Truly Mrs Shelby [T. Shelby |...

By bethanyjanebooks

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In the year 1924 after the death of Chester Campbell, life has been a little quieter for Astella and Tommy wh... More

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By bethanyjanebooks

Elsewhere, Father Hughes walked into a building with a tray of food and approached a locked wooden door, he unlocked the door and opened it to see William and Charles, "Ah, hello there. Here you go," The boys held some bread, "How's that?" He held up a spoon, "You like a spoon? A shiny spoon?" William looked at it and the father handed it to him, "Do you want to hold the spoon there?" Father Hughes said.

Meanwhile, down in the tunnel, Tommy, Edward and Oscar were hacking away at the clay, their faces covered with clothes to keep away the dirt, "Tommy! Oscar!" The two men in question looked to see Letso crawling over to him, "He's got the shakes. Help me with him," He said.

Tommy grunted and crawled over with Letso and Oscar to see the men laid down, his body shaking, "He needs to get out Tommy," Oscar said.

"Get him out. Get him out!" Tommy ordered and the two of them went back to Edward.

"Bringing him through," Letso said.

"We need to move. Now!" Tommy said and they all continued hacking at the wall.

"We're gonna do this, Tom," Oscar said.

"I hope you're right Oscar, I hope you're right," Tommy said.

On the street near where Father Hughes was holding both William and Charles, a drove up with Daniel and Michael in the back and the two men Arthur and John picked to assist them in the assassination of the father, "You wait here. We'll do the killing. That's a fucking order," Daniel said as he held his pistol, as did Michael.

In the tunnel, Tommy and Oscar were hacking together and Edward was beside Letso, "You're going too fast, Thomas, Oscar," Letso said then they heard rumbling and saw dust dropping from the top of the tunnel.

"We need more timber," Edward said.

"Then make it safe, Ed," Oscar said.

"We'll go on," Tommy said.

"Thomas, Oscar, it's too fucking wet! it's sludge!" Letso said.

"Make it fucking safe! And we'll go on!" Tommy said.

Letso and Edward sighed and looked at each other, "Come on," Edward said and crawled back while Tommy and Oscar continued hacking.

With Michael and Daniel walked into a building Father Hughes was in, Michael was breathing heavily as Daniel tried to keep himself calm, they moved quietly through the halls.

Back with Tommy and Oscar, the head of the Peaky Blinders laid dynamite against the tunnel wall and held it up with clay as Oscar crawled back and Tommy grabbed the lamp before crawling back with the wire.

With Michael and Daniel, they heard young boys crying and raised their guns as Father Hughes walked out of a room, "What do you think you're doing, boys?" Michael stepped forward and pushed the barrel of his gun against the father's eye, "Please don't. Please don't shoot. Please don't shoot," Father Hughes said as the boys cried in the room.

Daniel's eyes flickered to the room, "Get your brothers," Michael said.

"Please don't. Please," Father Hughes begged before he knocked Michael over and Daniel backed up.

At the Russian's home, in their strong room, a wall was blown open, and a masked Tommy and Oscar crawled into the room with Edward behind them.

Meanwhile, Father Hughes was beating Michael up, "You fucking rat! What do you think you're doing?" He said as Michael was unable to fight back while the rather continued kicking, punching and shoving him into things.

Daniel ran into the room the father came out of and saw his brothers, "Thank God," He rushed over to them and hugged them both as they cried then he quickly checked them over, "Stay here until you no more shouting, okay? I'll be right back," Daniel said.

"Okay..." William mumbled and sniffed.

"Good boys," Daniel said and walked out to see the father strangling Micheal.

"You don't know who you're fucking messing with. I'm gonna take your fucking life from you!" Father Hughes said.

At the Russian's home, Tommy, Edward and Oscar collected the jewels into bags as Letso watched them, "We don't have much time! Let's go!" He told them.

Back with Michael and Daniel, Father Hughes was choking Michael, "You gypsy bastard," Father Hughes said.

Daniel kicked him off Michael then he brought out a razor blade and cut the father's eyes, blinding him and continued slashing at the father who was backing away, holding his face as he grunted in pain until he fell over. Daniel and Michael stood over him, looking at the monster who terrorised their childhood.

In the tunnel, the men were heading back through with their reward.

Back with Daniel and Michael, they were looking at the father on the floor, "Get up!" Michael yelled.

The two men ran in, "I'll take him!" One said and aimed at the father.

