By sophia_ispeng

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What happens when you fall for someone you know you're not supposed to fall in love with? ''It's cool to have... More

Author's note.
CHAPTER 50 {The End.}


13 7 1
By sophia_ispeng

The sight of what I saw automatically caused invulnerable tears to roll down my eyes.


I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't even understand how the house I left some hours ago has turned into this.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you!" They all sang in chorus. I couldn't help but cry uncontrollably. People were videoing and my mum embraced me in a motherly hug.

"I didn't see this coming mum," I said as I pulled myself more I to her.

"That's the whole point love, that's why it's called a surprise party. You should thank Dave tho, he came up with the whole idea." I looked back at him to find him smiling at me. He gave me a small wave and I went back to hug him tightly, not minding the people in our midst.

Now I know why he kept checking his phone every now and then earlier today.

Also, now I know why he asked me to dress pretty.

"Thank you," I said as he rubbed my back.

"You deserve the world and I am going to give it to you if only you let me." We remain in that position for a while before I pull out of the hug. I felt someone's heavy gaze on me and my eyes scanned the room in search of the person who was staring. Immediately my eyes found the person, I screamed in excitement but the loud music didn't make it too obvious.

"Tokyo!" I hug him tightly and he hugged me too.

"Hi dolphin, happy birthday." I can't believe he came all the way for me.

"I'm so grateful T I can't believe you came for me." I said.

"I mean it's your eighteenth, it's either I'm here or nowhere else." He cups my face in excitement and I hold him too.

"When did you come?"

"I took the first flight to Lagos yesterday." A thought strikes my mind immediately.

"Wait! How did you know about all of this?" I ask in a questioning tone.

"Dave told me." Wow. I thought he didn't like us together? Guess he didn't have a choice. I quickly dismiss T and go and attend to the others who were present here, thanking them for honouring the invitation. Jojo was present too.

"Mum, where's dad?" I ask when I couldn't spot my dad anywhere.

"He was called for an urgent business's meeting but he'll be back soon I hope." I took in time to admire the whole scenery.

The event planner really did a great job. My house looked different. The light was quite dim and they was a balloon with the figure 1 and 8. There was also a banner printed Happy eighteenth  Jasmine.

The waiters who came to serve started off with an appetizer. Sausages were distributed to everyone present alongside with any drink of their choice. I went to meet Dave who handed a present to me. He asked me to open it and when I did, I was faced with the dress which I've been longing for. I've been saving up to go get it when my money is complete and to talk about the fact that this is the first present?! Well, according to him yeah.

This is more than enough already because the dress is quite expensive. I'm so elated right now.

"C'mon, go and change it quickly. I want to see how it looks on you." I kiss him on the cheek before walking into my room to change my outfit. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I looked so gorgeous. I touch up my make-up, put on a silver heel and a silver purse accompanied with silver accessories. I sighed in satisfaction as I made my way back out.

Immediately I came to view, everybody turned their attention to me. You know those cliché movies where the star of the film is coming into view and everything automatically turns into slow motion while music is playing in the background?

That's exactly how this felt right now. All eyes were on me and in no time, people began to bring out their phones to video. God, I will be all over people's statuses and stories today.

Trust Jojo not to slack in things like this, she began to hype me up and my cousin followed suit. I couldn't help but smile at them. I glanced at Dave who had his eyes on me the whole time. I like the fact that I was making him stare.

"Make some noise for the celebrant!" The DJ purred making everyone in the room scream. The music began to play again making some teenagers to continue dancing while some had small talks here and there. I felt someone beside me and I almost jumped in excitement when I saw who it was.

Today keeps getting better.

"My baby!" I hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his head in the nape of my neck.

"Happy birthday to you my lulu, I wish you long life and prosperity." He kissed my forehead when we withdrew from the hug.

"Thank you boo. I'm so happy you came." I say genuinely.

"I was supposed to be here earlier but I got caught up in traffic, I'm sorry."

"It's fine love. Thanks for coming anyways."

"Your house looks beautiful by the way." This was the first time Drey was ever visiting my house.

"Thank you-" Dave came from behind and snaked his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my head.

"Hey babe," he was being possessive again.

"Hi papi."

"Who's your friend?" He asked. I couldn't miss the jealously in his eyes. Even if nobody could see it, I could.

"Oh, this is Drey. He's almost like the only friend I have in school and he's my sit partner too." I say giggling. "Drey this is Dave, my-"

"-boyfriend." Dave completed stretching out his hands for a handshake. Drey looked confused but he took the hand anyways. I was confused too because as far as I can remember, Dave and I haven't gone official yet.

"Babe can I see you for a few minutes? I'm sorry my girlfriend and I need to talk." Dave winked at Drey before taking me away.  I was so lost right now.

"Dave what was that petty act for?" I ask as we got to a place in the house where the music wasn't too loud.

"I don't like him." Was his simple response.



"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Well I think you're just being jealous because I don't understand how you won't like someone you're meeting for the very first time."

"I don't like the way he was being all touchy." Dave pressed further.

"Babe you need to take a chill pill because we aren't even official yet. You can't keep acting possessive if you're not ready to make me yours." I say and with that, I walked away with him following behind me.

I went back to Drey to apologize for what just happened.

"It's fine. I didn't know you had a boyfriend tho." He said and I could swear I saw something like hurt flash in his eyes but it went just as fast as it came.

"He's not my boyfriend Drey, we're just really close." I said.

