Socksfor1 crew oneshots!

By blazafortwo

21.4K 287 445

Oneshots of the socksfor1 crew people!! There will be random ships Nadwe and Muffin will not be shipped, sinc... More

🎲Tbhfor1🎲 part 2
Love is always important.
The lights~
I'm not ded lol :')
im alive, just doing bad


795 13 24
By blazafortwo

Yo, this shit gonna be "Lemon" as in, no smut, but sexual things (heavy make outs, ect)

I went to Google to make sure i was correct, about what it meant-- So ye

Anyways this isn't a request, a wheel... Its just my own idea i got, and drew shit fanart of Memefor1.. 😳

Oki yaya anyways, let's get to the same things like always-

Ship: Memefor1

Top: Meme

Bottom: Socks

Topic: Lemon

Okay enjoy~


Meme's POV.

Soooooo- After i moved in with the others, others as in Socks, Blaza, Tbh, Laff and Joocie.
My and Socks friendship has been weird. We haven't spoken a lot, only during videos, well he hasn't spoken to me.. I dont know what's up with him. I've been trying to find out, but he just leaves when i try to speak with him, or go close to him.

This time i will bring him to his room. Literally bring him there. Grab him and carry him in his own room, so that he can't lock himself in there, or anywhere else. I will lock us in, so that he has to speak to me. I will wait for him to speak, i don't care how long it will take. I will wait.

Right now, i'm in my room. I'm editing my video. Then i will go find him and bring him to his room, if he's not in there already. I need to find out what's going on, if i did something to him. He won't escape from me this time...

Timeskip to later..

Now it's 4 pm or something. I don't care. I just left my room and checked his, and he wasn't there which was a surprise, since he's always busy making videos for his channels. Im walking down the stairs, and i still haven't seen him. I checked the other people's rooms if he was there, but he wasn't.

And it looks like he isn't anywhere.. Nice. I just checked our car garage, and his car wasn't here. So he's out of the house, i gotta wait for him to come back. Then i will bring him to his room right away. I won't let him prepare or anything, i will just carry him in there, and lock us in. Anyways i saw Laff was in the living room, so imma go to him and speak with him for now.

"Hey Laff!" I said out loud, while walking to the living room. I saw his head turn around, and when he saw me, he smiled.

"Ay there Meme" He greeted me, with his British accent. I let out a giggle at that.

"Soo- Do you know where Socks is?" I asked him, with curiosity in my voice.

"In the matter of fact, i do. He's in a bar with Blaza. He didn't have any work to do today anymore, so he agreed going there with Blaza." He told me, while smiling still. I let out a smile and nobbed.

"Thanks for telling me Laff!" I said to you him. He then let out a smile.

"Why'd you wanna know anyways, i've seen how you guys don't talk-?" He asked with confusion. I let out a sigh at that.

"It's HIM who doesn't talk. I don't even know why or what i did. So today im gonna bring him to his room and lock him there with me, until he finally will speak to me." I told him everything. He then nobbed.

"Alright then, be prepared tho. Like i said, he's in a bar, which means he's gonna be drunk." He told me, which i just nobbed and smiled.

"That's better. If he's drunk, its easier to make him talk.." I told him with an evil smirk and let out a laugh. He then let out a sigh and laughed too...

Timeskip to later again...

Now it's like 8 pm, and i heard a door close. I knew it had to be Blaza and Socks, since they are the only one's not here. The others are in their rooms too. So i walked out of my room, then i saw Blaza.

"Hey Blaza! How was the bar?" I asked him, he then looked at me. He looked so out of it, since he always drinks more than us.

"Hey there Meme, it was good as always." He replied, before he could enter his room i asked him.

"Where's Socks?" I asked him.

He then looked at me and pointed to the stairs, which meant he was down stairs. I then nobbed at him, and started going down. I then saw Socks in the kitchen getting water. I smirked and slowly went to him, from behind.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, he let out a yelp at that. He put his hands around my arms. He didn't say anything, i think he recognised who i was from my shirt. He then tried to get out of my arms, but i didn't let him. I then started bringing him towards this one bathroom we had downstairs. Since it was hard to get him upstairs.

I then pushed him in and also went in, then locked the door. I turned to look at him, but i already saw him looking at me. He looked a bit angry.

"So are you gonna speak to me now?" I asked with with a serious tone. He just kept looking at me, he crossed his arms.

"Fuck off Meme, let me out." He said to me. But i just let out a smirk.

"Oh so you can speak. So you mind telling me, why you haven't spoken to me, and running away from me?" I asked him while moving closer to him, he started going backwards.

