Truly Mrs Shelby [T. Shelby |...

بواسطة bethanyjanebooks

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In the year 1924 after the death of Chester Campbell, life has been a little quieter for Astella and Tommy wh... المزيد

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بواسطة bethanyjanebooks

At Shelby Company, Tommy was in his office with Daniel and Angela and he took out a bullet from his pistol and put in one marked Hughes, "Dad? Why are we here?" Daniel asked.

"I need the truth, son, Angel," He spun the cylinder as he walked over to them and crouched down, "Why you two are terrified of Father Hughes?" Tommy asked.

"In the Parish, I acted out and attacked a nun, I had a bad temper when I was younger like four or something, and they put me in the reformatory for boys where he works. I was still acting out, I still don't know why, I was always called into his office... First, it started off... Pleasant, you know, glasses of water, informal confession, he helped me understand that why I was so angry was because I didn't know you or mum," He nodded, "I thought it was because you gave me up, you know till I learnt the truth that you thought I was dead... So, I calmed down," He let out a shaky breath and Tommy a cigarette, lit it and handed it to him, "Won't tell mum," His father nodded as his son smoked, "I calmed down, stopped lashing out but I was still called into the room and he turned... And..." Daniel said and looked away.

"Hey, hey... Tell me," Tommy said.

Daniel shook his head and closed his eyes, he remembered being a child and cowering in a corner crying as Father Hughes stood over him panting "Little creature..."

"Daniel..." Tommy took hold of his son's hand, "What did he do?" Tommy asked.

"I was scared dad," Daniel looked at him tearfully, "So scared... He..." He inhaled the nicotine, "He..." Daniel said.

Tommy looked at Angela, "And you?" He asked.

"Where do you think the scars came from? When Daniel ran away from the Parish, Hughes came looking for him, I covered for him and I got attacked as a result... As I said, I wasn't nearly or assaulted by a boy," Angela said.

"Thank you for telling me," Tommy stood up and kissed their heads, "Stay here until you're ready to go home," Tommy said and walked out.

Tommy had tracked down Father Hughes, who was at a village fete, he watched as the father engaged with the children before turning away before anyone noticed him on the bridge above the fete.

He followed the father through the fete, making sure that he'd always turned his back before the father could notice he was being followed by Tommy. Tommy followed him from the fete into a public restroom where he brought out his pistol and aimed it at an open stall where Father Hughes was. 

However, before Tommy was able to pull the trigger on the man he was jumped by two men, the three fought against each other but Tommy was overpowered by them as the father watched without care through the mirror as one of the men shoved Tommy into a radiator. The henchmen grabbed Tommy and shoved him around the tiled wall, he grunted as he tried to get free of them while Father Hughes walked out of the stall and over to them and he leaned against the wall and Tommy yelled, blood in his mouth then there was a crack and Tommy was dropped to the floor.

The two men brought out a stretcher and placed Tommy on it, he was now unconscious and was carried out and into an ambulance. In the ambulance, Tommy regained consciousness but it didn't do him much good as he was unable to move.

Tommy was taken to a deserted building where both Patrick and Father Hughes met him as he was dropped to the floor, Patrick and the father looked at Tommy, there was a large cut on his head, from the attack in the public toilets, blood pouring from his wounds and he was unable to stay conscious, "You idiot. You nearly killed him. I told you we needed him fully conscious. We need to stop using soldiers who've been in India, they hit too hard," Patrick said.

"Not fucking hard enough," The father shook Tommy with his foot, "Hey, Mr Shelby. Hey. I heard about your plan to kill a holy man from a voice in the confessional," He said.

Patrick crouched down to him, "Can you hear us?" He asked.

Tommy was slipping in and out of consciousness, his vision was blurry and the voices were disorientated, he groaned, "Astella?" He called out.

"Shelby. Why were you attempting to kill Father Hughes?" Tommy lay with his eyes closed, "Maybe we should wait until he is fully conscious," Patrick said.

