Sex Gurus 2 (ChaennieXG!PRead...

By JensetterMandu

85.7K 4.8K 1.3K

Cross out sex therapy because what they need now is a couple therapist although at this point not even the wo... More



3.3K 117 33
By JensetterMandu

Word Count: 6600+ 


Jennie Pov

After spending the last couple of days with Y/n mostly lying around in bed, she had to leave me alone today as she had work related things to do. I was just tired for most of the time, and it was probably the pregnancy so when someone knocked on the door while I was slowly falling asleep on the couch I felt like crying. Deciding against opening the door, I closed my eyes and continued to let sleep consume me. Although it wasn't long until someone shook me gently bringing me back out of my slumber yet again. "What?" I grumbled out confused and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Why didn't you open the door?" I sighed at Jisoo's voice and looked at her. "Why would I open the door for you? Plus I was sleeping. How did you get in?" I tiredly questioned and leaned against the backrest. I knew that I couldn't stay mad at her forever but it was worth trying to stay mad for as long as possible because I still believe that the situation could have been handled better. "Using the spare key. I got worried, you haven't been answering my calls or texts and you didn't open the door. I thought something happened." Jisoo huffed out and sat down on the couch with her arms crossed.

"Well, I've been with Y/n so you don't have to worry and everything is fine. Now that you know that you can leave." I simply replied and waited for her to get up and leave, I raised my eyebrows at her when she didn't move. "No." My lips parted at her answer. "What do you mean no? This is my house and I told you to leave, I am not on good terms with you yet." I exclaimed and stood up from the couch, walking over to her. Uncrossing her arms and taking her hand in mine I tried to drag her up. "Get up." I let out a grunt trying to pull her up. "I'm not going anywhere. Not until you forgive me." Jisoo argued back and pulled her hand, making me stumble forward and land on the couch.

"When did you get so strong?" I groaned out and was about to sit up when she pinned me down, I squealed as she poked my sides. "Stop it tickles!" I exclaimed, squirming underneath her. "I will only stop if you forgive me." Jisoo seriously let out and continued to tickle my sides as I felt tears in my eyes from laughing, getting out of breath. I tried to fight back but couldn't as she sat on top of me, her legs restricting my arms and the rest of my body. "Jisoo!" I basically cried out laughing and she only hummed with disagreement and continued.

"Stop, I'm going to pee myself." I managed to say between my cries of laughter, still squirming and squealing under her while trying to get away but to no avail. "You will have to forgive me unless you want to pee yourself." Not being able to put up a fight anymore as I would actually pee myself if she wouldn't stop, I let my pride down and gave up. "Fine, I forgive you! I forgive you!" She finally stopped and looked down at me with raised eyebrows as I was panting, trying to catch my breath.

"Do you mean it?" Jisoo seriously asked me and I kept quiet, letting out a whine when she poked my side, threatening to start tickling me again. "Yes, I mean it-" I truthfully told her and took in a breath to gather myself before continuing to speak. "But I still want to hear you say what you apologize for." I demanded while still being pinned to the couch with my arms being restricted. "I apologize for sending you to rehab against your will which I shouldn't have done, but I still want you to understand that I was just worried about you and the baby you are carrying oh and by the way it's a girl." I managed to squirm out from under her and licked my lips as I sat up. "Apology accepted, just don't do anything like that again...How do you know that it's a girl?"

Jisoo shrugged and gave me that stupid smirk that she always does, I shook her with a whine. "Come on, tell me." I whined out wanting to know how she knows that it is a girl. "You will get it once you give birth, plus mum told me a thing or two." She proudly said, I rolled my eyes and looked down at my stomach, squinting my eyes trying to figure out the gender. "I think it's a boy." I said and looked at Jisoo, hoping that denying her prediction would make her tell me how she knows that it is a girl. "Please, I can tell from a mile away that it's a girl, mum predicted Liam saying I would have a boy and told me everything about it. You need to go through pregnancy first. After that you will be gifted with the baby gender predictor...By the way when are you planning to tell mum?" I stopped in my tracks as I had completely forgotten about the fact that I would have to tell mum about this.

