Trust. Vol. 1&2

By Jed1council

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!! BOOK 1&2 !! when your mom died you stopped bonding with anyone, when Ghost saves your life on a mission y... More

meet the characters
the beginning of the end
A Distraction
"Not mentally stable?"
old friends and old foes
the visit
So sorry
I Did something bad
Burning flesh
To do
The Doctor
Coffee Epilogue


1.2K 35 10
By Jed1council

“Guys I don’t know about this, the cops said themselves one last catch and I’m gone for good” I held the mask a little tighter in my hand “looks, if we can pull this off we won’t be doing any other jobs for a while” Wolf, the self appointed leader spoke and I let out a sigh.

“You could always quit, go back to your life of poverty, the life where you could barely feed yourself” he turned away and I stood up putting the mask on.
It had a skull like decal on It, except it had blood stains from past jobs dirtying it. I put black and deep red around my eyes “I’m in, but this I’d the last time” I grabbed my pistol off the table and grabbed a bigger gun.

At the museum

Click, our camera girl got into the cams and set them in a constant loop, while Pick, her twin brother started on the locks.

We all put gloves on and made our way for the diamond, “there she is, our money maker” Wolf spoke with an apparent smile and he approached the diamond, not just any diamond, one of two Red Diamonds left in the world.

I got on my knees to better access the wires when all of a sudden there was glass breaking and yelling “Get on the fucking ground, don’t think about reaching for the guns!” a man yelled and I was pulled away from the case and my face was pressed to the ground.

“You can’t do this!” Wolf yelled and I saw that Click and Pick were the only two not on the ground “traitors!” I yelled only to be pulled up and away from the two, they had smug smiles and waved goodbye to us.

At the station, in the questioning room

“you told me you were done with this bullshit!” Kyle yelled and I couldn’t help but laugh “your fault for believing it, I mean come on, why would I ever quit!” I exclaimed slamming my hands on the table “your mom would want better” he leaned toward me and I spit on the ground “don’t bring my mom into this, she left me in this earth with nothing except for the color of her hair!” I yelled when two officers came in the room.

“take her to the cell, don’t let her out until transfer” he ordered and I shook my head “don’t do this Kyle, come on!” I begged and he walked forward tilting my chin to look at him “you should of thought of what was going to happen before you did it” he nodded his head and I was dragged away.

3 days and counting

I had been locked in this cell for 3 fucking days, no visits, only deliveries of food and water.

“You must be Y/n?” a woman with blonde hair tied into a messier bun, she was wearing a white denim jacket, dark blue jeans, and a simple pair of sneakers stepped closer to my cell and I looked up from my artwork of mushed peas.

“correct, why?” I asked and the door opened allowed her to enter “I’m Captain Kate Laswell, when I heard about your case I couldn’t help but remember your mother” she looked down and away before handing me a file.

“my mom was a sniper?” I asked and she nodded “damn good one, this is my good friend Price, you can trust him, and I see you’ve already met Kyle” she smiled and I nodded taking the picture off the file “I look a lot like my mom” I smiled faintly, finally putting a face to her voice.

Present time

“Ghost you’ll be staying back go keep an eye on Reaper” Price brought me out of my thoughts and I nodded “are you sure we don’t want Alex to watch her, I’m sure they could spend more time together” he left the conference room and I went after him.

“What the fuck is your problem!” I exclaimed following him into the training room, I shut the door keeping him in.

“The fuck is my problem? Don’t even fucking go there, you’ve been keeping secrets from the whole team!” he yelled and I rolled me eyes “that’s not what this is about is it? Your jealous of Alex and I” I laughed and he took a step towards me.

“I don’t like you, I barley tolerate hearing you pitiful sob stories, why the fuck would I be jealous!?” he yelled and I cracked my knuckles behind my back hearing commotion from the other side of the door.

“because I kissed you, you just can’t stand the fact I don’t actually like you, I was drunk Simon!”

“don’t call me Simon, it’s Ghost and always has been” he cracked his neck and I copied following him to the ring.