"I have a dinner appointment," The father walked over and grabbed Tommy by his face, "Hey, Shelby?" He tapped the man's face trying to get his attention, "Wake up. Eyes front," The beaten man opened his eyes slightly and breathed heavily, "Mr Shelby, you're trying to kill me, were you?" Father Hughes said.

"Passing information..." Tommy inhaled deeply as he spoke weakly.

"Fuck. He knows," Patrick said and the father released Tommy and Patrick and Father Hughes stood up straight.

Tommy was conscious and looked around a little, "Where am I?" He asked.

"You are among the Odd Fellows. Please count from ten to one," Patrick said.

"Ah, fuck you," Tommy said then the father kicked Tommy in the head, knocking him unconscious.

Tommy awoke to a bright like in front of him and someone injecting him with something, Father Hughes sat beside him and snapped his fingers in front of the beaten man's face attracting his attention, "Whatever else you might have forgotten about last night, remember this, I am passing on information to the Soviet Embassy on the instruction of Section D. It's part of a bigger picture. You explain to the Russians that you were mistaken about me, and you apologise to me in front of them. A threat on your sisters was evidently not enough. You do as we say, or we will take your sons, the younger two," The father grabbed Tommy by his collar and lifted him up, "Hear this, we will take your sons. We can do it at any moment. We have people in your life," He lowered Tommy back to the stretcher, "You will make your apology to me tomorrow night," He placed a piece of paper on Tommy's chest that read The Ritz, 7 pm, "And you will repair the damage you've done. Or you will never see your sons again," Father Hughes threatened.

Later that night, Tommy was left on the road on a village, he grunted as he tried getting up but dropped and Daniel ran over grabbing his father, "Dad?" He said.

"Daniel... How?" He muttered.

"I followed you... We need to get you to the hospital," Daniel said.

"No... Home, your brothers are in danger," Tommy said.

Daniel nodded, carefully helping his dad to the car, Daniel got into the driver's side and sighed, "Always a time to learn," Daniel said.

"Just don't kill us," Tommy grunted as Daniel started to learn to drive while trying to keep his father awake and alive in the car.

"What did he say to you?" Tommy grunted, "Dad, tell me... You got me to tell you that he molested me as a kid. So tell me... Is he threatening to kill them or... Do the same?" Tommy glanced at his eldest son who looked at him, "What else did he say?" Daniel asked as he gripped the steering wheel.

The next morning, Daniel and Tommy were in Tommy's office at Arrow House, sleeping on chairs when the door opened, both of them jumped awake as Mary walked in, "Sirs, I don't understand..." Tommy breathed heavily as he started to get up from his seat and Daniel went over to him, supporting his father, "I don't understand why, as a former solder yourself," Daniel carefully pushed his father back into the chair, "You have sacked all of the former soldiers on the staff. It means there are only two men left in the household and one of them being Madame's bodyguard," Mary said.

Tommy pointed to her, "Mary, I want it so that Charles and William are never left on their own. Understood?" He said.

"Sir, I should call you a doctor," Mary said.

"Tried that, he won't have it," Daniel said.

"There will be some men coming. Coming down from Birmingham. And you put them up here in the house. You put them in the front and back of the house, you feed them, and you..." Tommy said.

"Why are they needed, sir?" Mary asked.

"I brought a cursed sapphire into this house, Mary," Daniel looked at his father with concern, "And now, I'm paying for it. And I don't know what to expect. But neither do my enemies. Tell David to bring the car around. I need to go to London," Tommy looked at Daniel, "Go to your mother, son, keep her occupied," Tommy said.

"No," Daniel said.

"Yes. You will help Mary in knowing where to put the men. If your mother asks questions, distract her... I don't know... Try getting to walk without crutches, just do something," Tommy said.

"Fine. But when you go, until then, I'm going nowhere," Daniel said.

"Sirs..." Mary said.

"And get me some tea, Mary," Tommy said.

Daniel looked at Mary and nodded, "Yes, sirs," Mary said and walked out.

"If I grow up to be like you when I'm your age... I'm getting in a wagon and off travelling," Daniel commented and Tommy chuckled before grunting in pain, "Sorry."

