Spider-Man: New Home (18+)

By Sp1derT1tan

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(Spider-Man x Raven ship pt.1) After Peter Parker chooses to let his friends forget him in order to save the... More

Dedications and Author's Note
Fan Cast
Chapter 1: Aftermath
Chapter 2: Transient
Chapter 3: No Way Home
Chapter 4: The Search
Chapter 5: Meet the Titans
Chapter 6: Down Came the Rain
Chapter 7: Calming the Storm
Chapter 8: Fondness Blossoming.
Chapter 9: Spider-Man and the Titans
Chapter 10: Denial Twist
Chapter 11: In the Pale Moonlight
Chapter 12: The Raven Caught a Spider
Chapter 13: All's Fair at the Fair
Chapter 14: Dinner and a Crime Spree
Chapter 15: A Warning
Chapter 16: On the Trail
Chapter 17: How I Truly Feel
Chapter 18: The Heist
Chapter 19: Waiting Room
Chapter 20: The Face of Fear
Chapter 21: More Than I Can Bear
Chapter 22: First Time (18+)
Chapter 23: Invitation
Chapter 24: The Test
Chapter 25: The Way Of The Fist
Chapter 26: Happy Birthday?
Chapter 27: Earth Shattering
Chapter 28: Through My Eyes
Chapter 29: Purple Haze (18+)
Chapter 30: Invasion
Chapter 31: Lean on Me
Chapter 32: The H.I.V.E.'s Last Dance pt. 1
Chapter 33: Black Magic Woman (18+)
Chapter 34: The H.I.V.E.'s Last Dance Pt.2
Chapter 35: The H.I.V.E.'s Last Dance pt.3
Chapter 36: We Need to Talk
Chapter 37: Suit Up
Chapter 38: Fort Eternal
Chapter 40: Rubble
Chapter 41: Lookout! Here Comes The...
Chapter 42: By The Powers Of Azerath...
Chapter 43: Teen Titans GO!

