past and future (Modern AU :L...

By Alie-Heart

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A 27 year old woman named Norie Chausiku is in a relationship with Levi Ackerman, they've been together for 8... More

Short Flashback


139 6 0
By Alie-Heart

"Stay!" Eren yelled to the tower of cups he's building on his side of the room as Mikasa was on her bed trying to brush her dolls hair.

"Okay, this is going to turn out so awesome! Watch it reach the ceiling!" He says to the girl across from him.

"How are you going to do that?" Mikasa questions.

"I'm going to stack our stools!"

"You shouldn't do that"

"I know what I'm doing"


Eren grabbed a cup and stacked their stools, he stepped on it and tippy toes to put the cup on top but he yelps when the stools wiggled underneath and he slammed against the cup tower and landed on the ground.

Mikasa winced as the loud thud echoed and the sound of the multiple plastic cups made her cover her ears.

"Mikasa?! Eren?!" Norie called out as she and Levi quickly appeared.

"No!" Eren sobbed as he sat up.

"My cup tower! It was suppose to reach the ceiling, why?! WHY CAN'T ANYTHING TURN OUT RIGHT!" He cried as he ran to his bed and jumped into it and slammed his face into his pillow.

"Eren you had the cups this whole time?" Levi says.

"Well I don't want them anymore" the boy mumbled.

"Aw baby come on, you shouldn't give up that easily! Mikasa will help you, right my love?" Norie spoke.

"I don't wanna die thank you"



Eren ran inside from the backyard as he looked around for Norie, he checked the living room and kitchen.






Eren looked towards the opened pantry door and saw Mikasa and Norie stocking up on snacks.

"Guess what?!" He happily says as he ran to her.


"Look at my front tooth!"

Norie crouched down to his height and put the tip of her finger on his tooth and softly moved it, she smiled when it was loose making her say "wow! Look at you, but it wasn't this loose yesterday. What happened?"

Levi used his foot to keep the door from the storage shed from closing, he picked up a screw and placed it into the hinges.

He placed his tools down and sat up, his foot let's go of the door and he flinched when a slam echoed in his ears.

Levi clicked his tongue as he opened it again and screwed the hinge tighter, he sat up and opened the door.

This time it closed softly, he sighed in relief as he picked up his took box and opened the door to put them back only to see Eren on the ground.


"And now it's loose!" Eren finished explaining with a smile as Norie slowly turned to Levi with a glare.

"The door hit him?"

"No, he hit the door"

"Same thing!"

"This means you will get money under your pillow" Mikasa says as Eren jumped.


"Not if we take it out of course, and that has to be done by tonight. I don't want you falling asleep like that" Norie said as she checks Eren's tooth again.

"I got it" Levi spoke as he cracked his fingers.

"No!" The boy yelled in fear and hid behind Mikasa.

"Levi don't! We remove it in the most simplest way"

"I got an idea" Mikasa spoke up.


They stood in the backyard as Eren had a string attached to his tooth, Mikasa held a Nerf gun that the string was attached too.

"Ready?" The girl spoke to him.

"Ready" he responded as he held Levi and Norie's hand.

Mikasa pulled the orange pull back of the toy gun and aimed it at the fence. Eren gripped the couples hands and shut his eyes as he flinched when he heard her press the trigger.

He yelled when he felt the string press against the tooth as the foam bullet left the chamber.

"Did it work?" Norie asks.

Eren felt the spot with his tongue and he smiled and says "wow! My tooth already grew back!"

The couple looked at him in confusion making Levi check and his face drops.

"Darling you put the string on the wrong tooth" he says to Mikasa.

"Wait so my tooth is still there?!" Eren said fearfully.

"Baby calm down-Now I'm scared! This was suppose to be quick, I don't want to do this anymore!" He cut Norie off.

"Eren!" Mikasa called out as they saw him run to get inside the house.

"Oi! watch out for the-"

Eren slammed against the glass slide door making him fall back.

"Door" Levi finished his sentence as he and Mikasa shook his head.

"Oh my god!" Norie said and ran over to check on him.

"My love are you okay?" She asks.

Eren whined and held his forehead but then his face changed into one of shock and he spit something out in his hand.

"My tooth! It came off!" He spoke happily.

"Dad look it came off!" Eren says.

"Okay relax your getting blood on your shirt, let's go clean this up. Nice job my boy" Levi said and patted his head.

"Thank you for also helping too baby" Norie says to Mikasa with a smile.

"Soon it will be my turn right?"


"Then I'll also run into the door to take it out" Mikasa mumbled as she stared at the glass door.

Norie smiled awkwardly and says "I'll just give you taffy"


The day after, the couple took the kids to school and Eren excitedly rambled off about the dollar bill he got under his pillow.

After that Levi and Norie went back home and grabbed tea and crackers to have while watching whatever they will stumble upon on the TV, but not even 2 minutes in they immediately got distracted.

Norie laid back on the couch as Levi hovered over her, bringing her into a sensual kiss before deepening it while she tugged his shirt.

After a few seconds, Norie's phone began to ring making her sigh and pull back.

"Ignore it" Levi said as he kissed her neck.

"But it's Hange"

"Just ignore it" he whispers and kisses her again.

Norie declined the call and cupped his face as she kissed him back, yet not even after a minute her phone rang again.

But they ignored it.

Levi fumbled with the rim of her underwear and their ears were blasted with the phone ringing again. Norie pulled her hand away as she felt around the coffee table next to her so she can find the phone.

Levi just grabbed her hand and brought it back and interlocked their fingers.

"Let me have you for myself" he whispers without pulling away from the kiss.

