CandyBat!! Kevin x Streber St...


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Disclaimer: Some stories will contain angst and some blood/gore warnings. As well as the occasional use of vu... More

Disarmed: Aftermath
First Date
Stuck In A Moment
A New Beginning
Pop Rocks
Vampire's Folly
Author's Note: Happy New Year!
Hitting the ice!
If Things Were Different
Night Shift
Reliving The Past
Author's Note: What didn't make the cut

Sugar Rush

1.8K 34 72

September 20th, on a chilly evening. Business has been good, so far. Aside from the occasional days where two kids in costumes come in, or a stout one runs out with pockets full of stolen candy. Other than that, everything was fine. Kevin walked out from the back room of the store, after a break, to lean back onto the counter and wait. It was usually slower in the evenings, so he didn't expect much. He almost felt himself fall asleep before the bell rang, signaling an open door and the very loud greeting that startled him back to his senses.

He was met with the sight of a man about his age it seemed, with slick hair in the front and somewhat sharp teeth. Fangs, maybe? Though that wouldn't make sense. . Halloween was next month. Whatever the case, Kevin forced a smile, even though he was mildly irritated by being spooked. He noticed, however, on top of this appearance, the intentionally drawn circles around this man's eyes, and that he had a cape on.

" . . Halloween is next month, y'know. " Kevin spoke aloud, not realizing this was meant to be an inside thought.

The man faltered as he approached the counter, then grinned sheepishly.

" I know, I just want to prepare early this year! Halloween is my favorite holiday. I was thinking maybe superhero. . ? "

Kevin watched as the man pulled at his cape, in thought. This continued for about a moment, as the former had expected him to make his candy order. As a result, Kevin had to clear his throat to get the man's attention. And he made no effort to hide his very blatantly annoyed look. For a calm and usually uneventful evening, the cheery attitude that woke him up was coming to be a bit bothersome.

" I'm guessing you're here for candy? "

" Right, right! " The man said. And proceeded to make his order. Which was a very large order that consisted of four bags of candy, one of just chocolate bars and taffy. He explained in great detail that while he would have gotten his favorites, the rest happened to be the most liked of some friends he had. Scare actors, at that. The Halloween obsessed man went on and on about how he liked attending these small halloween events, though wanted to be a part of a big haunted house.

Thanks to Kevin's workload, he was forced to be tortured listening to this long, drab story. Frankly, he already disliked this person. Which isn't saying much, considering he had a tendency to dislike anybody.

" Here you go, sir. . " Kevin sighed as he handed each bag to him. Everything being so meticulous, it made it very easy to remember at least a quarter of what he grabbed.

" Thank you! " He replied after paying, of course. " What did you say your name was again? "

" Kevin. "

" I'll see you soon then, Kevin! " With that farewell, the man was gone. As a result, Kevin groaning as he slumped onto the counter, hoping he doesn't see him again. The least he could be was appreciative for the man's patience. . But tall orders were usually irritating. And there was a chance he'd make it again.


October 7th, another evening. Calm, and not much had happened ever since the morning. Kids, and a few parents prepping candy early, per usual. Halloween buzz was just beginning in the town. And of course the few panicked warnings that came as always, and just as often, were ignored. This included Kevin. Why would he pay mind to the idea of drugged candy and murderers on the street?

. . Oh right, because he had actually received "sugar" June. At the thought, he shivered and laid his forehead on the counter. It didn't make sense, since it wasn't Halloween, but he expected to see those kids on that exact holiday and the idea made him scowl. He brought a chair out with him this time, but even then, the "sugar" memory alone left him feeling miserable. Being at the wrong end of a gun was worse than the idea of having to pack his fudge in jail, and he dreaded the moment he saw those kids again.

Once again, he was startled, and snapped out of his thoughts by a familiar voice. To which he fumbled to bring himself up and look at the person before him. About as cheery as the first time, and he grimaced once he realized, it was the Halloween obsessed guy from before. Why does he always catch him off guard? He sighed and stood up, forcing a smile as he usually did.

" What can I get you— "

"Are you okay? " The man interrupted, without letting Kevin continue.

" . . What? "

Well that's one of the first times he's been asked that question. The only thing he could do was stare dumbfounded at the man. Said person only bearing an expression of concern.

" Well I just thought 'cus you had your head down on the counter and you didn't hear me come in. You seemed upset. "

Stunned, Kevin just stared again at the man before he shook his head and dismissed it.