Chapter 39: The Teen Titans vs Deathstroke

527 19 5
By Sp1derT1tan

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Raven asked Peter as he watched over the hologram projector in the crime lab of Titan's Tower with an image of Fort Eternal pulled up. The other Titans had all gone to so their final preparations for the battle ahead.
Peter looked back to her for a moment before nodding his head. "Yeah. I think it will."
"How do you know?" She asked with slight concern. "Slade's had the drop on us at every turn."
Peter nodded again with a crooked grin as he zoomed in on the image to study its entrances. "I'm counting on it."
Raven snapped her head up and looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?"
"We've been playing checkers this whole time and Slade's been playing chess." Peter explained. "So we're gonna do the same. Slade wants us dead, so we're gonna use that to make HIM ruin his own plans."
"How do you plan on doing that?" She asked. "Did Brother Blood happen to tell you and Robin about that too?"
Peter chuckled at that and shook his head. "No... he's just gotten a little predictable at this point. He's gonna let us go all the way in there... and that's when he's going to spring the trap." He suddenly looked to hr with a serious expression on his face. "When that happens... I need you ready to teleport us out of there."
"What about Terra?" She asked. "I thought you all were DETERMINED to get her back."
"Yeah well." Peter threw his hand up. "That information came a little TOO easy out of Brother Blood."
"You don't think she's there?" She asked.
"I don't think he's gonna be there either." He replied. "Does Slade really seem like the type to hide away in some fortress?"
Raven looked off for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed. "Not at all..."
"Exactly." Peter replied. "We take the bait, and let HIM destroy billions of dollars worth of cloning technology. Win win, right?"
"Yeah but..." she stared off for a moment, before looking back to him. "What if we DON'T know everything about his plan?"
"We don't." Peter replied with a simple shrug, "but he seems to conveniently forget one important detail."
"What's that?" Raven asked.
Peter looked back to her with a wide smile. "I'm smarter than him."
"Okay." She rolled her eyes with a small amused smirk and shook her head. "Getting a LITTLE cocky there."
"Yeah well." He shrugged, leaning himself back against the projector. "Modesty hasn't exactly done me any favors in regards to him, now has it?"
"Good point." She replied, before Peter suddenly closed the distance and was now standing mere inches away from her face. Raven's face went beet red, but maintained her composure and gave him a challenging peer. "What are you doing?"
Peter let out a slight chuckle, before kissing her once on her lips. "Theft."
"Theft?" She replied, allowing herself to crack the slightest of smirks.
Peter nodded at that, before slipping his arms around the small of her back. The both shivered with satisfaction and stared with admiration into each others eyes, before locking lips again. Peter allowed himself to enjoy this moment before they inevitably went off to risk their lives. He took in the softness of her lips, the smoothness of her body against his as her cloak wrapped around them both.
"Alright." Robin's voice came from the doorway. Raven rolled her eyes withba groan, but only Peter looked to their leader. "Break it up." Robin said with a knowing smirk as he leaned against the door frame. "It's time to go."
Peter nodded to Robin, before glancing to Raven briefly with hesitation. "You sure I can't spare like... thirty more minutes?"
"Thirty?" Raven replied with a smirk of disbelief.
"Fine, forty." Peter replied with a chuckle.
Raven rolled her eyes before shutting off the projector and pulling Peter by the hand out of the room and they all made their departure.
"It should be through here." Robin said as the other five Titans sprinted down the low lit halls of Slade's facility.
They ran past the last remnants of Slade's robot drones that now lied in ruin all through the halls. Their clothes charred and covered in webs. At the end of the hall stood a set of massive blast doors that taunted them with its size. As they reached the door, Robin started towards the pannel on the wall to the left of the door.
"Actually." Peter said, catching him by the shoulder in his tracks. "I have a better idea." Then he looked to his robotic teammate. "Cyborg, could you provide us with an epic entrance, please?"
Cyborg smirked and held up his sonic cannon and started charging it up with a mechanical whine. "With pleasure." He smirked, before taking aim at the doors.
With a single blast, Cyborg blew right through the doors and they all immediately charged through the inevitable black cloud of smoke. They stopped on the other side their fists raised and ready to fight. However. The hangar itself was rectangular in shape and about the size of a four story building. Massive trucks stood parked around the room with large stacks of wooden crates standing readily by. On the left side of the room stood three large holes in the ground that dropped into pitch black deep pools of water. Three massive submarines hung over the holes, ready to be deployed at any minute. However, much to their surprise the entire hangar was completely empty, their footsteps echoing against the concrete walls all around the as they cautiously entered the space.
"Woah, dudes, this is wicked creepy." Beastboy groaned aloud with a shiver.
"Yeah THIS isn't an obvious trap." Peter shook his head with his arms folded, before tapping his wrist and encasing his entire body in his crimson red spider armor.
"You guys split up and look around." Robin said, giving his robotic teammate a nod. "Cyborg and I will get to work on these vehicles."
They all nodded and went around the room, lookin through each crate one by one. Some of the held firearms and ammunition. Some of them held advanced armor. Mostly all they seemed to find were supplies for Slade's forces. That was until Raven walked up to Peter as he was looking through a box in the corner.
"You find anything?" She asked flatly.
"Nothing useful." Peter shrugged, holding an armored chest plate up to his torso, which was far too big for him, before tossing it aside. "You?"
Raven simply shook her head and folded her arms with a huff. "Leave it to Slade to be boring as could be."
