Truly Mrs Shelby [T. Shelby |...

By bethanyjanebooks

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In the year 1924 after the death of Chester Campbell, life has been a little quieter for Astella and Tommy wh... More

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By bethanyjanebooks

Morning couldn't come quicker, in one of the bedrooms, Astella had her head on Natasha's lap, holding her hand as she tried to get some sleep but kept thinking of all the things William and Charles could be going through, "You need to rest," Natasha said.

"I can't... Sleep is for those without the need to worry... Are they safe? Have they been harmed? Where are they? Are they warm? Are they in the damp? Are they crying? Who's with them? I can't stop asking all those questions," Astella listed off, panic in her voice as she stared at the ceiling.

"Astella... There's one person who knows about the eggs... Alfie," Natasha said.

"No, he's William's godfather," Astella said and closed her eyes.

"And we're blood, but Tommy still accused us... You know the type of man Alfie is, no matter how close you two are," Astella opened her eyes and sat up, staring front, "You know I'm right," Natasha said.

Cecilia walked in with a cup, "Some honey tea," She handed it to Astella and sat beside her, "See if this relaxes you, even just a little," Cecilia said.

"I just hope they're okay," Astella said quietly.

"The boys won't rest until your sons are back with you and Tommy, no matter what you two say, or how you both lash out at us... They will never stop," Natasha said.

Astella nodded and then drank her tea, "We're going out girls, I have someone to cut," Astella said then walked out of the room.

Natasha and Cecilia looked at each other, "Astella!" They both called out and followed after her.

Elsewhere, Tommy, Oscar and Edward were in an abandoned building, Tommy was standing beside the car as Oscar and Edward were inside. Another car drove up and Alife got out with a groan, "Bloody hell," He said and the two walked up to meet each other.

"I asked that you come alone and unarmed," Tommy said as Alfie had another man beside him.

"Yeah, well, alone I ain't never gonna do, am I? And as for the cane, don't worry about it. That is just my sciatica. It always plays up around the winter and the summer solstice," Alfie said.

"What have you got for me, Alfie?" Tommy asked.

What did you bring me out here for?" Alfie asked as he looked around.

"This is on the way to somewhere I need to be in a hurry," Alfie hummed, "What have you got for me?" Tommy asked again.

Alfie brought his attention back to Tommy, "Well, seeing as you were prepared to pay such an exorbitant amount for this information, I decided to give you value for money," He held up a list of names, "So here are the names of all the men in England whom I would approach, right, if I had a Faberge egg for sale. Here you go," He handed the list over and showed another, "And then, here's all the men on that list, you know, who would buy the old Faberge egg, even if they knew that that item was stolen. Here," He handed over another list, "Then comes your curious fucking gyppo question. I won't ask but, erm... Here is a list of the men who would buy a Faberge because of their wife's obsession," Tommy took the last list then he handed over the agreed amount of money, "Ah, yes. Thank you, Mr Shelby. It's lovely doing business with you," Alfie said.

Tommy turned to leave as he was looking between the three lists, he got out his gun and turned to aim his gun at Alfie as Alfie's man aimed at Tommy, "You left a name off the list, Alfie," He said.

"Did I?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I've already spoken to my people in the jewellery quarter. Experienced dealers. They tell me there are only three men in Britain whose wives are obsessed with Faberge. Makes them good customers. You missed the richest one off the list," Tommy said.

"Yeah, well, if you knew already how come you dragged me all the way out into the fucking oggin', mate?" Alfie asked.

"Two reasons. Reason one. By withholding a name that you most certainly know, you've proven to me that you have done a deal with the Odd Fellows. It was you who told them about the tunnel. You who told them about the fucking deal with the Soviets. Reason two. The name of the man that you're withholding must be my enemy otherwise, you wouldn't be protecting him. He is now a man I can use," Tommy said.

"Listen, sweetie, you can't take a man..." Alfie began to say.

Tommy interrupted him, "You gave information in exchange for a share," He said.

"Tommy... Tommy, there were things in that treasury, right, that God himself, he spoke to me, and he said, Alfie, you are meant to have these things." Alfie said.

"You crossed the line, Alfie," Tommy said.

"You fucking what?" Alfie questioned.

"You crossed the line," Tommy repeated.

"The line?" He questioned.

"They are using my boys!" Alfie looked at him and Tommy glared at him, "Did you fucking know? William? Your fucking godson!" Tommy snapped.

