Troublemaker | Station 19

By goonerscribblesox

344K 8.1K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
27. Unwanted Guest
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
30. Back To Italy
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
33. Recovery Begins
34. Date Night
35. Unforgivable Actions
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
41. Mood Swings
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
47. Turmoil
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
71. Testing The Limits!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

86. Deep Trouble...

1.8K 70 11
By goonerscribblesox

"Good morning beautiful," Maya smiled, leaning with her arm propped up as she waited for her wife to wake up.

"Did I fall asleep here?" Carina asked confused.

"Yeah, when I got back from the call out. I found you curled up in my bunk," Maya explained.

"My shifts over now if you want to get out of here and head home?" The blonde offered.

"I like the sound of that Bella," Carina agreed.

"I'll go and have a quick shower, and then we can head out. Maddie will probably call one of us at some point to pick her up," Maya noted.

"Okay, Bella," Carina agreed as she watched her wife flaunt out of the bunk and head to the showers.

"Uh, that was literally the worst night's sleep I have ever had," Taylor complained, cracking her neck each way.

"Same," Ella mumbled from where she sat beside her.

Maddie yawned and rubbed her eyes, shifting on the uncomfortable bed. If anything she managed to get at least an hour's sleep but the girls were right, it was awful.

"You guys slept?" Brie asked sarcastically.

"Meh. I've had worse. I mean you get used to it," Zak stated.

"Dude, you're only saying that because you've been here before," Aaron muttered.

"How much longer do you think that they'll keep us here?" Maddie wondered.

"I-I don't know," Aaron admitted, sighing.

Taylor threw her head back in frustration against the wall.

"This really does suck," The girl muttered.

"Yep. I'm definitely going to get into trouble with both of my moms for this," Maddie said as she ducked her head down.

"You'll be alright," Aaron smiled.

The teenager moved over from where he sat to come and sit beside the blonde teen as he took her hand in his own and squeezed gently.

"Gross. Will you two lovebirds quit it? It's too early for the mush," Brie complained.

"Shut up Brie," Aaron replied while he rolled his eyes.

All of a sudden, the two officers from last night appeared and unlocked the cells.

"You kids feel well rested today?" The dark-haired officer questioned.

"Somewhat rested on an uncomfortable bed as we can be," Taylor told them sarcastically.

The two officers chuckled between themselves.

"Alright, well we're gonna take you each to make your phone call now, so who wants to go first?" The mousey brown-haired officer asked.

"I'd rather wait until last. My Dad will be super pissed that I'm here again," Zak replied.

"Okay. How about you, kid?" The officer agreed and looked in Aarons's direction.

"Guess I'll go and call them. At least this way we'll see them," Aaron muttered.

Standing up, Aaron made his way out of the door and the officer followed him.

"What about you girls? Who wants to go and make the first call?" The dark-haired officer wondered.

"Uh... I'll leave it for a bit until my Dad goes to work," Ella replied.

"Same here. I'll wait," Taylor spoke in agreement.

"Aaron's my brother. He'll tell them on my behalf," Brie answered.

"Well, looks like you're up, kid," The officer said while looking at Maddie.

"Wonderful," Maddie muttered.

"Good luck Mads," Ella smiled slightly.

Maddie nodded in appreciation and followed the officer out of the cell, down to where she was able to make her phone call.

"You know, you look familiar kid. What's your name again?" The officer questioned.

"Maddie. Maddie DeLuca-Bishop," The teenager mumbled.

"Oh wait! You're Maya Bishops' kid?" The officer asked in realisation.

Maddie blinked in shock and nodded her head slowly in agreement.

"You know my Mom?" The blonde asked shocked.

"Sure, we're all familiar with SFD. Station 19 in particular... Your Mom was the former Captain at the time when we dealt with that whole situation with the girls in the house," The officer explained.

"I-I was there when that happened. I helped the girls to escape," Maddie told him.

"I knew you looked familiar," The officer said.

"Time to make your call then kid," He added.

