the prettiest person i had ever seen" A smirk formed on her face as he went back

"did you really?" She whispers

"yeah and i still do" he nods, resting his arms on the back of the sofa, Hae's smile widens and her cheeks glow pink "I just remember how focused you were, how lost you were in the music"

"i saw you as well,  before Chan found me" she chuckles, looking down and then looking back up at him

"and what did you think?" he laughs

"i thought you were......" she says, leaning closer to whisper in his ear "the most talented and the most handsome man i have ever seen" she chuckles, leaning back

"you did not" he laughs

"i did and i still do" she mocks, leaning closer with every word and then falling back

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"Remember that fishing show you did?" Hae laughs, looking at him, leaning her head on her elbow which rests on the back of the sofa

"oh yeah, that was really fun" he smiles, returning the look

"i still can't believe how many fish you caught" he sighs, laughing slightly

"what was it like 10?" he chuckles

"i think" she nods

"Wow" He sighed, leaning back "I'm amazing" He smirked

Hae laughed and lightly kicked his leg "I actually have you and a fish you caught as my home screen" she smiles, taking her phone of the table and showing him

"Oh my god it's massive" he laughs, taking her phone and looking at it "do you have more?"

"of course" she smiles "look" she tells him, he puts in her password and scrolls through her photo gallery

"you have loads!" he laughs "why do you have so many?"

"it was a fun day" she chuckles "and Jisung told me you have loads  from my concert" She smiled, in a sing songy voice

"I'm gonna kill him" he whispered "But yeah, i do. Here, look" he tells her pulling his phone out his pocket and giving it to her

"You have so many!" she laughs

"you do as well!"

"not this many" she smiles, looking at him adoringly "why do you have this many?"

"It was fun and you looked very nice" he tells her

"thanks.." she mutters, looking down at the phone "But i look good everyday, so why am i not filling up your whole gallery?"

"That's a solid argument" He sighed, crossing his arms "However i could say the same thing to you"



.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"Your favorite food is ice cream right?" Lee know asks

"yep" she smiles "i love it"

"and your favorite flavor is vanilla?"

"mhm" she nods "it's funny because i hate the smell of vanilla but i love how it tastes"

"oh yeah, i remember you telling me that once" he smiles, laying against the back of the sofa

"yeah i hate it, it makes me sick" she tells him "i don't know what it is" she shrugs

"You know you have a very distinct smell" he tells her

"really?" she laughs, crossing her legs and bringing them to her chest, leaning her back on the arm of the sofa

"yeah" he nods, moving closer and sniffing her while she laughed "cherries?"

"Yeah it's my perfume" she smiles "It's actually cherry blossom. Most people don't like it" she shrugs, smelling her shirt

"i like it" He says, smiling warmly. For some reason this sentence makes her stomach flip, like a swarm of butterflies were just released and are now fluttering through her insides.

"Thanks.." she smiles, leaning her head on her knees, hiding the red blush on her cheeks

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"You know our mbti's are known as the golden pair" Lee know said, looking at her

"Are they really?" She laughs, watching him intently

"mhm" he nods, returning the look "It was something about you an infj loving my intellect and obscure sense of humor"

"well i do love your 'obscure sense of humor' and i guess your 'intellect' is okay" Hae sighs, crossing her arms

"only okay?" he gasps, jumping back "i am a very smart person"

"really?" she laughs "what is the cube root of 125?"

"umm" he laughs, looking at the floor "pass"

"you can't pass a question, this isn't a game show" she laughs, looking at him with bright eyes

"well i pass" he shrugs

"you can't do that" She exclaims, laughing with him

"i make my own rules" he laughs, crossing his arms and flicking his 'hair' over his shoulder

"wow!" she laughs "Independent lee know era" she exclaims, clapping for him

"what can i say" he laughs, looking back at her

"Actually" she laughed "You're not independent at all" she looked at him and watched his reaction

"Yes i am!" he exclaimed, sitting up

"I dry your hair after you wash it" she said, counting on her fingers "I go camping with you, i cook with you, i'm always with you" she said, smiling at him

"It's not because i'm not independent" he said "I just like being with you" he told her with a smile "Everything's more enjoyable with you there"

Hae smiled and leaned back in the sofa "Okay then" she shrugged, smiling at him "i'll do everything with you then"

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.
"Honestly, I think one of my favorite things about you is your cats" Hae told him, crossing her legs

"That makes sense, they're great" He nodded, smiling warmly "who's your favorite?"

"I can't say" she laughed, leaning against the arm of the chair

Lee know playfully hit her arm, lightly though and chuckled "you have to say. I'm not gonna murder you for having a favorite"

"I know that!" She laughed "I'm saying I can't say because I love them equally. They're like my children, how can I pick one" she smiled, leaning her head on her hand

Lee know smiled at her adoringly , his eyes shining as he did "I know you have a favorite" he chuckled "even if they're your children"

She sighed and laughed, looking up "okay" she sighed "my favorite is Dori, but! Only because he's so lively, and I like playing with him" she explained

He nodded and smiled "yeah, he always gets so excited when you come round" she nodded "I think you're his favorite as well"

"If you're watching this" Hae smiled, looking at the camera "I love you, soonie, doongie and Dori!" She made a heart with her hands as Lee know chuckled and also made a heart

The two fell into a comfortable silence, watching eachother while smiling. Minho broke the eye contact and looked at floor before he started speaking "do you think we're meant to be?" He asked

"What do you mean?" Hae asked, watching him with bright eyes

He exhaled lightly before sitting up and turning to look at her. He blinked a few times before speaking again "do you think we're soulmates in every universe? Like are we always meant to be together"

She smiled at him fondly and tilted her head to the side "of course" she said simply "There's no way I'd ever be able to live without you. No matter what universe I'd always need you " she added

He nodded and looked at the ceiling "if there is a version of that has to live without you, I feel really sorry for him" he chuckled "I can't imagine my life without you in it"

"Neither can I" she agreed with a warm smile

"I'd be so different" he exhaled, looking at her with bright eyes and a fond smile "I don't know who I'd
be without my sun?"

