A image can cover so much pai...

By littlebabyeverything

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NOTE - I sometimes go back and add more/update previous chapters so keep eye on that He came across as confi... More

At the start
Trying and pretending
Alcohol and lies, dont look at me
A bad day
Do i tell? Or Do i hide?
Here we go
Do i have to?
Not intrested, but try
The 1st appointment
Not sure where i'm going.. except maybe off a cliff
He's my Brother/2nd appointment
Trying to carry on
Touring and playing
Home Again
Maybe i've got a friend
I must have fucked it up
A high and a low
Missing in Action
Coming Home
Another Day, Another Job
Happy for now
Playing shows, missing you & depression
Are we doing the right thing?
Your not here time to see Dr again
Kelly's POV - holiday
Why am I falling apart when i have you?
What do i say to Noel?
Escape but maybe time for the truth
Brothers, Talk Tonight
Brothers, Talk Tonight. Part 2
Wake up, this is me
Home to Mum
Time To Talk
Where the fuck is he?
Time To Talk Part Two
Fucking Shit, I'm screwed
I Survived
Piss Off, I'm Not Fucking Going
Let's Roll With It
Pass Me Down The Wine
I'm Outta Time But Going Nowhere
Take Me Away
Go (on) Let It Out
(It's Good) To Be Free
The Shock Of Lightning
The Nature Of Reality
Where Did It All Go Wrong
Let's All Make Believe
Just Gotta Be Normal
The Talk Then I'm Alone
Counting The Days
Back To It, For Now.
It's Finally Here
Here We Go

Oh God What Do I Do?