Maddie hesitated to pick up the phone and looked back at the officer.

"Does it have to be my Moms? They'll both be really mad," The teenager confessed.

"As long as you call someone it's fine," The officer agreed.

"Uh... I can call my Tia instead. She's a responsible adult, I swear!" Maddie exclaimed.

"Sure kid. Go ahead and make your call," The officer smiled.

"I'm toast," Maddie muttered, dialling the number and waiting for an answer on the other end of the phone.

"Good work today 23," Andy spoke aloud, hopping out of the truck as her phone started to vibrate in her turnout pockets.

"Yeah, good work like we always do," Maddox replied sarcastically.

"Dude, show some respect," Theo piped in.

Andy threw the firefighter a look as she dug her phone out of her pocket, she looked confused when she saw the number from the incoming call.

"Hello?" The woman answered the phone.

"Ehm. Tia Andy?" Andy recognized the voice on the other side of the phone as her niece.

The woman furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she walked into the kitchen away from the noise.

"Maddie? W-Why are you calling me from PD?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah, well that's the thing... Something kinda happened and I'm down at the station," The younger girl confessed.

"What?" Andy exclaimed in shock.

"Have you been arrested?" The brunette continued to ask.

"Uh yeah, kinda. They brought us in here to sober up and I need your help... They've given us one phone call each," The young teenager explained.

"Why haven't you called either of your Moms?" Andy questioned confused.

"Because they'll be super pissed!" Maddie exclaimed from the other end of the phone.

"Maddie, you have to tell them. This is serious!" Andy insisted.

"Not yet, please?" Maddie pleaded.

"Mija... You can't keep this from them," Andy told her firmly.

"I-I won't! I just don't want to disappoint either of them right now, they're so happy and everything and... and this will just screw things up!" Maddie explained.

Andy exhaled a sigh and leaned against the kitchen countertop as she listened to the blonde girl speak.

"I just need you to come and pick me up from PD, they won't let me go without someone bailing me out," The blonde told her.

"Maddie, I cannot keep this from them. I have to tell them!" Andy continued to insist.

"Please, Tia! Please don't call them. Y-You can't!" Maddie protested.

"Mija, I have too! Look, I'll call them now on my way to come and pick you up, alright?" Andy questioned.

"Okay," Maddie sighed.

"Hang tight Mija," The woman told her.

"Alright," Maddie mumbled quietly.

Andy was quick to end the phone call, chuck a jacket over her uniform and run into the barn looking for Ruiz.

"Ruiz! There's an emergency, I need to run and take care of something! I'll be back in a bit but until then... You're in charge!" Andy told the man.

"Copy that! Is everything okay?" Theo questioned.

"Maddie has gone and got herself some trouble. I need to go and bail her out," Andy briefly explained.

"Trouble? As in like she's been arrested," Theo asked confused.

"Something like that, yeah," Andy agreed.

"Oh, okay. Sure, I'll stay here and keep everything in order!" Ruiz told her.

"Thanks, Ruiz!" Andy agreed before she run out of the barn and towards her car that was parked up.

The woman jumped in her car and was quick to leave the parking lot, driving towards PD.

"Home sweet home," Maya called aloud as her wife pulled up outside of the apartment.

"Ah, fantastico! I can't wait to have a shower when we get in the apartment," Carina spoke, turning off the engine of her car.

Maya unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out of the passenger seat. Leaning into the back of the car, she grabbed her backpack before she got out.

"You know, I thought we'd have heard by Maddie now. Do you think that she's alright?" Maya wondered as the two women rode in the elevator together.

"I'm sure that she is fine. It is a bit weird that we haven't heard from her though," Carina admitted.

Maya nodded in agreement as she opened the front door of the apartment where Lizzie was excitedly waiting to greet them both.

"Ah, hello Lizzie," The brunette bent down to pet the small puppy.

Immediately, the little dog started to run back and forth around the apartment, happy to see both of the women arrive home.

"Well, she looks happy to see us," Maya noted amusedly.