"No!" Daniel yelled, "This bastard's ours! Go called Finn!" Daniel said and they lunged at the father with their razors and slit his throat, "Don't mess with our family."

At the tunnel, Tommy pulled himself out with Oscar and Edward not far behind him, their reward at the entrance and they lay on the floor panting, "One down," Oscar said.

With Michael and Daniel, they sat on the floor near the door, both of them covered in blood and breathing heavily, "How'd you feel?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know... You?" Michael asked.

"I don't know," Daniel answered, their hands were shaking and Charles threw out a wooden ruler attracting their attention.

"It's alright," Michael said and Charles cooed as the older two kept themselves hidden so they didn't scare the young boys.

Later, Michael and Daniel walked into the Shelby Company and made their way to Astella's office, carrying William and Charles, before they could reach the office, Astella, Angela, Natasha, Cecilia, Ada and Polly came running out of a nearby office and collected the younger boys as they cried, "Come to mummy, come to mummy," Astella said as she took hold of her boys.

"Oh," Polly said as she kissed the infant's cheeks before they noticed the state of Daniel and Michael who were cleaned up but in shock.

"Thank you," Astella said and the two of them walked out silently.

"They did it... They killed him," Angela said as a tear fell down her cheek and Polly grabbed her hand.

Astella looked at her younger sons who were holding onto her, terrified to let her go, "It's okay, it's okay, you're both safe down, you're both safe now," She said as they walked into her office and she placed them on the couch beside her.

Elsewhere, a car pulled up to a telephone box and Tommy and Oscar ran out of the car, over to the telephone box Tommy put some money in and wound up the phone, dialling a number, "Let me speak to them... Hello, William, Charlie," He smiled and Oscar grinned as they heard babies mumbling, "Hello, boys. Can you hear me?... Yeah... Yeah, you go to bed... Good boys... Hi, Stell... Yeah, I'll be home soon," Tommy said and hung up then he and Oscar hugged each other.

"I won't tell anyone... That Thomas Shelby can cry," Oscar said as he felt his brother-in-law's shoulders shaking while he sobbed, "But, come on man, go see your boys," Oscar added and they both walked away from the telephone box and headed to the car where Edward was smoking.

Morning came and Tommy parked up outside Arrow House with Edward and Oscar in the car, all were now clean, Ada was walking towards the door and Tommy walked over to her as Oscar and Edward headed into the house, "Where are they?" Tommy asked.

"They're upstairs," Ada said.

Tommy ran upstairs, down the corridor toward the nursery and found Astella sitting with Angela and Mary playing with the boys, "Daddy!" William said and raised his arms making grabby-hands.

Tommy smiled and walked over, sitting on his knees beside Astella and brought his boys into his arms, "Boys..." He said as he closed his eyes.

"Daniel said they were very brave," Tommy looked at Astella, "They weren't scared of him or Michael after..." He nodded, "Had nightmares though, they ended up in our bed with me... Been asking for you all the time," Astella said.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Stella," Tommy said.

"I know you are Tommy, I know," Astella said.

Later, Tommy parked his car near a field and he and Edward got out of the car, "I still don't know why I have to be here," Edward said.

"She asked you to be here," Tommy said as he carried two sacks.

"Bloody hell," Edward muttered as they walked up to Tatiana who stood beside a jeweller at a table, she was holding two briefcases and Tommy placed the sacks on the table with the jeweller.

Tatiana placed the briefcases on the floor, "Mr Shelby, Mr Burns, this is Monsieur Silk. He is here on behalf of the Parisian buyers," Tommy took out his cigarette pack, "He needs to verify the value," Tommy placed a cigarette in his mouth, before handing one to Edward and Tatiana, "It was a pleasure doing business with you these past few months," Tommy lit their cigarettes as the jeweller inspected the value. Tatiana smiled, "You would never steal from your family, would you?" She chuckled as Edward and Tommy stared at her silently, "The collection was mostly my mother's anyway. It was more mine than theirs. And they would never have sold it. They would have wasted it on a lost cause," Tatiana said.

"You needed a tunnel," Tommy inhaled the drug, "I need your signature to make this sale legal," Tommy said.

"Confirmed, the original Duke Alexander Petrovich's collection," Tatiana placed the briefcase on the table, "To raise a legal bill of sale and get this across the border," Tommy laid the briefcase on the table, "I need authorisation signed by yourself," Tommy opened the briefcase to see the money, "In the family name, in my presence," Silk said as Tommy checked over the money.