"He should consider getting into ASMR." Peter shrugged with a light chuckle. "I bet he'd make a killing with that voice of his." Suddenly his eye lenses widened with shock as he happened to glance past her shoulder to the far wall where a medical table and set of lockers stood. Inside of the lockers he could see rows of glass vials holding a strange green liquid inside. "Maybe he's not so boring after all."
He brushed past Raven and immediately went over to the table and she curiously followed close behind him. He peeked into it, his eyes still wide as ever.
"What is it?" Raven asked, peeking through the door slits inside the lockers with him.
"It can't be." He whispered under his breath, before gripping the door handle with one hand and ripping the door off its hinges. He grabbed one of the bottles and examined the label closely.
"Peter, what is it?" She asked as his hand began trembling slightly.
Suddenly a voice called from the far side if the room and all of the Titans immediately recognized it. "Can the Spider-Man come out to play?"
All of the Titans immediately spun around where they were standing with a gasp to see Slade standing in the center of the room, surrounded by nearly twenty other exact copies of himself.
Raven couldn't help but glance at Peter when she saw him still trembling slightly out of the corner of his eyes. His fists clenched tightly and his teeth bared underneath his mask.
"How?!" Peter shouted at him, his voice noticeably different, dripping venom as he spoke to their adversary.
The clones all turned their heads in unison and stared over at Peter, before calmly a voice echoed from amongst them.
"Did you think you were the ONLY thing to come from another world?" Slade replied, though there was something different about his tone. It was as if Peter could hear him smiling under his mask from ear to ear. "Tell me, Peter... have you missed me?"
Suddenly it all clicked for Raven and she knew immediately what had happened. Her mind raced, putting together the pieces of everything Peter had told her about his past. The blood that Slade was so interested in originally belonged to Norman Osborne. Which meant the serum that Slade had been trying so hard to perfect. The green liquid sitting in the vials right behind them...
Was the Goblin serum.
Peter told him what little he knew about the serum, but most importantly what happened to those who took it. She looked back to Slade, wondering if he had taken the serum himself.
Suddenly, in a fury, Peter reached his arms back and webbed both of the lockers behind him, before flinging them across the hangar. The Slade clones formed a tight group and raised their arms, deflecting the heavy, steel lockers. Splashes of green liquid and shards of soaked the clones as they easily deflected the attack.
Robin saw Peter charge in almost immediately, so he looked to the others and shouted. "TITANS GO!"
Robin pushed the detonator for his explosive gel, which obliterated every submarine and truck in the hangar. The clones remained steadfast, unflinching, unmoving. They seemed to be unaffected by the explosion itself.
Peter flipped through the air, throwing a web grenade into the middle of the crowd, and swung toward them to deliver a powerful kick. The clones raised their fists to attack him, but his Spider senses kicked in just in time for him to extend his mechanical spider arms from his back, which sprung him further into the air over the clones' heads. Finally, the crowd split up their formation with Robin nimbly flipping and dodging the powerful strikes from the clones. With a backflip, Robin dodged another attack, which left a fist sized hole in he concrete. Swiftly, Robin grabbed a handful of shurikens and tossed them at them, tearing through their armor, but not enough to hurt them. Starfire swooped in, close by, blasting one of the clones, followed by another, before one of them leaped through the air with impossible height and punched her out of the air.
"I gotcha!" Cyborg shouted as he caught the alien girl in his arms.
As soon as he did, however he was struck in he back by a heavy kick which knocked him onto his stomach with three more clones kicking him and Starfire while they were down.
"We have to help them!" Beastboy shouted, before swiping two of the clones away with his massive tail in the form of a T-Rex.
Peter glanced over his shoulder at them for a millisecond, before hitting the opponent in front of him square in the jaw and watched it fall to the floor. Peter webbed two of the goons and pulled them both onto their backs with a powerful tug. Then he leaped through the air and shot a web into he eye hole of the third, and pulled himself toward the goon with another web. Peter kicked him awa with great force, before quickly helping them up.
"Good lookin out, buddy." Cyborg nodded, before shoving Peter aside, helping him dodge another kick. Then Cyborg quickly charged up his sonic cannon and fired it at the clone at point blank range, which knocked it back into five more goons.
"Your serum is useless, Slade!" Peter shouted, dodging and weaving between the clones punches. "Why don't you just let Terra go an we won't have to embarrass you."
"Oh, believe me, little Spider." Slade replied in a taunting voice from amongst the remaining clones. "MY serum works just fine. I even made a new friend in the process. As for the girl, she is not here."
"What?!" Beastboy gasped in shock before gritting his teeth. "Where is she?! Tell me where Terra is!"
"It matters very little." Slade replied with a laugh. "I'm not here either... and soon enough, neither will you."
Suddenly, Peter's Spider senses began tingling. The entire facility had been rigged to explode. The Titans all ran back to each other as the very walls of the facility began rumbling violently, causing rubble to begin dropping down from above, barely missing their heads.
"We have to get out of here, come on!" Robin shouted, making for the door.
Raven caught him by the hand and immediately pulled him back.
"There's no time!" Peter shouted, giving a nod to Raven which she returned.
The Titans all huddled together as Raven waved her hands, her eyes glowing white. "AZERATH METRION ZINTHOS!"
