123K 3.7K 241

"Two best friends had a car accident after watching 'House of the Dragon.' Their souls were transferred into... More

17 (During Stepstone)
18 (Thousand Islands)
19 (Under the water)


3.1K 143 11

In front of the Iron Throne, a Hightower sat upon the imposing seat—a sight that grated on Rhaenyra's nerves. "Princess Rhaenyra, you may now speak for your son, Lucerys Velaryon," the Hightower declared, his arrogance evident in his tone.

Rhaenyra stepped forward, prepared to address the court, but her words were cut short by Alicent's interruption. Anger flared within her at the blatant disrespect shown by the Hightower, who had no rightful claim to the Iron Throne.

"If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start by reminding the court that nearly twenty years ago, in this very..." Rhaenyra began, her voice laced with defiance as she turned to face the usurper.

But then, her father entered.

He came...

"King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm," the knight announced, drawing the attention of all present to the King's arrival.

Alicent's expression betrayed her concern as she glanced at her husband, while Rhaenyra's gaze softened with nothing but love as she beheld her father's presence.

It was amusing to witness the King's decisive action as he promptly removed Otto Hightower from the Iron Throne, a position he had no right to occupy despite attempting to wash his hands of the matter before the King's arrival.

"I must... admit... my confusion. I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. Besides, Lord Corlys Velaryon is here to speak on behalf of his brother regarding his grandson's petition," the King declared, his tone reflecting his bewilderment as he addressed the court. Lord Corlys stepped forward, facing the King with a respectful demeanor.

"Indeed, My King," Lord Corlys began, his voice steady as he addressed the monarch. "Ser Laenor Velaryon is still alive and present. He desired his trueborn son, Lucerys Velaryon, to inherit Driftmark after him. I offered him my full support in this matter," Lord Corlys explained, a warm smile directed at his son.

"I am the heir of Driftmark, Laenor Velaryon. And Lucerys Velaryon, my second son, will inherit it after me. Nothing in this world could alter that fact," Laenor affirmed, standing firm against his uncle's opposition.

Vaemond's surprise was evident as the situation took an unexpected turn. He had been certain that both the Hand and the Queen would support him, but the King's entrance had changed everything.

"You!" Vaemond snarled at his nephew, but Laenor stood his ground, refusing to be intimidated. "I only wanted our bloodline to continue, and you will end it with that—" Vaemond's words were cut off abruptly.

"Lucerys is a Velaryon! It's evident to everyone here! He is my blood. No matter what you believe, he is my son," Laenor asserted passionately, his voice carrying a hint of pain as he defended his son, causing Lucerys to flinch at the intensity of the moment.

As Corlys vehemently defended Lucerys, the young prince felt a swell of gratitude towards his father for standing up for him. However, he couldn't shake the unease that settled in his stomach at the prospect of causing discord among his family.

"Our bloodline will not end, Brother. Despite the accusations you level against him, Lucerys is indeed a Velaryon, and I won't allow you to deny that," Corlys asserted, his voice resolute in defense of his son.

"No! Our blood is sacred! A Velaryon bloodline that will not be tarnished by this boy. His Targaryen side might show through the years, but that doesn't confirm his Velaryon lineage," Vaemond insisted stubbornly, though doubts lingered in his mind, especially as Lucerys began to resemble Laenor and Rhaenys more with each passing day.

"Enough!" the King's voice thundered, cutting through the escalating tension. "I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides, after Ser Laenor Velaryon," the King announced definitively, putting an end to the dispute.

"If Lucerys is indeed a Velaryon, but his siblings are—" Vaemond began, only to be swiftly interrupted by Laenor's stern warning.

"We are discussing the inheritance of my second son, Lucerys Velaryon. Do not drag my other children into this, or I will feed you to Seasmoke!" Laenor threatened, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Determined to ensure that Lucerys's rightful inheritance was protected, Laenor asserted his position firmly.

"Lucerys is my true-born grandson. And you... are no more than the second son of Driftmark," the King added, his words cutting through Vaemond's protestations, leaving him to ponder the consequences of his actions.

"You... may run your house as you see fit... but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned... I will not see it ended on the account of this..." Vaemond began, his voice laden with frustration before he was interrupted by Rhaenyra's taunting gaze.

"Say it," Daemon dared, his demeanor challenging.

"Lucerys might be a Velaryon but her children are..." Vaemond attempted to continue, only to be cut off once more, this time by the unmistakable roar of dragons echoing through the sky.

