Spider-Man and The Esper

By Omegaknight14

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A hero from different universe unknowingly arrives in the One Punch Man universe. He holds a dark past with h... More

Character Bio
1. The Strongest Heroes
2. The Lone Cyborg
3. Practice Bout
4. The House of Evolution
5. Evolution Ends, Burning Building
6. The Deadly Ninja
7. The Meteorite, Spider-man Meets Fubuki
8. The Sea Folk
9. Unyielding Justice
10. You're Not Alone, The Dark Past
11. The Class-S Meeting
12. Dark Matter Thieves
13. End of Dark Matter
14. Helping Out the Spider
15. Spider-man vs Class-S
16. Training On The First Day
17. Day Off, Shopping
18. Meeting The King
19. Looks Like We Got Competition
20. The Spider's Mind
21. Bomb Incident
22. Gift Of New Life
23. Crossing The Street
24. Breaking Point
25. Questions and Bank Robbers
26. Hospital visit
27. Birthday Surprise
28. Injury
29. Breakfast, World Trade Center
30. One Thing After Another
31. Spider-man fights Sonic...Again
32. The Winter Festival
33. Livestream
34. The Hero Hunter
35. Absolute Carnage
36. Forest Battle
37. Crazy day
38. Mobilize
39. Rematch
40. I'm Here
41. A Hero or Monster? Part 1
42. A Hero or Monster? Part 2
43. A Hero or Monster? Part 3
44. A Hero or Monster? Part 4
45. A More Greater Threat
46. Absolute Evil
47. The Hero Vs. The Villain
49. First Steps of Redemption
50. The Day Has Finally Come.

48. Sacrifices

152 7 7
By Omegaknight14

The favor involves Garou wanting Fubuki to copy his martial arts technique believing that Fubuki will be able to use it to its fullest potential, "Copy? You want me to copy your martial arts? Could've thought of something more creative."

"Watch your mouth. You should be able to copy my techniques and surpass them ever further. I'm going to pass on the most powerful techniques of "My Fist" as I envision it, which I haven't even managed to pull of myself. Even after stealing God's powers."

"Ok seriously, what the hell will that even accomplish?" Fubuki dryly replied as she crossed her arms.

"Try it and find out! From one martial arts prodigy to another."

Fubuki could only remain silent for a moment as she forms a smirks, "Alright. I'll take what I can get at this point since I have nothing else to lose."

Garou takes a stance as he preforms the techniques, "You won't have to. Jumping straight into learning the ultimate secrets in martial arts is fitting for someone like you. Now watch closely."

Fubuki nodded as she started to copy down Garou's movements as Garou continued to speak, "If anyone can be able to master the power of God, without taking God's hand itself, it's you."

"SILENCE! I'M TAKING THEM BACK!" Fubuki's looks up with worry wondering where that voice was coming from.

"God" silences Garou and begins to siphon his power and life which consequently makes Garou's body break down into salt.

Fubuki is concerned, "Gaoru?!"

Garou tells her to stay focused, "Don't worry about me! Concentrate!" Fubuki starts to get serious as her white eyes brighten.

As Fubuki appears to have successfully mastered the technique as Garou let's out his final words, "I will not die a monster. Now, Fubuki, get going and defeat it! You of all people can be able to do it! What you've got to the defeat is... that Ominous future!"

Garou fully perishes as the Hero Hunter's body crumbles into salt. Fubuki gasped at seeing what had happened as was suddenly pulled back by an intense force, "Woah!"

Fubuki travels backwards in time, seeing all the instances of their battle and amazed by Garou's technique. Fubuki lets out a chuckle, "Garou I shouldn't doubted your martial arts! Thank you."

When she spots the moment when Garou declares himself as that "ominous future" to the heroes of the Hero Association, "Gotcha. Web-head, This time I'll be the one saving you." Fubuki punches through it adding a Cosmic Strike.


Garou lands on top of a hill in front of every hero that was present in the ruins of City-Z. The remaining heroes immediately realize that the man standing before them was the source of the massive explosions just moments before. Only the S-Class heroes remain on the spot while the lower ranked heroes begin to run away in terror.

'Have I finally become what I've always dreamt of? The symbol that strikes fear in the hearts of heroes?' After a few seconds of realizing that he had become the symbol of being "Absolute Evil", he gazes up at the sky, 'Thank y-."

He is suddenly rocked by a powerful punch from Fubuki who had returned to the present. The punch itself was abnormally powered up during the battle on Io with Garou, who did not utilize a large portion of Fubuki's power at the time.

Garou is sent flying and crashing into the ground and off the heap, cracking his face. Garou, shocked at what just happened, then begins to lose his divine power as it escapes from the exposed portion of his face.

Fubuki was suddenly pulled back, flying out of nowhere towards an unknown location as the past version of her flies towards herself. The current Fubuki quickly spots Spider-man's body laying on the ground unconscious, seeing the opportunity she quickly shoots a project towards him giving him half of her Cosmic powers as the aura surrounded his body as it fades. That way both of them will be at 100 percent having their own Cosmic transformations.

