always been you| javon walton

By yourmom-1890

127K 1.1K 2.3K

Isabella is a fun laid back girl to be around, when her mom told her they were moving she didn't care knowing... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17 (part A)
chapter 18 (part B)
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
rest in peace
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64

chapter 23

2K 23 11
By yourmom-1890

                                      (Third person pov)
javon wakes up to coco next to him asleep. not to mention them sharing a blanket and her laying on his arms. he immediately pushed her off not caring if she woke up or not.

freaking out he grabs his phone hoping he slept for only an hour. but the way he felt refreshed he knew he had to sleep about 3 to 4 hours at least.

checking his phone he saw the time was 3:06 meaning his brother, friends and most importantly isabella is in school still.

he noticed a text from his brother asking where he was. and another message asking if he can pick his brother and friend Evan up from school since their dad Mr.Walton dropped him off before.

he responded with a yeah 'i'll pick you guys up' and closed his phone. he felt something unusual inside is stomach seeing isabella hasn't texted him once. he felt kinda sad. did she not care about him? why didn't she ask why he wasn't in school? she didn't even ask him why he left this morning? she didn't care.

not knowing that within the hours he's been with coco rumors over rumors where going around. isabella was getting messages and threats by the minute. getting made fun of for thinking she can have him. for thinking she's important. for her being a so called stupid bitch cause she's not entertaining the subject. all people want is for her to say something about it so they can talk more shit about her.

so fucked up. all cause javon thinks he can entertain two girls at the same time. when he isn't even with any of them. he wished he was with isabella. but him not knowing he just lost her.

javon came to his senses and got out of bed ready to leave and hopefully wait long enough outside the school to see isabella and talk to her or at least see how beautiful she looks today. knowing she looks beautiful everyday.

he collects his stuff and puts his shoes on he locks the door and walks threw the hallway, down the stairs, and out the front door to the hotel. he got into his car, turning it on the let it heat up, he turned back on his phone to see his notifications checking again just in case in her name pops up meaning she posted, went live, or mentioned him at all.

he didn't see her name but he saw so many tiktok edits with him mentioned. he saw way more then usual and he hadn't posted anything. he reluctantly clicked onto them and went to scroll on them. the first video was the line 'why you let these hoes tear what we had right apart, ouu i was so mad, i should have seen this coming right from the start' and it was the same three pictures of javon and isabella at target with him hugging her from behind, another picture of them in the line of Victoria secret with him hugging her from behind and whispering in her ear, and the picture of him and coco 'cuddling together' reappearing. the last part of the video was 'you should beware, beware, beware of a woman with a broken heart.' and a picture of isabella from her instagram posing on top of her car looking beautiful as ever.

javon was flabbergasted, he immediately opened the comment section, if he didn't feel bad enough he sure did now. many many comment calling him so much names. saying he doesn't deserve her, how he cheated on her when she was way better then coco, how he thinks he can have anyone better then her, how she's the ex you'll always go back to, how cause he's famous he thinks she'll ignore the people and stay with him.

he's so pissed at the fact he's not even with coco but the picture he had no idea was taken got out. he new luck hasn't been in his favor but he prays the picture hasn't gotten back to her. he clicked his instagram and noticed isabella posted a story. he clicked onto the story and saw a blank screen but she wrote something. reading the paragraph she wrote, it said:

yes i've saw all the pictures, videos you guys made and i've gotten your guys messages, even your threats. i'm gonna be completely honest with you i don't want to entertain the subject but it's getting out of hand. me and javon aren't together he didn't cheat we never dated. yeah we where talking i think i'm not even sure. but no he didn't cheat he isn't my boyfriend and i'm not his girlfriend. i'll admit i was a little hurt but that's not my decision if he's with other girls that's his decision and yes as much as i never thought this would happen. i hope he's happy. with that being said please drop the subject or don't i don't care, just don't post me into it and don't message me. i really don't want to hear it. 
                                              Love Isabella Romano💙
reading that hurt javons heart more and more. but the fact she's been getting threats and tagged into post she doesn't want, that's what hurt him the most. she hopes he's happy? he's not he'll be happy with her! he turns off his phone not before taking a screenshot of the story, he makes his way out the hotel parking lot to the school. he gets there 5 minutes before the bell rings where isabella parks is crowded so he parks on the side of the road and when jaden and their friend comes he's gonna go to where isabellas car is.

jaden comes with Evan and their other friend carl.

"where you been." jaden ask getting into the front seat.

"he's been cheating on his girl." Evan said. laughing a bit.

"first of all i'm single and second of all you guys seen it too." javon asked them before getting ready to drive where isabella should be hoping to see her.