"What are you doing.?" He asked with a quiet voice. I just smirked.

I just kept walking towards him. Then his back touched the wall and he then looked a bit shakey. But i didn't stop. I just went and grabbed his hands and put them over his head. Holding him stuck at the wall. He then looked at me in my eyes. I kept my eyes looking at him.

I noticed that he was blushing a lot. I then smirked and moved my head closer to his.

I put my lips on his, i could tell he immediately melted into the kiss. He started kissing me back. I then let go of his hands, and moved them down to his waist while his went to my neck. I then asked for permission to put my tongue in his mouth, which he did let me. So now i was exploring his whole mouth, i could taste the alcohol, but i didn't care. I just kept on kissing him.

After a while i pulled away breathing heavily, just like him. I started looking at him in his eyes.

"Is this the alcohols doing or..?" I asked him, he then shook his head. I smiled and put my forehead on his, while still having my hands on his waist.

He tried kissing me again, but i didn't let him. He then looked confused, but i grabbed his hand and unlocked the bathroom door. I started bringing him towards my room, which was upstairs. I opened my rooms door and pushed him in. I then locked my door.

I looked at him and started going towards him, before moving closer and kissing him again. His hands immediately went to my hair, playing with it while kissing me. I then started bringing him towards my bed, and pushed him onto it. I started crawling over him, then finally when i was on top of him, i went and attacked his neck with my mouth.

I started sucking his neck, to make hickeys. He then let out a quiet moan, which i smirked at. I kept on sucking his neck before stopping. I then got up and adjusted myself. I went to lay down, while looking at him. I looked at him and then the spot next to me, hoping he will understand what i meant. And he did. He then moved and went to lat down next to me. When i smiled at him, he started smiling too.

I slowly started to fall asleep, while feeling him move close to me, i put my hands and started hugging him. I felt his hands go on my chest, which i let out a smile at. I then slowly fell asleep finally, with Socks in my arms.

Timeskip to morning..

I have been awake for a while, waiting for Socks to wake up. Since he was drinking last night he's gonna be hangover, so im glad that i have some of my old water, on my desk and some painkillers.

I then heard a groan, and looked down. I saw Socks awake now, clearly his head hurt so i got up and went to grab the painkillers and water. I then gave them to him, which he took immediately. I smiled at that, while sitting down onto the bed. He then put them down to my small table next to my bed.

His eyes landed on me, he looked confused right away. Clearly he doesn't remember what happened with us two yesterday. I let out a small giggle. He then tried to get up, but i didn't let him. He then looked at me again, he was ready to start complaining.

"Don't. I know." I said to him, he then looked confused.

"What?" He asked with a quiet voice.

"Yesterday. When you came home, i spoke with you and- stuff.." I told him, he looked confused once again.

"What stuff?? And what do you know.." He asked.

I smiled at him, before grabbing his hands and brought them over his head. He let out a yelp at that. I smirked, while moving on top of him. He then looked at me in my eyes, speechless.

"I know abouttt- This." I said to him before kissing him, he froze for a while, before kissing me back. I smirked into the kiss.

I once again put my tongue in his mouth. He let out a moan, which made me just.. want to continue and not stop. I let go of his hands, and put them on his waist, before putting them under his shirt. Touching him from his sides. Which made him squirm and moan. He has sensitive skin. Adorable.. I kept on doing that, before pulling away.

I then looked at him. Which made him look back at me. I smiled at him.

"I love you~" I told him with a flirty tone. He let out a small giggle.

"I love you too,," He said back to me.

I then fell down onto the bed next to him. I was too lazy to move. I was happy he spoke to me again. And finally i know why.. He had a crush on me. Nice. But now we can just speak again, and be togethe- OH WAIT-

"Socks." I said his name, while turning to look at me. He then turned to look at me too.

"Yeah-?" He replied. I then smiled and put my other hand on his cheek.

"You wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked him, which made his eyes lit up. He then jumped on me and kissed me. I kissed him back everytime.

"YES! 100 TIMES YES. You don't know how long i have been waiting for this." He said to me which made me happy. We were finally together. Now it was my time to start kissing him, but i moved so that i was the one on top.

After a while we stopped, and just layed down. We started just chilling. It was nice, after weeks of not talking a lot, and not being close to each other. We cuddled with each other, falling asleep again. This time happy and sober.

This time.. With my now lover.


Words: 2025

Hey guys again >:)

I really liked writing this shit- LIKE EVERY ONE I HAVE DONE BEFORE--

Its nice man. Memefor1 and Blazafor1 stories. Good.

Anyways bye lol


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