Both the current Fubuki and past Fubuki made contact as they fuse together, becoming one.

Fubuki here and now falls down to the stones with a thud. Fubuki groans as she opens her eyes which were now back to her emerald eyes as she looks around, "Huh? Wait how did I get here? The last thing I remember was getting by Garou's blast." Fubuki felt something small in her left hand to see a ring, "Huh? A wedding ring? When did-"

She suddenly screams out as she grips her head as the memories of what happened in the alternate timeline came back to her, showing every single events in detail, it was every single bit of information in seconds, every bit of detail of an alternative timeline that no longer exists but she what suddenly caught her attention the most was when Spider-man was shown that he was laying dead in her arms.

Fubuki breathes heavily as sweat started to drop from her face, her arms were shaking, hands were trembling as she looked at the ring as tears started to fall, "M...Michael..."

"Fubuki?!" Spider-man's voice was heard in the distance, Fubuki's eyes snapped open as she slowly lifted up her head to see the hero who she thought was dead.

Without even thinking or giving it a second thought she used her esper powers to fly straight towards Spider-man who let's out a grunt from the impact making them both fall to their knees, Fubuki lets out cries filled with relief as tears started to fall, "Web-head!"

"Woah, it's ok. It's ok. I'm alright. It's not like I'm dead or anything." Spider-man said with reassuring voice as Fubuki continued to cry on his shoulder. Fubuki growls as she slapped his cheek as he let's out a grunt as a small shockwave erupted from the slap.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Spider-man rubs his masked cheek.

"You asshole! I thought you actually died!" Fubuki screams in rage and relief at the same time.

"Well I'm here right now. That has to count for something right." Spider-man said with an amusing tone as he rubs his cheek which will probably be sore later on, "What are you holding?"

Fubuki slowly opens her hand which made Spider-man's eyes widen, "Wait I thought I had that in my pocket- I mean, I-I've never seen that b-before."

Fubuki raised an eyebrow as she noticed his stutter and nervousness, he definitely know what she was holding in her hand, "Web-head...were you..."

Spider-man checks his hidden suit pockets as he suddenly pulls out a ring identical to the one Fubuki is holding made her eyes widen in surprise.

"Um...well..." Spider-man rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away, "....Tats actually bought it since she approved of us becoming a thing, figured that there was ever an opportunity...I would take it but I wasn't sure if I was ready yet. So...surprise. I guess. But it doesn't really explain how we have two identical rings. That's the strange part but we'll figure it out later."

Fubuki only remained silent as she stared at the ring she was holding, the thought of Tatsumaki actually approving the both of them was just breathtaking, it was like a dream. But with trying to memories parts of the alternate timeline would be difficult, "I may know the answer but I'll tell you about it later."

"Sure. And I understand that if you aren't ready yet. We can wait a few more years when-"

"I'll marry you."

"-we have more experience with getting to know, wait, what did you say?"

Fubuki could just simply smiles as tears of happiness were falling, now would be a good time as any when seeing the man she loves is alive and with her, and the funny thing was is that she returned the favor by arriving just in time to save everyone like a real hero, he has done that countless times but this time she did the saving. "I said yes, you selfless spider. I will marry you."

Spider-man blinks in surprise, "....You're kidding, right?"


"Are you pulling my leg?"


"Y-you actually mean it?"

"At the bottom of my heart! I will marry you, Michael!" Fubuki replied as she gives Spider-man the biggest hug of all time.


"You're in a so much pain, huh?"

"I am."


'What the hell happened? I didn't even sensed that punch coming at all!? It's like it came out of nowhere! A punch more powerful to put Spider-man and Blizzard to shame...'

After losing his power from God through future Fubuki's punch, Garou finds himself weakened and surrounded by several heroes,


"You're that hero hunter, Garou, right?"


Elsewhere, Tareo suddenly gets up as he hears a voice, "Tareo! Get up!" He was awakened by a vision of Garou from the alternate timeline before he fades away.

'Uncle?' Tareo says in confusion as he hears a ruckus nearby and walks to it, "I hear voices over there. Maybe that's where everyone is."


Lower ranking heroes beat up an injured Garou who offers no resistance.

"Die, Hero Hunter!"

"You sure gave us a beating, didn't ya!?"

"Now it's our turn to do the hunting!"

Garou weakly laughs at their taunt, "Haha, what's wrong losers? Your hits are pathetic."

Metal Bat steps up and demands they stop, "Guys that's enough! You're basically beating up an injured guy!"

Two of them started to complain at Metal Bat, "What! Whose side are you on?!"

"We were the ones who got beat up!"

Livid, Sweet Mask mentions how Garou had gone berserk earlier and that Garou will kill them all if nothing is done to him, "You saw how wild he went earlier, didn't you? If we just sit by and do nothing about it, he'll incinerate us all! The human monster has become a full monster. The decision to execute him is unanimous and not open for discussion."

"I sure as hell didn't agree to that."

Bang continued to watch his former student accept defeat by the lower ranked heroes, 'Garou...'

