
By AnotherArchAngel

934 10 1

You are new to Japan, you moved from America. You spend a lot of time on your phone and dinosaurs are one of... More

Other Characters
Ch. 1
Ch. 4
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 13
Ch. 31
Ch. 33
Part 34


12 0 0
By AnotherArchAngel

I felt better enough to get back to work. I spend 3 days at home instead of 2. It's not like I can sit in agonizing pain and get payed. So now I am driving to work trying to troop it out.

"At least I'm not hurting as bad today."

Once arriving I see Kei standing outside. As I park he heads my way. I puts my Keys in my then exit the vehicle.

"Hey how are you feeling?"

I smile "I'm making it. What are you doing out here?"

Kei holds up his phone and I see JWA

"I work here remember. If your referring to why I'm outside then my explanation is There's bosses over the museum. One's level 30 and the other level 9. Also I was waiting for you."

I nod then take out my phone opening JWA.

"Oh how convenient a Megalonyx."

I then click on the level 30

"We can fight them later." I tell him.

"If you need me today then let me know."

I blush "Thank you but I won't interfere with your work. There's nothing neither of us can do anyway."

"I can't imagine what your going through." Kei Kisses my forehead.

I nod "Be glad your a man. This is the devil's fault for tricking eve into eating from the tree of life. Not only do we get bad labor pains but we have to deal with periods. I at least think that's accurate."

Kei looks at me weird "Well still sorry your in pain."

"Yeah thanks. We should head inside."

Kei takes my hand and we walk into the museum.

"I'll see you at lunch." I kiss his cheek.

"Yeah, take care."

I then go to put my stuff up.

Reina meets me half way. "L/N can I see you in my office?"

Hearing this I fear I'm in trouble. "Yes."

I follow Reina into her back office, I shut the door when we are both inside.

"Am I in trouble?"

Reina laugh "Oh no your not in trouble. I was just going to ask how you are. Are your cramps still bad?"

I sigh in relief "oh thank goodness. Well they arnt as bad as they were. I think I can do my job now."

Reina smiles "Well that's good. I'll have you on the register until after lunch. We have three middle school classes from different schools coming through today so we will be busy. Not counting those who are coming in on their own that are not scheduled. Usually college students."

I nod "okay, I can handle that."

Reina clasps her hands together "Lovely! Now I'll let you get to work."

Leaving Reinas office I go to put my things up. Once through there I straighten my name tag then head onto the floor.

"Hey F/n-Chan. Missed you the past few days." Kai says walking up to me.

"Yeah I wasn't feeling well but I'm fine now."

Kai nods "well good. Come on let's get to work huh?"

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