Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan Fi...

Oleh HopeJohn

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The Pharoah is gone peace within the spirit world, but that does not keep the world alone peaceful... Lebih Banyak

[PART ONE] Issue #1...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #2...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #3...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #4...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #5...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #6...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #7...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #8....a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #9...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #10...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #11...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #12...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #13...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #14...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #15...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #16...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #17...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #18...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #19...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #20...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART TWO] Issue #21...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #22...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #23...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #24...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #25...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #26...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #27...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #28...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #29...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #30...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #31...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #33...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #34: Reanimation's Holiday Issue...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #35: Reanimation's Holiday Issue [continued]...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART THREE] Issue #36...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #37...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #38...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #39...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #41...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #42...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #43...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #44...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #45...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #46...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #47...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #48...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #49...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #50...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #51...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Issue #40...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

586 19 10
Oleh HopeJohn

Authors note: Forty Issues aleady? Thanks everyone for the support on my new stories, whether it be my Supernatural fanfic, Yugioh Fanfic or even my poetry. I really appreciate all the support. :) I was going to post a slideshow for this chapter, but photobucket changed their settings again so right now I can't even make a slideshow!!! Its so irritating because I had this awesome slideshow planned in my mind but now I can't even do it. So if anyone know of any other places where I can make slideshows and post them onto wattpad, please leave it in the comment

So I suppose you'll all have to settle with a close up of Bakura! :P


            The speeches seemed endless as we sat outside in the heat. Even with a breeze I thought I was going to melt in that cap and gown, I couldn’t even imagine how Seto and Roran felt considering the men were all wearing black gowns that absorbed heat quicker. I was jammed in between them though and I could feel the sweat running down their sides. Ugh gross, I made a mental note to shower as soon as possible.

            “Now before we continue on with the graduation—”

            “—Yea because it hasn’t gone on long enough,” Roran sweated next to me, fidgeting in his seat, Breanna nodded in agreement, the usual flower she kept in her hair she was clenching because of the cap we all had to where on our heads instead. I think if she would have had it in her hair, it would have sweated out anyways it was so hot.

            “We will have the band play a song called Snake Charmer, directed by our head student in band.”

            The student rose from her seat, approached the podium, and cleared her throat. “I chose this song because of the winding path that our lives has taken, and….”    She continued to ramble on…

 “Oh can you please just shut up and play the music so we can get out of here?” Seto muttered under his breath.

            There was a nod of agreement between all four of us. We were all sweating away in these gowns.

            “…I hope you enjoy.” The musician said with a small smile, turning her back and waving her hands as she began to direct the song.

“I’ll enjoy it when it’s done,” Breanna panted under her breath. At first the beat of drums was slow but then it picked up the pace. It really did sound like snake charmer music. Sounded…Egyptian.

            “What is this?” Seto asked with a smirk, “Arabian Nights?” Breanna giggled in agreement with Seto, as I gave a quiet laugh in response. The band continued the drums beating down and the flutes playing. Suddenly my head began to feel lighter.

            Chills ran down my spine as I gripped the side of my metal folded chair, what the hell is going on? I shuddered.

            Seto’s eyes widened, and before I could ask what was the matter my eyes widened as well.

            Suddenly we were not at our graduation anymore. Seto and I stared each other down from across the stone room.

            We were in some abandoned room, inside the pyramid, I already remembered that. Entrez’s past flashing back into my mind, it was a memory she had forgotten, we had forgotten as the reincarnations. I was in rags, my face beaten and blistering, while Seto was in full attire for an Egyptian priest.

            Outside played an ancient song, with the beats of drums and a smooth hypnotic sound, while the festivities commenced for Atem, the Pharaoh, celebrating his transition from prince to king.

“Seto?” We were no longer in control of our bodies, it was as if this was a vague memory. My hair drifted in place and I pushed the strand of hair away from my eyes. It was pure white…like Entrez’s fur.

            He came forward and took me in his tan arms, he instantly began kissing me, his hands running down my body. I leaned in grabbing his golden helmet and throwing it aside.