"How much does mum know?" I questioned, unsure since she might have seen all the headlines going around. Mum also knew Chaeyoung and she knew her very well too, always calling her the third daughter. "She only knows that Y/n and Chaeyoung aren't together anymore, but not the reason or what has happened..." Jisoo trailed off and scratched her nape with a nervous look. "What?" I asked, confused. "She does know about the addiction and withdrawal since she was worried when you suddenly stopped replying to her texts like three weeks ago so I didn't have another choice."

"Oh God." I breathed out and buried my face in my palms.

Y/n Pov

"What do you mean that they can't do anything about it?" I asked Lisa, not pleased at all as we were at her place sitting by the kitchen island with a bunch of different papers. "There's not much more that they can do, Y/n. Someone leaked those videos, and they can't find any traces, so they just said to drop it since they aren't even leaking anything anymore and it's been a while since they leaked those videos. I can't do much more." Lisa explained and went through other papers before sliding one over to me. I didn't like the fact that we were just supposed to drop it like that. I mean what the person did is illegal in so many ways and they literally get to get away with ruining someone's life like that.

With a huff I looked at the paper in front of me with a frown. "What's this?" I questioned, picking it up and holding it closer to read what it said. "Chaeyoung suing you." Lisa simply replied and I groaned putting the paper back. I seriously didn't care about getting sued by her, she had every right to do it but that doesn't matter that I can just admit to it. "Just fix me a new attorney and let them handle it, I don't have time for lawsuits Lisa and you know that." I said, annoyed since I didn't have time for those things. I needed to be there for Jennie as much as possible and a lawsuit would just take up too much of my time. "I will just show up whenever needed and you plus the attorney do the rest."

"Since when are you such a brat? Sounding like the pregnant one out of you and Jennie." Lisa scoffed and took the papers back, placing them on top of each other. She stood up and walked over to a cupboard, opening it she took out an envelope before tossing it over to me from the other side of the island.

"I'm not a brat, I just want to be home and spend time with Jennie who is pregnant and second, I literally do not care about the suing as long as I don't lose multiple millions then it's fine, I will pay." I sighed out and opened the envelope that was handed to me. Jennie maybe wasn't heavily pregnant yet but she has been through a lot with all the withdrawals and the depression that she still struggles with so being there for her was necessary even if she was just like a month pregnant. Taking out the papers, I read what it said and froze.

"They arrived yesterday, time to sign them and close this chapter, Y/n." Lisa said and rolled the pen to me as I just looked over the divorce papers. It wasn't that I didn't want to sign them because I did and then I could officially be with Jennie. It was just that it was still a big part of my life for the time that our marriage lasted so seeing the papers actually in front of me was a bit of a bigger shock than I thought it would be. I placed the papers down and took the pen I was handed, slowly looking over them once again.

Did I want to close this chapter in my life?

Yes and with that I signed where I was supposed to and slid everything back to Lisa who was standing on the other side of the island. "I will send these back and when you are officially divorced you can go off and marry Jennie." Lisa said while putting them into a new envelope, I looked at her. "What?" She questioned and I shook my head slightly with a sigh. "Nothing, I just don't think that I will make the same mistake this time and rush things since now I have found the person that I truly love who feels the same about me so rushing marriage won't be necessary." I explained and stood up.

"Whatever you say, just don't wait too long. Jennie deserves the world and you know it and I can tell that she is a person who would actually love to get married. She's a hopeless romantic just like you."

"Since when are you a marital therapist? What's next?"

"Always been one when it comes to you. Now it's time for you to go home and by the end of the week you have the press release interview."

I walked inside the house with the plastic bag filled with what Jennie told me to buy or else I wouldn't be allowed to sleep in the bed. Walking inside, it was quiet downstairs meaning that she was probably upstairs in bed. Making it upstairs and approaching her bedroom I could hear the Tv and slowly opened the door to see her asleep in bed with the Tv still on. The bag rustled as I placed it on the bedside table and she immediately woke up, turning around with her eyes half open. "Finally." She let out with a raspy voice and reached for the plastic bag filled with sweets, dragging it to her.

