Truly Mrs Shelby [T. Shelby |...

By bethanyjanebooks

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In the year 1924 after the death of Chester Campbell, life has been a little quieter for Astella and Tommy wh... More

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By bethanyjanebooks

Tommy was taken to the hospital, in a theatre room, Tommy was laying on a bed as a doctor and nurse stood with Ada and Leonardo, "He was in the war. He was in a tunnel collapse. He won medals. Take care of him," Ada said before the two of them left Tommy in the hospital.

Tommy spent three months recovering in the hospital with physical therapy and remembering the past of the war and how he coped before Astella came back into his life.

Three months later, Tommy stood in his room, in his underwear, taking his medicine when a nurse walked in, "Here he is, Mr Shelby," She said.

"Thank you, nurse," Daniel and Michael said as she left.

Michael and Daniel walked up to him, "Tommy. We need to speak to you about the priest," Tommy was smoking his cigarette, "I know things about him," Tommy hummed, "From when I was a... From when I was a boy. We will shoot him ourselves, Tommy. Just teach me how to shoot," Michael said.

"Thought my uncles taught you," Daniel said.

"No," Michael said.

Tommy scoffed, "It's easy, Michael. Just point. Pull the trigger," Tommy said bluntly and took some more of his medicine as the two boys looked at each other and left.

A few weeks later, Tommy was allowed home and he laid in his bed with Charles and William sat in Astella's spot, he watched as Astella walked around their bed without her crutches, her arms stretched, ready to grab herself as she reached her dressing table and sat on her stool, "You're getting better," Tommy said.

Astella looked at him through the mirror, "I guess so... All I feel is a pain in my legs when I walk too much... My doctor thinks I should get back to normal... Come back from the dead, sort of thing," Astella looked through her jewellery, "I said I'd think about it... Oh and, honey, be careful of where you leave your morphine, the boys are in their stages of grabbing anything and putting it in their mouths, they've tried grabbing mine a lot when I wasn't careful," Astella said.

Tommy sat up and grunted as Astella was looking at a necklace before looking at him, "I'm okay," He said.

Tommy got out of bed and picked up his morphine before going into their bathroom, poured out the rest of the medicine into the sink and rinsed it down the drain, "Love?" He sighed and looked up at the mirror as Astella made her way to him then he looked at her, "What do you think?" Astella asked.

Tommy looked at the necklace and smiled, "I won you that at the fair," He said.

"Mhm, the first thing you ever got me," She smiled as he placed his arms around her waist, "And what do you think about what the doctor said?" She asked.

"Together," He muttered before they kissed.

Tommy and Astella sat in the dining room with Daniel and Angela for breakfast, Astella, Daniel and Angela were finishing their breakfasts as Tommy stared at the food for him and then got himself a cigarette. Mary walked in and walked over to them, she placed the morning's paper beside his breakfast as Tommy tilted his head back, "They asked for me today, Mary," They all glanced at him, "Not their mother," Astella smiled, "For the first time," Tommy said.

"They missed you," Mary said as she walked around to Astella and prepared her pain medication.

"Where are they? Are they in the kitchen?" Tommy asked as he watched her as the maid held all the medication but only gave Astella some of it.

"Yes, they're with the girls and Johnny," Mary placed the correct dose for Astella beside her and then started to leave with the remainder of the medication before turning around, "Did you also remember your medicine, sir?" Mary asked.

"Do you ever read the Bible, Mary?" Tommy asked.

Mary shrugged a little, "Sometimes," She answered.

"Do you ever read it out loud while standing naked next to the bed I share with my wife?" Astella blinked a few times, trying to process the words he spoke while Daniel and Angela froze in shock, "'Cause when I take the morphine the doctor gave me, that's what you do. I'm wide awake, but you are standing there naked, plain as day, reading from the Book of Leviticus," Mary stood looking at him silently, "Do you wanna know what happens next?" Mary shook her head, "No. Neither do I. That's why I poured the medicine away, that and..." Tommy looked at Astella, "My wife told me that she's still in pain and seeing as you are hardly giving her, her medication that she should be on, it's come to my attention that after my time away, she had a little... An incident with medication, am I right?" Tommy said.

"Dad..." Daniel said.

"I'm talking to your mother," Tommy said.

Astella looked up and smiled at him, "Don't preach to me about getting addicted to drugs, Tom. Ada and Leonardo both told me you were taking cocaine before your meeting at Ada's instead of going to the fucking hospital after being beaten... And let's not forget you take opium, you drink... Shall I go on?" She said.