            “Kisara…” He whispered under his breath, making me shiver. That was my name here, in this time. His voice was roughly accented, but he still spoke clearly, he seemed softer somehow, gentler than the Seto from my time.

            I ran my hands through his hair, loving every part of him. He truly hadn’t changed that much…

            A firm beat of a drum brought me back from the memory and I opened my eyes wide. I was sitting back in my town, Seto next to me.

            “Did I just imagine all that?” I asked aloud, as everyone clapped as the song ended.

            “Imagine what?” Roran asked, oblivious to everything that had just happened.

            I looked at Seto sitting next to me, his eyes wide and he looked as shaken as I was. His eyes had flicked instantly to me, “Hope?” He asked softly.

“Not Kisara then?” I asked and his eyes widened.

            “Where did you hear that name?”

            “Judging from your face—just moments ago like you did...” I said. “Did you see something?”

            “I must have hallucinated,” He said shaking his head.

            I shook mine in disagreement, “I don’t think so, it’s impossible for two people to have hallucinated the same thing. Maybe it was a memory?”

            His eyes fell to me, “Maybe…” He hated to admit. I began to wonder how much Seto and I really shared in common. I watched him as his fists clenched together in agitation, and I had a feeling it wasn't becuase he was angry at the past.

He was frustrated because he worried it would soon have something to do with what was going on now.


            As the clapping quieted down, the principal, Mr. McGray; walked up to the mike. “We will list off the names to come forward and take their diploma. Please hold your applause.”

            No one ever did. It was like asking a little kid to not to do something. It was going to happen, whether the principal appreciated it or not.

            Everyone went up one—by one—in long lines—following each other. It was enduring. We all walked up and each of us all had to shake the principal’s hand. I took mine and shook his hand—and took the diploma. At last, I had what had taken me four years, what seemed like hundreds of exams to endure—and I had done it. I had gotten my diploma—I had graduated, now all I had to do was not trip and fall off the stage.

            As I exited the side of the stage—I caught something out of the corner of my eye. It was in the trees—across from our school...the cemetery. Someone stood on the edge of the woods in shadows—with a silver blade in hand.

            I got down and went back to our designated seats, waiting for Seto to come. He approached me, looking off in the direction I had just been. I spoke in a low voice—lower than any human could hear me. “Someone is following us.”     

            Across the football field—into the bleachers, someone lifted their head. The man lowered his head discreetly, as he quietly flicked open the watch attached to the Vicinity Chain…time was on his side, Bakura thought, it always was…

            “What?” Seto replied in a surprised tone. “What do you mean by followed?” Seto said with a very low snarl.

            “Tracked…either we are being tracked or Sawyer is. Probably him, he wasn’t ever able to hide it like we are. He looks at humans like it’s a snack buffet.” Roran commented, obviously irritated.

            “I wonder what a Tracker is doing here though…” I said calmly…and thought it over. “Unless its Sawyer here and he thinks the graduation seniors would be the perfect dinner-and-a-show. All right, either way we’ve got to check it out in the cemetery.” I said in a normal tone—barely audible over the cheers.

            “Check what out!?” Breanna asked, and I realized she hadn’t heard any of our conversation.

            “Someone’s following us—” Roran said quickly before my parent’s and Breanna’s mom and little sister Emmy had shown up. Breanna was ushered off with Roran and her mom, when Roran looked over his shoulder and said quietly…

            “I’ll get Breanna out of here and on the ‘trip’ Seto, you and I are supposed to be going on. I’ll meet you in an hour tops at Seto and my place.” All I could do is nod in agreement. Breanna glanced over her shoulder, her eyes filled with worry before she turned and looked ahead.




The watch shut, getting up and walking away, the chain hanging off of it shimmering a soft gold as Bakura's footsteps fell across the ground.

It was time for the beginning of the end.


            Suddenly my mom and dad surrounding me, I suddenly felt like I was trapped in a corner. Trapped in between two different worlds—and each one of them held a different part of me inside it.

