One Bullet ||LevixReader||

By EvelynYang0

120K 5.3K 3.8K

**Modern AU** You're starting at a new school..... again, having personal problems at home, that you don't wa... More

Chapter 1 ~ Loner
Chapter 2 ~ The New Kid
Chapter 3 ~ Price
Chapter 4 ~ Titans
Chapter 5 ~ Job
Chapter 6 ~ My World
Chapter 8 ~ A Deal? Who?
Chapter 9 ~ Falling For Him
Chapter 10 ~ Family
Chapter 11 ~ F/n?
Chapter 12 ~ Start to Grow
Chapter 13 ~ Training
Chapter 14 ~ My First Kiss
Chapter 15 ~ I'm scared
Chapter 16 ~ Brat
Chapter 17 ~ The Extraction
Chapter 18 ~ Gamble
Chapter 19 ~ Through The Door

Chapter 7 ~ The Past

5.9K 356 268
By EvelynYang0

What's your biggest pet peeve? If you don't know what a pet peeve is, it's something you dislike and you just hate it.

Note: Please wait until I give the ok to play the song.

{Official published} August 31, 2015

{Republished on} August 9th, 2016

{Word count} 2440

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Your POV

Waking up earlier than usual, I crawled out of my bed without disturbing Miya's sleep and quietly changing into a different and comfortable outfit. My hand rest on the door knob, opening the door.

A thought struck me like a bolt of lightning, a question came along with the thought.

'I locked the door last night... So why is it unlocked?'

Twisting my head, I found nothing out of the ordinary or missing from the room. Everything was still in place as the way I remembered before I slept. Nothing loud woke me either.

'Why was it unlock?' I thought, but shook the topic away. 'As long as Miya's safe,'

I quietly climbed down the stairs, tiptoeing into the kitchen. Two unconscious men were sleeping on the table with poker chips and cards stuck on their faces. Luckily none of them was the man I met last night. I sigh a little, there was only two slices of bread for a single sandwich.

I made a peanut butter sandwich, then placing it into a brown bag. Quiet as a mouse, I sneaked back into my room, already finding a little girl dressed for today. I handed her the bag, but she stared at it then looking up at me.

"Where's yours big sis?"

"Mine is already in my backpack," I said at the tip of my tongue. "Lets go before the men downstairs wake up." I say before she could ask anymore questions. Miya nodded, zipping her backpack and placing her sandwich inside neatly.

From the years we spent living with our aunt, we learned that she had a gambling problem. Often we changed houses in order for her to run away her debt. She would mainly gamble with drunk men, sometimes when she would blackout she'd unknowingly bring one of them into her bedroom...

"Sis, I need help."

I shook out of my trance, seeing Miya entangled with the straps of her backpack. I smile, helping Miya slip on the straps then putting on my old backpack on.

"Come on, quiet, ok? Like a game," I said, smiling and pressing my finger over my lips. Miya nods, rubbing her eye and yawning. Holding her hand steadily, we left the house without wasting a minute. Like our everyday morning routine, we walked to Miya's school first. "I'm sorry Miya, we came to school, too, early."

"It's alright big sis! I already know why," she replies, looking up at me with a grin.

"I have the smartest seven-year-old sister in the world," I said, kneeling down and hugging her tightly, "and you're about to turn eight." I added.

"Yup! I'm only smart because big sis teaches me a lot of stuff!" Miya says, causing the both of us to laugh and arriving to the front doors of her elementary school.

"It's still early, do you want me to stay with you?" I ask, but Miya shook her head.

"I see my friends inside!" she says proudly, pointing at a direction. I followed her finger, seeing two small girls around the same age as her. They were waving at Miya, gesturing their hands for her to run to them.

"You're in good hands, I'll head out now. Be good!" I say, bending down and kiss on her nose.

"Bye, bye!!" she shouts, blowing me a kiss and runs off into the building to meet with her friends. I sigh, smiling gently then began to walk to my high-school.

When I entered the school, no one was there, except for teachers.

"F/n! You're early!"

Turning my head, I saw Hanji holding pieces of papers in her hand. She greeted me once I walked past the doors.