"Treating me like some delivery worker, I guess I will just leave now that my job is done." I teased and she stopped looking through the plastic bag and looked up at me, her lips parting. "No, don't leave me." She whined out and opened her arms, doing grabby hands, gesturing for me to join her in bed. I was about to get into the bed but she put up her hand, stopping me. "But take those off first." Jennie said and pointed to my clothes before going back to the plastic bag. Sighing I took off my hoodie together with my t-shirt before taking off the pants I had on too. Quickly getting under the covers in my boxers, leaning against the backboard and Jennie scooted over to me, making herself comfortable between my legs, leaning her back against my front.

"Thank you, these cravings have been killing me." Jennie spoke and I looked as she ate the string candy, pecking the top of her head. "Oh, I took it as a threat when you said that I wouldn't be allowed to sleep in bed if I didn't get you what you wanted." I explained and Jennie turned her body slightly to look at me while still eating the string candy. "As you should because I wasn't joking, I would probably flip if you came empty handed." I chuckled and grabbed the other end of the candy and ate it, leaning closer to Jennie until our lips connected. I swiped my tongue over her sugar covered lips and pulled away as she pecked my lips before letting out a content sigh and leaning against me again.

"Jisoo was here today." Jennie spoke and I looked away from the Tv and down at her, her gaze still on the Tv. "Did you forgive her?" I asked, hoping they did since Jennie would obviously also need Jisoo's support when it came to this. I could take care of Jennie, but I did not know much about pregnancies and I guess I would have to learn but Jisoo is a great help to. "I basically didn't have another choice." I frowned at what she said and hummed in confusion. "She wouldn't stop tickling me until I forgave her and I was about to pee myself if she wouldn't stop...But I actually forgave her and we talked it out." I listened to what she said and bit my lower lip before poking her side to see how ticklish she was. "Y/n!" She squeaked out and jumped a little.

"Sorry, I just had to...Either way, it's good that you two talked it out."

"Mhm, but there's one more thing." Jennie said as I nuzzled my face in the crook of her neck, kissing lightly and taking in her sweet scent. The scent reminded me of a place that I would call home by now, feeling comfort in it. I hummed and kissed her cheek before leaning my head against the headboard. "We kind of need to tell my mum about us and the pregnancy." I stopped in my tracks and froze, I completely forgot about the fact that we had family who were waiting for information about everything. "Uhm, that's understandable...but what do we actually tell them?" I questioned, unsure.

"I-I don't know...I mean I can't exactly go and say 'hi mum, I'm a homewrecker in the world's eyes and oh I am pregnant too', Y/n I don't know. Nothing I will say will sound good like how do you make this situation sound acceptable or normal." Jennie let out in despair and slumped her arms with a sigh, I pouted and hugged her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

"First of all I don't want you calling yourself that because it's not true, I was the one who decided that my marriage with Chaeyoung wasn't working out and that I was in love with someone else the whole time. The world does not know the truth, that's why I will be doing a press release by the end of this week. Second, we will tell them the truth I guess." I seriously told her, I didn't want her to degrade herself like that because someone on the internet who didn't know the truth said it.

"Which is what exactly?"

"Which is that we love each other and that me and Chaeyoung weren't working out and both agreed to get a divorce?" I said unsure, Jennie turned around and looked at me with raised eyebrows. "A half-lie?" She questioned me in disbelief and I pursed my lips before nodding at her. "I mean the part about us loving each other is true, the Chaeyoung part is the half-lie." Jennie shook her head with a sigh, cupping my cheek with one hand and pulling me down before kissing me. Her lips were sweet from the candy, the taste lingering on my lips. "I do love you, but I feel like this whole thing can't get worse so I will just tell it how it is." She said pulling away while gazing her eyes over my face. "I love you and it's all up to you." I said back and pecked her lips.