"everybody saw it your the talk of the school, i heard some girl ask isabella about it and isabella said she's gonna slap the fuck outa her if she doesn't get out her face." carl said recently knowing isabellas name when he told jaden about it he called her javons girl until jaden let him know her names Isabella.

"i'm guessing she got asked about it a lot cause she wouldn't have said that unless she was annoyed." jaden pointed out.

unknowingly hurting javon more and more with the conversation. all he wants to do is see her and hopefully make it right. obviously him not knowing she already left the school with her new friend.

Javon seeing her car not there after he drove to where she parks he gets more frustrated. why can't something just work in his favor today! he left the parking lot ready to go to her house before he noticed her car driving to dutch bros. how did he recognize her car? cause he's fuckin crazy for her and memorized her license plate. not all of it just the last four numbers. which is still crazy but he followed her from afar. noticing she got not one but 2 drinks. who's she with?

he followed her from afar as she drove the opposite direction from her house to some one else's house. not understanding where she was going cause he knows she doesn't hang out with other people. he wouldn't admit it but he was mad as fuck she was going somewhere other then home. is that toxic? crazy as fuck? maybe but he didn't care. all he wanted to know was who's in the car and where they going.

as for isabella she was almost at giselle's house when giselle asked her; "can you grab my daughter for me i have no shirt on and i prefer for no one else to see me in my bra,"

"uh if your mom lets me, i'll for sure grab her for you." isabella responded. almost completely sure she wouldn't let her take the baby without knowing her.

"yeah no i'll call her right now and let her know i'm in a black tesla and my friend isabellas gonna grab alyssa, cause my shirt is soaked in dutch bros." Giselle said and picked up her phone to call her mom.

"yeah that's completely fine with me." Isabella said as she pulled into her friends neighborhood.

parked outside her friends house, not knowing javon is watching her from a couple houses down. Isabella gets out the car looking so beautiful today and her fit looks fire. she jogs to the front door while javon watches her. knocking on the door and waiting for a minute, before it open revealing a older girl javon lowkey felt relieved. thanking god it wasn't a man or anything bad. the girl motions Isabella to wait for a second and brings her a diaper bag. javon watched as isabella put it on her shoulders like a purse and waits.

The fuck she needs a diaper bag for? javon's so fuckin confused. him and his friends watch as the older woman gives her a baby girl. huh?the fuck she getting a baby for? that's not her baby right? he never saw anything baby related at her house. when he went down on her she was virgin tight and the way she told him it was her first orgasm and she never been touched before, making him be for sure that's not her baby. then who's baby is it?

Javon watches as Isabella holds the baby. how good of a mom she'll be. how cute their family would be. he watches as the older girl gave isabella a car seat. Javon wanted nothing more then to go and help her carry everything. not wanting her to carry anything per usual but knowing it's not his place, and plus she don't even know he's watching her.

isabella passed the baby to the person in the front seat and puts the car seat in the back, grabbing the baby and properly buckling the baby in. he saw as she put the door on child lock. before running to the drivers side of the car and getting in. he followed her the 15 minutes to her house from a distance.

Isabella had no idea, yeah she pays attention to her surroundings. but she's so over the day already, she wants nothin more then to go to sleep and wake up to a new day. hoping she won't have to slap a bitch like she almost did today. that's was the 10th time she was asked personally about the topic and she already saw the dms making her so agitated to the point she wasn't gonna warn the girl and just slap the shit outa her. but she did, she let the girl know before she did what she did making the girl walk away scared.

when they both pulled up to isabellas house she ran into her house grabbing a shirt which javon saw as a peace of clothing and passed it to her friend which javon didn't see he just saw her pass it to the person in the front seat. not knowing if it's a girl or not.
when isabella and Giselle got settled into Isabellas room with noodles and the baby playing together they watched as the baby's giggles filled up the room as she played with the dog tug a war. Isabellas phone started ringing. she grabbed her phone out her purse and noticed javon was calling.

"look who's calling me." She told her friend and showed her phone which displayed 'Javon👅💙' on the screen.

"oh no we dont fuck with him, answer and put it on speacker im nosy." she said as Isabella answered and put it on speaker.

"can you come outside for me beautiful." he said when the call connected meaning she answered the phone.

"what do you want javon." she responded to him lowkey folding after he called her beautiful.

"just wanna talk to you for a second." he said.

"i wanna see your pretty ass too." he said when he noticed all she did was sigh

"you could have saw me this morning if you didn't leave me at 3 in the fuckin morning." Isabella let out. she's fucking mad about that. in the middle of the night, that's some sneaky ass shit. she don't fuck with that.