Six dragons' roars filled the air, prompting smiles to spread across the faces of Daemon, Rhaenyra, and Laenor. They knew who it was. The hope that had flickered in Corlys's eyes to save his younger brother vanished.

Confusion rippled through the room as those inside strained to comprehend the significance of the dragon roars.

"The Cannibal, Vermithor, and Silverwing," the King whispered, recognizing the distinctive roars of the three dragons.

"Indeed, brother. The twins are here," Daemon remarked, his smile directed at the man seated on the throne.

"And what do the dragons that they don't own doing here?" Otto Hightower inquired, only to elicit laughter from Daemon.

"Oh, you didn't know? My eldest daughters managed to claim more dragons. Daemyra bonded with Grey Ghost, Vermithor, and Amethyst, while Daenyra tamed The Cannibal, Silverwing, and Midnight," Rhaenyra explained proudly, radiating confidence.

"Magnificent," the King commented, acknowledging the remarkable feat.

Daeron and Aegon exchanged glances, realizing that they would soon meet the two women who had been declared their betrothed, though no formal confirmation had been made yet.

"No one manages to ride three dragons in their lifetime. How could those two do that!?" Otto exclaimed in disbelief.

Laenor, Daemon, and Rhaenyra shared smirks, their confidence unshakeable. "They're gifted."

"And Ser Vaemond, I'm pretty sure they have something to tell you," Rhaenyra added, her confidence bolstered by the presence of the dragons. She knew that the twins wouldn't travel all this way without bringing something significant with them.

Vaemond, visibly confused, turned to his older brother Corlys for guidance, but Corlys avoided his gaze, realizing he could no longer intervene to protect his brother.

"Whatever they want to say, that will not change my mind. Lucerys Velaryon will not be accepted as the Lord of Tides!" Vaemond declared adamantly, his defiance met with unwavering stares from the supporters of Lucerys.

"It is not your decision to make," Rhaenyra retorted firmly, her words punctuated by another roar from the dragons.

"They're pissed," Daemon remarked with a smile, anticipating the spectacle that was about to unfold. While he harbored no qualms about dealing with Vaemond himself, the arrival of his firstborn added another layer of complexity to the situation.

"Brother, you have to stop this. Lucerys is a Velaryon... no one can change that. Save yourself," Corlys warned, but Vaemond remained stubborn, his ego overshadowing any sense of reason.

"Why do people get so worked up about the twins?" Daeron asked innocently, eliciting a glare from Alicent.

"The twins joined the Lord of Tides in Stepstones and achieved success. It was rumored that their success was attributed to the presence of the two Targaryens on the battlefield," Aemond whispered, though they refused to acknowledge the truth of the matter, even if it were true.

Otto Hightower wasn't foolish enough to miss the sudden shift in the aura of the Blacks. Their newfound confidence sent a shiver down his spine, especially with the knowledge that the twins had managed to claim more than one dragon—a fact that pushed him to the edge of apprehension.

Daeron remained puzzled, having never met the twins, yet the entire court fell into an uneasy silence upon hearing of their exploits.

"I suggest to you, Uncle, stop this nonsense," Laenor cautioned his uncle, fully aware of the twins' capabilities, particularly after their involvement in the Stepstones battle. He sensed that a change was imminent with their arrival.

Daemon wore a persistent smile, eagerly awaiting the twins' return, his irritation at the situation palpable.

Rhaenyra rejoiced at the return of her eldest daughters after their absence for a few moons, confident that they would aid in resolving the current predicament.

Aegon, however, felt a sense of nervous anticipation at the prospect of encountering a certain Velaryon-Targaryen once more.

The King reveled in the delight of having his family reunited under one roof, blissfully unaware of the impending storm that the twins would bring.

They're pissed off.

Really pissed off

Corlys glances to Rhaenys, their exchange laden with silent understanding. Meanwhile, Rhaena, Baela, Jacaerys, and Lucerys shared knowing smiles, anticipating the arrival of their beloved sisters.

A loud bang echoed through the room as the doors from which the kings had entered swung open once more. All heads turned expectantly, though everyone knew exactly who was about to make their grand entrance.

The Twins of Rhaenyra Targaryen entered the courtroom amidst the resounding roars of their dragons, instantly capturing the attention of all present. Their striking beauty left many in awe, their twinship evident despite their distinct features. Their arrival sent shockwaves through the crowd, with even seasoned courtiers unable to hide their astonishment.