Jennie Pov

I got out of my car and closed the door after me, deciding to talk to my mum on my own before bringing Y/n to meet her. I took a couple of deep breaths before knocking on the door as I haven't seen my mum in months since I haven't been well enough. She insisted on coming to me but I always made some excuse, not wanting my own mum to see me like that.

The door opened and my mum's eyes widened before she let out a gasp. "Oh my little baby, I was so worried about you, I've missed you so much." She mumbled out with her voice breaking as she embraced me into a hug immediately. I hugged her back and blinked away my tears as I snuggled into the crook of her neck. Missing my mum's embrace more than anything, trying my best to keep the tears at bay. "I could kill you for pulling this little stunt but I've missed you too much to do that right now." She said before pulling away with her eyes teary, I let out a chuckle at her words and wiped my eyes. "I'm sorry." I apologized as she pulled me inside, closing the door after me as I walked in.

"Well, you have a lot of apologizing to do. Almost gave your poor mother a heart attack." Mum scolded as I took off my shoes before following her to the kitchen, getting excited at the smell of food. "I know, there's a lot that I need to tell you actually." I admitted as I sat down by the table, watching mum grab a napkin before gently wiping her eyes. She sighed and looked at me. "God, I hope it's all good news because I could barely take it when Jisoo told me about all the rehab stuff." I bit my lower lip nervously as she went back to the food she was making.

Before being able to say anything my mum spoke again. "I will be honest Jennie, I taught you better and was a bit disappointed at first but that doesn't matter anymore since I am proud and happy that you are clean now because that's all that matters to me in the end." It didn't surprise me because why wouldn't she be disappointed, but at the same time it felt good to know that she didn't care about that but about my well-being in the end. "I know and I am really sorry...I just lost control and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get it back." I explained.

"Don't worry about it anymore...Do you want coffee, darling?" My lips parted as I looked at her, I shook my head since I've already had some coffee today and had to be careful with my caffeine intake. "I- do you have tea perhaps?" I asked and she nodded at me. "Of course. Tell me are you seeing someone? It's important to settle down." She questioned while pouring tea in a cup before walking over to me while taking coffee for herself and sitting down in front of me. I looked down at the tea and chewed on my bottom lip. "Actually I am." I said and glanced at mum before drinking some of the tea.

"Well, tell me more." She excitedly ushered me to talk and I pursed my lips while placing the tea down. "Mum, you heard about Y/n and Chaeyoung, right?" I started, my mum let out a little gasp and shook her head, placing her hand on her chest. "I heard that they got divorced. What happened?" She asked, leaning in a little, getting a bit invested in their business now. "It didn't exactly work out well and some things happened so Chaeyoung filed for a divorce...But you remember Y/n." I explained, trying to get to the point.

"Tall and young, quite the handsome one too. Why would Chaeyoung divorce her? She must've done something." Mum let out confused and I sighed, trying to come up with the best way to say this to her. No matter what I think of, none of it sounds good. I was growing more and more nervous with every second slowly growing sick of the anxiousness. I had no clue about how my mum would react and readied myself for the worst possible things. "Yeah, that's her...They kind of got divorced because uhm because uh you see we uhm-." Mum cut me off from trying to explain as I didn't get anywhere. "Jennie, get to the point, I'm not getting any younger by the second but older so I don't have an eternity on me." She scolded me, annoyed as she frowned.

"Me and Y/n are seeing each other and we have been for the past three years, mum." I spoke in one breath and bit my lower lip, waiting for the worst possible outcome.

Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, what is this that you are saying?" My mum asked in pure surprise, her tone lacing with disbelief and slight disappointment. No matter what I did I just kept disappointing her even if I was nearing my 30s, I was still able to somehow do it. What did I expect?