"Indeed she does," Carina smiled in agreement.

All of a sudden, one of their phones started to ring vigorously.

"Is that your phone ringing?" The brunette questioned.

Maya furrowed her eyebrows and reached for her phone out of her jacket.

"Huh, oh yeah. It's Andy," The blonde told her wife.

"I'll be in the shower if you need me, Bella. Feel free to come and join me," Carina winked before she disappeared in the direction of the bathroom.

"Tempting," Maya laughed before she answered her phone call.

"Hey, Andy. What's up?" She asked as she filled Lizzie's bowls up with food and water.

"Hey, um, did I call at a bad time?" Andy wondered apprehensively.

"No, no, we've just gotten home from the station. Everything alright?" Maya questioned.

"Uh yeah, so don't freak out... But I'm currently on my way to PD now," Andy told her from her end of the phone.

Maya couldn't help but laugh as she picked up the bag of biscuits and dog food and replaced them back into the pantry.

"Why would I freak out about that? Don't tell me that you got yourself a parking fine or something," The blonde woman smirked.

"... To pick Maddie up," Andy finished explaining.

"WHAT!?" Maya exclaimed aloud.

Carina ran out in just a towel and looked at her wife confused.

"What's the matter?" The woman asked confused.

"So, she's been arrested and was held in a cell overnight," Andy explained.

"Why wasn't either of us informed? She's underage!" Maya exclaimed in shock.

Carina furrowed her eyebrows even more confused about what had happened.

"Maya, what is going on?" The brunette asked.

Moving the phone away from her ear, Maya turned her attention to her wife who looked concerned.

"Maddie's at PD. She has been arrested," She told her wife.

"What? I-I thought that she slept at Ella's last night, how did she end up there!" Carina yelled loudly.

"Yeah, so did I..." Maya said, shaking her head.

"I-I don't know why they didn't call but I'm on my way to go and pick her up now," Andy explained.

"She called me for help," She added.

Maya was seething now, pacing back and forth around the apartment. The ultimate question on her mind was what the hell was her fourteen-year-old doing getting arrested.

"She told me that she didn't want to call either of you because you were both happy right now and this would ruin it," The woman continued to explain.

"I'm coming down there to meet you!" Maya insisted, reaching over to pick her keys up from the hook.

"Hold on, hold on, I'm coming with you!" Carina told her wife, although she forgot that she was still dressed in just a towel.

"H-How much is the bail set to?" The blonde asked.

"I don't know, she didn't say," Andy stated.

"Just stay at home and I'll sort it. It will give you both a chance to calm down," She added from the other side of the phone.

"Alright. I'll see you when you bring her back here," Maya sighed, placing the keys back on the hook.

"Oh and Andy? Let her know that she is in a shit ton of trouble, this is completely unacceptable!" She told her firmly.

"Okay, I will tell her. See you in a bit!" Andy agreed from the other end of the phone.

"Bye," Maya replied, ending the phone call.

The blonde exhaled a sigh and threw her phone down on the coffee table in frustration.

"How did this even happen?" Carina questioned confused.

"I don't know, Andy's told us to stay here and she'll sort it out," Maya told her wife.

"I knew we shouldn't have let her go! I thought this sleepover would have been good for her, to have fun... A-And instead, she's gone and got herself arrested and held in a cell overnight for doing god knows what with god knows who," Carina ranted.

"Come... Come poteva essere cosi stupida?" The women continued to rant switching to her mother tongue, using hand gestures for emphasis.

"Oh, God. How do we keep on getting this so wrong?" Maya asked, shoving her head in her hands.

"Maya, no, it's not your fault! We were both under the assumption that she would be at her friends house," Carina told her wife.

"We shouldn't have let her go. If anything, it's both of our faults," Maya stated, annoyed.

Andy arrived at PD, sighing as she climbed out of her car and walked up the steps to head into the building.

"Hi, I'm Andy Herrera. I'm here to pick up Maddie... Madison DeLuca-Bishop," She told the officer on the front desk.