             One that held the side that wanted to find the Tracker, and demand why he was here; but the second side was confused and nervous—and perhaps didn’t want to find out the truth, maybe I just wanted to stay and be a graduated Senior. But another side of me wanted to be free of both responsibilities…the responsibility of saving the world and the responsibility of being an adult.

            But I had made my choice—and I was trapped—even though sometimes it was like cramming two puzzle pieces together that just didn’t always fit. But sometimes you had to cut the pieces—you had to improvise.

Improvising had become my expertise now, and I realized that's what had changed so much over the past few years about me. Not the fact that I was now a wolf, not the fact that I had become a part of something bigger than myself. It was the part of my life that I kept concealed...improvised...a secret. A part of my life that was hidden by not telling the complete truth.

That may be the way I have become, but it is the way I survived this long. And this part of my identity would stay a secret for everyone who still did not know.

             “Are you guys coming over after you talk to your friends?” My mom asked—always wanting to know what was going on. If she only knew…

            I interrupted. “Um, actually—can I talk to Seto for a moment?” I asked calmly.

            “Sure,” My father said. He was slightly older than my mother; he too, had glasses, but he had eyes with tints of silver in them. His hair was an ash brown—and was touched with gray—including his moustache. My mom had shoulder length dark brown hair and slightly darker blue eyes. Obviously—neither of their eyes were as blue as mine—that came with becoming a wolf.

            Walking away, I turned a distance away from my parents, listening to my mom lean over and say to my dad, “What do you think they are going to tell us?”

            As soon as we got far enough from everyone and we were along the edge of the road near the tennis courts, I spoke. “We need to get them out of here.”


            “Dusks Seto—remember? They take and kill or feed on wolves and people too—for me that means—my family.  I don’t know what they’d do if they’d turn my family—it’s not like it’d know if I was fighting them if I—”

            Seto put his finger to my lips, wanting me to shut up. “It’s alright, I have a plan. Just go along with it.”

            I looked at him curiously, wondering what it was. Before I could ask he clasped his hand tightly around mine, and I followed him back to my parents.

            We walked back up to them and Seto had wrapped his hand around mine—I personally had no idea how this was going to go. I looked up next to Seto and felt somewhat relieved he had come up with some sort of plan. Because frankly, I didn’t even know what we were doing.

            “We have something to tell you.” Seto said.

            “What?” My dad asked—wondering curiously what it was.

            He looked to me for guidance, but even I was unsure of what he was talking about, “Um….” I blushed with embarrassment.

            Seto spoke for me, formally, “I want your daughter’s hand in marriage and I would like your blessing…”


            There was an awkward pause…a long awkward pause. There was nothing to say. I was hoping that there was something I would hear, I concentrated so hard on listening I could actually hear crickets on the other side of the football field.

            You know what might be a good idea for a proposal? The person you’re attempting to marry actually finds out about it before he breaks the news to other people. I glared at Kaiba, feeling like an idiot that he was using me like this. I would personally kill him myself! What was giving me a heart attack going to solve? The only people he was getting to the cemetery sooner was me, and possibly him, but both of us would be in caskets by the time we’d get there. Why? Because my parents were going to kill me, and Seto.

           Was my dad shocked? When he was under stress, he would take off his glasses and clean them on his shirt. Right now he was doing that…or maybe he just had something in them? Maybe…but was I ever that lucky? Please don’t kill him, Dad…I thought pleadingly. Maybe if a building just happened to blow up or something; I could tell Kaiba this is his terrible idea and he needed to leave.

              Finally, someone decided to speak, “When?” My mom asked curiously.

            “Oh…what?” I was suddenly dumbfounded.

            “Hope, when are you…when are you having the wedding?” My dad was able to say.

            “Um…I don’t know.” I was able to reply, “I’m still trying to see how you’d even react, I was thinking…..a…uh….month from now?” A year from now…I mentally thought. I didn’t have any plans of marriage at all exactly. But why in the hell did I say a month!?

            “Where…” My mom asked.

            “That’s the thing,” Seto said calmly, and continued talking. “It’s not in the state, we were actually thinking Florida.”