"What I am saying is that I love Y/n more than anything and I have for the past three years. The whole reason as to why I fell into depression was because they got married and I couldn't take it nor could I move on or stop seeing her no matter how wrong it was from both of us-" I stopped for a second and sniffled while wiping my eyes as I got emotional out of nowhere. It was the pregnancy betraying me as I couldn't contain my tears, feeling like weeping.

"...And now that Chaeyoung found out they got divorced." I cried out like it was a bad thing, feeling at fault. I looked up at my mum who sighed deeply while shaking her head. "Yes, she hates me and Y/n for what we did, I don't blame her. But I couldn't help it mum, I just love her so much and I don't think that I actually have experienced real or true love before her and that she is my actual first love." I finished explaining myself, covering my mouth as a sob left it. Weeping like a baby while I put my face in my palms.

"Does she love you just as much?" My mum finally spoke after sitting quiet for a minute, I nodded still with my face in my palms and my elbows on the table. "She does, she loves me so much." I mumbled out and heard how her chair moved. "Why are you crying, child?" My mum questioned and I looked up to see her crouched down beside me. "I just am...Will I ever get your blessing mum? Even though this was all wrong?" I asked with a sniffle as she took my hands in hers. "Jennie, you will always have my blessing as long as I know that you are happy...Love isn't something you control." I instantly wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged her, she hugged back rubbing my back.

"Thank you mum, I was scared that you wouldn't understand. I love you so much." I mumbled against her neck and she hummed before pulling away. I wiped my eyes and sat back in the chair. "I love you too. Although you aren't leaving until I get to speak to Y/n in person." Mum spoke and went over to the stove, finishing up the food. Knowing that it wasn't worth arguing about, I took out my phone and decided to text Y/n.

I walked out of the bathroom after having to pee for like the hundredth time in just an hour and walked back into the kitchen seeing mum place the food on the table. "Finally, I'm starving." I let out and sat down in front of mum. She mumbled something, but I didn't catch it. I put some of the food on my plate and immediately started eating, looking up at my mum who was just looking at me. "Aren't you eating?" I asked, confused. "You need to eat more..." She trailed off and put more food on my plate as I didn't have time to stop her. "Mum, I won't be able to finish it-." She cut me off while still filling my plate.

"Don't argue with me, you are eating for two in the end, darling." I looked at her shocked as she just sat back down in her chair while taking a serving for herself after she filled my plate. I thought that I was discreet about it. "What?" I dumbly asked, knowing what she was talking about but not understanding how she knew if I didn't even say the word pregnancy. "I've been pregnant two times, I'm not stupid. I knew the second I saw you, but waited for you to say something until I realized that you weren't going to say anything any time soon." She simply said and started eating.

"What? How?" I was flabbergasted.

"I don't know if you think that you were discreet about it but let me tell you one thing. You definitely were not. I mean I suspected it the second I saw you and you only confirmed it with how emotional you are, weeping like a baby, the constant peeing and you look tired." Mum waved me off like it was the easiest thing she has ever caught me with. "Eat up now before it gets cold, oh and good luck with the birth, I can feel that she will be a stubborn one and won't want to leave...Just like you were and still are." She nonchalantly let out, predicting the gender.

"Jisoo said the same. How do you guys know those things?" I desperately questioned.

"You will know once you give birth."

Y/n Pov

I parked my car in the driveway and knew that I was at the right address when I saw Jennie's car. I was nervous to say the least since I didn't know Jennie's mum and had no clue how she was. It was already late in the evening as I couldn't be here earlier since I had a few work things to do. Hoping Jennie would open the door, I knocked on it and anxiously waited for it to open. The door opened and instead of seeing Jennie I was met by I assume her mother as they were quite similar. Even if she was Jennie's size, meaning that she was much smaller than me she looked very fierce. "Come here, kid." She ordered and stepped aside, letting me in.

"I'm-." I was cut off when she reached up and grabbed me by my ear, pulling me down to her level before letting go and smacking the back of my head. It all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to react or blink and only let out a groan. "That's for making my daughter cry." She scolded and I rubbed my ear and looked at her. "I'm sorry, it will never happen again ma'am." I said scared and her eyes softened slightly as she gave me a nod of affirmation. "Good and I hope that's true." Her mum said and started walking, taking off my shoes and following after her as we entered the kitchen. "It is, I love her too much to hurt her...Although where is she?" I said and sat down as she gestured to me to sit down by the table.

