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What happens when you fall for someone you know you're not supposed to fall in love with? ''It's cool to have... Daha Fazla

Author's note.
CHAPTER 50 {The End.}


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sophia_ispeng tarafından

Jasmine's POV.

The drive home was short, courtesy of no traffic. I thank Mr. Gerald and make my way into the house to be faced with my mum. Is she really serious about this deal?

Incase you're wondering what the deal is about, it's concerning Dave. She asked me to invite him over because she wanted to meet him one on one. According to her, she wanted to meet the boy who made her daughter feel all these things. I guess that is why she's absent from work today.

I haven't even told the boy in question that my mum wants to see him. I have to do that right away. I say my greetings to her, we have small talks here and there about our day and then I leave her to freshen up.

Getting to my room, I quickly undress and head into the shower. I do the necessary and come out after fifteen minutes with my white towel tied around my chest. I dry up my body and begin to apply my body lotion and my face cream.

When I was done, I put on a big white burberry T-shirt that I stole from him with a white socks because it was cold. I pack my hair in a bun and apply some lip gloss on my lips. I wear my 3in1 necklace and put on my signature cologne. After doing all of this, I pick up my phone to call Dave on WhatsApp audio call.

He picked up on the very first ring, like he had been waiting for my call all day.

"Hey shawty," he spoke making me smile. I loved hearing his voice.

"Hi papi, how are you today?" I said in between smiles.

"I'm bored babe. Just been surfing through my socials, silently waiting for you to come online." He said. I think this is the best opportunity to use in inviting him over.

"Why don't you come over to my place then?" I offered. He chuckled before responding.

"Are you crazy babe? You want me to to face your dad?"

"Relax papi. My dad is not at home. Besides my mum asked me to invite you over."

"You have to be kidding me right now. Why would your mum want to see me?" Dave asked incredulously.

"That's a long story. I'm just going to state the needed and then you have to start heading down here." He muttered an incoherent okay causing me to continue.

How was I going to tell him that I was telling Tokyo about our kiss and then my mum overheard me? Dave isn't the kiss and tell type so I guess I'll just skip that part.

"So, remember I lied to come see you two days ago yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah. Happy new month by the way." I can't believe I forgot today is a new month. I've spoken to so many people today but somehow, Dave is the first person to wish me a happy new month.

"Same to you my love." I replied before proceeding with my story. "When I came back home that day, I was met with my mum and my dad and I lied to them that my supposed classmate was staying on the mainland which was why I wasn't able to come home on time. I silently pleaded for my mum to convince my dad for me and she did so. She was coming from the mainland too so she just chipped in and my dad believed our lie.

-Remember Tokyo called me when I was at your place yeah?" I asked but Dave didn't respond so I continued. I don't know what his beef with T was. "When I got home I called him back and I guess my mum overheard my conversation with him so she found out that I didn't go to do any assignment. You won't believe that she knew I kissed you that day." I said earning a gasp from Dave.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"She said that the moment I walked through that door, she knew I went to kiss a guy because my lips were looking pinker than usual. I was slightly embarrassed but she seemed cool with the whole stuff making me ease out a bit." I said.

"Wow!" Was all Dave could say. "I'm short of words," he added.

"It's a lot babe. We spoke about you that evening. I told her about us and she said she wanted to meet with the boy who made her daughter feel these things." I said in air quotes, even though Dave couldn't see me.

"Then I guess I have no choice than to honour the invitation of the woman who gave birth to the girl I've helplessly fallen in love with. The mother of the daughter whom I feel these things for too." Dave stated causing me to blush without control.

"I guess I should give you time to prepare then."

"Yeah babe. Expect me in half an hour time." Dave stated.

"I love you papi."

"I love you more stink." With that, I hung up and went to meet my mum to inform her that Dave was on his way.

Dave's POV.

The invite I just got to Jasmine's was really unexpected to say the least. I shuffle through my closet to look for something presentable to put on. Without wanting to do too much, I settle for a black on black trouser and shirt and a white bumper Jacket. I walk to the corner where all my shades were kept and I picked out a white Louis vuitton shades and a white shoe.

I walk down to my accessories spot and I put on my wrist watch and a silver chain. I also apply my signature cologne, the one Jasmine loves alot.

