Paint The Ice

By -consequential-

973K 19.3K 4K

Asher Humphrey booked a babysitter on Friday night so he could hang out with his friends after their hockey g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 15

24.2K 494 49
By -consequential-



We're in Mattie's car and the ride is an hour and a half. When she pulls up to Huntington Center, the game has already started and we've missed two periods. The cold air nips at my face. I'm not bothered since I'm wearing a sage green oversized corduroy jacket which nearly covers all my ten fingers. I should be good.

Ear piercing screams attack my eardrums the moment I enter the arena. Mattie hooks her arm around me navigating through the room. Kianna and Sutton follow closely behind. At first, all my eyes seem to connect is the color yellow. It hangs everywhere. I get it though. They're in support of Toledo. This is their home. Looks like they're the ones cheering too which could only mean they're the ones who just scored.

"Are they killing Taft?" Mattie looks around, taking note of the screaming fans.

I can't see the scoreboard so I have no idea where we're at in the game yet. "We'll see."

"Are we getting anything to eat?" Kianna questions. Leave it up to her and she'll always remember food.

Mattie stops walking and so do I. She turns which automatically makes me turn because our arms are joined.

"I'll go grab us some popcorn and pretzels. Water too, cause I'm thirsty." Kianna feels out to see if anyone else wants to tag along.

Sutton decides that she'll go with her. "You guys find our seats through all of this madness. We'll be right there."

While our friends leave, Mattie and I make it our mission to find our seats. The arena is full to the point where it looks like a Drake concert. I'm certain the arena is just as huge as ours back at Taft. There's families with kids that can't sit still. Younger audience much like Mattie and me cheering on their friends. Hockey fans that are just here to enjoy the energy.

And boy is there energy here.

It doesn't take long for Mattie and I plop down on our respective seats, throwing our bags on the two empty ones in front of us. Thankfully we're close to the tunnel so I'll be able to spot Cole when he'll be descending after the game whether he wins or loses.

Fortunately I'm capable of seeing the score board. Unfortunately, Toledo is the lead right now.

By the time Kianna and Sutton return with their hands full of food, Taft and Toledo are tied. Yup. Things are getting intense on the ice and the audience just eggs it on.

Kianna hands me something warm and spongey soft if I press my fingers into it. "I got you a butter pretzel because you eat popcorn slowly so I didn't think you'd want that? Thought you'd like this better." She explains her thought process and I smile at her appreciatively.

"And hot chocolate with marshmallows, no whipped cream was available."She hands me the drink afterwards and I wrap my fingers around it.

Honestly? I wasn't expecting it so I'm grateful. The pretzel? Yes. Hot chocolate with marshmallows? Nope but guess who will drink it? This girl. I could work with marshmallows. "Thank you Kie." My lips curl in a soft smile.

"You're welcome." She grins, moving on to Mattie whereas she was handed popcorn.

Mattie picks our bags from the seats and our friends pass through to sit down. "What did we miss?" Sutton asks, munching on some popcorn.

It's Mattie who replies. "We're tied."

I should be watching Cole. He's my brother and that's one of the reasons as to why I'm here but my eyes betray me and gravitate towards Asher Humphrey instead. He's faster than Cole is. It's impossible not to watch him. Sure, my brother is good, but Asher is another level. Maybe that's why he's the captain. He doesn't slow down for anyone. He's so fierce out there, he passes a player in yellow skating towards him. The guy doesn't see it coming, the way Asher passes him in the blink of an eye. I mean, his moves leave me hanging onto my seat. The roar of the crowd just amps up the overall feel. It's clear that Asher did not come here to play.

His helmet covers some of his fluffy dark hair that my fingers tugged over the weekend. His skin is flushed from the temperatures he's facing on the ice and his lips look more pink than they normally are. Why am I staring at his mouth?

I bite into the pretzel. What would it feel like if you kissed him again?

I try shoving the thoughts or more specifically the voice in my head but it's too late when my brain remembers. So I remember. Every. Single. Detail.

The eye contact. His smooth grip on my throat. The sound of his voice. My fingers in his hair. Our connected mouths. My legs wrapped around him.

Such an electrical moment wasn't it?

Heat pools between my legs as the memory zips through my brain. God. This is the first time I'm seeing the guy in person after my birthday when we're not texting each other about me eating on time or not and this... this is how I react?

The pretzel feels squishy inside my mouth. Switching my attention to the puck that's skating on the ice too. I try to focus. My eyes follow the blades then the hockey sticks swinging. The players are rough with each other. Which reminds me that Asher's cheek was bruised three weeks ago from an intense home hockey game that I was at. Looks like he's not letting that happen this time around.

Just as Asher's about to score, Kianna turns and catches my attention. "My thing is how can you kiss him and still say he's just a friend?" I'm aware that she's talking about Asher. And I'm also aware that I wasn't the only one watching him play. "Am I missing something?" My best friend questions.