"get your ass outside i'm here, i wanna see you." he told her before she hung up on him

jaden and their friends stayed quiet not wanting to say the wrong thing when Javon was already agitated.

they waited five minutes before they saw the front door open and Isabella walk out wearing the nice ass outfit javon loved on her body. it showed her perfectly, her curves, nice ass, and her perfect ass boobs he had in his mouth.

javon walked out the car to talk to her alone knowing he's probably getting yelled at. he didn't notice jaden and Carl rolled their window down a little bit so they could hear. all these bitches nosy now.

he went up to her wrapping his arms around her waist, leaning down to give her a kiss. she turned her head to the side slowly letting him know she don't want it.

"don't do that stupid shit." she said to him pushing his hands off her waist and stepping a little backwards.

"look i know the way it looks but i can promise you it's not like that baby." he told her and stepped forward to her.

"the fuck is it like then? huh javon? you think i'm that fucking stupid? she's a kid bro! why would you do some sketchy shit like that?" she raised her voice at him. she's fucking annoyed he fucks with her making her look stupid and now wants to try, hugging and kissing up on her? fuck no.

"babe i know your mad but it's not even like that i swear." he told her thinking she'll let it go and let him hold her in his arms.

"like that gonna fix anything javon, you know how stupid you made me feel, made me look? you know how many dms i have of people laughing saying i actually thought i had a chance with you, thinking i'm good for you, getting called a stupid bitch,whore, fucking dumbass, mentally incapacitated?, so many names i don't even wanna say? you made me look so fucking stupid."she raised her voice at him
she said mentally incapacitated cause she didn't wanna say the r slur knowing people get offended by it.

"your not stupid, i just fucked up let's just start again yeah? i wanna be with you mama, ima fix it okay? do you want me to do that?" he said trying to find the right words to make her feel better, make her happier, but if anything that was making her more pissed off.

"who's that gonna fucking help? nobody but yourself you stupid ass. i don't wanna be with you. not when you sneak around doing this shit. if it wouldn't have gotten out it would have been better but no it's everywhere. how you gonna fix that? tell people forget it? that's not gonna work. you making me even more mad." she yelled at him. she wants to walk away or else she's gonna do or say something she doesn't wanna happen.

"please babe i'm trying i don't know what you want me to do. i still want you, she don't mean shit to me i swear. like i said it's not even like that i ain't fuck with her the way i wanna fuck with you. i'll do whatever you want me to just please don't push me away. i understand your mad but i can't let you go mama just give me time i promise i'll make everything better for you, i'll try for you beautiful." he said as his voice cracked a little sounding like he's gonna cry. javon has a sharp pain in his chest when he heard isabella speak to him. when she said she doesn't wanna be with him he felt like his heart just broke in half. he doesn't want to lose her. over coco? hell no he can't? that would be the biggest L he ever had.

"Javon i don't know how you want me to be with you. i don't wanna be with you. how you want to recover after this. if it was personally we could have talked it out normally, but it isn't it's all over social media, that's shits never gonna go away. and even if i did take you back. your still gonna go home to her. your still gonna talk to her, hang out with her, take her to your family. like the fuck am i? just a side piece for when you want some fun. i honestly wish i never let you in between my legs. i wish i never let you cuddle me to sleep that night. i wish i would have ignored you when you first talked to me. we wouldn't be here right now. you think it'll get better. your smoking some good shit if you think people are gonna drop it so easily. and not to mention you could have let me know? how long have you known she was flying over her for you? be honest with me." she told him with her voice still raised. she was so over it and honestly just drained with the whole topic.

"please don't say that baby, i know, i know everything's my fault. but please don't say you don't wanna be with me, please don't say you wish you never met me. that's shit hurts my fuckin heart. i know you wish i never went between your legs but babe that's apart of what we could be after this. we'll get threw it. it's part of the good and bad of a relationship mama. im gonna be honest that night you fell asleep i think it was the day you got noodles but that night when you feel asleep to me rubbing your feet is the night i knew coco was flying in. i could have let you know i should have but we where so good. i didn't wanna ruin anything." he told her and tried wrapping his arms back around her waist. which she pushed off and scoffed.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? you new since then and didn't think to tell me. it would have been fine then but you waited and never told me you should have been honest and let me know what's up but you didn't. not to mention you said i'm hurting your fucking heart? how do you think i feel thinking that's probably not the first time you went behind my back seeing another girl huh? you made me think i was special. i'm just gonna tell you i want nothing to do with you javon absolutely nothing we can share noodles but i don't wanna see you i rather pick him up from jayla or jaden even your mom but not you. if you want me to i'll grab your stuff from my room to give to you now but if not i'll give it to jaden some other time. you can have whatever's mine at your house you bought it anyways. that girl or girls i'm not even sure anymore, you can be with her. i mean that's what you want isn't it that's why your sneaking around right. i hella opened up to you for what? to get that shit thrown back into my face like nothing. i really fuckin liked you javon i did but you need to figure yourself out. figure out what you want, but all i know is i'm not gonna sit around for it. i'll maybe see you at jaden's baseball games but that's it. i'm not your girl, you can do whatever the fuck you want, have whoever you want but not me. even go fuck other girls i really don't care. i'm done, i can't handle it. you need to get yourself together and figure out what you want." she told him keeping her voice loud. jaden's heart broke hearing how she felt he understood Javon was completely in the wrong and he should validate her feeling. but he wished they would still keep in contact, he really thinks they belong together and hearing his brother beg her not to leave him hurt him badly.