27 0 1
By littlebabyeverything

Kelly had been at her friends for a few day's, she hadn't heard from Liam so decided to call, the phone just rang through to the answering machine. After five calls Karen came over.
"Come on Kel he's not gonna answer, maybe try tomorrow he could be out"
"He's not doing anything today, I saw the schedule Noel had given him and usually on days off he stays In during the day, it's evening if he goes out"
She picked up the phone and tried again.
After watching a film and drinking wine with the girls she assumed she'd sleep but all she could do was think about Liam. At about eight am she suddenly felt sick, she ran too the toilet and after throwing up she just sat on the floor, she thought maybe if she rang Liam now he'd answer, he'd be pissed off because it was early but if she kept calling he'd answer it just to shut it up. She walked through to the living room and picked up the phone again after five calls he didn't answer, she began to worry. Karen came through and sat next to her after ten minutes Kelly ran to be sick again. Karen came to the bathroom door
"Kelly you've been ill for a couple of days now why don't you go to the doctors you could have a bug or something, I don't fancy us all getting sick"
"I'll be fine it's probably just stress or something"
Beth and Sarah walked in and sat down, Beth smiled her little mischievous smile
"Hey kel maybe your pregnant"
Her and Sarah started laughing, Karen looked like she'd seen a ghost
"Oh god Kelly what if you are?"
"Don't be daft like I say it's probably stress or like you said a bug or something. I'm on the pill anyway so"
Karen looked at her
"You know that's not 100% I mean do you not use anything else?"
"Well we never really think of it in the moment and Liam doesn't like using condoms anyway"
"Well he's not the one who would have to deal with the consequences, he just has his fun"
Smiled Sarah.
Kelly suddenly started to think of the possibility but quickly pushed it out of her mind, maybe it's just a bug or reaction to how much wine they'd been drinking especially the one they hadn't had before. Soon the four of them were joined by Louise and Claire.
"So girls what we doing today?"
Claire said excitedly, she loved just having time for them to do whatever they liked.
"Not sure maybe some shopping then nice meal and wine?" Louise suggested
"Could do. Maybe we could go see a movie too"
"We should keep the movie for another day Beth don't wanna do too much in one day" laughed Claire. Sarah started to laugh
"Hey if Kelly has Liam's credit card we could go to all the posh shops or does he just give you cash?
"I don't ask for money off him and I'm not exactly gonna steal his card am I look just cos I happen to be dating a guy with money doesn't mean I'm suddenly rich too, I've told him I'm independent, I can take care of myself"
"Your crazy I mean come on it's not gonna bother him you spending some of his money it's not like he can spend it all himself"
Sarah couldn't understand why she wouldn't let Liam give her money to go and shop in posh shops cos eventually she was gonna have to be seen in public with him so she should be dressed right. Karen had been very quiet but now spoke
"I think first Kelly should go to the doctors, she's still not right with her stomach so if we're gonna go out for a meal we better make sure she's not gonna start being sick while we're there."
After Karen pushing her for ten minutes Kelly decided to shut her up and rang the doctors, the told her to come in, in an hour. So they all got ready planning to go straight into central London after her appointment. The arrived at the doctors just in time, London traffic was so unpredictable
"Hi Kelly Daniels to see the doctor"
The receptionist began typing, not looking very happy and was actually quite rude she didn't even look up when Kelly spoke
"Fine take a seat"
They all sat in the corner and after five minutes Kelly was called in.
"Hope she doesn't have a bug we might all get ill"
"It's been a few days I think we'd have it by now"
"I think it's the wine it's not what we normally drink so might not agree with her"
An hour past and Sarah was worried
"Do you think I should ask the receptionist what's going on?"
"Nah they probably just giving her a full check up"
Then the doors opened and Kelly came out
"Karen can I just go back to yours? You guys still go out, I'll wait for you to come back but maybe then I'll go home"
They all noticed she'd been crying
"What's wrong? What did the doctor say?"
Beth was really worried
"I don't want to talk about it right now, I'm sorry I don't feel like coming out"
Claire put her arm around her
"It's ok we can all go back and there's always tomorrow to go out"
After a silent taxi ride they arrived back at Karen's Claire poured some wine and passed the glasses round, Kelly refused the wine and sat looking at her shoes. Karen looked at her
"This better not be what I think it is, if it is you need to think long and hard"
Kelly had her head in her hands, she started crying
"It is and I know what your going to say, I know this is not going to have a perfect ending, in fact it's probably gonna have a shit ending. Don't you think it's been going round and round my head all the way home. That it's gonna be a phone call or conversation I'm dreading, that I already know what the outcome will be"
Kelly started to cry, Beth and Claire sat and put their arms around her, Sarah went to make coffee. Karen sat down on the table in front of her
"The thing is you have to make a decision for yourself regardless of what he says but you have to tell him as soon as you can so you know what his reaction will be, and at the end of the day he's not gonna be able to make the decision himself cos his manager, the record company, the promotion team they will all get involved, they'll close ranks around him, and then you've got his brother"
Kelly had only been thinking about her and Liam now Karen had shown her all the other problems that exist, it just made her cry more. She knew she had to phone Liam but he hadn't answered his phone the last twenty times she'd called so why would he answer now.
"Guys I'm tired and still feeling sick so I think I'm gonna go to bed, try to sleep and relax a bit"
Everyone agreed and the other's decided they would go shopping anyway.
Kelly must have fell straight asleep because when she opened her eyes it was ten at night, she sat up and picked up the phone.
Liam's voice sounded tired but not drunk thankfully. She was scared & unsure what to say
"Hey darling, you ok? I was thinking I'd come over, we could talk"
"If you want, not too early though, I haven't been sleeping, maybe say one?"
"Ok sounds good. I've missed you so looking forward too seeing you"
"Same, it'll be nice"
"Liam, I love you, remember that"
Liam didn't say anything for a few minutes, Kelly began to worry.
"Love ya, see ya tomorrow"
Liam hung up. Kelly sat there for a while thinking in some ways she was glad she had managed to speak to him in others she was scared and worried about what she was going to say to him.
She went downstairs, the girls were still up so they spent some time talking about their day and giving Kelly the things they had bought for her, Karen made Kelly some food, telling her she had to eat even if she felt sick. When they all went up to bed Karen came into Kelly's room with her and sat on the edge of the bed when Kelly had climbed into bed and settled in Karen spoke
"Did you phone him?"
"I did and he picked up. I've said I'll go over tomorrow, I think it's probably better to talk in person. To be honest I'm shit scared, I'd only been thinking about me and him then you mentioned all the other stuff like his management, record company, the press, Noel etc so it's even more complicated than I imagined. I kept thinking of the worst things that could happen like being paid to go away, to be quiet, him not wanting to have anything to do with me anymore, never wanting to see me again, them saying they'd pay for me to get rid, forcing me to do it. All of it is just terrifying me. I definitely think me and him need to talk, just us before anyone else sticks their nose in, we need to have a normal conversation like normal people before all the other shit and drama comes into it"
Karen held her hand.