"I'm sorry.. I came, too, early." I said, rubbing the nap of my neck and looking down at the floor.

"Don't worry! Feel free to walk around the school, I can trust you not to make a mess." Hanji gives a thumbs up, then strides away to her duties.

So, I did as she said and wandered around the school, discovering parts I never been to.

My e/c eyes stopped at a certain door that had the words 'Band Room' written above it.

'There has to be a piano, right?' I thought to myself, walking in seeing no one else in the room.

I was correct, seeing a black grand piano at the corner by the window.

Hesitantly, I slowly moved towards it, sitting down and tapped on a single note. I looked around the room again, making sure it was vacant from naked eyes. Placing my hands and fingers into position, I began to play a song that explained my life; unfortunate.

* * *
Play song now, and LISTEN while reading ^-^ name of the song will be at the end of the chapter.
* * *

Levi POV

'Who the hell is playing the piano now?' the short, black-haired man thought, walking to the direction of the faint sound of music.

The melody was sad and quiet, but, also beautiful. I could feel a special connection to whoever was playing the piano. I slowed my pace, actually wanting to hear more of the song but I ended up being drawn, luring me to the door of the Band room.

Placing my hand on the doorknob, I opened the door quietly, only peering through the crack. In the corner of the room, a h/c girl sat down by a black piano, continuing to play the song without noticing my presence.

'F/n?' I thought, squinting my eyes for a better look and realizing it was her. I was taken back, not imagining a goody-goody girl like her to be sad. With little noise, I stepped into the room without disturbing her.

F/n hands never missed a note, instead her fingers were dancing on the white and black tunes, as if they were waltzing along with the song. Her eyelids were closed, looking like she was recollecting something from the past.

Then, she placed on a pained expression, like she was holding hundreds of burdens that she had to shoulder alone.

The music started to crescendo then going soft once again. Closing my eyes, I let the song paint a story in my head, sending me off to a sad dream. The different tones, and notes merging into a single song.

I opened my eyes once again, seeing sunshine glistening through the window and matching her skin perfectly.

Damn, I sound like a poet.

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

'Why does this look so familiar?'

Her rain-like tears slipping out, falling to the ground while playing a music piece.

F/n played so passionately because she was expressing how she was feeling right now and the music was matching her at this moment.

I know, because I did something similar of what she's doing right now.

Your POV

I smiled through the tears falling from my eyes, I was relief to let sadness have its way and release everything I've been holding in through tears.

Just remembering how happy my past was, until it all went downhill so quickly and reality slammed down on me.

* *Flashback* *

"Have a safe trip! I said to my father who was already in his car. Without telling his reason, he got out of the vehicle and walked towards me.

"I'm only to be gone for a few days," he says, kneeling down at my level, placing his large hand on my small head.

"I'm still going to miss you, huggy?" I ask, raising both of my hands up. My father just laughed, giving me a large bear hug nearly squeezing the air out of my lungs.

"You still haven't gone yet?"

Dad let go of me, looking behind us, seeing a beautiful woman I called mom.

"I wanted to hug you guys one last time!" Dad shouts, lunging at her with his arms wide open and wraps around her torso and lifting her in the air.

Mom laughs as he spins her around.

"C-careful! Or you're going to hurt the baby!" Mom scowls at him. Dad froze, setting her back down on the floor gently.

"Y-you're pregnant?!" he shouts, excitement was in his voice. "T-that's great!! Why didn't you tell me?!" he says, holding his head with his hand.

No words could describe how he was feeling.

Mom just smiled at him, "I wanted to surprise you."

"Am I going to be a big sister?!" I ask, jumping up and down.

"Y-yea! F/n you're going to be a big sister." Dad stutters then hugging my mother again, kissing her deeply.

"I have to take care of you! I'm going to call and cancel the flight! Cancel everything for you! I have to take care of you from now on!" he says, fumbling out his phone.

"Hey, I'm pregnant, not dying." Mom says, snatching his phone away from him. "Don't miss this big chance, you'll see me when you come back."