A sigh escapes me and I roll my eyes. "You guys, seriously? This again?"

I thought we passed this when I left for class Monday morning.

It's Sutton's time to turn just like Kianna and instead of letting go of the topic, she adds to it. "Okay well if you're not into him, how come you did it?"

They're all staring at me. "Because I wanted to escape, okay? My mom left me a stupid voicemail and I wanted to forget about it." There. I said it.

I'm seeing the question marks floating over Sutton's head like she doesn't completely buy it. "It seems like just an excuse for the kiss. How about the truth this time?"

Mattie nods in agreement. "I'm not sure that's the only reason you kissed him."

I swallow hard. "Well it is the truth."

Sutton raises an eyebrow. "So a kiss erases the voicemail from your mind?"

"How easy would life be if I forgot my problems with a hot smooch." Kianna chimes, chewing on the pretzel she's holding in her right hand.

"Yup." I sink my teeth into the pretzel and rip it apart.

"So it's a one-time thing then? There's nothing else going on?"

"If I wanted to hook up, that option's always open." I'm swallowing the bite of the pretzel and thanks to my friends I missed seeing the moment that Asher scored.

All I get? A glimpse at his jersey number '12' sitting pretty on his body as he glides across the ice in triumph. 

"We totally didn't see that one coming. Because we didn't see the eyes you were both giving each other."

What were we talking about again?

Sutton clears her throat. "You're gonna catch feelings."

I grasp exactly what she's trying to insinuate. "Woah!" Because first of all, that's too far. "You think I'd seriously fall for him? He's just a friend and nothing more."

"A friend that you kissed? Explain to us what type of friendship is that?" Kianna catechizes, meeting my eyes.

"I'm not interested in him at all. I just wanted to forget my Mom."

Hear me out. That was the idea in the beginning. For me. That's what I was thinking in the restroom of the hookah lounge and now my brain wants to do a 360.

Sutton finds a hard time believing my words. "Was it a moment of weakness? Doubt it's that innocent. The whole kiss was because you wanted to forget your Mom? It doesn't sound like it to me."

Kianna, the voice of reason jumps in. "Is that how you'll deal with your problems? Just kiss someone and forget?"

But I'm not having any of it. "Am I being judged for how I deal with my problems now?"

Kie lifts her hands in surrender. "We're just trying to make sense of the situation."

"Fine he's hot." I do think he's very attractive so that's not a lie.

"Is it just that you think he's hot or will he be the next Julius? I mean, Julian?"Mattie questions, grasping a fistful of popcorn.

Does she mean the part where I hook up or the part where I flee? I know I was teasing Asher at Dan's diner before yet I'm the one who can't imagine not talking to him anymore. It's like now that I see him, I can't unsee him.

I kinda like that he remembers little details about me. Like my middle name, guessing my favorite color and reminding me to eat because he knows I won't set a reminder on my phone. Taking me out to breakfast on Saturdays. Little things like that.

I stuff a chunk of pretzel in my mouth. "Can we just watch the game please?"

Kianna isn't letting it go. "I want you to admit the truth. Not just ignore it like you usually do."

"Fine, I like him, are you guys happy now? Stop nagging me."

"I mean, yeah, we did kinda noticed." Mattie nudges me in the shoulder.

Isn't that why you kept the mirror pic to yourself?

"What are you gonna do about it?" Sutton chews on her popcorn. She's staring right at me and I swear she doesn't blink.

I can't have this conversation right now. "I have bigger things to worry about, thank you very much."

My answer causes Mattie to pipe up. "Yeah? Like what?"

That's when I tell them.

I tell them about Jade Driscoll and her nasty little fingers. My friends are shocked to find this out. I tell them that I have an idea about how I'm going about this but for now, I wanted to take my mind off the stress which is why I'm at the hockey game.

"Don't worry about our opinions now, worry about your hearing." Kianna flashes me an apologetic look.

"Ah, man, I wish we didn't bother you with the crap we just did." Mattie sighs, and she means it.

Sutton nods her head in agreement. "Yeah. I didn't realize that's why you wanted us to come here with you."

"Thanks for understanding. I got it under control."

We watch the rest of the game in silence. It's a close call but we end up winning. The Toledo fans aren't happy about it. I'm pushing myself towards the tunnel so that Cole can see me when he's walking in. I may not agree with his choice of seeing Dolores for thanksgiving but he's still my brother. I stretch my hand for him and Cole gives me a high-five and bright smile before he disappears.

What I didn't expect is Asher doing the same.

The second his hand slaps mine, my whole body does something weird. It tingles. Not just tingles— it's like tiny firecrackers lighting up my whole world starting from the palm of my hand then stretching to every fiber of my being. The feeling catches me off guard. It's just a freaking hand slap. Why the hell am I feeling sparks?

Asher already disappeared through the tunnel. Since when am I feeling sparks from the touch of a hand?