"You know it might not go like that, have you even thought of the fact Liam might still want to be with you, that he might want to find a way for it to work. He might not listen to his management if they tell him to walk away. He might make his own decision"
"Liam lives his life getting told when and where to be Noel makes the decisions, Liam turns up. As long as things don't get in the way of him having a good time he doesn't care."
Karen stood up and headed towards the door
"I'm going to bed, you get some sleep too and take some time to think of those things I said"
Next morning Kelly spent an hour being sick, Beth forced her to eat some toast and before she knew it, it was time to order her taxi.
Liam woke up quite late, as he went to make coffee he noticed he needed to tidy up a bit. He couldn't be bothered, he had a headache but he knew he had to after Kelly had pointed out the mess during the argument, he tidied the best he could and went to get ready, tracksuit bottoms and a jumper would do. He was just walking out of the bedroom when he heard the knock at the door. He opened it
"Hey you, missed you. You have a good time with your friends?
Liam asked as he hung her coat up. Trying to sound casual
"Missed you too, aye was nice to hang out, just us for a bit"
They sat down, Liam decided to speak first he needed to get it out
"I'm sorry I was a twat, I'm sorry I acted like a dick. I do want to meet your friends and stuff and I would like to try to have an as normal relationship as possible"
Hopefully that covered it.
Kelly took a deep breath, here goes
"I know Liam, I know. And yes there are things to sort out in but we can deal with them later. But something else has come up that is more important and that we need to deal with that"
Kelly's voice was trembling, she couldn't hide the fear and worry, she had to tell him straight and not go round the houses but she didn't know what words to use. Liam looked at her he could see the pain in her face, he was worried he wondered what was wrong, how bad it was, and if he could help. He took her hand
"Sweetheart what's wrong? Is it something I've done?"
Kelly smiled to herself technically it was something he'd done but what he'd done wasn't a bad thing. Kelly took another deep breath.
"I don't really know how to say what I need to say"
Liam held her tighter
"Just say it, you know I just come out with stuff so you can do the same. Straight to the point is always best"
Kelly laughed Liam was mostly straight to the point except for when he was talking about his illness but he was right straight to the point was needed right now
"Liam I'm pregnant" she just blurted out, then she hid her head in the settee and began to cry
He sat there. He had no idea what he say, what to do so he just went and put his arm around her and said the only thing that came into his mind "are you sure? Is it mine?"
Kelly couldn't believe what he was asking, obviously she was sure or she wouldn't have told him but to actually ask if it was his broke her heart, what kind of person does he think she is, does he think she goes to bed with loads of guys at work, that she shags people when he doing stuff with the band etc. it also made her think if he thinks she's sleeping around does it mean he's sleeping around, does it mean he doesn't take their relationship seriously. It also worried her in terms of how things could go cos if he thought like that it's pretty doubtful he'd want anything to do with a baby so he'd probably let his management deal with it, they were likely to try and get her to get rid of it so it didn't pose a risk to his future career or at best they'd pay her off and get her to sign paperwork saying she wouldn't tell anyone and that she'd never contact him again. She sat up and pulled away from him and through her tears she replied
"Yes I'm sure and of course it's yours I've never slept with anyone else since we got together, I don't cheat on people. The way your asking that makes me wonder what you've been up to"
Liam tried to not look guilty and tried to take her hand, she pulled it away. Nervously he began playing with his watch.
"The are you sure question is normal as far as I know as a go to thing if you don't know what to say and ok the second question was out of order, disrespectful and I shouldn't have asked but I don't have a fucking clue what to say, I don't know what to do, it's not like just telling me gives me any clue to what you wanna do or how you're feeling so I don't know what you expect me to say. I don't need all this extra stress and confusion right now you know that so maybe you should have decided how you wanna deal with it and stuff before you told me. It's just one thing after another I go to my mams for peace and quiet and I end up getting shit there, Noel is gonna go nuts cos I disappeared up home for a few days god why can I not just have a stress free time for once. Anyway you pulled away from me cuddling you, same again when I tried to hold your hand so to me that says enough"
And there he went again the default angry pissed off reaction. What he said was true but there was so much more going around in his head. He really didn't know what to say, it's not a conversation he'd even thought about having to have, kids weren't something he'd thought about except when he noticed the family outside Paul's house and even then he was mainly referring to the happiness of the family. It also made him realise he was gonna have to have a good think about telling her he'd had sex with a couple of random girls. Realistically though she wasn't gonna want to stay with him, she wouldn't want someone like him to be a father to her child, she'd know she could do a better job on her own.At the end of the day he was a guy who liked his drink and drugs, got into fights, was sometimes too honest, got himself into and caused trouble, singer in the biggest band in the uk, was a nutcase with a mental health issue there was no positive in him being involved.
"There you go starting off being nice then few sentences later your pissed off, angry and thinking about yourself. Thing is right now what we need to think about is this baby.
"Aye that's the way I am, a complete idiot and pretty sure what your thinking is that I'm not up to this, why would you want me involved in any of this, a stupid rock start who takes drugs, drink too much etc you'll want your child in a decent stable environment and I'm not that. So in a way why did you bother telling me when you could have just left, found someone good enough and sent me a lawyer letter asking for money"
"I see your point but what happens if I want you involved? What if I believe a kid should know both of their parents, that I love you and want to be with you and our child. Yes Liam you refer to my child but it's our child"
Hearing her say our child made things sink in more, he was responsible for it just as much as Kelly was. Now the questions hit him do I want to be a father? Would I be any good? What would his management and PR company say or expect him to do? What would Noel say? What would his mam say? Did he have anyone to talk to about things, just maybe Sandy she would be the only one who was only thinking of him, even Dave would have the band at the back of his mine.
"I know it's our child, I guess I'm saying yours cos I don't think you'll want me involved and also it makes it seem less real. I am really lost with all this, I'm guessing you've spoke to your friends, I don't really have anyone everyone I know will be thinking of the band not just me"
He didn't want to sit on his own and think, he was worried where that could go.
"Liam I'll head off back home, I'm not gonna make any decisions or talk to anyone except for the girls, I'm sure you'll have someone Dave will be able to put the band aside and at the end of the day Noel's your brother I'm sure he'll care more about you than the band"
Liam laughed, this was him and Noel.
"I'll call you tomorrow night Liam and we can talk again. I had to tell you before anything else you understand. Speak tomorrow"
Kelly walked out the door without looking back at him. He didn't say a word.
Within minutes of her leaving his mind began to race, thinking through all the bad outcomes, he honestly couldn't think of any other way this could go but bad.

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