" I-I'm fine. Just— what did you say you're name was again? "

" It's Streber. " He smiled warmly.

" Streber. Okay- there was just some kids. . stealing candy earlier. Yup, and I'm upset about it. "

" Oh no. That's not good, is there any way I can help? "

Kevin dismissed him again, shaking his head. The candy stealing incident was a fib. That hadn't happened. . today at least. He wasn't going to talk about all his life problems with a stranger. That'd make HIM just as annoying. Or so he thought, at least.

" I'm guessing you want. . what was it. . a bag full of taffy plus three? "

" I'm surprised you remember! " Streber laughed " You're the only candy guy that wasn't so annoyed to see me! "

That comment made Kevin feel a bit guilty. He began pulling out the bags, before Streber stopped him.

" Actually, I just wanted a small bag of candy corn, if that's okay! "

Kevin faltered and entered a state of confusion again. Candy corn? Nobody really asked for that. It was considered "loser candy", according to this small gang of kids.

" . . Candy corn? "

" Yeah, I really like it! "

Kevin blinked. " Okay then- "

He took out one of the smaller bags, and shoveled some into it. It was no surprise that the container in the shop of said candy was full. Not even that candy got stolen. Still, maybe he shouldn't be one to judge. He knows practically every candy in the store by now.

Kevin stared down at the small bag in his hands, and made a decision he didn't even know he'd make while making it.

" . . You know what? It's on the house. "

Streber grinned, surprised. " Really? Oh no, I— "

" You're the only person that seems to like this stuff. If anything I'm trying to get rid of it. No big deal. "

Kevin shrugged it off and played it cool. While it was true he was much more stocked up on candy corn than anything else, it wouldn't make sense to just give it up. He'd bet anything he wouldn't do this for someone else. . and thus, convinced himself he did this out of guilt. For being grumpy, at first, when meeting Streber.

" Well, thank you! It means a lot. " And with that, Streber smiled, and left. Afterwards, Kevin couldn't help but shrug to himself as he began cleaning up the counter for the day. In a somewhat lighter mood than before, he murmured.

" . . Nice guy. "


Weeks passed, and the days grew colder. From what seemed like every now and then to almost every week, Streber kept coming in and asking for the same thing. Occasionally it would have a few extra things with it, for friends. But the main idea was that every time he did come in, Kevin would have the small bag of candy corn prepared for him. It became habit almost, especially since a conversation that extended to more than a half hour ensued after. Even if he had other customers to take care of. Sometimes, he was even left a bit disappointed if Streber didn't come in that week.

Despite that, business usually spiked on Halloween, but died down slowly once November hit. And while Kevin was never bothered by the cold, this wasn't one of those days. He rubbed his arms as he leaned against the door that lead outside. A long sleeve proving to not be enough to warm him up. Although. . the stab wound in his leg wasn't helping.

You'd think getting a doll from a couple of cops would render the toy harmless. But through some unnecessary means, according to him, it came to life and injured the poor Candy Man with his own candy. He wouldn't expect much else from the kids that it belonged to. Kevin sighed, and tried to get up again, but pain throbbed through his leg as he sat back down. If he weren't so exhausted from this job, he would still be on the verge of a panic attack. He thought about just letting the wound be. . it wasn't that bad. A nap was duly needed anyhow.

But a reoccurring theme happened to be his thoughts often being interrupted by Streber. Now less Halloweeny, and more in warm, comfort clothes with a bat stitched to the front of his sweater.

" Hey Kev— ARE YOU OKAY?! "

Streber's mood changed almost entirely, noticing Kevin's situation. To which the man could only slide off the door onto his back and groan.

" You wouldn't believe me if I told you. . "

"UHM- HOLD ON, I-I'm going to check if you have bandages in the back! "

With that, Streber ran into the back of the store while Kevin regretted all of his life decisions. He probably hadn't lost much blood. And the wound was most likely not infected. He'll be fine. Besides, he would rather believe he was fine than not.

It didn't take very long for Streber to take care of Kevin's wound. Both being silent the entire time. Kevin because he was embarrassed to have needed help from someone, and Streber because he was worried. After a moment, Streber took care of the waste and extended a hand to Kevin.

" Can you stand? " he asked.

" I'll try. . "

And try he did, only to stumble from the sudden shock of pain and lean against Streber. Kevin's right leg weak and shaking, he sighed. From there on, he reluctantly got assistance in shutting out the lights and locking up the Candy Store. Once Streber was able to call for help, they waited on a bench nearby. Silent, for the time being.