When I'm finally done, I grab my keys and stare at my reflection in the mirror. What a way to start up my new month.

I can't even deny the fact that I'm feeling a bit nervous right now. What if I do not meet up to Mrs. Wilson's standard? What if she doesn't like me and forbids Jasmine from hanging out with me?

I clear off those negative thoughts off my head as I walk out the door, silently assuring myself that I could do this. I arrive at her house in less than fifteen minutes and I call Jasmine to tell her that I was outside but she wasn't picking up so I had no choice than to use the doorbell.

My heart was pounding hardly in my chest. I never knew how hard it was to meet with someone's parents until now. All the nerves I felt earlier began to rush back in in a nanosecond. If I can feel this way for meeting her mum, how then will it feel when it's her dad I have to meet with?

My thoughts gets interrupted by keys twitching and in no seconds time, I was faced with my baby girl.

"Hi," she squealed. Seeing her face made me ease up a little.

"Baby I'm nervous," I whispered as I made my way into her house.

"My mum is a really nice person, you'll be fine." She assured me. "Have a seat please." She offered and I sat down, taking in the full view of the sitting room. The last time I was here, I didn't have the time to access the living room properly because Chris led me to his room but now that I'm doing so, I must say that their home is really big and well furnished.

The house was decorated in black and white. Although, it had more of white. The chairs were mixture of black and white and so was their dining table. They had a magnificent silver chandelier hanging up. One was in the living room and another was in the dining section. Their television was a Samsung 8k QLED 85 inches and they also had three standing two conditioners. The last time I checked, the price of that television was about 5.9 million naira.

My thoughts got interrupted by the footsteps of Jasmine who came out of where I assumed to be the kitchen with a cup of fruit juice served on a tray. She brings a side table and places the juice on it for me. That was when I really noticed what she was putting on.

It was one of the shirts she stole when she came to mine. She wore it with a white socks. She was putting on some jewelry and her lips were glossy making me yearn to place my lips on them. God, this girl was beautiful. The shirt stopped at her mid-thigh exposing some of her skin and she was smelling nice too. I wish I could be alone, with her.

"My mum will be here in some seconds and yeah before I forget, you look good." She said giving me a you-got-this smile with her two thumbs up.

"Thank you. Thank you for the drink and thank you for the compliment because I was really unsure of what to wear to come see your mum." I said making her smile. "And just for the record, you don't just look good babe, you look beautiful. I love you." I said.

"Won't you guys wait to be alone before you start expressing all these your feelings?" Mrs.Wilson said teasingly as she walked in in all glory making my heart skip three beats. I stood up immediately.

"Mrs. Wilson," I said.

"How are you my boy?" She asked, scanning me from head to toe. I immediately felt self conscious. I hope she's Impressed with my appearance. I took in time to access her too. She was really beautiful and she looked really young to have a daughter as old as Jasmine. Now I know why she was okay with us.

She was part of the young generation parents.

"I'm very fine thank you ma, I must confess that you are really beautiful. Now I know where Jasmine got her beauty from." I voiced. I didn't even know where the confidence came from but I could tell it did me a good one because her face lit up in a smile immediately.

"Why, thank you lovely. You don't look bad yourself." Mrs. Wilson complimented. I mentally fist bumped myself. It means she was okay with my appearance.

"Have a seat please," she offered and that was when I realized that I was still standing.

"I can see your girl has served you with some Juice already." She said smirking.

"Mummy!" I heard Jasmine yell in slight embarrassment. I just smiled in return. My nerves were beginning to ease out a bit. Mrs. Wilson wasn't so bad after all.

"What? Are you not his girl?" Jasmine's mum kept joking playfully. This woman was such a lively soul. She diverted her attention back to me when she didn't get any response from Jasmine.

"I can see you're already settled huh?"

"Yes Ma, thank you for the drink." She waved me off before responding.

"It's nothing love." We settled in a comfortable silence before she finally decided to speak up.

"So tell me about your self young man." I cleared my throat and sat up properly.

"My name is Dave, Dave smith. I am 20 years old. I am a footballer. I live in one of my Dad's houses in the estate and I'm an ambivert." Mrs. Wilson just nodded.