"Listen to me, son," Tommy pulled his son closer till Daniel was kneeling in front of him, "If anyone betrays us, you kill them," Daniel stared at him, "It can't happen to them," Tommy said.

"I swear," Daniel said.

"Bring me the phone," Daniel pulled the phone closer and Tommy grabbed it and dialled a number as his son watched him, noticing his father was growing paler and concentrating on his movements.

"Hello?" Arthur said.

"Yes, Arthur," Tommy said.

"Tommy?" Arthur said.

Tommy breathed heavily, "They want the robbery to be sabotaged. They don't give a fuck who gets hurt," Tommy told him.

"Are you okay, Tommy?" Arthur asked.

"It's a bigger picture now," Tommy said.


"Did John make a list?"

"Speak clearer, Tom."

"I said, did John make a list?"

"John Boy! John!"


"Gypsies and kin only. Yeah."


"Tommy, can I ask you why?" Tommy looked at Daniel, "Tommy?"

"You can ask Daniel... He's in charge," Tommy said and hung up.

"Dad?" Daniel said.

"I need to make another call... You're in charge now," Tommy said.

Mary walked in with the tea, "Your teas, sirs," Mary walked over to a table and started to pour the cups, "Sugar, Master Daniel?" Mary asked.

Daniel walked over, "I've got it, Mary," Mary turned to leave, "Can you..." Mary looked at Daniel as he ran his hand through his hair, "Can you check on Angela?" She nodded, "And have her downstairs outside with our brothers, please can you stay with them and when the men arrive, you call for me, okay?" Daniel said as Tommy watched him.

"And your mother, sir?" Mary asked.

"Have Edward stay with her... Not outside the room, inside. She won't..." Daniel stopped himself, "Have him keep her company inside their room until I say otherwise," Daniel said.

"Very well, Master Daniel, I'll see to it straight away, Miss Angela is already with the boys," Mary said and walked out.

"This'll make mum cry," Daniel said and poured the teas.

Tommy dialled another number, "Hello?" Ada said.

Tommy sighed, "Ada, it's me. It's Tommy," Daniel walked to the door of the office, he opened it to see his younger brothers playing by the table with Mary and Angela, "Ada, I need you to..." Daniel closed the door, "I need you to speak to one of your comrades and get me a meeting with someone from the Soviet Embassy. Tonight," Daniel walked over to him and knelt on the floor, "Your place at, 10 pm," Tommy said and hung up, he got up and walked around his desk before vomiting on the floor.

"Dad!" He rushed over and steadied him, rubbing his back, "Okay, okay... You need to go to the hospital," Daniel said.

"I will... After... After everything," Tommy said.

"Promise me," Daniel said.

"Yes," Tommy said.

Later that day, Daniel was sitting in his father's office which was now clean, he was holding a pistol with his head on the table when there was a knock at the door, "Who is it?" He called out.

Arthur walked in, "Just me, son," Daniel sighed and released the gun as Arthur walked closer to the desk while John walked in closing the door, "We wanted to check on Tom, but..." Arthur said.

"He's gone," Daniel tilted his head back, "He left, fucked off," He said.

"Daniel?" John said.

Daniel grabbed the pistol and looked at it, "I want to learn," He stood up and turned to the window looking at Blinder patrolling the grounds, "I need to learn. They shot my mother. They threatened my aunts," Arthur and John looked at each other, "They attacked my... Sister and they threatened my little brothers," Daniel said.

"They?" Arthur asked.

"Enemies... My father's enemies," Daniel turned to them as he glared in anger, "My father's fucking enemies, but this time... This enemy is mine as well. No one makes my family a target. No one makes my fucking father a punching bag and lives," Daniel said.

"Alright, son, slow down and tell us what's going on," Arthur said as he calmly approached his nephew.

"Nightmares... Bogeymen... They're real... I need to kill mine as Mum did. I need to learn," Daniel said.

"Alright, Daniel. We'll teach you," John said with a nod.

"Thank you," Daniel said.

