剣 - SᗯOᖇᗪ || Naruto x BNHA

By Feethecracker

74K 2.9K 392

°°° Momochi Zara had died in battle; drowned in the sea of Mizu-no-kuni. As she slipped into the deep blue... More

Author's note
1 - Waves
2 - Come closer and I'll stab you
3 - Don't bullshit me! Where the hell is that supposed to be?
4 - Have you been living under a fucking rock?
5 - Let's start with a training match.
6 - There's a homeless guy at the door!
7 - Give me three good reasons against it.
8 - Oh Kami, I miss my life as a rogue
9 - Did you kill someone?
10 - You don't have to go to school, they said.
Pic's of Zara
1K - Special: File
11 - Don't tell people how to deal with their problems
(another) A/N (I should stop writing these)
12 - Less talking, more fighting!
13 - Take care of the kids, I'll handle this.
14 - You couldn't handle it. (Also I'm very sorry)
15 - You remind me of someone
17 - This is going to be so much fun!
18 - I have a man to kill.
50K - Special: Mall

16 - Under one condition

1.7K 104 11
By Feethecracker



Under one condition


The next morning I had left the house before Keigo even thought about rolling out of bed.

The fresh morning breeze was a nice change to the usual stink of cars,but at the same time I had discovered very shortly after my arrival here that the city almost never slept.

I reached UA's gates long before the sun started rising and stared at them for a moment before turning left, towards the small staff entrance. The door was discreet and way shorter than the enormous school gates. I patted my pockets for my ID, then grinned triumphantly when my fingers closed around the card. It was ridiculous to be honest.

Back in Kiri people still used good old-fashioned keys and seals to protect their homes but here all it took was a swipe of one piece of plastic. A piece of plastic I regularly forgot at home, by the way. (Breaking into the school without the ID was not too hard, but it took energy I wasn't ready to give away this early in the morning.)

The door slid open silently and I strode over to the stairs leading up to the main entrance. Inside, the building's hallways were empty and I didn't bother turning on the lights as I made my way to the classroom.

There were probably a few teachers in the staff rooms right now—I was pretty sure some of them slept there—and the rat was likely to be around somewhere as well, but luckily I hadn't encountered anyone by the time I reached 1A's homeroom.

Now to work. (There was something I had meant to do days ago but never found the time.)

Inside the class I slipped out of my wrist-warmers and unsealed a scroll from the small tattoo on my left forearm. I'd had it made years ago—Haku had done the seal's outlines, leaving the piercing to my father.

The rusty needle had hurt like a bitch but the result was acceptable and fortunately hadn't faded. I thoughtfully sketched a few lines onto the scroll, before repeating the progress, compressing them as much as possible, until they were barely recognizable as seals.

Finally satisfied with the result, I transferred the markings to memory and pushed open the classroom's window.

Sticking to the outside's wall was easy, even though the whole damn school was basically made from glass. Not very secure, if you asked me, but honestly there was so much wrong with this world, I didn't really care anymore.

As quickly as possible I began carving the tiny seals into the glass. They were a few simple protection seals, hindering anyone from watching or even entering through these windows. It didn't take long since I didn't bother with the rest of the building. After all my orders were to protect class 1A—the other students outside of my contract were little of my concern.

I ran a thumb over the finished work, before letting out a satisfied huff and slipping back inside. I strolled over to the back where a single seat was reserved for the times I joined class. Leaning back in the chair I closed my eyes for a quick nap. Because at the moment that was all I got.

I slept restlessly these days, especially at night, always drifting in and out of consciousness, just awake enough to avoid the nightmares that pulled the edges of my remaining sanity.

The sun slowly rose over the city's skyscrapers, and only when I heard rustling in the classroom's front I reluctantly opened one eye and peered through my lashes. Aizawa met my glance and greeted me with a bare nod. I watched as he shuffled into the sleeping bag he'd produced out of nowhere and as he settled behind the teacher's desk. Then I dozed off again.

At around 07:45 students started piling into the room, mostly tired faces—minus a few odd ones who seemed already buzzing awake and the blond spiky kid who was already fuming about something.

I registered the prickling glances some of the children shot at me but nobody approached my table. A few students pulled their friends back whispering "Later", "...break..." but I paid them no mind. Kids talked all the time.

'Homeroom' passed in a haze. I guess I was safe to say that I paid attention to anything but the monologue Aizawa held in the front of his classroom. My thoughts flitted from thought to thought, barely aware of the people around me.

When the bell rang for first break, I got up from my seat to leave the room for some fresh air and review the security measures on the school grounds around us, but my way was blocked.

A crowd of students, definitely over half of the class, had gathered around my desk with glinting eyes and nervous but excited expressions.

I eyed them warily for half a second—the buzzing lightheartedness they radiated as if the had no fucking care in the world.
Well, some of them contained their excitement better than others, for example Todoroki who seemed nonchalant as ever, the girl with the creation quirk—-or Bakugo of course who'd already fucked off to god-knows-where.

Now, before I could push through the crowd, Iida stepped forward, all lanky limbs and strict face and bowed "Momochi-sa-"

"Please train us!" the lightning kid cried out from behind, only to be promptly smacked in the head by several other students.

"Don't spoil the fun, asshole!"

His whimpers had to be enough of an apology because he didn't manage anything else under the assault of his classmates.

Meanwhile my eyebrows had risen up to my hairline not making any effort at all to hide the mocking expression.

"What?" I did not have time for games.

"Please train us!", they repeated and my frown deepened.

"I heard you, dumbass," I spat, "Just wha-"

"We saw you fighting in USJ!" Of fucking course, "And we really felt like you could help us a lot at becoming stronger. So you don't have to do it all alone next time"

"Thanks, but I think fighting alone is easier than trying to make something useful out of you," I said and turned to leave when-

"We'll pay!"

I looked back at them with sudden interest (the pink bubble girl–Uraraka?–-squeaked a panicked "We will?!")

Under my scrutinizing glare, Denki's proud face promptly deflated. "Uh, Momo-" he stuttered, but was interrupted by a certain red-white head.

"I'll pay. But keep me out of this. I don't need your training"
The students gaped at Todoroki as he flashed a black and shiny credit card at me. I nonchalantly ignored the fact that it read Todoroki Enji, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Fine," I mused. "Under one condition." The whole class straightened visibly.
"All of you are going to show up, you too, Todoroki. Even that explosive hedgehog has to show, or there won't be training for any of you."

Grabbing a small sheet of paper I scribbled an address on it before handing it to the next best person.

"I'll meet you there, an hour after school. Don't be late and be ready to get your clothes dirty"

So they're back at school ig. I have a few things planned for the next chapters, which i am pretty excited about, so stay tuned lmao. 

Hope you had fun with this one. 

See you. 

(p.s.: you won't believe it, but I finished this at a reasonable time (around 10 am)(not before falling asleep over the last 200 words yesterday night tho))

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