It's Something Called Obedien...

By Ink-Bringe

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Fair disclaimer there's intense violence, gore, religious controversy, suicide, and sensitive topics in this... More

Prologue: Broken Tiles
Chapter No.1: Ghostly Body
Chapter No.2: Twisted Truth
Chapter No.3: Broken Mind Syndrome
Chapter No.4: Your Masterpiece
Chapter No.5: I'll Kiss Your Grave
Chapter No.6: Burning Your Mistakes
Chapter No.7: Stockholm Syndrome
Chapter No.8: Lost Echoes of My Mind
Chapter No.9: Sacrificing My Sacrilege
Chapter No.10: A Fatal Rose
Chapter No.11: The Dance of Bleeding Ink
Chapter No.12: Pool of Mangled Dreams
Chapter No.13: Surreal Nightmares
Chapter No.14: Haunting Pulses
Chapter No.16: Valorous Doe
Chapter: No.17: Interchangeable Files
Chapter No.18: Peace Only Creates Tragedy
Chapter No.19: Altered Anguish
Chapter No.20: A Poem's Dilemma
Chapter No. 22: The Tune of Tragedy
Epilogue: Life Lessons

Chapter No. 21: The Burden Sparks Hold

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By Ink-Bringe

"Tion may be right when it comes to one thing, I was an easy target. Freshly dead and ready to mindlessly trust anyone I came in contact with. Did she always choose such easy targets? These things are what I think to myself as my skin is torn apart and my muscle is stringed out thinner than dental floss. "Hey Demon twat, shut the fuck up so I can make you beautiful." I can't though, all I find myself doing is gazing up at Tion's gorgeous ruby iris'.
Gorgeous? What kind of twisted thought? Although, convincing myself to fall for my captor would make this less sufferable, maybe I could appease her better if I did so as well. No no, why should I appease someone who is using toxin-filled syringes as vaccines?! These thoughts have to be impossible! I'm going insane, I need help!

This downward spiral can't fix itself though, and I sure can't either. So I should just embrace this! No no no no no no no no, this can't be happening. What is burning in my chest? This dynamite is banging in my head. Compulsive obsession creeps on the edges of my cheeks and these acidic chemicals are swept away with my tongue. A confused expression painted Tion's face I am starting to obsessively adore."   

Analyzing these memories is truly terrifying, is this what happens to those stuck in captivity? Let me look at when these were recorded: October 28th, Generation of The Emerald! Holy Esther Angelline, these files are new, I believed this was at least back in Generation Engulfation of Mayhem. Files of the current generation aren't usually uploaded until a few hundred more later. The memory rundown that presents itself every 1000 years to celebrate each new millenia. "Cold Spark come down here!"
I twist my head around to face Summer Solstice, what is he doing here? The man never leaves Voided-Oblivion. "Alright alright, I'm down. What do you need?" I cross my arms with an amused glare. "I need access to The Cliffside of Broken Dolls." That forbidden island I monitor? No way I can do that! Kelx would square my face into next week! "Why should I do that?" Maybe if he gives me a good enough reason, I'll let him go there with supervision.
"I've got Saturn and Neptune held captive, I'm allowing the sun to burn them until you give me the key." What the actual Dread? I got to get Winter here, she'd know how to calm down this man. He grabs my wrist,

"Don't try to report me to anyone, I assure you it'll make things worse, and you really don't want to see that.." He chuckled to himself. And while thinking about such a thing usually brings me nausea, it would be inspired by this intriguing Demonic.
"I don't know why'd you think I would want to do that..?" I lean it, my voice crawling towards him. He raises an eyebrow at me, although he seemed amused enough to relax his body language. "Is this something you haven't told me yet?" The corners of my mouth peak as a smirk. I wrap my arms around his neck and launch my knee into Summer's where the sun doesn't shine. As he groans in pain, it's my only chance to make a run for it. I have to at least send a message to Winter!

"My body tears in pain, flesh sizzles with a metallic aroma in the atmosphere. Bruising and my blood intertwine in a loving dance. My head clouds in confusion, I can only sense my adoration and repulsion for Tion Pulse, a knot in my stomach that cannot come undone. Faint will not meet my embrace through these swirls of agony. What appears to feel as flames lick up my body, singe-ing skin splatters around."