"What do your parents do for a living?"

"My dad is into importing and exporting. He deals with any brand of cars, which explains why I have a car when I'm not working," I chuckle, Mrs. Wilson smiles lightly too.

"My mum on the other hand, owns one of the biggest jewelry store on the island. She travels out oftentimes to get gold and come sell here but my dad on the other hand, is almost never in the country." I smile bitterly at my statement. In as much as my dad and I are on good terms, I still miss the father and son relationship we used to have when I was younger. Now it's just all about business and making money.

"Same goes to my husband. This is the longest he has stayed in the country since we got married." Mrs. Wilson lamented causing me to chuckle.

"Your parents seem really comfortable though, that's cool. I might be patronizing your mum sooner or later. Give me her instagram handle." She hands me her pristine iPhone and I type in my mum's business page for her. She followed the page immediately.

"Do you have any plans for school? Or you want to take over from your dad's business?" I smile before responding. I hope she doesn't judge me on this one.

"I'm going to be very honest with you ma because you're the mother of someone I hold really close to my heart. However, I hope I don't get judged." I smile a bit nervously.

"Talk to me." Was all she said. For some reason, she had this motherly comfort radiating from her. I exhale before speaking.

"So the truth is, the whole inheritance of my Dad's business is for my elder brother. Same applies to going to school." She nods in understanding. "The only thing I'm passionate about is football. I don't have any interest in reading for an exam or writing a test. All I'm focused on is how to play well and score for my team. For some reason, I'm really drawn to football and I cherish it more than education."

"Wow." Was all Mrs wilson could say. I hope she's not disappointed in me. I hope I didn't use the wrong choice of words.

"I believe education is essential but at this point, we all know education is not the key to success. It is only the key to knowledge, and if we are to be fair, you mustn't really go to school to obtain knowledge. The most important of them all is your primary and secondary education which I believe you are done with. If you believe football is the one for you and your parents also support your dream, who then am I to judge you?" Mrs. Wilson cooed.

"Thank you for your understanding Ma." I said in genuine appreciation.

"You're welcome love." I pick up my cup of juice and take a sip, silently thanking God for the kind of future mother-in-law I'm going to have in some years time.

For somebody that is not even your girlfriend abi? My subconscious mocked.

"So what is thing you share with my daughter?" Mrs Wilson's words pierced through my ears. "What are these things you feel for her?" I laugh softly before responding.

"Ma, if I'm to be very honest with you, these things I feel for your daughter are emotions that can genuinely not be explained but I will try my best to express them in the best way I can."

"Okay then, bring it on."

"Jasmine is someone I met coincidentally if I may say. I'm saying this because if I wasn't outside that day, I wouldn't even be seated here, talk less of having a conversation like this with you, but I guess fate has it's way of bringing two people together and making them inseparable.-

-She's someone I never, ever saw myself having this form of relationship with even in my next life because of the circumstances attached to it, but I guess you don't choose who and when to fall in love. It just happens naturally and you have to take it as you see it. I fell for Jasmine without even having any idea that I was doing so.

-The moment I realized that I had fallen, was when I began to see myself doing the things I would never do on a normal day. I took risks for your daughter. I saw it as a duty to always put a smile on her face. She was always running through my mind and sometimes, I even got distracted on the field when we had our little fights here and there.

-I didn't have a positive believe about love before I met her. This was caused by my ex's mistake, so I began to give myself everything reason to doubt that what I felt for her was true. I told myself that she was also going to leave me for a richer guy like my ex did so I began to advise her to start talking to other guys and because I didn't want to leave her, I did things that will make her want to leave.

I started exhibiting toxic traits but deep down, I knew I wanted this girl. At a point, it felt like the more I kept pushing her away, the more the love I had for her increased. It's like the way without fuel, a car can't move. Without Jasmine in my life, my life didn't make any sense at all. I needed her to function. I succeeded in pushing her away but I regretted my actions and I tried to get her back.-

I'm grateful I still have a rare gem like her in my life and I promised myself that I'm never losing her again."

"Wow." It's crazy how I've been leaving Mrs. Wilson speechless since I got here. I didn't want to go too deep in my relationship with Jasmine so I just summarized it on the surface to her.