"As we agreed, half for the tunnel, half for the signature," Tatiana handed one to Edward, "And Astella's compensation," Edward took it, laid it on the floor, opened it to see wads of cash, "Valuing the amount of the picked out Faberge," Tatiana said. 

Edward closed the case and stood up, "Where will you go?" He asked.

"Vienna. There is a man waiting for me," Tatiana said.

Edward and Tommy chuckled, "Poor man," Edward said.

"You two?" Tatiana asked.

"London. I'm buying a ring," Edward said and looked at Tommy.

"Yes, yes, you do that," Tommy said.

"And hopefully she'll say yes," Tatiana said.

"I believe so," Edward said.

"Mr Shelby?" Tatiana asked.

"Birmingham. I'm going to buy a racehorse for me daughter," He closed his case, "Have them trained," Tommy said and held his hand out, Tatiana shook his hand.

"Right, let's go," Edward said and turned to leave but Tatiana grabbed his hand, he looked at her and she stepped closer, removed his cigarette and kissed him before placing the cigarette back between his lips, he looked confused before walking away with Tommy who looked amused, "Shut up," He grumbled.

"Also, £5,000 for the sex," Tatiana said and the men stopped walking.

Edward looked at Tommy, "I was in your employment," Edward said.

Tommy sighed and walked back, dropped the case on the table and took out £5000, "And £5,000 for helping your friend through the disastrous time of not having the woman he loved," Tatiana said.

Edward walked up and closed Tommy's briefcase, locking it then he looked at Tatiana, "You're not even half the woman she is, you don't compare," Edward said and they started to walk away then heard a gunshot, they both turned around with their guns raised to see the jeweller dead and Tatiana picking up the sacks.

"At home, these jewels saw way worse. That's why they are all cursed. As are we Mr Shelby, Mr Burns. If you're ever in Vienna, look me up," Tatiana said as Edward rolled his eyes and she walked away.

Edward and Tommy picked up their briefcases, "No more getting people to sleep with crazy people, okay?" Edward said as they walked to the car.

"Yeah, yeah," Tommy said.

Later at Arrow House, Tommy was sat in his office, the money on his desk in their agreed-upon amounts as Astella was sat beside him, Angela and Daniel stood at the window behind them, "Tom... What is it? You've not said a word since you got back," Astella said but Tommy stayed quiet.

The door opened and their family started to pile in sitting in the laid-out seats in front of Tommy's desk, "Before I begin, I want to let you know I made a mistake," He stood up, "I made a mistake, and I want to apologise to all of you. Arthur, you warned me against getting involved in Russian business, and you were right," Arthur hummed, "I doubted your wife, for that, I am sorry. Linda, I have added 3,000 here, in the hope you will forgive me," Tommy said and dropped their money on the corner of his desk.

Linda looked around before standing up and walking over, collecting the money, "Apology accepted," She said.

"Esme I doubted you as well," Tommy said.

"Now John's got innocent lives on his conscience. Ordinary working me-" Esme countered.

"Yeah, alright, Esme. Got it," John interrupted.

"No, she's right. You, Arthur and Shane, are gonna have to share that burden," He dropped a wad of cash at the corner of the table, "But I hope the house that you can buy with this, can become a place of contemplation," John walked up to the desk, "Perhaps redemption," His brother took the money then sat down, "Natasha, for everything you've done these past few months and I hope you will be able to start your new life," He dropped some cash on the table and she walked over taking it and sat between John and Polly, "Charlie, for lost tools, dangerous goods and Curly's wise words," He threw a wad of cash to his uncle, "Johnny, for board and lodgings," He threw Johnny a wad of cash, "Shane, for the burden you're sharing with my brothers and my apologies for bringing your children and ex-wife into it," He threw over a wad to him, "Oscar, for your help in the tunnels and doubting your wife," He threw over a wad of cash to him, "Edward the same and getting you involved in ways we'd all like not to remember," He copied the actions, "Lizzie, for your help in getting Astella back onto her feet, literally," He placed cash towards her but she refused to accept it, "Michael, for the joint killings," He placed a wad of cash near Michael, "£5000 each for the cutting and the shooting," Tommy said.

Polly stood up, "No, Tommy..." She said.

"What?! Tell me, eh! This is who I am!" He held up a wad of cash, "And this is all I can give you for what you've given me. For your hearts and your souls. Yesterday, Stella and I nearly lost our youngest sons. You should fucking understand that. For what, eh? For what? For this?" He knocked on his desk, "For this?" He gestured to the house and chuckled.