Norie sighed in delight at his words and fluttered her eyes closed again, humming at the feeling in her stomach and chest.

Yet, her phone rang again.

Norie protested when Levi pulled away as he grabs her phone and answers it.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked annoyed.

"Do you guys have bread?"


"I've been craving some sandwiches but I haven't had the chance to run to the store and buy some bread" Hange explained as she made herself a sandwich.

"Well can you go, like now?" Levi questions.


"But you need only two slices of bread to make a sandwich not 10." Norie says as she eyes the sandwich tower.


Like I said I've been craving sandwiches! Also, do you remember Moblits cousin? Toby" Hange said through the chews.

"Toby?" The couple repeated.

"Yeah, the one who would always scream good morning everyday and ride his skateboard in the halls?"

"Did he go through a wall during lunch?"Norie says


"Then we remember him"

"What about Toby?"Levi asks.

"Well he's getting married and his wedding is this Saturday, and he invited me and wanted to let you guys know if you're willing to go!" Hange explained.

"He's getting married?" Norie questions.

"I know it's surprising, but hey everyone has love right?"

"Then why are you here, eating our kids food and not somewhere else?" Levi mumbled in annoyance.

"Because I love you guys~" Hange said innocently as she leaned her head on Norie's chest.

"Aw, we love you too-"

"No" Levi cut Norie off.

"-I love you too" Norie corrected herself.

Levi heard his phone vibrate making him sigh as he grabbed it, he looked at the screen and saw Erwins caller id.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Hey um, are you and Norie available to help me? And if you can reach Hange, tell her I need her help too"

"Help with what?"


"Jesus Erwin, you said their was a little water!" Norie called out in shock.

"It is!"

"Erwin your entire house is flooded" Levi spoke.

The adults all looked at the living room and kitchen as the water reached their ankles, Hange smiled and said "well you wanted a pool, here you go"

"What am I gonna do?" Erwin says stressfully.

"I mean you stopped the water which is good, now we just have to call someone to get rid of this. My mom has their number, this has happened to her when I was 13" Norie spoke.

"Her sink pipe burst?"

She awkwardly looked at him and smiled while saying "no...I left the sink on"

"Are those fishes?" Hange asks with a smile

The adults looked down and saw Erwins two goldfishes swimming around the coffee table making them blank.

"I don't even know how they got out"


Saturday came and Erwin was staying with Hange for a little while until they clean his place up, Levi didn't want to go to the wedding but Norie insisted since they haven't been to events in some time.

"Purple bow or white flower?" Norie says to Mikasa.

"Purple bow" the girl responded as Norie lightly applied oil to the tips of her black hair.

She then attached the bow on the top part of the braid she did and smiled.

"Their you go, you look so beautiful" Norie said and kissed the top of Mikasa's head.

"Come here Eren I need to brush your hair-"

She froze when she saw Eren walking towards her with a waddle, Norie furrowed her eyebrows and says "why are you walking like that?"

"I think I put my suspenders on wrong" he wheezed out at his pants wedgie.

She shook her head with a laugh and helped him out as Levi walked out from the bathroom, buttoning his black long sleeve.

"Do we really have to go? I rather spend the day with you three at the park" he spoke to his wife as Eren sneezed at the hair spray Norie put in his hair.

"Like I said, it's been a while since we've attended an event. Besides, it gives us an excuse to dress up."

It was silent making Norie look at Levi who stared.

"Tell the truth" he says.

"I'm going for the food and cake" she mumbled.


Once the time came they left and arrived to the chapel, Hange and Erwin were their as they had seats saved for them. And Eren being Eren, he fell asleep on Levi's shoulder as Mikasa played with Norie's bracelet.

After the ceremony they went to the salon, the decorations were modern but had their vintage twist. Levi already wanted to go home but Norie managed to find him tea and he sat back down.

"Okay! I managed to grab each dessert!" Hange said as she came back to the table holding multiple plates.

"Did you leave some for the others?" Moblit asks.

"Who cares about them"

Norie shook her head at her response and turned to Moblit with a smile and says "so how are you Moblit? I feel like I haven't seen you in so long"

"I'm doing great! I got a job with Hange at a lab so that's why I've been away for some time. How about you and Levi?"

"I just wanna go home" Levi mumbled as he watched Eren and Mikasa as they were by a decorative fish tank.

"He's having fun" Norie says.

"Okay! Listen up, the bride is now going to toss the bouquet! But stand up because after because the bride and groom will have their first dance!"

They stood up and went to the sides as a group of ladies went towards the dance floor.

"I wonder who's going to catch it" Norie asks.

The bride threw the bouquet and they watched the ladies try and grab it but it fell to the floor, but they smiled as they were seeing something adorable and clapped jokingly.

"What? Who catched it?" Erwin questions.

The ladies backed away and Levi's face dropped into one of horror when he saw Mikasa holding the bouquet of flowers in her hands.

"Wow! Mikasa you caught it!" Eren said and clapped.

Mikasa smiled but it dropped when Levi smacked the flowers out of her hands, sending it flying through the air.

"No" Levi only said and grabbed her.

"Then who caught it?" Eren says as Levi grabbed his hand to walk them back.

Norie looked down at the flowers in her hands, she turned and saw a man her age smile at her in a flirty manner.

He then yelped when Levi smacked the flowers in his face and threw them somewhere else.

"She's our mom, go away" Eren said to him as Mikasa pointed to the exit.

"You caught them Hange!" Norie says with a smile.

Hange smiled proudly as she turned and saw Moblit next to her, he stared and  jumped when he realized, he blushed and looked away making her laugh.

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