"Yes ma'am! F/n, make sure to take care of your mom."

"Yes sir!" I replied, saluting him and puffing up my small, flat chest.

"I'm going to miss my two special girls, and my future baby." Dad kneels down, kissing moms belly then standing up again and hugs the both of us tightly and showering us with kisses.

"Mom, I miss dad already." I said, almost whining while watching his car drive away. She looked down at me, smiling and parting my hair away from my face.

"He'll come back, soon."

Life was perfect... Well, it was.

* * *

It was two days since dad had gone, mom was working around the house with determination, making sure the household was clean for his arrival. She had even cooked dads favorite food.

I heard the house phone ringing, it's sound echoing in the house.

I remember my mom picking up the phone, having an empty glass pincher in her hands.

I remember her expression the first minute she was listening to the call.

I remember how she dropped the fragile pincher, pieces of it flying on the ground.

I remember her dropping the phone and kneeling onto the glass covered floor, sobbing into her hands.

The clear shards piercing through her skin was the least of worries.

"Idiot.. How can you leave me all alone?" she cries, her hands laying on the floor, her head so low she couldn't even look at me.

"Mommy?" I said, taking a step towards her but a single piece of glass manage to cut the heel of my left foot.

"F/n.. y-your father... h-he's dead..."

I can see why my mother didn't care about her skin bleeding. Nothing felt worse than losing someone you loved.

Time stood still. All I could hear was my mother sobbing, crying for her husband, crying for my father.

A small puddle of red liquid formed around my feet. There, I stared at a someone, a stranger.

It's me.

Why can't I recognize myself?

He said he come back, and he didn't, he couldn't.

* *Time skip a year later* *

That day when my father was suppose to come back, was when he died.

The airplane my father was on, had a bomb on it, and that's was one of the Titans attacks. The bomb was set off when the plane was still in the air, my fathers body wasn't even found, for the funeral we had to bury a picture...

Me and mom were slowly recovering from the trauma. My mothers heart was slowly reattaching it's broken pieces from losing its one and only lover.

Moms stomach got naturally larger throughout the four seasons, she would often rub it in circular motion and hum a special song.

The song I was playing right now.

One day...

"F-f/n! C-come here!" Mom shouted through the house, from the kitchen.

"Y-yes??" I ran as fast as I could, reaching the kitchen and seeing her laying on the ground and her pants wet.

"W-we have to go.." she pants, standing up, using the table for support and grabbing her keys. "H-help me to the car,"

I nod, holding her arm and walking her to the car.

Mom didn't pause, once we were both in the car she hit the gas, quickly-and safely driving the car to the hospital.

"Y-your sisters a-a little early," she says, sweat had easily soak through her clothes and sticking her head to her forehead.

The next thing I remember was that when she opened the door of the automobile, she collapsed.

I remember nurses, doctors taking her on a gurney then taking her away while I tried to catch up.

I don't know how long I sat on the chair, awaiting for my mother and my newly born sister. I kept waiting, and waiting.

All of a sudden, a paper was in my hand. A death certificate.

"Your mother was in critical process, but she gave up her life to bring your sister into the world. Would you like to see her?" the doctor asks and a nurse walks by with a bundle of blankets in her arms. The nurse handed over the bundle, letting me see a baby girl. "Your mom wanted to call her Miya."

Experiencing another heartbreak, I held Miya closely while crying into the blankets without trying to wake her up.

"You better not leave me, you're my only family left."

* *End of Flashback* *

After Miya was born we were placed in the custody of our aunt. There were other relatives, but, we could never get a hold of them.

Almost each night our aunt would gamble, drink the night away, sometimes she would get so drunk that she would have a little 'fun' with the other gamblers.

I ended the song, then slumped down and laid my forehead on the keys. Feeling a little awkward, I glance around the room, meeting a familiar pair of eyes staring at me.

"What are you doing here?"


| Name of song |
Hirari Hirari by Hatsune Miku

| Other info. |
This is the piano version, if you like only this specific video you can find it on someone's YouTube account named KeiiNii.

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Thank you for reading!! <3 I love you all!

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