You had butterflies when you kissed him, this is nothing, the voice in my head claims.

How funny is it? Three weeks ago, I was rude to him without a second thought. Something happened and now I have no desire to be rude anymore. We have like a friendship or attraction thing? Or maybe we're in limbo and that's on me I'm sure.

My friends and I walk outside the arena among the fans. The sunset casts a beautiful glow over the parking lot in stunning orange, red and purple hues. My friends are talking about thanksgiving and all the packing they have to do the second they'd walk into the apartment. I spot Asher exiting the arena when we make it to Mattie's car, his hockey bag swung over one broad shoulder and it's either I'm seeing things or his legs seem to be moving in my direction. His strides are confident, shoulders relaxed with his head held high.

"Hey,"He offers a smile when all his six-foot-two frame halts in front of me. He sends a nod of acknowledgement to my friends then turns his attention back to me.

"Good game," I tell him, "I mean, you almost lost but last minute you changed everything." I'm teasing, of course.

His smile doesn't die. "What can I say? I work better under pressure."

"You didn't look at the crowd once."

I see the exact moment the emotion sweeps over his face. He's surprised. "You watched me play?"

"Hey, watching you was more interesting than watching others, I'll tell you that." I sound direct but it's the truth. There are certain players that grabs your attention and that happens to be Asher Humphrey.

"If I knew you were watching I'd dedicate some goals to you." For some reason, the picture he send to me yesterday with the hockey stick pointing applies well with this statement.

I'm looking at his face and I'm still jealous of how long his eyelashes are. "I'm at almost every game. Try to keep up. Does that mean next time you'll dedicate scores to me? I'll be waiting for it."

"Of course, just for you." He emphasizes the word you. Such a charmer.

The air around us shifted. Again. "Then you better not disappoint me Humphrey."

"When have I ever?"

He's standing in front of me now but what I'm really seeing is way his eyes dilated before he kissed me on my birthday. There's something on his lips and hands that hypnotized me and he can't convince me any differently.

"If you don't follow through with your promise, you'll be punished." A rasp rolls in and I resist the urge to clear my throat.

He is intrigued now. I see the way his eyes brighten. I don't know if he likes what I said or how I said it with the unintentional rasp in my voice. "What punishment will I get?"

"I'll tell you what it is after your next game. If you don't score that is."

He slaps a hand on top of Mattie's car. "If I don't score you say?"

My eyes follow the action and I notice how short and healthy his fingernails look. Those long fingers were squeezing my ass over the weekend. His large hand appears smooth under the sunset.

I bring my eyes back to his. "Why do I have a feeling that you want to find out the punishment more than you want to score?"

He beams. "You got me."

"You'll just have to find out, won't you?"

"December fourth and it's a home game. Show up. I'll be looking for you on the bleachers."

I chew my bottom lip. "If I'm not kicked out of Taft for something I didn't do then, yes, I'll be there."

Concern flickers in his brown eyes. "What does that mean?"

Inhaling a breath, I tell him what my friends and brother already know. "It means a classmate of mine submitted my work as theirs."

He doesn't grasp the entire situation so I continue. "Remember the art show that I was telling you about? Well it's really called the book show." He nods so I go right back to explaining. "I submitted ten of my paintings and I had sketches in my sketchbook. Long story short, this classmate of mine copied one of them and my professor reported it. So now I risk getting suspended or expelled."

"What are you doing about it?" Asher probes then he amends. "You're not just comfortable being on the verge of getting kicked out, right?"

I know what's happening here. He wants to jump straight to solutions. That's why he wants to know what my plan is.

The questions hit me in the chest and my response comes out rather quickly. "Of course not."

Inside of me, anxiety bubbles in my stomach. It's getting real now. I really have to prove my case to the Dean of students. Hearing the words from Asher's mouth, the question truly works my body because I have been comfortable. I have been pulling away and drowning my thoughts in other moments to forget even for a day as if it didn't happen.

Without warning, my brother approaches and heaves an arm around Asher's padded shoulders. "Whatcha guys talking about?"

I don't want to get into it again. Cole already knows so it's not like I'm hiding anything. "That you played a good game." I pipe up.

My brother grins, still on the high of winning as he's looking at Asher and me. "Yeah. That was close, you agree?"

Yup. I wonder if Asher told him about our kiss. He mustn't have because Cole never mentioned anything. Why would he tell him? Even if he did, Cole can't tell me who I can and cannot kiss and he knows that so maybe that's why he never mentioned anything in the first place.

Rhett and Tyler comes around too. Even Eric stops by and yes, I remember his name now. The next few minutes, we're all chatting like long time friends. I thought we'd all be talking about the game but whatever happened at Cole and I's birthday celebration really got us holding a conversation about non sport topics.

Happy Friday! This chapter isn't edited so I really don't know if there are mistakes but hope you guys enjoyed :)

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