past and future (Modern AU :L...

By Alie-Heart

26.8K 821 94

A 27 year old woman named Norie Chausiku is in a relationship with Levi Ackerman, they've been together for 8... More

Short Flashback


159 7 0
By Alie-Heart

"Relax Eren, soon you'll fall through the floor if you keep walking back and forth" Armin said as he and Mikasa watch him pace around while they waited behind the stage.

"Do I look okay?! I don't want to look stupid! And I read the speech so many times that I've memorized it that I can even say it in my sleep!" Eren rambled as they heard Reiner speaking to the audience.

"It's true" Mikasa spoke up.

"-to make this school better we must add cake to the menu and reduce the amount of homework so students can focus on their exams" Eren mumbled as he had slept walked to Mikasa's room and was now saying his speech.

Mikasa laid in her bed quietly staring at him.



And with that he left the room.

"He even went to Norie and Levi's room"

"-to make this school better we must add cake to the menu and reduce the amount of homework-"

"Get your ass to bed" Levi cut Eren off as Norie fell on her face on the bed after trying to stay awake but failed.

"So I guess I'll be okay!" Eren laughed and gripped a chair.


They turned and saw Jean and Marco walking up to them.

"Ready to embarrass yourself up there?" Jean said jokingly making him glare.

"Yeah I can say the same for you!" Eren argued back.

"Come on guys don't fight, whoever wins, wins! We shouldn't turn on each other just because of this" Marco explained.

"He's right" Armin spoke.

"Yeah...besides...I wanted to see if you and Mikasa are up to come over to my house and watch a movie or whatever with the others..." Jean mumbled.

"Yeah...that would be nice thanks..."Eren mumbled back as they shook hands and quickly pulled them away.

"Alright! Jean, you're up!" Keith said.

He walked to the front of the stage as the others clapped.

"Hello! My name is Jean Kirstein, and I too want to run for student president!" He spoke into the mic.

"But consider me since I can put your academic needs first and hear your voice so I can make school more comfortable for you!"

The audience clapped as Eren mumbled in annoyance as he mocked his every word.


"Not only am I and Reiner running for student president, but also Eren Kenneth Chausiku-Ackerman!" Jean said as he clicked a button on a remote and that turned on the projector to show a picture of Eren.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Eren spoke as Armin held him back from running onto the stage.

"Of course you might think that maybe he can be your president but do you want him to be your president?!" He says and then pointed to the screen behind him.

It was a picture of Eren lying on the bleachers dramatically after running for a 3 minutes while the others ran their laps or played volleyball.

"Yeah! That's right! Lazy! He's lazy! It's not fair that you all do hard work and he doesn't!"

Everyone murmured as Eren tried to jump at him but Armin and Mikasa held him tightly.

"Not only that, also is party members! Mikasa Narelle Chausiku-Ackerman!"

He clicked the button and shows a picture of Mikasa.

"Nothing's wrong with her..." Jean trailed off and stared at the screen for a little to long.

A water bottle came flying from the side of the stage that was hidden by a curtain and it smacked the back of his head.


"Eren stop!" Armin pleaded after he tried to throw another bottle.

"Do you think we should stop this?" Niel whispered to Keith.

"No, I wanna see where this goes"

"Anyways! Back to Mikasa, really, we want people who are interested and seem like they care. Does this seem like a person who is interested?!"

The next picture was of Mikasa who had a bored face mixed with a glare, making everyone in the audience freeze in fear. Making sure not to get on her bad side after this.

"Yeah I know, but you should see her moms... It's the same but...hers...I couldn't sleep for 2 days..."Jean mumbled as he remembers Norie's glare that she did to a person who grabbed the last hot chips.

"Alright now we have Armin Arlert!"

The audience waited and a picture that said "error" appeared.

"Yeah I couldn't find anything about him"

"Eren!" Armin called out as he ripped his grip off of him and ran to the stage.

"Here it comes" Keith whispered.

"Oi! You can't just put us in a negative light, I can say the same for you!" Eren argued.

"Last week Jean hid in the restrooms so he wouldn't have to run the mile! And he pretended to twist his ankle so he wouldn't play dodge ball!" He spoke into the mic making the audience gasp.

"What?! No he's obviously lying!" Jean grabbed the mic from him.

"Wow so dysfunctional" Reiner began as he walked towards them.

