Little Sanchez // USWNT

By uswnts_fav2021

85.7K 2K 196

{COMPLETE} Ainsley Sanchez is the 18 year old younger sister of USWNT and NWSL star Ashley Sanchez. The two h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 2

2.5K 49 1
By uswnts_fav2021

I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and was too terrified to go back to sleep. 

I had dreamed that I was in the back of a car, and Ashley was driving and someone else was up front. I had no idea who it was. 

Then we got rear ended, and the car was on fire. 

I couldn't see anything, but I heard someone that sounded like Ashley screaming, and then a few seconds later, I was pulled from the car. My shirt was on fire and somehow the fire was put out, and then I was pulled close to someone. 

I woke up before it could go on. 

I checked my phone, and the time read 4:07 am. 

I had to leave for the airport in 3 hours, so I figured I wouldn't torture myself by going back to sleep and I'd just go to the gym. 

I slipped out quietly after getting changed and then covering my roommate with the blanket that had fallen off of her. 

When I walked into the gym, I saw 2 people I hated, and quickly turned around to leave.

"Yo Sanchez!" Edelman called. 

I turned on my heel and stood with my arms crossed staring at him. 

"What the fuck do you want, Edelman?" 

"Heard you're going to Dallas to play with the national soccer team or something." 

"I am." 

"With your sister that's hotter than you." 

"Edelman, we're both so far out of your league I have no idea how you can even see us." 

"Not saying you're not hot, Younger Sanchez. Your sister's just hotter." 

"No idea what you're trying to get at, asshole." 

He looked to his friend next to him, who was my stupid ass ex that I dumped 3 days ago. 

"Tell your sister to give me a call if you're not gonna." 

"Talk to me again and like I've said every single day since I met you, I'll beat your ass. And my sister doesn't even have your phone number anyway." 

"You dated this girl?" Edelman asked James, my ex. 

"It was pretty miserable." He replied. 

"Shoulda gone for the sister. Way hotter, better temper, nicer hips, probably better-" 

I went up closer to them and got in Edelman's face. 

"Listen to me, Jason Edelman. If you finish that statement or say one more thing about my sister, I swear I'll fuck you up so bad you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning." 

"If you really think you could do that, you're obviously the more delusional Sanchez as well." He said. 

"But I'm the stringer one too." 

"That's true. She's got a point." James said. 

"I could break your stick ass in 5 seconds." Edelman said to me. "At least your sister's got an ass to make people look-" 

That's when I swung right at his face, open palm. I wasn't going to punch him until I had to. 

"OW!" He said, grabbing the side of his face. 

"Say one more thing about me or my sister especially, I'll close my hand. You understand?" I smirked. 

"Yes ma'am." 

"Thank you. Now if you'd let me workout in peace, I'd really appreciate it."  


I got off the plane at the airport, hoping I would see Ashley waiting for me, but I was disappointed. 

I went to the bag carousel to grab my suitcase, and someone came up behind me and made a sound that scared the sit out of me. 

"What the hell?" I said, turning around. 

"You're Little Sanchez,  right?" Asked the girl. 

"I am, yes." I sighed. "And you're Mallory Pugh. It's been a few years! 

"That's right." She smiled. "So how do you like UCLA?" 

"It's great, actually. I'm just sick of some of the people. And I'm always getting compared to my sister but not just from coaches and teachers and players but other students as well." 

"I bet that's tough." She said. "So, are you going to stay in college or go into the draft?" 

"Wish I could tell you." 

"Well you're projected first round. Told Chi Town to consider you." She threw her arm around my shoulders. "I remember the way you play. And I've watched a UCLA game or 2. You'd be a nice addition to our midfield. Where do you want to play?" 

"The dream would be to play in D.C. with my sister. I hate being so far from her." 

"If you got drafted anywhere else would you sign?" 

"This is a lot of questions Mallory. I haven't seen you in a million years." 

"Please. I'm one of your sisters best friend and I've known you since you had braces." 

"Well to answer your question it depends. I'll just go back to college if I hate my selection." I told her. I reached down to grab my other suitcase ans I heard her laugh. 

"Overpack much?" She laughed. 

"Listen I'm new to this." I said. "I like Ashley a lot more than she likes me. The more I call her the more she dislikes me. So this didn't feel like something that I needed to call about." 

"She loves you." 

"Because she has to!" I laughed. 

We headed for the doors to get an Uber to the hotel, but then out of nowhere Kelley O'Hara came up behind us and scared us. 

"Is this how you all greet each other?" I asked after my second heart attack in 10 minutes. 

"Pretty much, yeah." Kelley said. "Hey Sanchez Jr. I'm Kelley." 

"I know." 

"I figured." 

"SO if you're here, did Ashley fly out on the same plane as you?" 

"I was coming from home. Sorry kid." She said. Then she jingled her rental car keys. "Look what I have." 

"Yay! No more Uber!" Mallory said happily. 

We laughed and headed to the car with Kelley. 

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