Tolerance Book II

By Frances51163

35.3K 941 582

The continuing saga of Detective Jay Halsteads' complicated life as he works with Chicago PDs' Intelligence U... More

Chapter One: Questions
Chapter Two: Finding Jay
Chapter Three: Profiling
Chapter Four: Running on Empty
Chapter Five: A New Plan
Chapter Six: Hospital Work
Chapter Seven: Unwelcome Memories
Chapter Eight: Possibilities Considered
Chapter Nine: Navigating Bureaucracy
Chapter Ten: Persuasion
Chapter Eleven: A Promising Lead
Chapter Twelve: Dead End
Chapter Thirteen: A Hard Earned Calm
Chapter Fourteen: A New Theory
Chapter Sixteen: A Fatal End
Chapter Seventeen: Elusive
Chapter Eighteen: Under Scrutiny
Chapter Nineteen: Instinct
Chapter Twenty: Piecing Together A Puzzle
Chapter Twenty-One: Resolve
Chapter Twenty-Two: Obsession
Chapter Twenty-Three: Respite
Chapter Twenty-Four: Options
Chapter Twenty-Five: Setting A Trap
Chapter Twenty-Six: Waiting Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Surprise
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taking A Break
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ultimatum
Chapter Thirty: Forging A New Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: The Pier
Chapter Thirty-Two: Selfless
Chapter Thirty-Three: Another Blow
Chapter Thirty-Four: Coping
Chapter Thirty-Five: Downtime
Chapter Thirty-Six: Back In The Game
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Revelations
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Assessment
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Only Option
Chapter Forty: Demise
Chapter Forty-One: Drawing Conclusions
Chapter Forty-Three: A Nightmare Mission
Chapter Forty-Four: A Snipers' Role
Chapter Forty-Five: Acceptance
Chapter Forty-Six: Another Twist
Chapter Forty-Seven: Taking Stock
Chapter Forty-Eight: Allies Reunited
Chapter Forty-Nine: A Possible Reason
Chapter Fifty: The Phone Call
Chapter Fifty-One: Countdown
Chapter Fifty-Two: Mission Impossible
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Unknown
Chapter Fifty Four: Home Truths
Chapter Fifty-Five: A New Threat
Chapter Fifty-Six: In House Considerations
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Planning
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Prevention Attempt
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Unpredictable
Chapter Sixty: Unforeseen
Chapter Sixty-One: Danger Zone
Chapter Sixty-Two: Sitting Ducks
Chapter Sixty-Three: Countdown
Chapter Sixty-Four: Aftermath
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Plan
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Ghosts of Demons Past
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Reflection
Chapter Sixty--Nine: Plans Anew
Chapter Seventy: Nightmare Awakening
Chapter Seventy-Two: Worries
Chapter Seventy-Three: Pendulum of Doom
Chapter Seventy-Four: Ending In Sight
Chapter Seventy-Five: Exit Plan
Chapter Seventy-Six: Out of Control
Chapter Seventy-Seventy-Seven: The Unknown
Chapter Seventy-Eight:
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Eighty: Questions
Chapter Eighty-One: Doubts
Chapter Eighty-Two: Comrades In Arms
Chapter Eighty-Three: Updates
Chapter Eighty-Four: Chasing Clues
Chapter Eighty-Five: Facing Danger
Chapter Eighty-Six: Unwelcome Find
Chapter Eighty-Seven: Reunion
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Downtime
Chapter Eighty-Nine: Revenge Contemplated
Chapter Ninety: More Death
Chapter Ninety-One: Canadian Possibilities
Chapter Ninety-Two: Assessing a Killer
Chapter Ninety-Three: Persuasion
Chapter Ninety-Four: Waiting On A Killer
Chapter Ninety-Five: Prelude to a Showdown
NOTICE: Had to start Tolerance Book III as Chapter 196 kept Crashing App

Chapter Seventy-One: Oversight

223 7 8
By Frances51163

Within moments the thunderous roar became a memory as everything in Jays' vision became tinted in red. Kings' maniacal laughter invited a reaction but for once Jay Halstead, Abuse Survivor/Detective/Ex-Sniper/Ex-Ranger found himself wanting. His usually unerring instincts, which had served him so well throughout his life, had abandoned him. He had been so sure the act of surrendering his weapon would draw Kings' full attention to him that he was confident it would take Will out of the equation. It had done that but not in the way he had envisaged! Unwilling to meet the taunting mans' gaze the stunned Detective reluctantly directed his eyes downward to where his brothers' bloodied head signalled the end of life as he knew it. The grim sight hastened realities' harsh truth. The cold seeping into Jays' heart would never be erased. He had caused his brothers' death ...