He snatched the mic from Jean and smiled proudly at the audience and says " this is why you should vote for me because I wouldn't do this to all of you"

"Shut up Reiner when it was chocolate pie Friday you took FOUR plates instead of one which was the limit!" Eren yelled.

"Mikasa what should we do?!" Armin spoke in worry as she watched Jean and Eren fight over the mic.

"Theirs nothing we can do anymore..." Mikasa mumbled as the crowd yelled and cheered 'fight!'.

"Okay we should stop it now" Keith said.

"Hopefully they don't get hurt!" Christa says fearfully.

"Nah! They'll be fine!" Connie spoke.

"I bet you 10 bucks that one of them is going to fall off the stage!" Ymir called out from over the yells.

"Ymir don't bet on them!" Marco says.

"They could end up hurting an arm or leg!" Bertholdt said after.

"I was the one who took the four chocolate pies" Annie admitted.

"Give it back!" Eren yelled as he tried to shove Jean.

"No you let go!"

"That's enough!" Niel called out.

Finally Jean tripped on the wire connected to the mic and yelled when he fell off the stage but ended up taking Eren with him.

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled and ran to him as Armin stayed on the stage.

He smiled awkwardly and grabbed the mic from the floor and fixed his glasses.

"Please vote"


"Mikasa I'm fine!" Eren argued and pushed her hand away from his shoulder since he had fallen on it

"You could've broken a bone Eren!" Armin says.

They sat in the office as other students were their for the printers, the nurse or the student counselor.

"Don't even think about talking to me you maniac!" Jean yelled.

"How do you not want me to talk to you if you just did!" The teal eyed boy said.

They turned away with a glare but Jean cleared his throat and says "hey um"

"We decided on a horror movie, I got the popcorn and stuff"

"We'll bring cookies" Eren mumbled back.

"Alright I called your parents-"

Eren yelled as it cut Keith off and says "no! Please anything but that! Was my Aunt Hange available?! What about my uncle Erwin?! my grandma?!"

"Yeah! My grandma is probably at the market so she'll be closer than my folks!" Jean said with nervous laughter.

Keith stared at them and then bursted out laughing making them look at him with fear in their eyes.

"Like you guys have a choice" he laughed and walked back to his office.

"Maybe mom and dad won't be that mad" Mikasa spoke trying to calm him down.

"Really?" Eren squeaked out.


He slumped down in his chair as they heard the doors to the entrance of the school open, they look out the office door and Eren almost died on the spot.

Norie and Levi walked in as she held his arm, everyone in the halls froze and turned to them.

Levi had a few strands of hair falling against his forehead as he had a midnight black turtle neck with the sleeves rolled up to the middle of his forearms making the girls swoon as one closed the locker door on her hair.

Norie had a long black knitted dress that reached to her ankles with front buttons and long sleeves, her baby bump was now visible.

"That's Eren and Mikasa's parents?!" One whispered.

"No, those must be their uncle or aunt!"

"Are you stupid? You could see the resemblance, it's biology guys"

"No one asked you what it was"

She fixed the strap to her purse on her shoulder and moved her hair over her shoulder so it wouldn't get caught on it as the boys looked at her as one ran into a door.

Eren and Mikasas faces blanked at the students as one came up from behind them and said in awe "they're...your parents...?"

"Yes" they mumbled.

"Like legit?" He said.


"Like, they made you-"

"Obviously! We didn't just spawn like cabbages in our back yard Jared!" Eren yelled with an irk as Mikasa gave him the same irk.

"Hello my loves!" Norie spoke happily and walked towards Mikasa and Eren and gave them a kiss on the head.

"Hey darling how are you?" She asks sweetly at Armin who smiled back.

"I'm good...I'll be leaving now!" The blonde rambled in fear and ran out the office, almost screaming in terror.

"Are you mad?" Eren questions.

"Mad?! No!" Norie laughed.

"I'm going to kill you when I get home"

Erens face dropped in horror as Norie's angelic smile didn't leave her face and she walked towards the office counter.

But then he froze when he saw Levi standing by the door with his arms crossed against his chest, glaring holes into his eyes even though his face was relaxed.

"I'm so dead" Eren shakingly spoke out as Mikasa nodded

"But you'll be here with me right? Because you never abandon me-"

He was cut off when he saw that Mikasa was gone and Eren saw her running down the hall making him sob.