"She's asleep in the guest room...Do you want tea?" I nodded at her question, her tone still stern while nervously sitting in the chair, not going to lie, her mum was quite intimidating even if she was the same size as Jennie. The same goes to Jennie. "As Jennie's mum, I need to know that your intentions are pure after putting her through all of that for three years. I also need to know if you are capable of taking care of my daughter especially now that she is pregnant too and that you will take responsibility as it takes two to tango if you know what I mean." Her mother spoke and placed down a cup of tea in front of me while sitting down opposite to me, speaking in all seriousness and making me feel small. "So, Jennie already told you?" I asked since I wasn't sure if Jennie had told her that she is pregnant.

"No, but I figured it out pretty quickly and confronted her about it myself as it seemed that she wasn't going to tell me any time soon. Now answer my questions." She demanded as I nervously drank the tea. I cleared my throat and sat up straight before taking a deep breath. "I know that the way me and Jennie got together wasn't under the best circumstances and I do understand why you are worried, but I can provide for Jennie..." I said trailing off and glancing between her and the cup of tea, her sharp eyes not leaving me for even a second.

"When I say provide, I'm not only talking about money, but I can provide her with the love that she deserves, I can assure you that I will take care of her and the child, provide them both with love as Jennie deserves the world and so does the baby...I will be honest with you ma'am, your daughter has me at her feet and I will do anything for her because I just love her too much to not." I somehow managed to say without faltering under her gaze, she looked at me while thinking. "I trust you, but I still need you to prove it. Actions speak louder than words and I don't want you to take my trust for granted." Her strong gaze finally softened and I drank more of the tea, relaxing a bit.

"I will do my best to prove it to you ma'am, I will make sure that Jennie is happy and show you that you can trust me." I spoke the truth before drinking the last of the tea.

"I take your word for it...I will show you to the guest room because I can't let you two hit the road this late." Not arguing with her, I stood up and followed after her as we walked through the house before reaching the stairs. This whole talk went better than I thought it would go even if I was scared through the whole thing. We made it up the stairs and she stopped at the door. "Make sure to keep your word...And I don't care that you two are adults, the door stays open." She seriously said and I quickly nodded at her. "Yes ma'am." She gave me a smile and patted my arm before walking to the end of the hallway and entering another room.

I opened the door to the room where Jennie was supposedly sleeping and walked in, scared to disobey her mum I left the door slightly open. Carefully, I made it through the dark room and took out my things from my pockets, placing them on the bedside table. I took off my hoodie and left my t-shirt on before also removing my pants and carefully getting under the covers next to Jennie who turned her body, facing me and instantly snuggling into me. I wrapped my arms around her as she sighed. "I hope she wasn't too hard on you." She mumbled against my torso and I kissed the top of her head.

"She did scold me and pull my ear before smacking the back of my head other than that your mother is quite intimidating." I felt Jennie giggle against me before slowly pushing herself up slightly to look at me. She glanced towards the door before looking back at me with raised eyebrows. "Why didn't you close the door?" Jennie questioned and laid her upper body on top of me. "Your mum said that the door stays open...I think we should listen to her to spare my ears." I mumbled and she chuckled before pressing her lips against mine in a sweet kiss. "I love you." She mumbled against my lips, pulling away and laying back down with her head on my torso while I caressed her lower back. "I love you." I said back and closed my eyes, feeling content with Jennie in my arms.

Rosé Pov

I opened the mailbox at mine and Y/n's shared house that I only occupied now although I spent most of my time at Kai's place. I was back in that tortuous loop again with him and I don't think that it was going to end anytime soon. I took out the mail and walked into the empty house before walking into the kitchen. Placing the mail down on the island, I opened the alcohol cupboard and grabbed the bourbon before taking a whiskey glass for it. Getting back to the island, I filled the glass and looked at the envelopes while drinking some. With a sigh I placed down the glass and opened the first one.