Al had been mulling over the unexpected missive delivered on behalf of Halstead Senior. It rankled the seasoned Detective that even from the grave the elder Halstead was still able to hurt his young friend. Of course he was a realist and knew the harm so casually inflicted on Jay by his old man would remain with the young Detective until the day he died. This latest twist however compounded the harm and the rage within Al sought release as he flung his pen at the wall in disgust.

"Thought Ruzek was the one I needed to worry about damaging this place," Voigh sardonically announced his arrival as he walked in and picked up the pen before inspecting the wall.
"Hell Hank!"
"We"ll get him through this," the Sergeant didn't need an explanation for his friends' ire.
"Even dead that b×××××d is causing grief!"
"Least he is six feet under, there's that ...,"
"Good thing or I'd put him there!"
"Nah ... you wouldn't."
"We both know you'd never hurt the Kid," Voight shrugged knowingly, besides this wasn't the first time they had this particular conversation.
'So about King, you think he's ready for a showdown?"
"I do. The fact his brother is dead has changed his plans obviously. If we play our cards right and have a bit of luck it ...,"
"Not like you to be relying on luck my friend," Al pointed out candidly.
"The way this investigation has been going I'll take all the help I can get," Voight admitted to the one person he would allow see his doubts and worries.
"It's been going on a long time," Al conceded.
"You ever wonder why good people like Halstead get more than their fair share of hurt?"
"Sure but we both know there's no answer and it's out of our control. Hell this job, what we do, teaches us every day how little control we ultimately have. Fate has its' own agenda irrespective of any plans we might have."
"You don't let fate dictate to you."
"Nope," the moustached man readily agreed before continuing with a shrug, "I do what I think is right in any given situation and after that it's out of my hands. Fate is going to do what fate is going to do."
"One of these days fate is going to take someone."
"You can say that no matter what line of work you're in."
"Our line of work means it's more likely, " Voight countered.
"We all know the risks and accept them but worrying about what might happen won't change anything Hank."
"You're right. I just have to do the best I can to mind the team."
"You always do my friend, you always do."

Voight Residence

Trying to tear his gaze from a sight he was sure had been branded into his memory a familiar voice in the distance caught Jays' attention. Frowning he closed his eyes and shook his head only to realis he was lying down. He couldn't remember falling but then was more confused as the carpet felt soft as it embraced his body ...... no that didn't make sense. Raising an eyebrow he ventured opening one eye to try to gauge what was happening as a voice spoke from above him.

"Was beginning to think you were never going to wake up!"
"Antonio!" both eyes now wide open the shaken man sat up on the bed, yes he remembered now he had lain down for a while, and eyed his very much alive companion in awe.
"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," the Italian-American observed with concern as he sat down on the side of the bed, his friend looked like death warmed over!
"I thought ..... I thought you were ..... dead. King .... killed you ....,"
"Hardly surprising you're having nightmares. You got a lot going on. So what else happened in your dream?"
"Doesn't matter," Jay dismissed, angry at himself for disclosing that much.
"We all have nightmares at some point," Antonio tried to console the obviously shaken man.
"Do me a favour and don't tell the others," Jay was finally getting over the remnants of the oh so real nightmare and his brain cells were coming back online, "I need your word."
"Talking about it might help," the older man suggested.
"Okay, okay. This stays between us but you need to talk I'm around anytime day or night."

The older Detective wasn't happy with the compromise reached as he knew their youngest Detective was not prone to sharing his problems. It was however the best he could do for the moment.

Once he had convinced his friend he was alright and would be down after a shower Jay tried to use the alone time to regroup. The nightmare scenario his brain had conjured up still caused his stomach to clench in dread as he stood under the hot droplets wishing he could wash away his troubles as easily as a days' grime. Stepping out he grabbed the nearest towel distractedly and frowned when something white fell from the green folds to the tiled floor. Ignoring his aches and pains he was just about to bend down to pick up what he now recognised as a piece of paper when a stern voice startled him.