"Dave freaking smith!" Mrs. Wilson called

"That's my name ma'am. Well, yunno without the freaking." We both laughed at my statement.

"I feel like there's still more to this love story than what you just told me but I'll settle with this for now." I just smile in return. It felt like this woman could see through me.

"I'm not going to say much because there's really no need for long talks here. I know the both of you are hopelessly in love with each other, even a blind man can see it but all I'm going to say to you is that whatever you share with my daughter will prosper if it's real."

"Amen, thank you Ma'am."

"There's no need for thanking me, it's just the fact. I remember when I first met my husband. He was always on my case, yunno trying to get me and all but I was forming hard girl hard girl because there were a lot of guys. Trust me when I say a lot. I chose another guy over him and we were going all rosy in the relationship. Don't forget that Jasmine's dad still never relented. He kept checking up on me and still assured me that he was gonna wait.

-I wondered why this nigga didn't wanna leave me. Cause I mean, I'm not the only pretty lady out there, but still, he chose me and he fought for me relentlessly. I kept going out with this my boyfriend until little by little, he began to fuck up and I realized he was dating me and another girl. I cried so much and that day, Jasmine's dad came to check up on me at my place because I wasn't picking his calls.

He met me crying and he took me in his arms and stayed with me till I was good. That man was there for me in my dark days, but I still didn't give him a chance. I told him I needed to heal and I couldn't trust men no more. Believe it or not, Jasmine's dad waited for four extra years just to have the title of being my boyfriend. That was when I knew that that shit was real. Look at us today, 19 years and we still going strong."

"Wow, that's so motivational ma'am. I mean, even if our stories are totally different, it still makes so much sense."

"Yeah. So all in all my boy, if it's real, it's definitely gon' prosper." We talked about some other random topics and soon enough, Jasmine came to set the table. Turned out she had been preparing dinner in the kitchen all along.

It was already past six and we headed to the dining table. The table was set with balls of pounded yam and melon soup. I sat next to Jasmine as we had our dinner. Mrs. Wilson made Jasmine serve me, which in my opinion, was cute as hell. We talked about different random topics and as soon as we were done eating, I helped Jasmine clear the table.

"Thank you very much for this delicious meal ma'am." I say to Mrs Wilson.

"Thank the person who prepared it. This wasn't my doings." I looked at Jasmine who was already smiling.

"Thank you stink. I'll help with the dishes, hope you don't mind?"

"Nah it's fine, I'm good."

"I'm going to be in my room now. Thank you for the meal Jasmine and thank you Dave, for honouring my invite. I hope you had a good time."

"You're welcome mum."

"I had a great time, it is more than a honour. Thank you very much ma'am." Jasmine and I said at the same time.

"I hope to see you again?"

"Of course you will ma'am."

"Alright, you two have fun okay?" She winked before walking out, leaving me and Jasmine be.

"So?" Jasmine asked, arching her eyebrow.

"So, she likes me!" I squeal and my baby engulfs me in a tight hug.

"I told you she was gonna like you. Everybody just got to love Dave." She yelled kissing on my cheek.

"You have the coolest mum ever if I must confess."

"I know right." Jasmine and I head to the kitchen and we begin to dispose all the left overs. Soon enough, we began to do the dishes. Jasmine declined but I insisted. In the middle of doing the dishes, Jasmine's mum walks into us washing and laughing whole heartedly in the kitchen. She was looking all dressed up now.

"Baby girl?"

"Yes mama?"

"I'm going to see Patricia, she just called me to inform me that she brought in some goods to the warehouse so I'm going to check them out okay?"


"Dave love?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Have fun okay?"

"Buy biscuit for me when you're coming oo!" Jasmine grinned.

"Bobo nko?" Jasmine's mum asked making us to both erupt in laughter.

"Mummy serious na," Jasmine pouted. I never knew this girl was such a big baby.

"I've heard you. I'll stop by the supermarket when I'm heading back home."

"Yaaay!" Jasmine squealed.

"Big baby," I say as Mrs. Wilson walked out the door and Jasmine followed behind to lock it.

"I'm my mummy's baby." She said giggling. We went back to doing the dishes and soon enough, we were done.

"Wanna see my room?" She asked.