Hae smiled back at him and exhaled deeply "it's a good thing you'll never have to find out"

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"I find my self feeling alone when I'm not with you" Hae told Lee know

"Really?" He asked

"Yeah" she nodded "I'm not sure why, but even when I'm surrounded by people but not with you I feel so lonely, like apart of me is gone"

"I feel like that too" he nodded "but then I realize I have to calm down a bit. Like I spend most of my day with you but then the moment I'm not with you it's just like my energy has been drained and that's a lot"

"you feel like that?" she sighed, smiling slightly

"of course" He smiled "You're my soon-bok and i'm not myself without you"

She smiled and breathed deeply "My Minho" she sighed, looking at him lovingly

To my Minho

Thank you for being someone i can come to with any problem, someone i know won't judge me. You don't even need to say anything most of the time, your smile is comfort enough, you are enough to comfort me. Just by being there you make me feel calmer and safer, just you, your presence . You were the last person i met when Chan introduced us. I remember seeing you, your smile bright and your eyes even brighter, it was as if everything made sense in that moment. It would work out. We would debut and that was the end of it. i was so wrong. I was devastated when you got eliminated, it was like a big part of me had been taken away. Sometimes i wish i could go back in time and tell myself how good my life would get, that if i kept going we would be together again and my life would have meaning. Because of you i have a reason to keep going. I love you so much Minho, you're my home and you always will be. You're the person I go to when everything's too much. You understand me more than anyone else has before. So thank you. Thank you so so much, Minho

Love your soon-bok

To, my soon-bok

When i first saw you i was in awe of you and i still am, it's impossible not be, you're perfect. And I know there's no such thing as perfect but if that's true how else would I describe you. You were so lost in the music, so focused and you still get like that. You can see it on stage, the look on your face when you dance. You're so passionate about dancing and singing, that's why one of the reasons people love you, i know it's one of the many reasons i do. But no matter how many people love you, You're mine and no body will ever be able to take you away, okay? You've been on my mind and in my heart since that first day and you will be forever. My mind is full of you and so is my heart, I can barely call them my own anymore.  Everything I do is for you. I hope that we'll be able to spend a long time together, and I know deep down that we will.

Love, your Minho

.·:*¨ Talking about Lee know and Hae ¨*:·.

"I don't think they've ever argued" Han sighed, looking at the ceiling while he was speaking "but that one time and that ended up okay, even better than before"

"Yeah" Felix nodded

"Instead they just talk things out" Chan said, rubbing his arm "their communication skills are crazy" he chuckled

"They just speak" seungmin said "like it could be about nothing but they would still speak"

"It can be nothing but then it can also be really deep stuff"

"That's something they've always done" Hyunjin said "like since we first moved into our dorm, Lee know would randomly come into our room and just talk to her. It could start of so stupid, like talking about their favorite insect and then it would get so deep"

"They tell each other anything" I.n smiled "I can name so many things I've told Hae that Lee know's ended up knowing. But that's just how they are, they have no secrets"

"I feel like they're made for each other" Felix said

Chan nodded and so did every one else

"They just fit together" Seungmin nodded "it's like they even each other out. Hae's the hyper to Lee know's calm and then other times she's the calm to his hyper"

"Yeah" changbin nodded "It's Like when Lee know is over excited and keeps yelling, Hae's there to kind of calm him down, but not too much that he's silent but just enough so that he's still excited but he's not screaming every two seconds, and he's never scary to her. Well he's still scary because he's Minho but he never threatens her like he does with us. He's like a different person but not so different that he's not Lee know but he's.... i don't know how to describe it but he's almost better. He's happier, nicer and just brighter "

"They understand each other" Han nodded "Really well"

"It's because They know each other so well" Changbin smiles

"You know they can look at each other and know what they are thinking" Hyunjin tells the group, crossing his legs

"it's kinda scary" Seungmin nods

"They sometimes act as if it's like a physic power" Felix sighs "they stare at each other like this.." he laughs, staring at the wall with wide eyes

"it's so strange"I.N agrees, staring as well "just like that!"

"But they're strange together" Chan chuckles

"They've always gotten along like that" Han smiles "Since the beginning"

"i remember when Lee know got eliminated" Hyunjin sighs "Hae was absolutely devastated" he says, shaking his head

"mhm" Changbin nods "she wouldn't eat or sleep, the only thing she did was practice"

"It was like all the life out of her had been sucked out" Seungmin said "I think if Hae got eliminated thats how Lee know would have reacted. Even though he doesn't always show it on camera, Hae is everything to him, his world revolves around her. Actually she is his world"

"Yeah" hyunjin nodded "everything he does is for her. He once told me he lives everyday to make her feel loved and ever since then I saw him differently"

"Being with them makes me see things differently" Jeongin admitted

"To me they are like oxygen for each other, they can't survive without the other being there "Bang chan tells them

"You can see the love they have for each other in their looks" Han smiles, crossing his legs "she's his and he's hers"

"If soulmates are real" I.N says "they're each others"

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