"Leave it!"
"Wanted to see how you were doing before everyone returns," the Sergeant explained his presence, "your prints don't need to be on that."
"It can't be from King he ....,"
"You getting secret love notes?" the older man asked sceptically as he plucked a handkerchief from his back pocket and carefully retrieved the piece of paper.
"He couldn't get in here," Jay insisted even as his nightmare mercilessly mocked him.
"We both know that's not true," Voight slowly opened up the item of concern then read the terse message before looking over at the shivering man wrapped in the too big towel, "it simply says 'I will see you soon.'"
"That's it?"
"Word for word. Get dressed before you catch pneumonia. We'll talk downstairs," the host directed as he left his guest alone.

As he descended the stairs Voight thanked whatever instinct had propelled him to go and check on his temporary House Guest. Normally he respected the young mans' privacy but Antonios' vague response to his query about the recovering man had sent alarm bells ringing. The Italian-American was clearly concerned about something but unwilling to disclose anything. The Sergeant had received a shock when he entered the bathroom and was confronted by the naked man. Aged colourful bruising still marred his pale flesh in patches but it was the lean frame which gave the older man pause for thought. Halstead was always fit and had the body to prove it but the too lean physique he had caught a glimpse of, before the towel hastily hid it from sight, bespoke a more sinister cause. Too many missed meals and quick snacks as well as the ever present stress of the investigation had combined to cause a weight loss which had been hidden under bulky jumpers and loose shirts. He doubted if the Kid even knew he was hiding the physical impact of the case on him from the Unit. It was more than likely a subconscious act. Even the other mans' reaction to him entering the bathroom was not met with consternation. Of course it was his house and he had the right to go anywhere but he had not practised proper Host etiquette by invading his Guests' privacy. The bathroom door however had been ajar so he had genuinely assumed Halstead was about to exit. Had it been closed he would have waited in the bedroom and been none the wiser of the physical toll Kings' games were taking on the ex-Ranger.

Kitchen -

Once the dishes were cleared away Voight brought everyone up to speed on the latest note from King. As expected curses filled the air as the full import of the latest development was grappled with.

"He was here? In this house?!" Adam looked around in stunned disbelief, they had known King seemed to have unprecedented access at times but this took matters to a whole new level.
"When?" Kevin demanded in frustration.
"Could have been any day we were all out," Al observed, maintaining his usual calm demeanour although he too was unsettled.
"I'm checking the cctv footage," Mouse put in, he had immediately retreated behind his laptop monitor when the Sergeant dropped the bombshell.
"Doesn't matter when he did it," Voight looked around the men gathered at the table.
"He knows Med is a trap," Jays' quietly spoken statement caused silence to fall momentarily.
"We haven't even set it up," Antonio argued.
"What makes you so certain?" Adam eyed his best friend carefully.
"The note says he'll see me soon. That's the only opportunity he's going to have."
"How can he know about Med?" Kevin looked around the group in dismay.
"Same way he knew how to get a note in here," Voight noted morosely, this was too close to home ... literally and figuratively!
"You think he bugged the place?" Adam asked tactlessly and received several looks of exasperation.
"Doubt it," the Sergeant dismissed the idea even as he hastily scribbled a note for Mouse telling him to check.
"He wouldn't have had the time," Al played along with the dismissal of the idea but deep down knew it was the only logical explanation.
"Well it's getting late and we have an early start tomorrow," Antonio rose to his feet tugging a baffled Adam beside him, "we'll see y'all in the morning."
"I have a date," Kevin rose also, there was no point in discussing King while in Voights' house any more.
"Woman must be a Saint," Al put in as he eyed his old friend across the table speculatively as he handed him a hastily written message, "have a good night."
"We hit the ground running in the morning," Voight ordered, "whatever King knows about Med he's going to slip up of that I'm confident."
"You sound certain Sarge," Jay played along wondering why his Superior was essentially baiting their query.
"Because I am."
"Guess I'll be heading out too," Mouse made short work of closing down his laptop and sent his former Lieutenant a meaningful look, he wouldn't be going far.
"See you tomorrow.  Bring all your gadgets for double checking this place is clean," Jay instructed with a wink.
"Have some new equipment I've been wanting to test!" the IT Specialist infused enthusiasm into his words, in reality he was raging, he should have foreseen King bugging the residence!

It was a relatively silent house for the remainder of the evening. Neither Jay or Voight were big into conversations and decided, without needing to verbally agree upon it, to maintain their usual routine. That meant watching the latest news reports for an hour before sharing a quiet hot drink and retiring to their bedrooms. If things were strained it definitely wouldn't be evident to anyone listening. Getting ready for bed in the knowledge the rest of the Unit was on guard outside offered some solace for both men but did not defray from their guilt over their apparent oversight ..... they should have known cctv would not deter King.


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