"babe look at me please i understand your completely right i'm wrong but i need you to understand mama i can't i want you so badly i can't leave you alone. please i just want contact with you. i'll work on myself. i'll wait for you to be ready. i promise i'll fix it i know you say i can't but i'll do anything for you i really care about you and i wanna be with you. please don't talk about giving each other's things back. we're not done. i'm not ready to let go. we haven't even started our relationship yet. mama please i'll give you anything you want and more i do anything for you. give me a second chance i'll make it worth it beautiful i promise i won't fuck up." javon said as he watched Isabella start to cry. tears sliding down her cheeks, all he wants to do is wipe them for her and wrap her in his arms, pick her up and take her to his room, telling her he's gonna be better for her. he's gonna be better for them.

"please javon don't make it harder then it has to be. i never wanted it to end like this but we can't be together like this i'm sorry i don't trust you. i don't trust you not to lie to me, i don't trust you to not keep things from me." she said starting to cry even more. she hurt so badly but she needs to make sure he knows how bad he hurt her. how badly she hurt when she saw the picture.

"can i talk to you again at least. when can i talk to you again mama please tell me that at least. don't tell me never, i don't think i can handle that right now. can we at least keep in contact baby." he asked her as his eyes started to water. his tears threatening to escape. he doesn't want the boys in the car to see him cry but he can't help it. he loves her.

Isabella didn't respond for a second scaring him before she pulled him into a hug. a gentle hug, a comforting hug. that's when he lost it and let the tears gathered in his eyes fall down his cheeks.

"when coco leaves and you fix everything." she responded thinking if it's a good idea to keep in contact. she eventually decides against it if they kept in contact she doesn't think he'll take her serious so instead she comforts him by saying.
"i'll wait for you. but i hope she makes you happy." pulling out the hug she wipes his left cheek. turning around she walks away from him wiping her own tears that falls faster down her cheeks. without turning around she opens the door and closes it. she couldn't turn around if she did she would have fully broke down in front of everyone. she rather do it in private where it won't bother anyone.

javon stood outside as she walked in trying to gather himself up before going to the car. after a moment of fixing himself up he walked to the car turning it on he sat down not making a move to drive away. he wanted nothing more then to go back to her, hug her, kiss her, mostly cuddle her one last time. all he knows is he fucked up. he has no one to blame but himself. coco doesn't leave until the end of the month with it's only the 4th day in the month so they got hella time. javons gonna try to fix everything so the day coco leaves he can see Isabella. he misses her like crazy already and his heart hurts. he just wants to sleep and never wake up until the day coco leaves.

on the other hand the boys in the car couldn't help but feel horribly bad for him. jaden understood where she was coming from he was being secretive and keeping things from her. but he begged her over and over to not leave him. that doesn't mean he's justifying what he did. it's just the fact he sat there and heard his brother beg and plead for her not the leave him, for her to give him a second chance, for her to see him again, for her to keep contact with him. but she had to let him know what he did hurt her badly and he needs to understand that's not right. Evan felt so bad cause he never heard a man beg for a girl the way javon did he knew he really cared for her, he always thought about her, even when they went to the hat store, Javon was gonna buy two matching hats for him and Isabella. Carl on the other hand teared up, the pain in there voice when they talked to each other like i pained them to say it. the tears on her face when he asked to see her again made him tear up. god he's such a crybaby.

"can you drive i don't really think i could." javon said quietly to jaden. not really in the mood to talk. he just wanted to lock himself in his room and sleep for the rest of the day.

"yeah i got you." he said.

isabella full on started crying when she walked inside. she was hurt, she felt like her heart was pulled out of her chest and stomped on. she felt unable to focus on what was going on. she wanted it to stop. she had to get herself controlled to go back to her room and hang out with her friend but she just wanted to run away and never come back again.
Authors note: i cried making this not gonna lie. i re-edited chapter 16 if you guys wanna check it out. it kinda will make sense with some of the stuff you guys will read in the future so if you want to you can but you don't have to. i really like this chapter. i feel like its written so good i think ima start writing a chapter for my other book so i can be up to date on both. i have school tomorrow but that's okay we have no friends lols.

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