           “How do you plan on affording that?” Dad asked.

            “I’ve gotten a small inheritance when my parents passed away.” Kaiba lied, “I’ve been reinvesting in different businesses. It’s been paying off.” He said flatly. My dad stared at him impressed.

            “What!?” Mom stared shocked.

            “We actually planned this in advanced.” I lied, now picking up on Seto’s plan. “You both have done so much for me and I wanted to give you a present for having to put up with me so long. So actually we wanted to send you to Florida a little sooner than us.”

            “I knew I always liked him,” Mom said, speaking of Seto. I nearly facepalmed remembering our conversation yesterday when she asked if Seto and Roran were a couple. Granted she was joking but still…

How early?” My dad asked, wondering when he was going to have to pack his bags. This was weird, normally it was the parents giving the daughter a gift for getting married, not the other way around.

            “How does today or early tomorrow sound?” I asked, and they stared at me.

            “Well, it’s rushed we know—we wanted it to be a surprise.” Seto said and I gave a nervous laugh.

            I retorted with a short laugh. “Well it certainly was—wasn’t it?”

            “So you are just asking us just to drop everything and go on a trip to Florida—when we have everything planned for your graduation party?”

            “Umm…yeah?” I said and added quietly, “I know it’s a lot to ask—”

            “We’ll do it.” My dad answered, finally. “We know that you put a lot of effort to ask. Though it would have been nice to have done it sooner. Besides this will save us money, we wont have to throw a party now.”

            “Yeah,” I agreed, a small smile playing at my lips. “I know it’s a lot to ask—but I’m sure our neighbor can look after the house and animals while we are gone—she won’t mind, since we’ve done that for her.”

           “Consider it a gift.” Seto said.

            “Yes, and we plan on getting there eventually, but we want to see the rest of the country first.” I said with a grin.

            My dad stared at me with his sincere, light blue, silvery gray eyes. “Have you both thought about this? Have you really thought about it?”

            “Yeah—we have.” I answered calmly, refusing to meet Seto’s gaze. “We have a lot in common and we know its going to be tough, but we’ll make it work. We’ve been through a lot together…” Seto and I caught each other’s glance…a lot more than you would ever imagine. We wouldn’t even be setting this up if it wasn’t to keep my family safe without revealing either of our identities. I thought.

            “So a month in Florida?” my mom questioned.

            I nodded. “Mm-hmm, that sounds about right.” Let’s hope a month is enough to deal with the problems at hand…Dusks…Trackers...saving people. Hopefully it was long enough, but I doubted it.


            At least I got to say goodbye without being killed. As soon as Seto had given them money for the passports, my parents left anxiously to go tell everyone.

            The football field was still filled with graduated seniors, and crying friends and the like, “Well     I think that covers it.” I said with a sigh.

            “What about your other friends?” Seto said, directing his glance towards Lindsay, Amber, Joe, Paige, Alison, Ally, and Sara.

            “That’s okay,” I said with a smile. “They’ll be out of here in no time. They all plan on getting as far from Bronson as possible. Saves us some plane tickets for our wedding right?” I said and stared at him accusingly.

            He looked away, quiet for a moment. “Sure. Come on—let’s get going.”

            I wanted to argue with him, flustered he had decided marriage all on his own. It must’ve been his little plan of making sure I couldn’t refuse. I never planned on leaving Seto, but marriage to me seemed like something for the distant future, not now. Before  I could make any more remarks, we heard both heard it…it was in the cemetery. Thank goodness—everyone else was talking amongst themselves to where they didn’t hear it. It was a shout.

            “Well, I guess we know where we are going now.” I said, holding back a snarl and circled around the school—just to make sure no one would follow us if we ran straight to the cemetery.      

            Soon as we were around the corner, Seto grabbed my shoulder and looked into my eyes.  

            “What if this is a trap, and just to catch us? Is that really a risk you are willing to take?”

            “And what if it isn’t a trap? Then someone’s really hurt—and it would be our fault!” I retorted.