"You're grounded for 2 weeks, and I'm taking your game console for 3. And I know Jean had invited you and Mikasa to his house, I'll let you go, so you can apologize to him" Levi spoke as they drove back home.

"okay" Eren squeaked out in pain since Levi had pinched his ear and dragged him to the car while scolding him sternly.

"Don't worry I'll speak to him, may I have this room to have a conversation with my son?" Levi spoke.

"Of course" the office last said.

"Thank you"

He placed a hand behind Eren's back and walked them to the room and closed the door as Norie sat in the chair with Mikasa beside her.

They heard Eren scream in horror and things get thrown as everyone stared, they heard Eren plead and tried to bribe Levi with a new cleaning spray but screamed again.

The door opened and Eren walked out with a scared look as Levi closed the door again and looked at the office lady.

"Thank you again, we'll be leaving" Levi only said.

Norie stood up as she noticed a group of students staring at her, she smiled and waved. They gushed with sparkles around their heads but we're cut off when Mikasa glared at them.

"Come on" Levi spoke as he wrapped an arm around Norie's waist and helped her walk down the few steps.

"Are you okay Eren?" Mikasa asks.

"My life flashed before my eyes..."

"Baby you know better then to start fights, you're lucky me and your dad pulled a few strings with the principal so you and Jean wouldn't get suspended" Norie says after as she turned to him.

"Cleaning the gym floors don't seem that bad anyway" Mikasa said from next to him.

"But don't think I'll let it slide"

Eren flinched at Norie's glare as she mumbled "I want you to clean your room and clean the bathroom when we get home...if I hear you complain even one bit I will not hesitate to make your grounding a month..."

"Oh! I forgot to say!" She spoke happily after as Eren was still frozen in fear.

"I'm going to go to an ultrasound!"

"Really? Can we find out what the gender is?" Mikasa questions as she sat up.

"Yes but me and your mom want to wait until the baby shower" Levi explained.

"Though your aunt four eyes will only know and plan the shower"

Mikasa smiled as she turned to Eren who was still trying to recover from Norie's glare.

"Eren? Did you hear what they said?"

"That my aunt has four eyes?"


When they made it to the doctors, Eren and Mikasa waited in the room as Levi and Norie went to the ultrasound room. She laid down on the bed as he stood next to her.

"Are you excited to see them?" Norie questions.

"I'm happy" Levi responded as he placed a hand on her baby bump.

"I remember the first time we went to one of these, you were nervous. And to be honest, I didn't think I would see such love in your eyes when you first saw Eren in the ultrasound" she recalled with a smile.

"You stared at the screen for so long, same with Mikasa"

"Their my kids, why wouldn't I? Since it was the moment I really thought on how you were actually carrying my child" he says as he traced random letters on her belly.

Norie smiled and grabbed his hand and said "but promise me you'll handle the day I give birth, I don't want you struggling"

"Struggling? I'm not going to be the one struggling, don't worry about me. I'll support you like I did with Eren and Mikasa"

"But you fainted-"

"I thought you said you'll never bring that up again" Levi cut her off making Norie laugh.

"Mr and Mrs Chausiku-Ackerman? Hi! I'll be your doctor today, we are getting an ultrasound today correct?" The woman said as she walked in.

"Yes" Norie responded happily.

"Wonderful, so we're going to get you ready . Since you're wearing a dress I'll give you this blanket to cover yourself up here and you can roll up the fabric up to your ribs.

Levi helped her cover herself with the blanket and Norie rolled up her dress as the doctor got the gel ready.

She flinched at the cold substance as it was rubbed over her lower and upper abdomen, the doctor turned off the lights and got the device ready.

"Okay let's see"

Norie and Levi looked over at the black and white screen, seeing the view shift since the doctor was looking for the baby. She looked at her husband and says "you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready" he responded and kissed her knuckles.

"Theirs your baby!"

The couple turned to the screen and looked closer and their faces softened when they saw the tiny body, Norie smiled and says "oh my god"

And just like what happened two times before, Levi couldn't take his eyes off of the screen. Holding Norie's hand tightly as he felt love for them already, even before when they were the size of a rice grain.


"Yeah I know, but you should see her moms... It's the same but...hers...I couldn't sleep for 2 days..."

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