"Hmm, very well then," He looked at Mary, "Go and get Johnny, Mary," Tommy said and Mary nodded before walking out silently.

"You really have no shame," Angela said.

"None," Daniel said.

"Correct again," Tommy told them.

Later that morning, Tommy and Astella were sat on chairs at their garden table as Daniel and Angela chased after Charles and William while Johnny walked up to them, "You know, some mornings I wake up, I think I've died and this is heaven, Tom," Johnny chuckled, "I mean, the wives and kids camped out by the valley, huh, not being moved on," Johnny took Tommy's packet of cigarette, "Sure, me, myself. I'm surrounded by maids and food and booze," Johnny chuckled again as he took out a cigarette.

Tommy pointed to the side of him as his head was tilted back and his eyes were closed, "See that line there?" He asked.

Johnny looked over in confusion, "No," He said.

"It's the edge of heaven. The border between Birmingham and paradise," Tommy looked at him with one eye open, "And today, my friend, you are gonna step over that line back into the world," Tommy said.

"You mean you have something for me to do, Tom," Johnny said as he walked over with the lit cigarette and joined them at the table.

"Have you ever heard of Hampton Court Palace, Johnny?" Astella asked as she placed one of her cigarettes into her cigarette holder and Tommy lit the cigarette for her.

"No. I can't say I have," Johnny said.

"You and three families of the Lees are gonna set up camp 100 yards from the gate of the Palace. You won't be moved on because we have just bought the land. You'll be joined by some old friends of mine who are gonna open a hole underneath your tents and caravans," Tommy told him.

Johnny paused for a moment before looking at him, "You see this blow to the head you took, Tom..." Johnny began.

"And for allowing the hole to be dug, you will get £5,000 which you will split between the three Lee families," Tommy added.

Johnny sat with his mouth open for a few moments before tapping the ash from his cigarette into the ashtray, "I take a lot of this money is to do with not asking questions, Tommy?" Johnny questioned as he leaned back.

Tommy looked at him, "Dead right, Johnny. And when the hole is filled in again, you can go back to paradise," Tommy said and sighed as he leaned back with his head tilted back.

"You can live there forever, your home," Johnny looked at Astella, "Big enough that if you or anyone with you gets bored of the same scenery can move to another part of the land and the landscape alters. Kids are able to run around without their fathers or mothers worrying about them getting underfoot. Just one hole then paradise," Astella said and inhaled her nicotine as Johnny smiled at her.

Mary walked up to them, "Mr and Mrs Shelby, your brothers are here," Astella and Tommy glanced at each other, "And there is someone who described himself as the Wandering Jew," Mary said.

Tommy sighed as he sat upright, "Will you take the Jewish gentleman to the drawing room? Take our brothers to the kitchen and give them tea and rum," Tommy instructed.

"Yes, sir," Mary said and walked off.

"Fun times," Astella said.

"Boys! Your mother needs her crutches!" Tommy called out.

"Right!" Daniel said and walked over to his brother who held up the crutches to their elder brother, "Thanks, lads," He smiled and walked over to Astella, "Here, mum," He said.

"Thank you," Astella said.

Tommy and Astella made their way back to the house and Tommy headed into the drawing room where Alfie was standing at the window, "Good morning, Mr Solomons," Tommy said and poured himself a drink.

"Yeah, it is. Nice little place you've got here, Thomas. Shame Astella isn't here to see it anymore. What is it? A foreclosure of a gambling debt from some poor young Lord who you pumped full of opium in one of your casinos? Or is that just tittle-tattle?" Alfie said as he turned around.

"Drink?" Tommy offered.

"Nah, I don't touch it, mate," Alfie started to walk over to him, "Your housekeeper said you're not allowed to drink, eh? She said you are suffering from so many ancient injuries from your sporting life that your head is like some sort of smashed vase," Tommy drank his whiskey, "That has been stuck back together by a horse," Tommy sat by his desk, "Now," Alfie sat beside him, "Word in London is that you can be found wandering the streets of Birmingham stark naked, throwing away money," Tommy lit his cigarette and started smoking, not looking at him, "You talk to dead people. Also, that you believe that you are powerful enough to summon up Jews... Of a very particular standing up to the gentile wilderness wherein you live in order for them to do your fucking bidding, mate," Alfie said.