Even though I liked the idea of Dave and I being a couple, or I was supposed to be happy that he claimed me as his tonight, I don't know why I was acting the opposite. I didn't know why I was clearing the air to Drey that Dave and I weren't official.

Soon enough, roses by Vinny Eva begins to play and every guy in the room picked their partner.

It's really not easy it's true, I really can't live or breathe or think without you.
My baby girl please reply cause my emotions feels true. I really wanna spend my life with you girl please day I do. Dave sang along word for word as he came closer to me.

When they got to the part where Vinny said I'll buy roses for you, he brought out a rose from behind him and handed it over to me. I couldn't help the smile that crept up my cheeks. People had already begin to applaud.

I'll even make up funny stories for you.
And which kind thing girl shey you do me juju? Dave continued  as he spinned me around, causing sound of hypes from my friends. I was dancing with him now.

Love hurts without you.
I'm stuck without you.
Mistakenly I find my way, I'll try to find you.
To anywhere you are, near or far, I'll be there. I'll take you round  by the hand.
I'll be your own bad guy
I'll be the one who will make you smile.

Forget the other guy, this time, he looked towards the direction of Drey but I just ignored him because I was enjoying the whole vibe that I was getting.

I'll be the one who would make you laugh.
I'll be your own bad guy, I'll be the one who would write you lines.
The song kept playing and we kept dancing with the roses in my hands. It just felt like he was secretly expressing his emotions for me through the song.
I can't deny that this is one of the best birthdays that I've had in a while. Dave is really making it count. Although, he's intentionally stepping on some people's toes.

After the song was over, I went to take a seat. I was feeling a bit exhausted. The waiters began to share the food now. It contained a mixture of Jollof and fried rice, salad and turkey. The usual party food in Nigeria.

We all began to eat and when we were half way through the food, Dave came up to speak and we paid attention to him.

"Hi everyone, I believe you all are having fun." We all nodded.

"So right now it's time for the gift presentation. If you're with a present for the celebrant, you will say a few words about her and hand over your present to her. If you didn't come with anything, then you can as well say some sweet things about her and wish her well." He spoke. I can't wait to see how this turns out. Drey was the first person to come out and immediately, my heart picked a rapid pace.

"Good day everyone." He greeted and they replied him good naturedly.

"First off, I want to begin my thanking Mrs Wilson for her humble invite and I also want to wish the celebrant a splendid birthday. I can see she's having one already." He chuckled and I smiled too.

"Jasmine is someone whom I've known for over four years now, although on her path, it's two. I noticed her when we were both in junior secondary school and something about her just sparked my interest. I asked to be friends with her in Ss1 and that is when our relationship began. I must confess that meeting Jasmine is one of the best thing that has happened to me.-

-at first, we started off as just sit partners but overtime, it grew into something more with us always being there for each other. You can never, I mean never have a dull moment with Jasmine. She's a young smart girl who has a lot to her than what people see on the surface. She doesn't joke with the people she loves and she is one of the most caring people I've ever met.

-even when things are not comfortable for her, she still does it because that is how hard she can go for those she loves. It hurts me so much when I think about the fact that I will no longer get to sit beside her considering the fact that we will soon be done with our WAEC examinations. It hurts me to know that she will no longer be there to tease me or ask me why I don't like attending the assembly.-

-the times where she would get upset when I call her by my favourite name, lulu." He locked eyes with me and we both smiled. "Or the times where i'll piss her off and bribe her with chocolates because she can kill for those." I couldn't stop smiling.

"All in all babe, my prayer for you is that this new age brings you nothing but happiness and good people who will only bring joy to your life because you deserve to be happy and nothing less. Once again, happy birthday, lulu." He said then he walked over to me to hand me a box which was medium in size. My eyes were watery. I hug him tightly and he whispers something like I love you into my ears. I rub his back softly before he pulled out of the hug.

Everyone started applauding.
I didn't even want to look at Dave because I know he will be burning with jealousy right now. The next person to come up was Tokyo.

After saying his greetings to everyone present at the event, he began.

"It's such an honour to be here on the eighteenth birthday of my angry bird." He teased and everyone in the room chuckled.

"Jasmine is a sweet soul which everybody needs to have in a life. I mean, she's a great daughter, a great friend and I believe she would be a great sister if she had siblings. I know she will make a great wife and mother too. I still remember vividly the day I texted her on instagram. My exact words were Hey, want to vibe? And she replied with a Yeah.-

Ever since then, I think it's safe to say that we've become inseparable. Birthday comes around every year but people like you come by only once in a lifetime. Jasmine has the most tender heart I've ever come across, such a lover girl. Like My nigga said earlier, she doesn't joke with the people she loves. She's funny, energetic and beautiful. My girl who loves purple so much." I blush at that statement.

"Try getting to know Jasmine, you won't want to fuck with anybody else. You may think you are special because it's your birthday today but no way dolphin. You are special everyday. Remember I'll always be here when you need someone to talk to. Keep being the beautiful soul that you are Jasmine, don't stop being the sweetheart I met last year and see where that takes you." With that, he handed me my gift and I hug him tightly. "Happy birthday mama"

"Thank you Tokyo." Everyone else takes turns and finally, it gets to Dave's turn. For some reason, I wanted to hear what he had to say about me.

Everyone applauded him when he came up to speak, I did too.
And then with all glory, he began his speech.

Today is also my birthday you guys✨❤. I decided to update this Chapter on my birthday.

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