Chapter Seventy-Four: Ending In Sight

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Chicago Med

Jay had ridden shotgun beside the enigmatic Sergeant as Antonio, Adam and Murphy sat in the back seat. No one had deigned to break the silence that had fallen as the ramifications of Kings' latest act ratcheted the stress levels up to the highest notch. This was Kings' end game and the Unit members knew if the older Halstead sibling became a Victim of the Murderer, who had become their nemesis, they would lose their friend forever. For his part the Assistant Director was thinking along the same lines as the local men, his brothers' death would be the young Detectives' downfall. They could not let King fulfill whatever devious plan he had devised.

Upon arriving at Med Voight turned off the engine casting a momentary glance at Jay whose stoic features hid a myriad of emotions and then got out as Kevin pulled up beside them.

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