Zombieman approaches and asks Garou about his strength's source, knowing that an earlier cadre had spoken about "God" before his unexpected death.

Garou laughs and claims that he alone is responsible, "Hahahaha! What the hell are you taking about?! What a bunch of horseshit! Everything that happened was all me! Come on then! Hurry up and finally finish me!"

As Zombieman wonders if the Human Monster no longer has a desire to live.

Sweet Mask prepares to kill him, "Alright time to conduct the evacuation!" Readying the killing blow as his fist was mere moments away from making contact with Garou.

But on sync, the attack was stopped by someone catching his fist as Tareo who also clung onto Sweet Mask's leg, "Wait! Uncle is a real hero who saved me a bunch of times! Hurry up and run, Uncle." Tareo legs go of Sweet Mask's leg to run over to Garou's side who was still surprised to see what happened.

Sweet Mask turns his gaze from the boy to see who stops his attack as it none other than Spider-man who was standing his ground in front of Garou, Spider-man sends a sharp glare at Sweet Mask, "You're not killing him." Spider-man sends a palm strike to Sweet Mask which sends a few feet away.

Sweet Mask grits his teeth with anger, as his eyes changed to a crimson red filled with bloodless "What!? You're defending this monster!"

"He's no monster." Fubuki says as she walks beside Spider-man to defend Garou, "Never was one to begin with in the first place."

He clenched his fists and stomped his foot, drawing everyone's attention.

"This monster killed countless lives. He is at least partly responsible for the destruction of this city. He has severely injured good Heroes. He doesn't deserve to live. You must kill him. He nearly killed us all. Avenge all those who were wronged by this Maniac. If he gets lose, you'll be deemed responsible for his escape. I'll inform the media of both of your act. You're reputation will be ruined. You'll be banished from the Hero Association."

Garou could only listen in as he remained silent with Tareo next to him who was worried about the decision the two heroes who were defending him were going to make.

Spider-man looks down for a moment before he and Fubuki look at each other for a moment, all the high rank and low rank heroes stay in silence waiting for their words to come out.

Fubuki and Spider-man look back over their shoulders at Tareo and Garou, who was still bloodied and a bit weakened, they lastly turned their gaze back to Sweet Mask.

Spider-man was the first to speak, "I would rather give up my reputation and rank for Garou to live to see another day. As far as I'm concerned Garou saved this boy, Tareo countless times, to me he's more a hero than all of you."

Fubuki nodded in agreement, "The same will go for me, based on what we're already seeing, we're looking at the real monsters here, those who are on the verge of killing an 18 year old teenager when Garou himself has never killed a single human being, when you get a better look at him, he's not a bad person, he's just had bad luck. Killing humans specifically for the greater good is not something heroes do can on a daily basis. We're not gods who can decide who lives and who dies, we're supposed to be heroes that look out for anyone in their time of need. We have gifts, we have power and with great power, comes great responsibility. To do what's right we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most, even out dreams."

All of the heroes could only stare in disbelief with what the they were doing, they were giving up their ranks to save the hero hunter. The Blizzard Group were having the same reaction as well but their weren't angry, no they were in awe by Miss Blizzard's words, it's truly admire her even more.

Lily had tears fall down her eyes as her lily flower deflated a little bit while forming a smile, "Miss Blizzard..."

Garou stares at the ground in shock of what was happening, 'These two are defending me by giving up their own reputation and everything they worked so hard for?....Maybe I misjudged these two, no kind of hero would ever stick up for a villain. Not even for someone like me but that's what they are doing right now. Do I really have a hero's instincts?'

Bang could only stare at the couple in amazement, giving up their own reputations for Garou was saying a lot, he speaks up, "I won't let you throw your life away so easily. If you still want to make up for the mistakes you made with injuring heroes, you'll have to make up for it a hundred times over."

Garou finally speaks up, "How do I plan on doing that old man?" He wasn't sure if he could be able to pull that off with after every he's done.

Fubuki and Spider-man looked back at him as they both reply in sync with a smile, "Continue to build up your game helping the little people."

Both of them were also referring to the accidental moment when Garou unintentionally saved some Hero Association shelter members and saving a town that was about to be destroyed the volcano.

Garou tells Spider-man one more thing, this was out of respect "Blizzard was right about you. You really are a true hero at heart. Possibly the only one I respect out of all of these losers. Thank you."

Much to everyone's shock. Garou vanishing from sight.


"He's getting away!"

"Dman it!"

Sweet Mask is also angered at the fleeing fugitive while Spider-man and Fubuki were the only ones seeming to track him leave with smiles on their faces.

Fubuki kneels to Tareo, still having tears of relief in his eyes jumps to give Fubuki a thankful hug for saving Garou's life in the end, "T-thank you..."

Spider-man kneels beside them to ruffle Tareo's hair, "It's what we do. Come on, we'll walk you home."

Tareo hops on Spider-man's shoulders while Fubuki followed beside Spider-man heading to the horizon as the sun began to rise in the distance while all the heroes watched the two leave in the distance with shock and awe on their faces. Only one thought came to the lower rank heroes, 'What kind of heroes are they?'

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