            “You are not going to let me change your mind—are you?”

            “Nope.” I finished.

            He snapped then, “Hope, you are being so naïve!”

            I leaned forward and my eyes narrowed, “And you, Kaiba, are being difficult! Are you in or out!?

            “I’m in.” He said bitterly and shape shifted. I stared at him, the golden wolf with steel blue eyes.

            “What are you doing?” I asked curiously.

            “Going.” He said and rose an eyebrow curiously, wondering why I wasn’t going to follow. It was funny to watch a wolf being so characteristic.

            “Not in wolf form we aren’t, I’m not getting my identity blown.” I said and ran past him.

Throwing off my robe and cap and gown, underneath it I was wearing jeans…brown boots and a black t-shirt.  My graduation robe landed on him. In annoyance he shape shifted back into human form; throwing my robe off him—while throwing his robe onto the gravel--showing that he was wearing the type of clothes he usually wore back in Battle City. He had thought something like this might happen as well.

            “Catch!” Suddenly I had two cap hats whirling at the back of my head. I spun on my heel and caught them, grateful we were still in the back parking lot. I threw the caps towards my open car window and it landed in my seat.

            Seto was running next to me and we were evenly matched pace for pace. His golden brown hair shimmered in the light of the sun and mine trailed after me. I wished the others had been there at that moment so we could go take the Tracker on together since we were better in numbers.

            We ran past Steve who was in coming out of the school with his cap and robes. We snapped right past him and he almost fell backwards, his cap falling off.

            “Hey watch where you are going!? Hope!?”

            “Idiot I was there too—STAY OUT OF OUR WAY!!!” Seto snapped back at him. Steve stared stunned…

            “What?” Steve replied stupidly.

            Seto continued running and muttered underneath his breath. “I swear—if I ever see him again—”

            “Shush,” I said and after a few moments I slid to a stop, next to the trees by the cemetery. I stared all the way across the cemetery, and knew I actually had some great-great relatives in here. I only knew by the old limestone headstone that said YOUNG. It was hard to make out the dates or first name though.

            “What—do you see something?”

            “Three something’s actually.” I said and pointed up ahead. There up ahead—there were two bodies—lying next to a headstone. Above them stood a man with a white head of hair—with a silver dagger in his hand. On the ground was a broken head stone, next to it was Sawyer, his arm was soaked in blood. Next to him, unconscious…was a man with a silver dagger clutched in his hand…he was a Tracker maybe?

What was going on here?

            Seto crept up beside me—and whispered softly, “That moron there, with the white hair is Bakura. Back when Yugi was dealing with all those magic tricks, he had attacked Mocuba to lure me to Egypt,” I glanced at Seto, before my eyes flicked back to the man standing over two people. If that bastard hurt a member of my pack, I would kill him.

            “Right now we need to worry about the others.” I said calmly. “We just need to get Sawyer and the Tracker out of here.”

            “Both of them?”

           “Yeah,” I nodded, “Frankly I don’t know who to side with, but both of them look like they could use a hand. Follow me.” I jumped and climbed over the chain link fence, which was much closer than the gate—using the tree next to it as some grip. I got to the other side and dropped down silently.

“Idiot,” He growled under his breath, as I listened, knowing his words were just out of frustration. “It’s never that simple.” Seto followed quickly behind. He crouched  down next to me. “You get Sawyer while I distract Bakura—”

“—are you serious?” I growled, “Sawyer weighs a lot! Even with my strength I would be dragging him away. How about a switch? You take him and the Tracker out of here, I distract Bakura. Deal?”

He frowned, not liking my plan very much. “Be careful, don’t screw up.”

            “Good plan.” I agreed bluntly as he stared at me, his gaze hardened.

            “This isn’t a game,” He began, eyeing me wearily.

“Seto, I know that, I don’t play games in times like this.”

“Just don’t do anything you’ll regret.” Seto advised. We then went different directions—he went and hid tightly against the tree next to Sawyer, and I circled around the cemetery to where Bakura was. He wore a light blue jacket, and a dark blue and white striped shirt. He stood over them blood dripping off the knife—and I knew he was going to kill Sawyer. He stood over him I watched as he took the knife out.