"And still you came," Tommy pointed out.

"Yeah, well, you know, I was passing, wasn't I? Haven't seen your boys for a while," Alfie told him.

"Do you know something, Alfie, this morning I tried to read the paper, and I realised that the only consequence of my terrible accident is that I now need glasses," Tommy told him.

"...Right..." Alfie nodded, "Right. Well, I know a man..." Alfie took out his pair of spectacles with a chain, "Who can make you a pair of these. He is a magician, mate. He is a magician. So not only will you be able to read your newspaper... But you will also be able to see into the future. Now, I know this, right, because he made this pair here for me. So you don't have to worry about telling me what this is all about, because I have already seen it," Alfie put his spectacles away and looked at Tommy, "You're fucking about with Russians, isn't you, you silly boy?" Alfie replied.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, John, Arthur, Natasha, Edward, Oscar, Shane, Michael and Johnny were gathered, "You've got two choices, Michael. You fuck off to America with Arthur, join the Apaches, or you marry the girl," John told him.

"This isn't a joke," Michael said as he walked over to John.

"No one said it was," Natasha said.

"Arthur, are you really gonna live with the Apaches?" Johnny asked.

"Told her father yet?" Arthur asked.

"No," Michael said.

"He'll fucking shoot you, man. Are you sure the kid's yours?" Arthur asked.

Michael sighed, "I wish I hadn't told you," Michael said.

"Then think of marriage as a beautiful road, flowers all the way down it," Arthur told his cousin.

John and Natasha looked at each other and Michael looked at them, "Is he joking?" Michael asked.

John and Natasha looked at Michael and then each other again and John looked at his cousin, "Oh, it's hard to tell these days," John answered.

"Behave, boys," Natasha rolled her eyes.

Michael stood opposite Arthur and got himself a drink, "Do you, uh... Do you love the woman?" Arthur asked.

Michael looked at him and leave over the table, "Fucking what?" He asked.

"Go and marry her like the rest of us," Arthur said.

"She doesn't want her family to know. She doesn't wanna have the baby," Michael told him.

"We know a woman," John said and Natasha looked away.

"Shut up, twins," Arthur said.

"Same woman who helped you out twice. The same woman who helped Natasha out," John said.

Arthur looked at Natasha, "What?" He asked.

"Thanks, John," Natasha said, ignoring her eldest brother.

"Not my women," Arthur said, knowing Natasha wasn't going to speak.

"Mhm... That's why you had them fixed, Arthur," John said.

"Charlotte will want the best," Michael said as he walked around the table.

"Have you told Astella?" Natasha asked.

"No, she doesn't know. She's not a fan of that side of the family, didn't think I should tell her," Michael said.

"She is the best," John said.

"The best?" Arthur questioned.

"She used to be a nurse. 20 minutes. Done," Natasha told him.

"You don't have to go in or wait outside. You go to The Garrison, drink whiskey, and have a laugh. Remember, John? Then this kid walks in, with no shoes on, and says it's done. The second time we were in there, the same kid. This time he's wearing... Shiny new shoes, he shouts, it's done, Arthur," Arthur said.

"And what?" John asked.

"She bought new shoes... With the money, I gave her," Arthur answered.

"Bought a new coat with the money John gave her," Natasha said.

"It was for a good cause," Arthur said.

"Arthur? If you're gonna get on like this with the Apaches, they'll fucking scalp you, boy," Johnny informed him.

"He's not wrong, mate," Shane said.

The bell rang, "Tommy said when the bell rings we're to all go to the big room," Edward said.

Michael placed his hands on the table as he breathed heavily and Oscar walked up to him and tapped his back, "Come on, Tommy has a plan... Apparently," He said and walked out with his brother, Johnny and Edward.

Natasha walked over to Michael, "Listen," He looked at her, "After this meeting, come to my room, I'll get you the nurse's details and we'll talk about this, properly, without Redeeming Arthur or Joker John. Just you and me, okay?" Natasha said.

"Yeah," Michael nodded, "Yeah, thanks," He said.

They all left the kitchen and headed into the drawing room where Tommy was sitting at his desk with Alfie standing. Natasha saw Alfie and she walked over to Michael, staying beside him as Arthur walked in last and he saw Alife, "Arthur!" Arthur backed up and tried leaving, "Arthur?" Alfie said.

"Arthur, come here," Tommy said as he folded his arms.