Astella leaned forward a little, "Actually, the house is mine, I bought it..." She said carefully.

Tommy pointed to her, "Hush," She smiled awkwardly and leaned back, "And I know you all want me to say that I'll change, especially you, Stell. That this fucking business will change. But I've learnt something in the last few days. Those bastards. Those bastards," He pointed out the window, "Are worse than us! Politicians, fucking Judges, Lords and Ladies. They are worse than us. And they will never admit us to their palaces no matter how legitimate we become because of who we are. Because of who we fucking are, because of where we're fucking from. Isn't that right, Ada?" Tommy looked at his youngest sister, "Our Ada knows. She got smart about the revolution. And she knows you have to get what you want your own way," Tommy pointed to Lizzie, "Lizzie, I want you to take that money as a thank you for everything you've done for my sister and my wife at the beginning when we were at war to now. Astella's told me time and time again, it was you who gave her the strength some days to walk out of the fucking house with her head held high, especially when her father was here," Astella looked at Lizzie and smiled softly and Lizzie returned the smile then looked at everyone, "And the rest of you, you took the King's shilling. You took the King's fucking shilling. When you take the King's shilling, the King expects you to kill. Right, Arthur? Yeah. That's how it works. Right, John? Oscar? Edward? Shane?" Tommy said as Oscar looked up.

Michael stood up and walked over to the desk then took his share, "That's right," Michael said.

"Daniel, your share," Tommy slid his son the money as Astella looked at her lap while Daniel took the money and Tommy pointed to Michael and Daniel, "That's right, Pol. That's fucking right," Tommy said as he put his hands in his pockets.

Polly smiled at him as she shook her head, "Tommy... You've had a bad time. We understand. So at an alternative time," She walked over to Michael and took his money, "We have all recovered. I would like to put before the family an alternative view of the future of the Shelby Company Limited," Astella reached over to Tommy and grabbed his hand as he looked down, "A more hopeful view," Polly said and they heard a baby cry.

Ada looked up, "Which I, for one, would quite like to hear," Ada said.

Esme stood up, "As would I," She said.

"As would I," Lizzie said and looked at Natasha.

"I quite like shooting things," Natasha commented.

Ada sighed, "Typical," She said.

"But... Considering what has just happened, maybe a change or two or... Fifty would be a step in the right direction for the bastards to take us seriously... However, also considering what Astella and Tommy have been through, we do that another day," Natasha said.

"Another day," Astella confirmed.

Linda stood up, "Come on, Arthur. The train for the dock leaves in one hour. Then we get the boat to New York and it'll all be in the past," Linda said.

Polly walked over to Arthur and kissed his cheek as they hugged before pulling away, Arthur stood up and they all stood up, Arthur walked over to the desk where Tommy was now sitting, "I'll be off then, Tom, Stell," Arthur said.

"Come here," Astella walked over to him and they hugged each other tightly, "Thank you for everything," She teared up, "Finding me all those years ago and bringing me to my home," She said as tears fell and they pulled away.

Arthur wiped away her tears, "Hey now, you stop that, you'll start me off," He said and they chuckled then he looked at Daniel, "Look after your mum, brothers and sister."

"Promise," Daniel said and they all looked at Tommy who wasn't looking at anyone and smoking his cigarette.

"I'll see you, eh? I'll see you, brother," Arthur took hold of Astella's face and kissed her head, "No more taking bullets for this family, or I'll be here and taking you with me," Arthur said and she smiled at him then he moved away from her and headed towards Linda.

"You can go, but you won't get far, Arthur," Tommy said and Astella looked at him confused.

Arthur stopped and looked at him, "Uh... Alright, Tom," He said.

"Make sure to write to us," Natasha said as she and John held each other's hands tightly.

"Always," Arthur said.

"I'll make sure he does," Linda said.

"I spoke to Moss last night. He told me that the Chief Constable of Birmingham," Everyone looked at Tommy, "Has issued a warrant for your arrest. Murder, sedition, conspiracy to cause an explosion," Arthur was walking over to the desk, "John, Shane, they're coming for you two as well. Murder, conspiracy to cause an explosion," Tommy said.

"What the hell Tommy?" Astella said.

"Did you know about this?" Natasha asked.

"No, I swear I had no clue, he's not spoken to me all morning," Astella told her.