Astella walked in with Edward following her, arms stretched out ready to grab her if she fell, "Astella?" Arthur said.

"No, don't," Edward said at the same time as Astella lost her concentration and her legs buckled, she fell to the floor before Edward could grab her.

"Shit," She turned over and sighed then looked up at her son and brothers-in-law, "I made it all from my bedroom, down the stairs... On my butt, however, to here without crutches... Never knew how much I liked walking till I had to concentrate to do it," Astella said.

"Sorry, Stella," Arthur said as he carefully helped her up with Edward's help and they placed her on the couch.

"It's okay... What are you three up to?" She asked.

"We're taking the lad riding," John lied.

"At this hour?" Edward asked.

"I'm fourteen," Daniel sighed.

"Exactly," Astella said.

"Just an hour?" Astella sighed and nodded, "Thank you," Daniel said and left with John and Arthur.

"Does she know?" John asked.

"No, she hasn't seen Dad all day," Daniel said.

"Where is he?" Arthur asked.

Meanwhile, at the Ritz, Father Hughes poured drinks for Leon, Izabella and Patrick as he spoke, "It seems that Mr Shelby was given bad information by an informant who was also in contact with the underwriter, who, as we know, is in the pocket of the Soviets. Wine, Tatiana?" He said.

"A little," Tatiana said as she slid her drink over.

"Bad girl," He whispered as he poured the wine.

Elsewhere in the Ritz, Tommy sniffed some cocaine before he walked into the Ritz and the two attendants looked at him as he held onto the stand, he told them his name and was shown into the private room. Tommy slowly walked into the dining room, closing the door behind him, they all watched as he walked over to the table, "Sorry I'm late. I, uh..." He sat down, "There was a body on the line," He cleared his throat and kept his head down.

"Drink, Mr Shelby?" Leon offered.

"No, thank you. It was drink that caused half this trouble. I've come here to apologise," Tommy said.

Father Hughes was nodding, "I have already explained that you now realise that your absurd allegation against me was false," He said.

Tommy exhaled heavily and closed his eyes, "Indeed," He said.

"And that your base nature made you rash," Tommy sniffed, "And that now, once again, our plan is back on track. When a child in my care commits a sin, as your son Daniel did many times, first of all, he confesses, as you just did," Tommy clenched his jaw slightly as Tatiana stared at the father, "And then, I instruct him to perform penance in a manner of my choosing. As a child, you went to church?" Father Hughes said.

"Yes," Tommy answered.

"Do you remember the Act of Contrition?" Tommy nodded, "Good. Do you remember the words of the Act of Contrition?" Father Hughes asked.

Tommy cleared his throat, "Yes," He said.

"As your penance, I would like you to recite it now, in the presence of our associates," The door opened and a worker walked in but the father shooed him off, "Go away," He said.

"I'm sorry, but a Mr Jurossi has arrived... He mentioned Mr Shelby by name," The worker said.

"Go away," Father Hughes repeated and the worker nodded and then left.

Tommy cleared his throat and waited a few moments, "Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having-" Tommy began.

The father interrupted, "Instead of 'God', say my name. Since it was me you offended with your false allegation," Father Hughes said.

Tommy took a deep breath, "Father Hughes, I am heartily sorry for having offended you... Because of your just punishment, but most of all, because they offended you," Tommy screwed his face up before continuing, "Father Hughes, who art all good and deserving of my love," He sighed, "I firmly resolve to... With the help of your grace, to sin no more and to avoid all near occasions of sin," Tommy said.

Father Hughes nodded, "Very good. Thank you. Amen," Tommy lifted his head, he was sweating and Tatiana's eyes widened a little, "And now that we are a united band once more, perhaps we could order some food and see what the uninvited guest wants," Father Hughes said.

Tommy finished his glass of water, "I'm sorry. I am not feeling weel. I have to go, my in-law is here to pick me up. Good night," Tommy said as he got up and walked over to the door.

Tatiana watched him, "Mr Shelby..." She said but he walked out.

Leonardo was waiting for him and his eyes widened, "Jesus," He walked over and Tommy grabbed his shoulder, "When I saw you, I didn't-" Leonardo said.