"Bitch why the hell not?!" I said on top of my voice. We walked hand in hand to her room and as soon as I stepped in, the first thing that welcomed me was Jasmine's fragrance, accompanied with the coolness of the room. I could stay here all my life.

"Your room is beautiful babe, and it smells so much like you."

"That's because it's my room, duh."

"Werey, if you say common thank you now what will happen to you?"

"As I don't want to say it now what can you do about it?" Jasmine asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"What can I do ay?" I move close to her and begin to tickle her and she began to laugh hysterically till she fell on the bed.

"Say thank you."

"N-o." She said in between giggles.

"Say thank you!"

"Noo!" She said as she somehow managed to pull herself over me and sat on me, exposing her fair thighs. The shirt wasn't too long so at this point, it stopped at her waistline.

Oh my God.

I've never seen her thighs so exposed to this point. Apparently she wasn't putting on anything beneath the shirt, just her panties.

Control yourself Dave.

"Babe wait let me sit up first." I coo as I struggle to get up.

"Why?" She asked as she held the collar of my jacket began to suck on my neck. She bit it and roamed her tongue around my earlobes.

"Why Should I let you sit up?" She whispered seductively as she kept on licking my earlobes. My hands just kept roaming around her exposed thighs. She slowly began to ride on me as her lips made it's way to mine. She kissed me hungrily as she sucked on my bottom lip with passion. What started off as a playful vibe turned into a hot make out session.

I kissed her back.

She finally let me sit up and it felt like her shirt went up the more because I could see the color of her panties now. She took off my jacket and we kept on kissing passionately. My hands found it's way into her shirt and it kneaded on her soft titties gently making her moan into the kiss.

One of my fingers slowly made it's way into her panties and I could see that she was already wet. I slid my finger in gently so as not to hurt her and she moaned in pleasure. I began going in and out and soon, my second finger found it's way in.

"Ahh." Jasmine moaned turning me on the more. I kept my pace steady and went faster. Very soon, I bought my fingers out and licked them Clean.

"That felt good."

"Now make me feel good." I said lustfully. She smiled seductively as she took off my shirt and threw it to one corner of the room. I cared less at this point.

She slowly laid me down and crawled up on top of me, her vanilla fragrance filling my soul. She traced her fingers down my skin and began to kiss me softly on my neck. She kept kissing me on different spots and when she hit my soft spot, I let out a moan which made her to keep sucking on it.

Her lips found it's way to my earlobes and she ran her tongue through it causing me to moan in pleasure. She traced her fingers down my chest and kissed me on different spots. She kept coming down and when she got to my waistline, she was about to take down my trousers but the next sound we heard stopped us.

It was the sound of the doorbell.

"Fuck!" She cussed in frustration. "Stay here, I'll be back." She said as she walked out of the room. I tried so much to control the big guy who was already erect down there. We were having such a heated moment.

Some minutes later, Jasmine came back into the room. "That was one of my mum's friends, but she's gone now." By this time, I already had my shirt and my jacket on. I was taking in the view of Jasmine's room. It was really neat and organized. I liked the room arrangement.

"Oh, okay." I say. She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck making her shirt to rise up a bit. My hands find it's way into her shirt and I wrap my hands around her bare waist, tracing my fingers on her skin. She just hid her head in the crook of my neck and let me do my thing.

Soon enough, I lift her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist and her panties were already exposed, turning me on the more, leaving me more aroused. Her skin looked so flawless and they were really really soft.

I place her on the dressing table in her room and begin to kiss her passionately. Her hands find it's way into my trousers and very soon, she got a hold of the big guy down there. She began to stroke my member as we kept on kissing and I took off her shirt to be met with a very beautiful perfectly shaped boobs.

"You're so beautiful." I say as my tongue find it's way to her nipples and I begin to suck on them. She kept moaning and then suddenly, she dug her fingers into my hair. The sound of her moans gave me reasons to keep going. I sucked on her right nipple, to the left but for some reason, I was more focused on the left nipple.

I bring my lips back to her face and kiss her on her lips and on her forehead. "I know you won't want me to go further than this for now, I will wait for you okay?"

She nodded and wrapped her arms around me once again. We remained in that position till she was finally ready to let me go.

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