" . . . "

" Hey, uhm— I was thinking maybe. . "

Kevin turned to Streber, who avoided eye contact as he rubbed the back of his neck. The former raising an eyebrow at him as Streber displayed a bashful attitude.

" Well I dunno, visit you in a day or two? I-I just want to make sure you're okay, since I figured it may be hard to move around with your leg . . "

Kevin was. . unsure how to feel about the idea of this. He already felt like a bit guilty, having been discovered in an. . unlucky state. He looked at the ground silently thinking this over for a moment. Or a moment too long as Streber became uneasy and spoke hesitantly again.

" N-never mind I— "

" No! " Kevin cleared his throat " No- I- thanks. "

They both paused, taking a moment to look at each other and register the idea that came up. Streber grinning widely, as he usually did. And what can you say? His smile is contagious, and thus leaving Kevin a bit smily as well. They talked a bit more that night until went went their separate ways.


" Come on, man! It's been mostly now. Just take the shot already! "

Kevin scowled, looking away from Radford, who gave this encouraging, yet exasperated statement. To avoid answering, he took a large bite of the burger in his hands and glared down at the small table he sat at. He listened to his friend sigh and ignored the fact he could feel his eyes boring into him.

" It's obvious, man. "

Kevin swallowed " Is it? I told you I'm not— "

" LIAR! " Radford yelled, pointing at Kevin and interrupting him before he could finish.

Kevin scoffed and went back to looking away from him. As much as he wanted an excuse to not talk, the conversation topic was making him lose his appetite. A few seconds of silence passed before Radford was leaning back in his chair and trying again.

" Take it from me, dude. I know this stuff. "

Kevin raised an eyebrow.

" I'm serious! Look— Kevin, it's easy. Just talk to him. "

" And how do I know if he's interested, or even likes men?? "

" Kevin, be real. He's a Halloween slut— "

" Radford— "

" And he likes candy corn. "

" . . Good point. "

" Then GO FOR IT. "

Kevin slouched, and leaned the side of his face into an open hand. He stared at the counter and thought thereafter. Sure, there's a good chance Streber is . . on the spectrum. But that doesn't mean he could be into him. Plus, was Kevin even ready for that kind of commitment? Was Streber even up for it? Paranoid thoughts filled his mind as he thoughts up until he heard the unwanted teasing from Radford.

" Man, I can't believe the Kevin Kandy is into cliché romantic stuff. "

Kevin glared, trying not to get too worked up. Mostly just because it wasn't worth it but also the fact he was in public.

" Just shove it. . and that's not even my name! "


Well, by now it felt as if those months Kevin spent with Streber had stretched into years. Each day they were happy to see each other, and each day his feelings grew for the one with sharper teeth. His imagination providing him with the images of the one he adored smiling and laughing, though this did no justice for the real thing. But at least it kept him occupied during work days, such as this one.

It was the middle of March. Kevin had spent the last few months, ever since Radford started getting on his case about it, trying to bury these affections. With no success, he gave up, and instead tried to take his friend's advice. That being that he tries to make a move. He'd spent hours thinking of plans, or trying to say something, only to fluster himself and chicken out. If Streber were any less oblivious he would have taken the hint by now. . lucky for him, Kevin guessed.

Another evening, standing behind the counter he usually made no effort to organize. This time, he had something else prepared for Streber. It was not candy, it was something he figured the other would appreciate more. At least, he hoped. He had it for about a few weeks, but finally he had the courage.

And so he waited, and eventually, in came Streber. Beaming as he usually did and waving as he walked into the store and leaned on the opposite side of the counter to face Kevin. Said person having his usual suave appearance, but his internal thoughts were anything but.

" I hope those kids didn't take any candy again. "

Kevin shrugged, unsure what else to talk or think about, considering his plans. " Not today. "

They stood in silence for a moment, Streber raising an eyebrow once he sensed something was . . off. He wasn't sure what, just yet.

" Kevin? Everything okay? "

Kevin had been zoning out, and perked up as a result. He grinned nervously as he motioned his hands back in forth as a "no." All the while his cheeks turning a light pink. 

" Y-Yep! All good here— just holding down the fort! "

He forced himself to stop any further explanation there, otherwise some thoughts would have made themselves outspoken. Streber tilted his head, concerned.

" . . Are you sure? You seem just a bit flustered. "

Kevin's cheeks became brighter, he now waved his arms in a frenzy.