At that moment, just as the facility was beginning to explode filling with smoke and fire, a black portal opened up beneath their feet and swallowed them all. They were all spat back out on the beach, the flames trickling after them from the other side of the portal. They all jumped behind the nearest cover as the fort erupted from underground, shaking the entire island and finding bits of rock and metal all around them. They finally looked up to see a thick column of smoke rising into the sky like a serpent.
"Is everyone okay?" Robin asked, looking around at his friends who all were rising to their feet brushing themselves off in pain.
"Yeah..." Cyborg groaned. "I think so."
"That was close." Beastboy breathed out, before his face twisted into panic. "But we didn't get Terra!"
Peter shook his head and patted him on the shoulder with a sorrowful look. "She was never here. It was a setup meant to kill us all."
"Yeah, well at least your plan worked." Cyborg replied with an exasperated shake of the head. "No clone army for Slade."
Peter looked away at that, thinking back to the green vials he had seen. "That wasn't his plan." He replied in a somber tone.
The others, except Raven looked at him with confusion and concern. "What do you mean?"
Peter hesitated for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "He's recreated the Goblin serum."
"The WHO the WHAT now?" Beastboy replied in confusion.
"It's a special serum designed by Norman Osborn, who later became the Green Goblin." He explained. "Some of Norman's blood must've been shot across the mutliverse when I did... along with God knows what else."
"Wait," Robin replied, his eyebrows furrowed into even more confusion. "I get how PEOPLE could jump universes, but... blood?"
Peter nodded at that. "It all makes sense, now." He replied, shaking his head with hi fists clenched in frustration. "This place wasn't here to create a clone army... it was here to test the serum out until it was perfect."
"And now it is." Cyborg replied with worry.
Peter nodded and lifted his head to see that all eyes were on him. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"
"Well you're kinda the expert on this." Robin replied with a shrug.
"Well yeah, but Norman was just a regular GUY." He argued with a disheartened sigh. "Slades a well experienced mercenary who already could stand a chance against me WITHOUT the serum."
"Peter." Robin replied and knelt down in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder for encouragement. "You're the smartest person I know... and that's saying a LOT."
"And now you have us." Raven added, her arms folded.
Peter shook his head, his fear slowly fleeting from his chest as a plan slowly started to form in his head. "I mean I can whip up an antidote, but..."
"That's all we need." Robin replied with a nod and a smirk. "If we cure him, we can take care of the rest."
"And what if we cannot provide the cure?" Starfire asked with worry. "Surely we could still defeat him.
Peter looked at the alien girl, unsure as to what the outcome might be. His mind flashed back to Aunt May at that moment and her lifeless body.
"I don't know, Star." He replied, his voice cracking a bit as he did.
The others shared worried looks with each other, except Raven. She could see the terror the possibility of the Goblin returning brought Peter. It nearly choked him at he very thought of it. If Slade did succeed in remaking the serum, she could imagine Peter freezing there in terror, his mind racing far too much for him to think like his usual strategic self.
She hated seeing him like that. Although, rather than the feelings being a bother as it was with most people for her, it felt personal. It felt as if Slade and the Goblin wasn't just an attack on Peter, but knew herself as well. Peter did so much to protect all of the Titans even though they showed him time and time again that such a thing was unnecessary. It was clear that Peter would do anything for his friends; move mountains if he had to. Being with him made her feel like the demonic side of her was no longer a dark cloud looming over her head. Peter felt like the umbrella. Every bit of love and affection she let in made her feel more alive than she had ever felt. She knew Peter would instinctively go ahead of the others if he had to, determined to take care of the problem before it could take anything else away from him. Slade would take any opportunity in his ruthless conquest for revenge to kill Peter, the second his fear showed its ugly head. She wasn't going to let that happen. She would send Slade to the darkest corners of space before letting that happen.
Finally, she knelt down beside Peter and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, holding him closely against her body. Peter looked back to her with a kind, yet terrified smile. "We're gonna win." She assured him. "You just do your part... and let US face Slade together."
"You saw what the Goblin is capable of." Peter argued. "You really think we'll be able to beat him?"
"It's like you said to me a long time ago." She replied, staring into his eyes with a knowing smirk. "Together... we're stronger."
Peter's eyes widened as he recalled having said the exact same thing to her the very first time he ever confessed his feelings for her. His lips curled into a fond smile under his mask and he pulled her in for a hug. "You're right... we are." They let themselves enjoy the embrace for a moment, as if the others weren't even there, before breaking away and rising to their feet. "Let's go home."

A/N: Alright everyone! I'd say we're just a few chapters or so away with being finished with the first volume of our story. Like I said before I will be starting on the sequel almost immediately, so not to worry, the story won't be really ending any time soon.

One more thing I wanted to do before I leave...

As many of you may have noticed is that despite the relationship aspects of the story the story itself contains no actual "adult scenes." (Or lemons if people still refer to them as that)

For obvious reasons, I decided to leave all that out, since a lot of people, it's just not for them. However, I do have several "adult scenes" written as well as a lot of filler stuff that didn't make the cut. I was considering publishing a "Mature version" of the story.

So let's cast a vote. Should the Mature version be released after the original is finished with all the adult stuff and filler intact?




As always thank you all for supporting snd reading the story. Don't forget to comment your thoughts and I'll see you all next time!

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