A felt a bitter feeling and swallowed the lump in my throat at the papers in front of me. Scoffing, I placed the papers on the counter and drank the rest in the glass. Clenching my jaw to prevent myself from crying but failing as a sob left my mouth. "Fuck you, Y/n." I grumbled out and wiped the tears that didn't stop. Even if I was the one to file the divorce, I wasn't ready to end this chapter in my life because I never wanted it to end in the first place. I refilled the glass and continued to sip the bourbon bitterly. Looking at the paper in front of me as my tears hit the sheet, being officially divorced didn't feel as good as I thought it would feel.

It didn't feel good at all.

I groaned when my phone started vibrating, looking at it to see it being Kai, I denied the call before texting him that I couldn't answer and was sleeping here tonight. Was there anything else to me now? No. I was this no one now and what happened to me now didn't matter as my life was ruined and I didn't matter anymore. Jennie won and she got it all in the end, I never left her shadow no matter how successful I got because success didn't actually matter in the end.

I wasted my chance of the life that I wanted by so desperately trying to become my own person and trying to stop being her shadow. I was playing the wrong game, playing my cards wrong because I wasn't aware of the rules that no one told me about. Now that I lost I got to know the rules, but it was too late because the game had come to an end and I only had one chance to play it.

She won. She knew what she was doing the whole time. Jennie knew and she knew all about the game and the rules. I only had myself to blame. I couldn't force Y/n to choose me and love me, not anymore at least. Why didn't I try and fight for her? The answer was obvious though, she never truly loved me so no matter how hard I would try, I would never win her.

I continued to scroll through my phone before stumbling upon Y/n's press release from today, opening it. I gripped harder onto the glass in my hand as I read it. "You're the only one who has moved on, Y/n. We both have found our true love although the problem is that I lost mine while you got yours." I mumbled out and felt how the tears just didn't stop, placing my phone down on the counter and the glass. I slid down against the counter and sat on the floor sobbing.

"I still love you, Y/n."

Earlier that day

Y/n Pov

"He will voice record the conversation and then later on write an article about it. Just answer his questions and that's it." Lisa explained as we were getting ready for the interview, I nodded at her and glanced down at Jennie who was playing with my fingers. She was here with us because after this we were going to head to the doctors for the first ultrasound. "Alright Hwang, we can get started." The guy said with a smile and gestured for me to sit down in the armchair in front of him.

Removing my arm from around Jennie, I gave her a peck as she looked up. "I love you." I mumbled against her lips looking into her eyes. "I love you." Jennie said back and I leaned in for a longer kiss before she and Lisa went over to the couch on the other side of the room and sat down.

I sat down in front of the guy as he took out his phone and opened the voice recorder while holding onto a small microphone. "Alright, Y/n Hwang. The world is waiting for a press release about everything that has been happening these past couple of months." He said while looking at his questions.

"What actually happened? It's still very unclear."

"Mine's and Chaeyoung's marriage wasn't working out anymore and we slowly started to drift apart and got divorced."

"Are the cheating rumors true?"

"Yes, they are, I couldn't take the step to talk it out with her and file for a divorce and instead made the choice to go behind her back. I believe that the situation could have been handled better, but I didn't have the courage which I now regret since less damage would be done if I had the courage."

"So, I see that you aren't here alone, but with someone. Have both you and Chaeyoung found your true love now and moved on from this?"

"I know that I found the person that I truly love, and I believe Chaeyoung has too."

"How did you both move on so quickly?"

"It was because there was nothing to move on from, the love between us was long gone and we both had moved on a long time ago. We just needed a final push to actually end it and get divorced."

"What are the plans for the future now?"

"We will just have to wait and see what the future holds for us." I said and looked over at Jennie who sent me a big smile, making me return it. Never have I been so in love and happily content.

The End

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