" F-Flustered?! Who said anything about being flustered?! Haha— "

The Candy Man laughed nervously in a foolish effort to hide his idea. When he noticed Streber wasn't buying it, he sighed and dropped his arms. Though the color didn't fade from his face.

" . . Okay, listen. I know this is kind of random, but remember when I said your teeth kinda reminded me of a vampire? "

Streber became confused, he stood up and folded his arms to listen intently. He recalled this statement before speaking.

" Yeah. . if you're going to apologize again, don't worry! I think it's cool. "

" No- no you're right, I think it's cool too! "

Kevin mentally told himself to shut up. Streber was flattered by this comment.

" B-But— well. . " He sighed as he pulled out a large, yet somewhat flat square box and slid it over to Streber on the counter. " See for yourself. "

Streber was surprised, and smiled lightly as he carefully, and curiously, lifted up the lid. Kevin half turning away and rubbing the back of his neck nervously. If this doesn't turn out well, he swore he was going to hate himself for the rest of his life.

Streber held out in his hands, a very large Dracula-like cape. Seemingly not of an annoying plastic-y cape out of cheap cloth. The outside black and the inside bright green. And heavy, but also light enough to spin in the most vampire like fashion. At least, that last statement was Streber's thought. Though Kevin couldn't tell because Streber's face was absolutely blank.

" It's a green screen cape, so if you do it right, with the right equipment. . you'll disappear I guess. "

Streber's expressionless face and frozen stature made Kevin feel anxious.

" I-If you don't like it I can return it— "

" I love it." Streber whispered.

It was Kevin's turn to feel paralyzed.

" Y-You do? "

" I love it- I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT— "

Streber's stiff demeanor melted away as he spun it around and onto him. Grinning widely as he did various Dracula like poses. He spun in a circle and looked at Kevin before running around the counter to give him a bone crushing hug. Lucky for him, Kevin didn't mind and returned it.



Streber let go, jumping for joy as he admired his new cape.

" If I can start a haunted house with some of my friends I could get this super cool mirror and— "

On went Streber, rambling again about his ideas and the thing he loved MONTHS before Halloween. Kevin didn't mind this much, as he leaned an arm against the counter again smiling. And as he always did, listen. When Streber slowed down, he looked towards Kevin happily.

" Halloween was last year, y'know. " He chuckled.

" . . You know, you should really smile more often. It looks good on you. " Streber blurted.

Kevin's smile disappeared in place of embarrassment, and as you could guess, a red face. Streber, the same in return as his cheeks flushed and he panicked. He waved his arms wildly to try and explain.


Kevin took the initiative to grab Streber's wrists gently to cease his panicking. Both men very flustered at this point. Kevin's eyes darted away, though it felt like he couldn't move his hands whatsoever, as both of their movements betrayed each others when their fingers intertwined.

" St-Streber. . I- I— " He began.

" I know. " The vampire responded, moving closer to give Kevin a kiss on the cheek, which blew both of them away mentally.

" I love you too. "


Halloween night had finally come. Kevin fixed his stupid candy bowtie as he sighed in annoyance. He would have much preferred to spend his Halloween with his boyfriend, but he couldn't this year. .

" I'm sorry I have the late shift again— "

Streber pressed a finger against Kevin's lips to shush him as he fixed the ruffles on his costume. A true vampire with his fangs, and the dark circles once more appearing on his eyes. Thanks to make up, of course.

" Don't worry about it, I'm sure by the time you're finished, you can come with me to. . "

He changed his voice to his Dracula impression, which was very impressive. At least Kevin thought so.

" Get spooked in the hauntiest of houses! MWHAHAHA! "

" You're a dork. "

" Says the one in a candy bowtie. "

" . . Touché. " Kevin squinted.

Kevin leaned down so he could kiss Streber, this lasting for a second or two before they pulled away and Kevin holding the side of the vampire's face.

" Be safe, okay? "

" I will, don't throw candy at a kid again. "

Kevin rolled his eyes as he stood back up. " I'll try. "

Streber snickered as he began to leave. " Happy Halloween, Kevin! "

Kevin watched as his lover close the door, and leave. Then sighed as he dreaded he idea of whatever Halloween had in store this year. With all the talk of danger roaming the streets. .

No, he dismissed this thought from his mind. He was going to have a good Halloween this year. He had a reason to be positive, for once.

And by the end of it, he couldn't wait to see Streber.

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