My heart bangs in my chest, I found myself ducked under a rock and praying that Summer doesn't find me. If I'm found I'll have a fate worse than elimination! Winter won't pick up the damn phone and who knows how much time I have. I'll have to send out a distress signal to all my contacts but Summer, it's my only chance at escaping here and saving Neptune and Saturn. Unfortunately, my powers work like literal fireworks.

I set off a boom, I directed it far away though. Peony and beryl glitter all around, amber flows to those I called, prays collect through me that Summer won't capture any of my sparks. My heart is racing, the sun now burns so strongly that the heated ground is starting to burn through my shoes. "Oh Sparky~ that was so cruel of you, if you come to me, I'll have some mercy!" A cackle from the cruelest man himself.

I'll only be able to last for about 5 minutes if I use my powers to their full extent and he knows this. Sparks of cold iron shield the heels of my boots. "Y'know, if you give me The Cliffside of Broken Dolls I might be able to fix this little mistake of yours!" His voice distorts and cackles, he's losing his cool but physically and mentally. When did he ever have such a thing though? That would be more interesting than what he has to want from this island itself!
5 minutes turn to 4, then 3, then 2, then 1. My barrier is melting and I can barely hold on, I don't have any spell to unblock my wing spell I use so I can sleep comfortably. He had to have planned that! I swear to Kelx this man is devious.. I look around my surroundings, any hint that anyone is around. No one, no one is near me.. Only he is around, I doubt anyone will be here to save me from this mess I've been dropped in.
30 seconds, still no one is around to help me. I have no choice but to run to Summer Solstice. Before I even fully stand out from my hiding place, he dislocates my hands. "That's for being stubborn, now let's do whatever you do around this boring place until I need to go." He shrugs me off and uses his strange ass powers to carry me around. "My house is the other way!"

I yelled as he was walking in the opposite direction. "I know you idiot!" He glared downward at me even though I was literally in front of him.
We end up at a place only around a mile or two away from The Cliffside of Broken Dolls. My wrists and ankles are dislocated and tied together. "Do you have to be so brutal?.." I whine like a 9 year old. "Of course I have to, you might escape if I wasn't so cautious." He crosses his arms with a smirk. This man thinks he's so sly but all he is a bastard. It isn't a flex to hold someone hostage via dislocating their bones from their sockets.
This is absolutely one Dread of a dumb guy. Thinking he's so smart to just leave the only person able to get into the location he wants injured. My glare is the only reaction he's going to get out of me. He truly thinks that he can just pull this? When Kelx finds out he's going to scream at Summer's higher ups! Then I'll be promoted for having to deal with this and he'll have a stronger individual that's not power hungry to deal with it. At least I really hope so.

The contract! How in the gates of Dread could I forget about that? I'm literally a doll because of that! I feel so dumb but it's not like I'm reminded by anything. Now when and what did I sell my soul to Png for? I don't care if the brain blocks out traumatic memories to protect itself, I'm quite literally dead. Should that matter though? Or should my opinion be as constrained as a Demonic's freedom.

Perhaps though, I just cannot have anything positive until I struggle enough. Png is playing a death glare, a signature card of his. Maybe he should become more original and I'll give him some of my fear to devour. All this duo that Png roped me in has to offer is a brains and a brawns, it's me, I'm the brains; he didn't really have much of a chance anyway. "Sonnet, if I'm so dumb, why'd you fall for this plain of a trick?"
How lovely, I forgot that this amazing little boy toy here can read minds. Maybe if I speak with only big words he'll have to pull out! Now that'd at least be a form of solace for me! Comedy appears to be the only thing that'll work at all tonight. How long has this night been? I think I've been calling different days the same tonight. Isn't that such a silly mistake on my behalf? I'm something else, I'm rather funny, quite absurd.

    Whimsical, droll, amusing, ludicrous, hilarious, playful, bashful, entertaining, ridiculous, antic, jolly, killing, rich, riot, screaming, blithe, screaming, capricious, slapstick, facetious, diverting, farcical, gelastic, jocose, hysterical, jocular, laughable, joking, earnest, mirthful, merry, priceless, risible, waggish, witty, sportive. Those are all different words that describe my life; it wasn't even me who was the comedian. I was an idiot.