The dark-haired officer looked up in surprise from the desk.

"Oh, you're the aunt?" The man questioned.

"Yeah. I'm her Tia," Andy agreed.

"Okay... Well, the bail is set to $500," The officer told her, looking at the computer screen.

"O-Okay," Andy agreed, quick to pay the bail money.

"And that's all sorted. Just wait her and I'll go get her," The officer told her.

"Thanks," Andy said.

The officer disappeared from behind the desk and went to walk to the cells where the teenager were.

"I'm so ready to get out of here already," Brie complained.

"Me too," Taylor groaned.

The door opened and the dark-haired officer appeared in the doorway.

"Alright, time to go," He announced.

"All of us?" Ella asked confused.

"Not the rest of you, just DeLuca-Bishop," The officer told them.

Maddie's face paled when she realized it was time to face the music... At least it was only her Tia that she had to face until she got home.

"Wonderful," The teen mumbled, getting up from the uncomfortable spot she was lay on.

"You'll be okay, Maddie. It'll be okay!" Aaron did his best to reassure the girl.

"Bye Maddie," Taylor waved.

"Good luck, Mads!" Ella stated.

"Bye. Good luck with your Moms!" Zak told her.

"See you later, kid!" Brie smiled at the blonde teen.

"I'll try answer but I'll probably be grounded for the rest of my lifetime after this," Maddie told the boy as she laughed.

Aaron laughed faintly as he moved to kiss her on the lips.

"Hey, hey, whoa, break that up," The officer stopped them.

Maddie and Aaron both looked at the officer confused.

"What? There's a rule against us kissing now," Aaron scoffed.

"Watch it! You kids' are in police custody," The officer reminded them.

"Leave it Aaron," Brie said cautiously.

"Alright kid, lets' go. Come on," The officer directed her out of the cell.

"And the rest of you kids just sit tight and we'll come get you soon enough," He added to the rest of the teens.

The officer directed Maddie out to the front where she was more than relieved to see her favourite Tia.

"Tia!" Maddie exclaimed.

Andy spun around as the teenager ran over to her and thew herself into the woman's arms.

"Mija! Are you okay? You look rough," The woman noted the teenagers' appearance with the dark black bags under her eyes and the look of sleep deprivation.

"Yeah... I mean, I feel rough but that's because I slept on an uncomfortable bed all night," Maddie complained.

"Come on, lets' get you home already," Andy said, leading her out of the building.

"Have you spoken to my moms' already?" Maddie asked hesitantly.

"I called them on the way over," Andy explained as the two of them walked out to the car where it was parked up.

"Neither of them are exactly best pleased," She added.

Andy unlocked the car and both of them climbed in each side.

"So, I'm in a heap of trouble? Just great," Maddie groaned.

"Well, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, Mija. What were you thinking?" Andy questioned, looking at the younger girl.

"I-I was just having fun. I just wanted to forget about everything going on, and well, it helped at least," Maddie admitted.

Andy sighed and shook her head, starting her car.

"I hope that it was worth it for the amount of trouble you're going to be in with both of your Moms," She told her.

"Can you stick around?" Maddie asked.

"I wish I could but I'm still on shift at 23," Andy reminded her.

"Then can't I come with you there?" The blonde asked.

Andy didn't speak but gave the teenager a look with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, right, I know... That was a dumb question to ask," The younger girl mumbled.

"You'll be fine Mija," Andy reassured the girl.

"I doubt it. I'm in so much trouble," Maddie mumbled aloud.

Andy briefly looked at the girl as she drove her car.

"I hate to admit it Mija but yes, you really are this time around, kid. We all thought you were staying at Ella's last night. How did this happen?" The woman asked.

"I... I know it was stupid, Aarons's parents weren't home so we all went there, and well, ended up drinking and smoking, and stuff... And well, I-I didn't think that PD would show up," Maddie explained, leaning her head against the window.

Andy exhaled a sigh and shook her head in disagreement.