Alicent, caught off guard by their unexpected appearance, found herself momentarily speechless. Otto Hightower, typically composed, felt a sense of unease at the sight of the formidable twins.

Corlys, resigned to the inevitable outcome, watched with a heavy heart as his daughters entered, their determination evident in their confident strides.

Daemon, though feeling a hint of sympathy for Vaemond, couldn't help but swell with pride at the sight of his daughters' commanding presence.

The King, taken aback by the Twins' stunning appearance, was reminded of past memories as he observed them with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Daeron couldn't help but understand why everyone hailed the Twins as the beauties of the Realms—they truly were stunning. He felt a surge of pride in his decision to marry one of them.

Aegon's gaze was fixed solely on her, recognizing her the moment she entered the room. He was shocked by her beauty, yet a part of him had always known she possessed such grace.

Rhaena, Baela, Jacaerys, and Lucerys wore smiles as they beheld the Twins, who had made quite the entrance with the resounding bang of the door. Helaena remained quiet, finding solace in the reassuring grip of Jacaerys's hand.

What captivated everyone wasn't just their physical beauty, but also the awe-inspiring roars of the dragons they commanded. Armed with swords, they exuded an undeniable aura of power and ethereal grace.

The Twins exchanged a glance before proceeding to walk in perfect unison, their strides commanding attention as they made their way towards the King, who welcomed them with a smile. Even the courtiers couldn't help but part, creating a path for them as they walked, granting them a moment worthy of red carpets and royal acclaim.

The court was taken aback by the Twins' appearance in armor, a stark contrast to the usual courtly attire. Only Corlys and their parents seemed unsurprised by their choice of attire, understanding the gravity of the situation at hand.

Daemyra and Daenyra halted before the King's throne, their gaze fixed upon the ailing figure before them. They had returned with a purpose—to prevent Viserys's untimely demise, and they had just the means to do so. Viserys could not die today.

"It's been a while, Grandfather," Daemyra spoke, her voice resonating through the room.

"We've been traveling to and from Dragonstone," Daenyra added, her tone sending shivers down the spines of those present.

The King beamed at his granddaughters, expressing his joy at their presence.

However, the atmosphere shifted as the Twins directed their attention towards Ser Vaemond, who appeared taken aback by their unexpected arrival and imposing demeanor. Despite his nerves, he stood tall, attempting to mask his unease.

"Ser Vaemond Velaryon," Daemyra began, her voice commanding attention, "we've heard that you've been questioning our brother Lucerys Velaryon's succession."

"We all know this boy doesn't carry a drop of Velaryon blood!" The man's voice thundered, causing a few to flinch, except for the twins, who stared at him with bored indifference.

Turning their gaze toward Lucerys, unseen for a few moons after the Stepstone battle, the twins departed Dragonstone promptly, journeying to Old Valyria, where they remained for several moons.

The sudden news surprised the twins; knowing Corlys was alive and healed, they found it audacious for this man to question Lucerys's birthright.

"I won't allow him to tarnish the Velaryon Bloodline! We survived the doom, and I refuse to let our lineage end with that boy!" The man snapped, but the twins remained unmoved.

"You claim to hold such respect and love for our bloodline," Daemyra remarked, fixing her gaze on the man.

"We adhere strictly to Velaryon traditions and culture," Vaemond added, the twins nodding in agreement.

Their nods puzzled the onlookers. "Are you blind, or simply too blinded by ambition to see the thick flow of Velaryon blood in our brother's veins?" Daemyra retorted, silencing the man.

"Rhaenys Targaryen carries the blood of Baratheon in her veins, as does Lucerys Velaryon. He inherits much from his grandmother; no one can dispute that. Look at him!" Daemyra commanded, and all eyes turned to Lucerys.

Indeed, he bore a striking resemblance to Laenor and Rhaenys, with features reminiscent of Rhaenyra.

"I refuse to believe it!" the man persisted.

The twins chuckled; he was transparent. "We know," Daemyra said.

"You hold in high regard the Blood of Old Valyria coursing through your veins, as well as the Velaryon lineage. You also uphold Velaryon traditions," Daemyra began.

"Then we shall present a tradition of our Velaryon ancestors and evidence proving that Lucerys Velaryon is indeed the son of Ser Laenor Velaryon, our father," Daenyra declared, tossing a scroll to the man.

She had been holding the scroll the entire time.

"Read it, and tell us if it doesn't embody Velaryon tradition," Daemyra challenged, and the man quickly perused it. The surprise on his face was evident to all.