"I need a lift to my sisters," Tommy interrupted.



Leonardo and Tommy were outside Ada's house, she opened the door and Leonardo helped Tommy in, "My God, Tommy," Ada said.

"Are they here?" Tommy asked.

"Lovely to see you again," Leonardo said as Tommy pulled away from him.

"Yeah and likewise," Ada answered them both as she closed the door.

Tommy used the door to balance himself, "Do either of you have cocaine?" He asked.

"No," They answered.

Tommy sighed as he walked through the house, "Tommy," Ada said as she followed him and then led them into the room, "Uh, Tommy this is the Special Adviser to the Soviet Consul," Tommy walked over to the table and sat down opposite two men as Leonardo stood by the wall and  Ada joined them at the table.

"Members of the British establishment and exiled White Russians are planning to rob armoured cars from a factory in Birmingham," Tommy was breathless and quiet as he spoke.

"We know about the robbery. We have an informant," A member of the Soviets said.

"No, your informant is working for them. They want you to know about the robbery," Leonardo and Ada watched as Tommy was in pain and the older man walked closer as the younger member of the Soviets spoke in Russian to the Special Adviser, "Your informant is working to their instruction," Tommy said.

The translator translated for the special adviser, "Why would they want us to know?" The translator asked in English.

"They want you to...They want you to stop the robbery," Leonardo stood behind Ada and placed his hand on her shoulder, seeing the worry on her face for her brother who was struggling, "They want you to commit a violent act on British soil," Tommy said.

"Tommy, do you want water?" Ada asked.

"A violent act on British..." Tommy tried to continue before lowering his head.

"Thomas?" Leonardo said.

Tommy took a deep breath before raising his head, "To force the British government to break off diplomatic relations," The translator translated for the Special Adviser, "That's the game. The robbery in Birmingham is just the bait," Tommy said and it was translated again.

"Why are you telling us this?" The younger man asked.

"Because my family are the ones who will be sacrificed if you decide to blow up the train," Tommy said as Ada and Leonardo stared at Tommy.

The younger men translated for the Consul again, "The Consul wants to know who you are," He said.

Ada leaned over to her brother and grabbed his hand before looking at her comrades, "He's Tommy Shelby. You can take his word, just like you took his wife's Astella Campbell," Ada said.

"Ada, Leo..." Tommy said.

"Tommy/Thomas..." Ada and Leonardo said as Adam took her brother's hand and Leonardo knelt in front of him.

"Ada, Leo," He repeated.

"Okay, Ada the door," Leonardo said as he started to help Tommy up, "Lean on me, son. I may be old, but I can hold you up," He said.

Ada rushed over to the door and opened it as Leonardo helped Tommy out of the door, they both helped Tommy down the stairs but he started to stumble, "Stop, stop," They stopped on the stairs, "Ada, Leo, stop," Tommy said and he dropped down as Ada and Leonardo kept him from falling down the stairs.

"Okay," Ada said and moved in front of him.

"Drive me to a hospital, Ada, Leo. If I'm not conscious when I get there, tell them I have a fractured skull, concussion and internal bleeding. I think I may have haemorrhaged," Tommy said.

"Jesus..." Leonardo muttered.


"Ada, go on. Be quick because I can't see," Tommy told her.

"Okay," Ada said.

"My car is the one outside, here," Leonardo said as he handed Ada the keys, "I'll carry Tommy to the door, just get the door open for the back seat and start the car," Leonardo said.

"I can't fucking see," Tommy repeated.

Ada was tearing up, "Okay. Okay," She whispered and took the keys then hurried outside.

Tommy stared forward, "Except for you, Dad. I can see you," Tommy said before closing his eyes.

Leonardo kept hold of Tommy, "You're gonna be okay, son," He tightened his hold, "You're gonna live, lad. Even if I have to drag your ass back myself," He said picking Tommy up before walking outside and getting Tommy in the car.

"What about Astella?" Ada asked.

"Later... One thing at a time, dear," Leonardo said.

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