"Well, it's time to face the music, Mija!" The woman announced, swinging the car into the parking lot outside the apartment complex.

"Oh wonderful," Maddie muttered anxiously.

The blonde teenager didn't dare say another word as she slowly followed the brunette woman inside the apartment and rode up the elevator in silence.

"We're back," Andy called aloud.

Maddie wandered into the apartment hesitantly just as Maya walked over towards the front door.

"Oh, good. Our delinquent daughters' home from jail," Maya remarked sarcastically.

Maddie winced and tried her best to duck away into her bedroom.

"Ah, ah. Where do you think you're going? Sit down, we need to talk!" She told her sternly, pulling her back by her arm gently.

"Come and sit Bambina," Carina said quietly, motioning towards the couch.

"Uh, Moms... I can explain," Maddie told them, walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Oh? You had better have a good explanation for getting arrested!" Maya said enraged.

"I-I just wanted to have fun," Maddie stuttered.

"Sure, have fun... I'm all for fun but not when it gets you arrested!" Maya exclaimed, pointing her finger at her daughter furiously.

"You're fourteen-years-old for christ sakes!" She added.

"What happened, Maddie?" Carina asked.

"We... We went to Aaron's house since his parents weren't home and we just had a bit to drink," Maddie explained.

"Uh-huh and what else?" Maya wondered.

"Uh..." Maddie shifted in her seat.

"Actually, you don't have to tell me, I can smell it on your clothes!" Maya exclaimed upset.

"Look, I hate to interrupt but I need to head back to 23," Andy piped in.

"Good luck, Mija!" The woman looked at the youngest member of the small family.

"Thanks, Tia!" Maddie smiled faintly.

Andy smiled and walked over to the front door of the apartment.

"Thanks for picking her up Andy," Maya told her friend gratefully.

"Si. Thank you, Andy!" Carina added in.

"No problem. I'll see you guys both later on after my shift finishes," Andy told them before she exited the apartment.

Once Andy had left, all attention was on the blonde teenager who looked guilty as hell.

"I have to say that I am disappointed, Bambina," Carina sighed.

"I'm sorry Mama," Maddie mumbled quietly.

"You have really crossed the line this time," The women stated, shaking her head.

"What was you thinking?" Maya questioned, arms crossed and stood in front of her daughter.

"Alcohol and drugs! Do you have any idea how stupid that is?" She continued to ask annoyed.

"You're underage, Madison!" Carina exclaimed.

Maddie winced at the use of her full name being used. She knew that she had really done it this time around.

"II'm sorry, I didn't think that PD would show up at Aarons' house," Maddie told them.

"Oh, and that it makes it alright?" Maya scoffed, continuing to pace around the lounge back and forth.

"What where you even doing at Aarons' house? You were supposed to be at Ella's, not some boys' house doing god knows what!" The blonde exclaimed.

"I-I don't know... We just wanted to have a good time," Maddie admitted.

"No, you do know otherwise you wouldn't have done it!" Maya insisted.

"You've betrayed our trust, Maddie!" Carina exclaimed.

"Is this what it has come to now? You're drinking, smoking and doing drugs!" Maya yelled loudly.

"I...I," Maddie stuttered out words.

"No! You know what? Just go to your bedroom, I don't want to see you for the rest of the day, am I understood?" Maya questioned firmly.

"Mom--" Maddie spoke.

"Don't push it, Maddie! And hand me your phone, you've lost all of your privledges!" Maya told her daughter firmly, holding her hand out for the electronics.

Maddie huffed and grabbed her phone out of her jean pocket to hand it to her Mom before she sauntered off down the hall to her bedroom.

"Are we seriously thinking about having another baby? We'll be dealing with two of them," Maya muttered as she chuckled, placing her teenagers' phone on the coffee table.

"That is the joys of parenthood, Maya," Carina laughed.

"Now we just have to deal with our rebellious teenage daughter," She added.

"Sure, of course. I just hope that our next child is an angel compared to our teenager," Maya muttered aloud.

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