            “What are you doing!?” I shouted, though I very well knew. He turned his back from Sawyer.

            “I was wondering when you would show up,” He smirked, a dark look on his face, as I walked forward. He let out an evil laugh, “It seems that some always still fight for the losing side. Where is Kaiba?”

            I stared at him, “Does it matter?” I glanced at the bloodied blade of the dagger, “I know who you are, now get the hell out. Before I take care of you myself.” I spat the last word like venom.

            “And you’re a bearer of the Vicinity Items. What is your name?” He demanded.

I let a low growl slip dangerously through my lips, “None of your damn business.”

His gaze dropped to my bracelet bound to my hand. “Such power falling on such a puny little girl.”

            Fangs formed at the corner of my mouth, “Did you figure that out all by yourself?” I coaxed mockingly, “Looks like someone is a little slow.”

            He growled, “Don’t mock me.” I forced my heartbeat to slow, allowing my fangs to retreat so I could focus on strategy more.

            “Don’t underestimate me, then” I warned.

            “Didn’t plan on it!” Instantly he had me pushed up into the tree, holding me off the ground by my collar. I was shocked; his speed was incredible…this guy must have had intense training.

            I hadn’t even had time to make the first offensive move before he had me cornered. So this is one of the people Seto and Yugi’s had to deal with in the past? I thought, sweat dripping down my brow.

Bakura took the edge of the knife and traced it down my cheek. As the metal slowly pricked my skin it began to hiss, blood beginning to fall from the scratch. My eyes widened, was I just as vulnerable to pure silver as Sawyer was?

            “I’ll ask you again…who are you?” He demanded.

            I gave a dark laugh, he had surprised me that was for sure, “Somebody you’ll never forget,” I pulled my legs in tight and pushed them off his chest. He crashed backwards landing next to a headstone.

He was strong no doubt, but this was not my first fight.

I landed on my hands and feet onto the ground, quickly jumping back up to stare him down.

Bakura let a smile come forth as he picked himself off the ground. “Ah I remember your name…you are Kisara!”

I didn’t respond, knowing he was just toying with me, however I wondered where he had heard that name? I dared to glance past Bakura where Sawyer had been.

           Sawyer was gone now—so Seto had moved him—but the Tracker remained staring at me with surprised eyes. He had seen too much. He knew I wasn’t just a graduate student anymore.

            “You need to get out of here,” I ordered, and his eyes widened, falling on the knife in Bakura’s hand, then across the cut across my cheek where it had burned and hissed from the silver….he knew I was a wolf.

            “Don’t get distracted!” Bakura claimed and suddenly he had appeared in front of me, he clasped my wrist and brought the dagger down. My eyes widened as I quickly dodged, refusing to lose another appendage since I had lost my wings last summer.

 The blade came down across my wrist and ripped at the metal on my bracelet as it clinked onto the ground.

            “Ha!” He laughed, “You’re still as good as dead!” So he already knew that if a Vicinity Item got ripped off the bearer, they were dead…if they weren’t already bound to their item. He did not know this last part, or he thought I hadn’t bonded with my other half.

This time I smiled, clenching my fist and punching him across the face. He backed off a few feet and his eyes narrowed, wiping blood off his lip. I smiled darkly, letting my eyes flash a dangerous shade of blue.

Bakura spat a mouthful of blood into the grass. “You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” He growled.

            “Man you really are slow if you just figured that out,” I snarled in response.

            He appeared behind me in a flash, my eyes widened. I whirled on my heels jumping back, pain quickly passed over my side, but it only felt as if I had been stung so I crouched low and grabbed my bracelet on the ground, along with a knife Sawyer must have dropped. Sparks flashed as our blades connected.

            “Not a bad fighter I’ll admit,” Bakura teased, “You certainly keep your opponent on their toes—though you’re as rusty as my blade is sharp.”