"Yeah, I knew, you know. But damned as I am, it made no fucking difference to me, mate," Alfie said then Tommy lunged at Alfie, tackling him to the floor, strangling him and Alfie's henchman dragged Tommy off of his boss, "Fucking hell, Tommy," Alfie strained.

Alfie's henchman pointed his gun at Tommy's gun, Michael and Daniel stood behind them and Astella positioned their arm, "Do it," Astella said and the two shot the henchmen in the head, Tommy fell to the ground with the dead henchman on top of him.

Astella walked over to Alfie who was on the floor, "Hello darling," She said as Natasha walked over with Cecilia and Edward and Oscar got out of the car.

"Hello Stell-Bear," Alfie grunted, "Oh, for crying out loud. What the fuck is going on?" Alfie asked and Tommy pointed his gun at Alfie again while they both got up.

"I'd like to know as well," Astella said.

"What is the matter with you, Tommy, eh? Eh?" Alfie walked over to Tommy, "You got fucking angry, ain't you?" Alfie said.

Tommy pointed his gun at Alfie's head, "Yeah, I got angry..." Tommy said.

"It's in your head, mate!" Alfie said.

Michael pushed the men apart, "Tommy, I know this bastard deserves it!" Michael said.

Tommy pushed Michael out of the way and Alfie got back in Tommy's face, "It's in your fucking head, mate!" Alfie said.

"Dad!" Daniel got in the way and made Tommy look at him, "I know this man deserves it! I know!" Daniel yelled.

"But if you kill him now, the truce with the London outfits will be blown to fucking pieces, alright?!" Michael said as he helped Daniel.

"Michael, Daniel, move," Tommy said as he continued aiming at Alfie.

"Don't worry about that truce, kid, right, 'cause it fell apart," Alfie said.

"Alfie, why is Tommy threatening you?" Alfie looked at Astella who was looking too calm, "Go on, tell me," Astella said.

"Astella he-" Tommy began to say.

Astella raised her hand, "I want to hear it from William's godfather," She said.

"I don't care that your boys have been taken, Stel-Bear. There are things in that strong room..." Alfie began to say but Astella slapped him across his face, "I'll ignore that," Alfie looked at her, "You got nothing to worry about when it comes to the old scary London boys," Alfie added about the truce.

"Which fucking side are you on, Alfie?!" Daniel asked.

"I do not give a fuck right now, kid, right?!" Alfie pointed to Tommy, "I do not want him to spare me because of some fucking pace pact! I want him to acknowledge that his anger is un-fucking-justified! I want him to acknowledge that he who fights by the sword, he fucking dies by it, Tommy. So, what, they took your boys, did they, eh?" Alfie walked over to the married couple, "They got your boys. And what fucking line am I supposed to have crossed?! How many fathers, right, how many sons, yeah, have you two between you cut, killed, murdered fucking butchered, innocent and guilty. You are going straight to fucking hell, ain't ya? Just like me! You two fucking stand there, you two judging me, stand there and talk to me about crossing some fucking line," Alfie yelled and glanced at Tommy's gun, "If you pull that trigger, right, you pull that trigger for a fucking honourable reason. Like an honourable man, not like some fucking civilian that does not understand the wicked way of our world, mate," Alfie said.

"We wouldn't have put your children in danger, Alfie," Alfie looked at Astella, "That's the difference. You protected me and William from Sabini's men, caught us as I jumped off the fucking balcony when he was two years old! And now you betray us and now our boys are in worse danger than fucking Sabini!" Astella said and Alfie stared at her.

"Look, Tommy, Stella, the killing of Alfie Solomons is not going to help. It'll be very bad for business," Michael said.

"I don't give a fuck about business, right now, Michael. I want blood," Astella said.

"Michael..." Tommy pulled Astella into him, "Go and call Inspector Moss. Tell him it's Palmer," Michael walked away a little, "Well said, Alfie," Tommy tangled his fingers in Astella's hair, keeping her head against his shoulder, "Well said," Alfie looked at Astella as she turned into Tommy, "Shhh," He said, holding his wife close as she broke down.

Alfie stared at Astella and exhaled heavily, "Alright, alright, come here, come here," Alfie carefully pulled Astella from Tommy and brought her into his arms, "I did not know about your boys, though," Alfie said and she gasped a little before breaking down in tears, "Hey, hey, shush," Alfie held her steady.

"I know. I saw," Tommy kissed the back of Astella's head, "When she's calmed down, get her home Natasha," Tommy said and walked away with Oscar and Edward.

"Will do," Natasha said.

Astella started hitting Alfie's chest as she yelled in frustration, "Alright, alright, let it out, Stell, let it out," Alfie said taking the blows.