He then turned to the twins. "No! I will not endanger my life by performing this ritual!" Vaemond exclaimed, prompting laughter from Daemyra.

"You came here to insult our mother, Rhaenyra Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne, by questioning the parentage of our brother. Do you think you are not risking your life?" Daemyra countered.

"Besides, if you are so convinced that Lucerys isn't of Velaryon blood, then perform the ritual and be done with it!" Daenyra snapped. "No harm will befall you."

The man was utterly shocked; he knew he was powerless. The twins had wielded their traditions against him, a fact he had not anticipated.

Daenyra snatched the scroll from the man and handed it to Corlys. "Lord Corlys, would you read the contents of this scroll and confirm if it is indeed the right course of action?" Daenyra asked, offering the scroll to the man.

Corlys read the scroll, his expression one of surprise, before passing it to Rhaenys.

"I won't deny that this is indeed a Velaryon tradition, but it's no longer practiced," Corlys attempted to reason, but Daenyra merely raised her left eyebrow at him.

"So? That doesn't mean it's forgotten. Since your brother is so confident in his claim, nothing will harm him if he's right. If he's wrong, that's his punishment," Daenyra retorted.

Corlys realized he couldn't protect his brother, especially if it involved a tradition they had to face.

"As I said, I won't risk my life for that!" the man yelled.

"As we've said, you're already risking your life," Daemyra reminded him.

"We're not in the wrong, Ser Vaemond. We're honoring Velaryon cultural traditions," Daenyra smirked, a smirk that sent shivers down his spine.

"No, I won't!"

"Lucerys is indeed the rightful heir to the Driftmark Thrones," Daemyra shrugged, making the man turn towards her.

"No! I won't let it happen!"


This caused Daenyra to chuckle from the sidelines. "We've provided solid evidence that Lucerys Velaryon is indeed the son of Laenor Velaryon, yet you refuse to acknowledge it. Who's the liar now?" Daenyra challenged.

"Your mother is a whore! She married two men! How can I be sure that her son is Laenor's son?" the man exclaimed. The twins' eyes darkened at his derogatory remark about their mother.

"My mother didn't break any laws! The Conqueror himself had two wives, and many in Old Valyria followed similar customs because they had the same rights. If you question our mother's actions, you question the ways of Old Valyria!" Daenyra snapped.

"That's not just insulting to the throne, but an affront to anyone with the Blood of Old Valyria," Daemyra added, and the man realized his mistake.

"Vaemond!" Corlys shouted at his brother.

"No! I won't retract my words," the man persisted. "If the Gods of Old Valyria are listening... I demand they break my right leg bones if Lucerys Velaryon truly carries the Velaryon blood!" he yelled.

His cries echoed among the crowd, and a part of Vaemond knew no god would answer his plea, as he held more faith in the Faith of Seven than in the Gods of Old Valyria.

Daenyra and Daemyra exchanged smirks, then Daenyra turned to the man who dared provoke the gods.

Daenyra blinked, once.

A bone snapped.

An agonizing yell tore through Kingslanding...

Everyone recoiled in disbelief as the man's right leg broke suddenly.

Daenyra blinked again.

Another bone snapped.

This time, on his left leg. Daemyra burst into laughter, unable to contain herself. The man collapsed to his knees in agony, before the king and all witnesses.

"Two legs... tsk. You know what they say, 'twice is a charm,'" Daemyra remarked, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Looks like the gods have answered your prayer, Lord of Complaints," Daenyra smirked, observing the man's agony.

Unable to even cry out a second time due to the pain, the man writhed in silent torment. Corlys's eyes bulged in shock at the sight of his brother's suffering.

Everyone in the room was stunned into silence, broken only by Daemon's laughter.

"Even the gods seem to affirm that Lucerys is indeed the blood of Laenor Velaryon," Daemon declared, prompting murmurs among the witnesses.

The twins turned to look at the horrified king, who nearly fell off his throne. Fortunately, Daemyra's discreet healing ensured he remained seated, with newfound strength to witness the scene.

The king glanced at the twins, who responded with mischievous smiles.

"Summon the Maester! Aid Ser Vaemond!" the Hand yelled, and several Maesters hurried to assist the man, carrying him out of the court as he cried out in pain.

"It appears the gods have made their decision: Lucerys Velaryon is indeed the rightful heir to the throne of Driftmark," the king announced solemnly.

No one uttered a word, still reeling from the shocking events that had transpired.

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