“Ive told you things I’ve never told anyone, Ive showed you my face more than I have anyone, I took my mask off and kissed you, in public! And yet you aren’t hearing me!” He argued and I shook my head “congrats on opening up to me, Ghost we’re friends nothing more, the only shit I’ve kept secret is shit I can’t talk about for legal reasons, get your head out of your ass and stop being a dumbass!” I exclaimed.

“maybe you should stop being a fucking crybaby over every little thing!” he argued and I could feel my heart fall “the fuck did I you just call me?” I asked and he let out a low laugh “a crybaby, what does that make you ups-” I changed him and took him to the ground punching him in the face.

“Y/n get off of him!” Price yelled and Gaz pulled me back “I wish I never saved you, you deserved to die, your just more dead weight to the team” Ghost pushed and I fell, face first into a mud puddle.

I broke free from Gaz and charged him, the only thing on my mind was getting him down and keeping him there.

“all you ever do is whine about you dead family, don’t forget the mission where I had to save you because you got shot, all because you did want to kill someone who looked like your dear ol’ mommy! Reality check Simon she’s dead
That got him fired up, a fire ignited behind his eyes, I hit a sensitive spot, I would never have done this normally but it was something that was set off inside of me, I only wanted to cause him pain.

“did I hurt your feelings, you gonna cry” I stepped forward so I was directly over his sitting body “your mom deserved to die, you deserve to be rotting in a cell, you deserved what happened to you in that bar” he knew he hit a nerve and he could see I was knocked down a peg and he slowly got up.

“Yeah, I know your nothing but another killer, does Alex know what happened, does anyone know the truth about that kid you care so much about?” he asked looked to everyone who had their eyes on me.

“Price” I said sternly and he got everyone out.

I stood up and punched Ghost right in the nose, there was a crack and his mask cracked through the middle bit not all of the way through.

“does anyone know that your not supposed to be in the army because your fucking crazy? Do they know about your dad, your mom even, how about your little brother?” I asked and he wrapped his hand around my neck and drove my to the ground squeezing more and more.

“I hope you die, and I hope you have to deal with your dad in the afterlife, you don’t deserve good things Ghost, you don’t  deserve this, you deserved to die all those years ago” I pulled his hand off and punched him in the face again, and again.




His mask broke, my hands were bloody, and he wasn’t hurt enough for my likings.

I was dragged off the second his mask broke, Gaz was holding me back with all of his strength but I just wanted him dead.

“Get up” Price ordered my and I stood feeling zip ties tighten around my wrist “is that really necessary?” I asked and price pushed me further “sit and wait for laswell” he huffed and I sat in the office chair.

“you want to explain what just happened?” Laswell asked and I quite literally bit my tongue “don’t play this game” she demanded and I took a deep, shaky breath “I don’t know, I just got mad and hit” I explained and she huffed “I’ll review cameras until then you don’t get to carry a badge, neither of you get that right” she placed Ghosts name tag and badge down and price cut the ties allowing me to place mine down too.

“Price take her to the infirmary, to get her neck looked at, and anywhere else he hit” she ordered and Price nodded.

In the infirmary

“I’m sorry, what I did was stupid, I kept digging and slipping” I wiped my eyes feeling the pain when I moved my arms, the pain when I put too much pressure on my eye, and the pain when I spoke.

“kid I’m not upset in the slightest, don’t apologize to me, you both took unfair digs at each other, you need to apologize to each other” he huffed and I groaned “everything hurts” I huffed resting my head on price.

Ghost pov

“Soap I don’t need your shit- Alex?” of course he was here, probably to rub it in my face that she wants him.

“I know were not exactly close, but while you were getting your nose fixed I tried to fix your mask, it still has some blood and pieces missing but I just wanted to help” he handed me the skull and I nodded “thanks” I nodded.

“Oh and nothings going on between me and her, just past history, that we crushed” he assured and I nodded awkwardly shutting my door.

He really did fix it, except for a small piece missing above the eye it was fixed.

“Ghost open up!” Price called and I huffed opening the door “the both of you will be staying in a safe house together, the second you apologize you can come back” he said and I pulled him into the room.

“sorry? Like mission wise, is the house far from here?” I asked confused and price huffed “fine, were moving you into one of the housing units, it’s temporary but it ends the quicker the two of you make up” he explained and I nodded.

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