"Michael..." Tommy said.

"What the fuck?" Arthur asked.

"For the murder of Hughes... Daniel's a miner so he's not being arrested," Daniel looked at his father blankly, "Polly and Natasha..." Tommy said.

"Wait a minute. What the fuck are you talking..." Arthur began to ask.

"For the murder of War Officer James Campbell," Tommy said.

"You can't be serious," Natasha said.

"Edward for murdering two of Sabini's men in the Ritz hotel... Oscar for murder and robbery," Tommy said.

Everyone started talking at once in anger, "Why didn't you fucking tell us, Tom!" John shouted.

Tommy stood up, "The people that we betrayed last night, they want to bring us down. They control the police," There was a knock on the door, "They control the judges, they control the juries, they control the jails. But they do not control the elected government," Tommy looked at Astella, "Beside me," She shook her head, "Beside me now!" He barked and she walked over to Angela and Daniel, Angela looked at her as Astella grabbed her hand.

"Look at what they did to us!" John shouted.

"Listen to me!" Tommy said. 

"Why didn't you tell us before?!" Natasha asked as she, John and Arthur stood together glaring at their brother.

"You are my brother!" Arthur yelled.

"Listen to me. So I have made a deal..." Tommy said.

"They'll hang us!" Shane shouted

"You fucking what?!" Edward yelled.

"...In return for giving evidence against them," Tommy said.

"We'll fucking hang!" Oscar yelled.

"It's all taken care of. Lizzie, collect up the money and bring it to the cellar," Lizzie collected the money, "You will all get your money in due course. When the police get in, do not resist. You go with them, you do not say anything," Tommy said.

Isiah looked at Angela as she rushed over to him and they hugged each other, "I'm so sorry," She whispered and he shushed her before Lizzie pulled her away from him.

"Arthur, I've made a deal with people even more powerful than our enemies," Tommy said.

"Arthur!" Linda screamed.

"Alright, brother," Tommy said and they heard their family screaming and clamouring, "Trust me."

Linda ran over, "No!" She pushed Tommy, "You did this deliberately!" She pushed him again, "You made this happen to keep us!" Linda screamed.

Arthur went over to his wife and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Come here. Come here," She screamed, "Come on now. We have to run," Arthur said and they all filed out of the room, Arthur looked at his brother, "Fuck you!"

Tommy, Astella, Daniel and Angela stood together as they listened to their family screaming and yelling. Tommy sat down with his head down as his wife, daughter and eldest son looked at him in disgust, "What the hell Tom?" Astella whispered.

"I've made a deal," Tommy said.

"A deal? A deal is what started this in the first place! Do you remember when we got back together? When I got pregnant with William, you told me you wanted my help with everything... Everything! Why the fuck didn't you consult me on this?!" Astella asked.

Tommy stood up and walked to his office's door to see his family struggling against the police, Linda spat at Tommy's feet as she was escorted out.

The police escorted his family out into the vans parked outside his house and he stood at the door watching as the van drove off with them and he saw a car driving towards the house. Astella, Angela and Daniel walked out of the office, "And Daniel?" Tommy turned around and walked up to them, "What happens to him? What really happens to him?" Astella asked.

"St Mary Reformatory," Daniel's eyes widened, "He'll be taken there now," Tommy said and grabbed Angela and Astella pulling them back.

"No! No!" Astella yelled.

A priest walked in, "Mr Shelby? I'm here to collect Daniel Shelby," He said.

"Don't fight it, Astella. This will work. I promise you," Tommy released his wife and adopted daughter before turning around, "Yes, Daniel... This is the new priest for St Mary's Reformatory," Tommy said.

"Hello..." Daniel said, unsurely.

"We must be going, my boy, I find the quicker you're away from family, the faster your time with us will be," The father said and led Daniel outside.

Astella stared at her husband as he turned to her, "I know you're angry with me," He said.

She took a deep breath and looked at him, "I'm not angry, just disappointed," She said and walked passed him with Angela.

Tommy turned to them again, "Listen to me," He followed to the stairs where they turned to him, "I need you two to really think about this. We betrayed powerful people last night, I have made a deal with people even more powerful than them," Tommy said.

"I'm so over thinking about this. This is twisted and sick. You're just like our father. Using us to your advantage and never caring of the consequences, because there will be consequences Dad, ones you may never be able to rectify," Angela said and walked upstairs as Astella followed her, leaving Tommy downstairs, alone.

To Be Continued...

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