How did he know I haven’t fought in a while? To disgust me, he ran his tongue across his lower lip, licking the blood from his earlier wound, as if he had been expecting a reaction from me, for me to cringe at the savage appearance of his nature.

We backed off a few feet from each other, eyes narrowed. “Don’t worry about Seto Kaiba,” Bakura spat, mockingly “He won’t suffer much longer after you’re gone. He will be joining you soon in death.”

            I was going to retort that I’d have to be dead for that to be a possibility when slowly I felt a wet liquid running down my side. I looked down in shock, seeing my blood falling for the first time. A narrow sliver of blood began pooling out of my side…

When did he…My vision began to fade as I I fell to my knees. My waist felt like fire as the blood fell onto the grass. Attack me?

            I collapsed, my fist tightly clasping onto my Vicinity Bracelet. He approached me, a sadistic smile playing across his lips. He began to pry the bracelet out of my hands with a chuckle.

            “No….” I said through gritted teeth. My vision faded and I could no longer see him clearly. I could smell his blood, feel his breath against my skin as he crouched down next to me. He thought he had won. Bakura would try to kill Seto, Roran and Breanna. Anger boiled inside me.


[third person perspective]

“Yes, I’m afraid so,” He gave a grin, taking the bracelet away from the girl, not knowing that the power was bound inside her.

“Looks like this might even be easier than I thought.” Bakura chuckled, but then his eyes widened after a moment.

Bakura gasped in pain. His body trembled as blood ran down his chest and back.

A strangled cry escaped his lips as a low growl filled his ear. Fangs were buried into his shoulder, connected to them was a white wolf. He stared at the wolf’s dark blue eyes, which were glaring with hatred at him from the corner of her eyes, using the last bit of her strength. Blood dripped out of his shoulder, she had been inches from his throat.

“AAAAaaahhhhhhh!” he screamed and cracked her across the face with his fist. She crumpled to the ground, the golden Vicinity bracelet falling at her paws.

Hope growled darkly, shaking her head, and picking herself off the ground, his blood sliding off her white fangs as her body shook uncontrollably.

 Bakura clenched his shoulder tightly in pain, “So you are a wolf then?” He spat, obviously not pleased. In answer crimson blood ran down her fangs as she continued to show her fangs to her opponent, daring not to say anything.

“Well you know what they always say about wolves…” He snarled, reaching into his coat, her teeth baring dangerously at him. “The silver bullet always does the trick.” He pulled out a 9 millimeter pistol.

He raised the gun and he toppled to the ground, the gun falling away.

On top of him was a golden brown wolf, “LAY YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!!” he snarled.

“Seto…” Hope whispered, shape shifting, her brown hair falling over her face as she collapsed onto the ground, clenching her side in pain.

Bakura’s eyes widened at the wolf’s steel blue gaze, “Kaiba!?” His mind was wheeling, Seto…is this beast!? How could this even be a possibility!? Before Bakura could register this new development Kaiba lunged forward, going for the throat.

Hope’s eyes gained focus long enough to see the Vicinity Bracelet laying in front of her. Her pale hands grabbed the golden bracelet, plucking the grass as she pulled it closer to her, where it was safe from Bakura.

A single gunshot ran into the air, Kaiba had changed directions, jumping backwards and dodging it, it barely missed Bakura by an inch.

“You fool!!” Bakura growled, “You nearly shot me!”

The Tracker panted heavily, blood running down his head, through his brown hair and scratches on his side from what the wolf Sawyer did to him earlier. “I guess a thanks is in order than,” Jason Matt retorted. Kaiba leapt backwards and grabbed Hope, who had slipped into unconsciousness.

“Shoot them instead of talking, you idiot!” Bakura shouted, clenching his shoulder in pain, blood pouring out of the punctured wounds and into the grass. The Tracker pointed the gun as Kaiba lunged across the cemetery. The bullets grazed the headstones or trees, just inches behind him.

“Dammit.” Jason snarled, when the gun jammed. By the time he had fixed it, the two were gone.


Till next time. Please show your support by voting or commenting. :)

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