"Shalom!" Arthur groaned and walked back in, closing the door behind him, "Arthur, shalom," Alfie said.

Arthur walked further into the room, "Alfie..." He said.

"Shalom," Alfie greeted as he walked up to Tommy and took the man's hands, "Come here. Come. Let's sit down," Arthur avoided looking at him as the others watched them, "I owe you a little something, don't I? I do. Come on," Alfie led Arthur to two seats as the eldest Shelby brother was trying to keep his anger in check while the others watched them, "Sit down. Come on, sit down here," They both sat down, "There you go. Right. Listen. Arthur," Arthur looked at him, "I want you to know that whatever happened between us back then, yeah, that was business. It was just business. Alright? And I also want you to know that I have made my apologies via my own God for abusing a very holy day to get you clinked up and battered, which I did," Arthur breathed heavily as he looked at Tommy and Natasha, "And now I would also like to extend my personal apologies unto you," Arthur stayed quiet and Alfie looked at Tommy, "Alright?" Alfie looked back at Arthur, "I hear that you have allowed Jesus to come into your life, eh?" Alfie said.

Arthur looked at him, "Oh, you heard then," Arthur said.

"Yeah, that's beautiful, that's wonderful. That is lovely, isn't it? That's lovely. And I was wondering, how does that work for you on a day-to-day considering your line of work, mate?" Alfie asked.

"Your apology is accepted," Arthur said.

"'Cause I hear you're a right fucking nuisance with it," Arthur breathed heavily as he grabbed a glass ashtray, "Hello? You see, all I am saying is that every man, he craves certainty, doesn't he? He craves a certainty even if that certainty of yours, right... Well, I mean... It's fucking fanciful mate, isn't it? eh?" Alfie said.

Arthur was seething as he gripped the ashtray before putting it down and turning to Alfie as he looked at him in anger, "I'm Old Testament," Arthur said.

Alfie looked at him, "Fucking hell. Look at them. Now, that..." He points at Arthur, "That scares me more. Yeah. Congratulations, Tommy. You now have the finished article right here, don't you?" Alfie looked at Tommy, "See, that man, right, he will murder and main for you with God on his side. Yeah. You don't wanna let him go," Alfie told him.

"If we're gonna do business with this fucker, I demand to know why," Arthur said as he looked at Tommy.

"Right," Tommy sighed, "We're just waiting for someone," He said.

"Who?" Natasha asked.

"He's seeing ghosts," They all looked at Alfie, "He sees dead people now... Tommy, mate, no one is needed," Alfie said.

Footsteps drew closer, "Ah, that sounds steadier than usual, eh, Johnny, can you get the door? Oscar, get her a drink," Tommy said.

"Righto, Tom," Johnny said and walked over to the door, opening it as Oscar poured a glass of whiskey.

"Well, I should come back from the dead more often, the door is opened for me," Astella walked in and Alfie stood up, looking at her in shock as she took her glass from her brother with her eyes on Alfie, "And my brother gives me a drink and a standing ovation. Well, hello, Alfie, heard you gave my husband flowers about my death... Now, who exactly spread that rumour?" Astella asked and smirked as she drank some of her drink.

"H-H-H-How?" Alfie stammered.

Astella walked over to Tommy's desk and sat on the edge, "No vital organs shot, my shoulder in a sense and my leg, though I was paralysed temporarily... So, have you missed me?" Astella asked.

"I, uh..." Astella smiled at him and he walked over to her, "It's good to see you, love," Alfie said and they hugged each other.

"You too," They pulled apart and Astella nodded to Edward who walked up and punched Alfie in the face, making him stumble a little while Astella looked at her manicured nails, "I would have done it myself but I just got my nails done and that's for Arthur," Arthur looked at Astella as she looked at Alfie warningly, "Next time, it'll be me and a lot worse... Now, let's continue the meeting, darling. Sit down," Astella said.

"Right," Alfie said and moved over to the seat and sat down.

"Right, now we're all here of who needs to be in this meeting. While I was in hospital, I formulated a plan, and this is how it's gonna work. So, the Russians cannot be trusted to pay us. We are gonna take what is ours. We need to see what's in their treasury and that is why we need Mr Solomons," Tommy said.

"And the walking dead?" John asked, joking.

"Hey!" Astella scolded as John smirked.

"My wife is gonna be hell in heels... Or flats," Tommy joked.

"Come on, boys, Tasha... Time to make a point," Astella said and Natasha smiled with a nod.

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