Astella turned to Tommy, "Thomas Shelby!" He turned to her, "Don't you dare come home without our boys, you hear me?! Don't you fucking dare!" She yelled and he nodded, getting into the car.

Natasha and Cecilia grabbed Astella's hand, "Come on... Let's get you home, I'll cook your mother's favourite, okay?" Cecilia said and Astella nodded then the three women walked towards another car.

Elsewhere, Moss heard his phone ringing in his office and he rushed over picking up, "Hello?" He listened to Michael telling him the name then was hung up on, and Moss circled a name on his list.

Later, Palmer was escorted down into the jail cells by John and Shane, "I demand to see my solicitor! I have my right to have him here!" Palmer said and he was shoved into a cell where Arthur stood with a noose.

"Gilbert Palmer, I want to talk to you about two missing kids," John forced Palmer towards Arthur who placed the noose around the man's neck, "We are Peaky Blinders," He tightened the noose and Shane held the rope as Arthur grabbed the man's face, "Where are they?" The man didn't speak, "Deep breath," Arthur pinched his nose as Shane pulled on the rope a little, "Where are they?" Arthur asked and the man screamed.

Elsewhere, Johnny Dogs was laying in his tent when a car drove up and he got up to see Tommy, Edward and Oscar walking up from Tommy's car, "Johnny! Johnny!" Tommy called out.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Tommy?" Johnny asked.

The three men, removed their coats, blazers, ties, waistcoats and shirts until they were in their undershirts, "They've taken my boys, Johnny. Everything's fucking changed. I have to get the hole dug before midnight or they're gone. Do you hear me?" Tommy told him.

"Are you not going after your boys yourself?" Tommy got to the hole in Johnny's tent and went down with Oscar and Edward following him, "Tommy!" Johnny called out.

The three men helped out with the tunnel to get the job finished sooner.

Elsewhere at Charlie's yard, the Blinders were gathered and saw Astella walking up, looking lost, wrapped up in one of Tommy's coats, "You shouldn't be here," Arthur said.

Astella hugged him and reached out for John, grabbed his collar and pulled him into the hug, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry," She whispered as she closed her eyes and the two men returned the hug.

"We understand, Stella, you weren't thinking straight, we understand," Arthur said.

"Did you get any sleep?" John asked as they pulled away.

Astella tightened Tommy's coat around her and shook her head, "I'll sleep when my boys are home," She walked over to Polly who hugged her, "I'm-"

"Don't apologise, you don't need to," Polly kissed her cheek, "It's alright, sweetheart, it's alright," Polly said and they pulled apart.

"Here you go, love," Charlie said handing Astella his cigarette.

"Oh, thank you," Astella said as she took it.

Michael and Daniel stood in front of them, "I was, uh... This morning Danny and I were out on the road with Tommy. Astella knows this... We killed a man. He needed cover and we were all he had," Michael said.

Arthur stood up, "What did they give ya?" He asked.

Daniel and Michael pulled out the pistols, "They said it's good for close range," Daniel said.

Arthur nodded, "You're better with my Smith and Wesson," Arthur said.

"No, no, this is our nows," Daniel looked at his uncle, "Feels part of me hand. Mum said that's when you know it's meant to be with you," Daniel said and Astella looked away.

"Where'd you hit him?" John asked.

"We hit him in the side of the head... After Astella raised our arms some more," Michael said.

"You helped?" Polly asked.

"They were going to hit Tommy," Astella shrugged, "Remember, keep the barrel straight in your line of sight," She said.

"How was you both when he went down?" Arthur asked.

"Dad and mum said we did alright," Daniel said.

"This is where we think Charles and William are being held," John said and handed Michael a piece of paper.

Michael and Daniel looked at it, "They're not expecting nobody, so you should be alone," Daniel nodded and Arthur looked at his nephew and cousin, "There's two good men there," He pointed to two Blinders and they looked at them, "You do what they say," Arthur said.

"But we fire the bullets. Alright?" Michael said.

"Yes, you two can be there. But it's better if they do it. See, these are experienced men, boys. When you're sure the kids are safe, you call Finn," Arthur said.

"Alright," Michael and Daniel said.

Daniel looked at Astella who nodded, "Come on, boys," Daniel said and walked off with Michael then the two men followed them.

"Astella..." Polly said.

"I know, Pol, I know," Astella said.

"Come on, let's go home," Natasha said and took hold of her sister-in-law's hand and led her over to the car with Polly.

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