    'What was I supposed to think? Who would believe me if I went yelling around about how demons are real and spoke to me? I'd be sent to the mental asylum! And I interviewed the local town's Disorder-Doctors. Not to mention I have a bust, and we live in the dawn of the 1940s. This demon was a man that cloaked himself in teal hair, and eyes colder than cubes of ice. I believe he had said words sworn to be unprofessional.
    He had this sadistic smile crossing his face like a waxing moon in the illumination of twilight. He chuckled and twirled around a white cane and dipped his hat to me. If it weren't for his jagged teeth and bright hair, I'd believe he was an angel. His hat was off for such a short period of time, I just about couldn't visualize anything going on in the split amount of time.
    He shook my hand, his touch had instantly been ripped out of mine. I regretted doing so at first but he was so cold. It was almost as if I physically couldn't take it. Who wouldn't give to meet a unique fellow like that during this time of war? I certainly wouldn't if I knew what was good for me! Except, I was so tired, and I'm still so tired! It might lead to my ultimate demise, but maybe I can make a deal with him. Any old contract might do..'
    "I sold my soul to live a decent life and for my family to do so as well. Is there genuinely anything wrong with that?" A snarl painted my lips.  "Sonnet, we both know that my business doesn't care for morality. If anything, your whole selfless act left me even more annoyed by you." Png made sense with his words, but it's still so freezing. It's his thing though.

    "You really are so cruel, how did Esther ever allow you around her?" I hiss back at him. He just scoffed in response, "She hired me, if anything I allowed her around me! You're so naive!" My heart stopped, he's lying, he had to be lying! I heard stories from the others that Esther wasn't a great person, but she couldn't be that cruel! Could she?
    "I haven't found your key yet and dusk is starting to approach Sparky." Summer looked over to me with irritance glistening in his coral irises. "If I give you the key, will you relocate my joints?" I ask with an after-taste of bitterness. He ponders my question while staring up at the sky. "Only if  you give me the key first and stay tied." It's my best shot I guess.
    "Fine, the key is in my bra, that's where everyone hides their important stuff." I smirk at his uncomfortable expression.     It's amusing to see so many cisgender men get so scared as soon as a bundle of cloth used to hide chests. "I'll relocate your wrists, I don't, uhm, want to intrude." He painfully popped my joints back in after taking off the rope and I took out the key as my wrists swollen red.
    I hand Summer the key, an obsidian skeleton with an orchid birthstone in the middle of it.  "How cute, I'll get your ankles and do you a favor and tie cloth instead of rope there, just because you didn't deceive me again. See? That's what happens when you keep things easy with me." I want to cuss him out for saying this but I have a feeling that'd just make things worse.

    He untied the rope on my ankles before placing them into the correct position. His hands take a soft cloth and firstly tie a bow around my ankles; secondly around my wrists. "Was that so difficult? I'll take you to Voided-Oblivion and keep you safe in my room, I'll take you back to my house when everything is well and done." Seriously what I'd give to be able to run away right now! I feel so trapped and terrified.
Perhaps if I just keep quiet and stay asleep for a while, I'll be home before I know it. I sincerely hope so at least, it's torture here, pure agonizing torture. Both physically  and mentally! I mean my wrists and ankles burn and my drowsiness is created by intense stress. And this all feels so hopeless, why did I have to be the one assigned this job?   
Right, because I was the only person Kelx thought could never become power hungry. But by doing this, he makes those people target me instead of him, so if someone dies, only a weak individual would be lost. Oh how I'm so honored that I'm weak enough for that. Did Kelx ever even stop to consider how I felt about all of this? Or was he thinking about how smart his plan was?!
I believe it was the latter. If he really cared about anyone, he'd send an actual trained guard to deal with all of this! Wait that's right, he was too unlikable to get any guards because he was an awful deity. Always has been, always will be! Because no one around here can change nor will anyone in this dimension ever accomplish such. Someone should just erase this place from existence. Oh wait! That's what The Cliffside of Broken Dolls is for!

This is just perfect, Summer is gonna reign all powerful now and everyone's gonna blame me. Esther, why do I have to carry all of Dread's burden on my shoulders? I'm just a dead person that wants a break. I want a break..

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